USMB Coffee Shop IV

Sorry to hear about your situation GW. Long standing problems require an enabler. Some of us are pretty good enablers.
Speaking as the enabler in this situation...I am reaching my tipping point. I do confess that the fear of psychological threats crossing into the physical is a significant element in how I respond is a factor.

Mrs. Liberty and I are strongly reviewing whether we are are simply unhappy with each other or would be absolutely miserable without each other. I tend to favor the second, while Mrs. Liberty is not convinced. Doing a lot of self evaluation and praying at the moment.

Good luck Save. I hope you can both find agreement on this, whichever way you go.
I've decided on Dish Satellite Internet. They will be out here on Monday to set it all up. Got my fingers crossed that it was a wise decision.
I got my computer back YEAH !!!!!! :biggrin:
Working like a top now.
It was my power cord that went out.
They had no problem with the power button at the shop, she turned on just fine there.
I bought a new cord and when I got everything plugged , I plugged in the old cord nothing, then put the new cord in and she turned on just fine.
I really like this compact power tower so I'm happy she is still going strong.
Sorry to hear about your situation GW. Long standing problems require an enabler. Some of us are pretty good enablers.
Speaking as the enabler in this situation...I am reaching my tipping point. I do confess that the fear of psychological threats crossing into the physical is a significant element in how I respond is a factor.

Mrs. Liberty and I are strongly reviewing whether we are are simply unhappy with each other or would be absolutely miserable without each other. I tend to favor the second, while Mrs. Liberty is not convinced. Doing a lot of self evaluation and praying at the moment.
That's a tough decision to make. Toughest is when you have to admit to being part of the problem. In my situation, do I just swallow my words, bury how I feel? It's not possible with my partner to have an adult discussion, he just sulks out to his car and drives off. Hopefully, things take a more mature way between you and Mrs. Liberty. Good luck, how things all come out for the best for you and her.
Sorry to hear about your situation GW. Long standing problems require an enabler. Some of us are pretty good enablers.
Speaking as the enabler in this situation...I am reaching my tipping point. I do confess that the fear of psychological threats crossing into the physical is a significant element in how I respond is a factor.

Mrs. Liberty and I are strongly reviewing whether we are are simply unhappy with each other or would be absolutely miserable without each other. I tend to favor the second, while Mrs. Liberty is not convinced. Doing a lot of self evaluation and praying at the moment.

I'm sorry for your struggles, Save...wishing you the very best.:smiliehug:
Sometimes, working in the land of corporate stupid can be entertaining.
Work just pushed out some online training about EEOC, Diversity and Harrassment.
Seems that people can't call me things like "old timer", "grandpa" or "senior", but there is nothing preventing me from calling them "junior", "child", "kid" or "youngin".
I plan on having fun with this company policy.
Just got back from dinner, it's nice being back in a major metro area though the drivers around here are nutz!! Tomorrow the wife has the panel interview then they have realtor scheduled to show us the town......... Then they have us scheduled for dinner with someone we don't know yet what their position is. Friday morning is a tour of the medical campus then we head back to Podunk.
One house we already looked at online is a 5 bedroom, 3 bath, 2300 sqft with a pool for under $1300 a month (pool maintenance is included) and it's on the west side. We'll check it out in person tomorrow.
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Sheila’s friend Shirley,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, and Sheila's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Sheila and son Andrew,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
Complete healing for Mrs. Ringel and the Ringels in difficult transition,
GW's daughter's friend Sachendra,
Ernie's friend and colleague Max,
Boedicca's mom for healing and relief from pain,
Foxfyre's Aunt Betty,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
Safe travels for those traveling,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Oddball, Sunshine, Jughead, Sheila, and Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
What is this with only sleeping 6 hours...... Seems to be a pattern now. I'm up, the coffee is hot even though I have to walk to the lobby to get it. Well we have a busy day ahead of us, fun, fun........

It's -9 degrees outside this morning. With about 30 more days left until the first day of spring I find this totally unacceptable. Enough already. Bring on the Robins. Things need to change quickly or I'm going to get real grumpy.
Good morning folks! I can't wait for this weather to finally turn. I am tired on running on the treadmill and I want to start poking around in the garden again.
We are planning to sell the house about July or August. Once that is done, we will decide to find a new place together or split the equity and move on. Thank you for your concern and helpful ideas Foxfyre.

Mama Fox ((hugs)) Prayers will continue. Just don't give up on a long marriage without trying every resource available to you.

So far my strategy involved a big hug yesterday morning, I moved to her side of the bed and warmed it up before she got in and put gas in her car this morning when it was negative 2.
Sorry to hear about your situation GW. Long standing problems require an enabler. Some of us are pretty good enablers.
Speaking as the enabler in this situation...I am reaching my tipping point. I do confess that the fear of psychological threats crossing into the physical is a significant element in how I respond is a factor.

Mrs. Liberty and I are strongly reviewing whether we are are simply unhappy with each other or would be absolutely miserable without each other. I tend to favor the second, while Mrs. Liberty is not convinced. Doing a lot of self evaluation and praying at the moment.
That's a tough decision to make. Toughest is when you have to admit to being part of the problem. In my situation, do I just swallow my words, bury how I feel? It's not possible with my partner to have an adult discussion, he just sulks out to his car and drives off. Hopefully, things take a more mature way between you and Mrs. Liberty. Good luck, how things all come out for the best for you and her.

I have survived the death of a brother when I was five, a divorce, bankruptcy, suicide by my car four days after I got married and a few other tradegies. For the most part, I am an optimist, perhaps because I have few other good alternatives. :)

...or possibly my parents just did a very good job of raising me.
What is this with only sleeping 6 hours...... Seems to be a pattern now. I'm up, the coffee is hot even though I have to walk to the lobby to get it. Well we have a busy day ahead of us, fun, fun........

I call it busy brain Ringel. Try to remember pants before you go for coffee.
Sorry to hear about your situation GW. Long standing problems require an enabler. Some of us are pretty good enablers.
Speaking as the enabler in this situation...I am reaching my tipping point. I do confess that the fear of psychological threats crossing into the physical is a significant element in how I respond is a factor.

Mrs. Liberty and I are strongly reviewing whether we are are simply unhappy with each other or would be absolutely miserable without each other. I tend to favor the second, while Mrs. Liberty is not convinced. Doing a lot of self evaluation and praying at the moment.

I'm sorry for your struggles, Save...wishing you the very best.:smiliehug:

Thank you, frankly I'm more concerned about GW. I am not under physical threat and there is family around here for my support.
We are planning to sell the house about July or August. Once that is done, we will decide to find a new place together or split the equity and move on. Thank you for your concern and helpful ideas Foxfyre.

Mama Fox ((hugs)) Prayers will continue. Just don't give up on a long marriage without trying every resource available to you.

So far my strategy involved a big hug yesterday morning, I moved to her side of the bed and warmed it up before she got in and put gas in her car this morning when it was negative 2.

Sometimes it helps a relationship when you both start doing things that you did in the beginning of your dating and marriage.
It helps you both to remember why you fell in love and got married to begin with.
I hope & pray the both of you can work it out and stay together.
Sorry to hear about your situation GW. Long standing problems require an enabler. Some of us are pretty good enablers.
Speaking as the enabler in this situation...I am reaching my tipping point. I do confess that the fear of psychological threats crossing into the physical is a significant element in how I respond is a factor.

Mrs. Liberty and I are strongly reviewing whether we are are simply unhappy with each other or would be absolutely miserable without each other. I tend to favor the second, while Mrs. Liberty is not convinced. Doing a lot of self evaluation and praying at the moment.

I found myself in that position once. We decided to live separately until one or both of us came to a solution, which was dissolution. One door closed and another opened and each of us were happier. We were free to be the people we had become since our marriage.

I know of another couple who tried the same thing, and they got back together and stayed that way, by working on the relationship and making it a priority. Their lifestyles had not changed enough to make it impossible to continue the friendship.


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