USMB Coffee Shop IV

Morning all

Thursdays smile

We are planning to sell the house about July or August. Once that is done, we will decide to find a new place together or split the equity and move on. Thank you for your concern and helpful ideas Foxfyre.

Mama Fox ((hugs)) Prayers will continue. Just don't give up on a long marriage without trying every resource available to you.

So far my strategy involved a big hug yesterday morning, I moved to her side of the bed and warmed it up before she got in and put gas in her car this morning when it was negative 2.

All good stuff. I approve. :)

As AA pointed out, sometimes it just doesn't work out, but so many many times, I've seen working at marriage get folks over the rough spots too, so it is worth doing. Hombre and I have sure had those rough spots.

And Peach is right. Sometimes it just requires not taking each other for granted, showing respect both in private and in public, being the support system for each other, and loving each other in the same ways you did when you first fell in love. And that is true no matter how old you are.

And we'll keep the positive vibes coming too. :)
Oh and good morning everybody. Another beautiful day here darn it. Hombre says he feels well enough to do his volunteer job at the gift shop today and intends to do that against my strenuous objections. I think he needs to stay in another day or two, but he probably will be okay.

So now I'm deciding whether I want to do fun stuff like geneology today or something useful. Decisions, decisions.
Oh, and Survivor fans, the new season starts next Wednesday. Be sure to make a post or subscribe to the new Survivor thread in the TV Forum so you can kibitz, moan, and groan with the rest of us once we get going.
Dropped the wife off at the interview, about five minutes from the hotel, will head back over in about an hour if she doesn't call me first.
The hotel is the Windham at the airport, not bad but I would have gone with an updated room, they put us in the "cheap seats"........ basically a small room, we're used to bigger and better. Guess one has to go slumming sometime........ :lol:
The funny thing is one almost needs a step ladder to get into the bed, any higher and I'd need altitude sickness pills. :D
Dropped the wife off at the interview, about five minutes from the hotel, will head back over in about an hour if she doesn't call me first.
The hotel is the Windham at the airport, not bad but I would have gone with an updated room, they put us in the "cheap seats"........ basically a small room, we're used to bigger and better. Guess one has to go slumming sometime........ :lol:
The funny thing is one almost needs a step ladder to get into the bed, any higher and I'd need altitude sickness pills. :D

When Hombre and I were still working and on the road, we often had to overnight somewhere away from home and, because we were paying all our expenses out of pocket, we always went for the 'cheaper seats' when we chose a motel. We just needed a bed, a shower, and a table to work on and make telephone calls from to set up or confirm appointments, etc. So we had some really interesting experiences until we finally found a 'cheap' motel that was sufficiently clean and comfortable. We got to know the owners of those motels very well and remain friends with some of them.
Sorry to hear about your situation GW. Long standing problems require an enabler. Some of us are pretty good enablers.
Speaking as the enabler in this situation...I am reaching my tipping point. I do confess that the fear of psychological threats crossing into the physical is a significant element in how I respond is a factor.

Mrs. Liberty and I are strongly reviewing whether we are are simply unhappy with each other or would be absolutely miserable without each other. I tend to favor the second, while Mrs. Liberty is not convinced. Doing a lot of self evaluation and praying at the moment.

I'm sorry for your struggles, Save...wishing you the very best.:smiliehug:

Thank you, frankly I'm more concerned about GW. I am not under physical threat and there is family around here for my support.
I appreciate the concern, too, Save.
Gotta love Bluetooth! One of my co-workers just ambled through the office, telling me that he had gotten up, taken a shower, and opened the living room curtains to let the sunshine in...I'm thinking WTF? Good thing I didn't respond, he was talking to his wife on his cell phone.
We're enjoying another warm spell up in the (normally) frozen North. Except for brief periods, the temps have been staying around the mid- to high-30's. Time to break out the Speedos and Coppertone.
We are planning to sell the house about July or August. Once that is done, we will decide to find a new place together or split the equity and move on. Thank you for your concern and helpful ideas Foxfyre.

Mama Fox ((hugs)) Prayers will continue. Just don't give up on a long marriage without trying every resource available to you.

So far my strategy involved a big hug yesterday morning, I moved to her side of the bed and warmed it up before she got in and put gas in her car this morning when it was negative 2.
Seems like a reasonable approach. I wouldn't mind if someone put fuel in my truck when it was freeze-your-nuts cold!
Nowadays it's easy to go online and find luxury hotel rooms for the price of a regular hotel room. We've been traveling a lot lately with the wife going on interviews all over the southwest and because I could get great rates on expensive lodging we've been spoiled.
Pretty much the type of room we've been getting:


Usually I go to bed before she does so she can sit in the "living room" and watch TV if she wants and when I get up at 5 or 6 AM I can get on the laptop in the "living room" without bothering her.
We are planning to sell the house about July or August. Once that is done, we will decide to find a new place together or split the equity and move on. Thank you for your concern and helpful ideas Foxfyre.

Mama Fox ((hugs)) Prayers will continue. Just don't give up on a long marriage without trying every resource available to you.

So far my strategy involved a big hug yesterday morning, I moved to her side of the bed and warmed it up before she got in and put gas in her car this morning when it was negative 2.
Seems like a reasonable approach. I wouldn't mind if someone put fuel in my truck when it was freeze-your-nuts cold!

You know what? I am old enough to remember when you drove your car to the gas station where pleasant attendants immediately swarmed to your car to check the oil and tire pressure, cleaned your windshield and headlights, all while they pumped the gas into your car.

And the last time I was pumping gas in my car in 40 mph winds with sleet stinging my skin, I could cheerfully have strangled whoever thought pumping your own gas was a good idea.
And in the world of optical illusions, the gull is standing on a roof and the guy is at street level. But the first thing that came to mind was the serious bomb effect bird poop would have had. :)

Woo-hoo! Season 4 of Game of Thrones should be out on DVD. For the past few years, the GoT DVDs have been my BD present to me. I spent my weekend reviewing the first three seasons...I'm ready...

I won't be getting season 4 of the game of thrones until my birthday in June. My sister is going to buy it for me as a present, so I will have to wait.

I just popped into the coffee shop because my favourite Muslim enemies have not posted in the religion forum lately. So I have time for some idle chat.
We are planning to sell the house about July or August. Once that is done, we will decide to find a new place together or split the equity and move on. Thank you for your concern and helpful ideas Foxfyre.

Mama Fox ((hugs)) Prayers will continue. Just don't give up on a long marriage without trying every resource available to you.

So far my strategy involved a big hug yesterday morning, I moved to her side of the bed and warmed it up before she got in and put gas in her car this morning when it was negative 2.
Seems like a reasonable approach. I wouldn't mind if someone put fuel in my truck when it was freeze-your-nuts cold!

Blood flow in that area seems adequate to avoid freezing. :)

I got a, "you are appreciated" note in my chair when I went home for lunch. Mrs. Liberty was off to work, so I haven't caught up to her yet. Wrote back a few nice lines to her and stuck it under her pillow.
And in the world of optical illusions, the gull is standing on a roof and the guy is at street level. But the first thing that came to mind was the serious bomb effect bird poop would have had. :)


I was more worried about the ship hitting the bird in the head.
And in the world of optical illusions, the gull is standing on a roof and the guy is at street level. But the first thing that came to mind was the serious bomb effect bird poop would have had. :)


I was more worried about the ship hitting the bird in the head.

I was just impressed that the foreground bird is in focus and so is the background. I suppose digital cameras do that unlike my old pentax .
Woo-hoo! Season 4 of Game of Thrones should be out on DVD. For the past few years, the GoT DVDs have been my BD present to me. I spent my weekend reviewing the first three seasons...I'm ready...

I won't be getting season 4 of the game of thrones until my birthday in June. My sister is going to buy it for me as a present, so I will have to wait.

I just popped into the coffee shop because my favourite Muslim enemies have not posted in the religion forum lately. So I have time for some idle chat.

Always happy when you pop in Dajjal. Is spring springing in the UK yet?
And in the world of optical illusions, the gull is standing on a roof and the guy is at street level. But the first thing that came to mind was the serious bomb effect bird poop would have had. :)


I was more worried about the ship hitting the bird in the head.

I was just impressed that the foreground bird is in focus and so is the background. I suppose digital cameras do that unlike my old pentax .

I hadn't thought about that, but everything is in focus isn't it.
Woo-hoo! Season 4 of Game of Thrones should be out on DVD. For the past few years, the GoT DVDs have been my BD present to me. I spent my weekend reviewing the first three seasons...I'm ready...

I won't be getting season 4 of the game of thrones until my birthday in June. My sister is going to buy it for me as a present, so I will have to wait.

I just popped into the coffee shop because my favourite Muslim enemies have not posted in the religion forum lately. So I have time for some idle chat.

Always happy when you pop in Dajjal. Is spring springing in the UK yet?

Its quite mild, I just ordered another bottle of gas for my heater, but it might be the last one I will need this year.

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