USMB Coffee Shop IV

Woke up to a couple of inches of new snowfall this morning. Had to clear the car and drive to get Gizmo to the vet, found out she is a he so he's getting spayed, wellness check, shots, etc. He'll be there until Saturday morning after we get back from El Paso late Friday. He wasn't happy with being locked in the front room all night with no food.........
It's already just above freezing so all this is already starting to melt.
I took my little black and white buddy to the vet Thursday and she got spayed. I was literally dreading doing it for years. I thought she would be a fighting, clawing, biting nightmare, but instead she was a super good little girl. The vet said they figured she was just too scared to put up a fuss and just went with the program. Thankfully she's done now. Took her in in the morning and picked her up that afternoon. The only shocker was the $131 bill.
Here it's $30 to get em fixed
Incredible... I guess we get soaked for living out in the sticks.
Woke up to a couple of inches of new snowfall this morning. Had to clear the car and drive to get Gizmo to the vet, found out she is a he so he's getting spayed, wellness check, shots, etc. He'll be there until Saturday morning after we get back from El Paso late Friday. He wasn't happy with being locked in the front room all night with no food.........
It's already just above freezing so all this is already starting to melt.
I took my little black and white buddy to the vet Thursday and she got spayed. I was literally dreading doing it for years. I thought she would be a fighting, clawing, biting nightmare, but instead she was a super good little girl. The vet said they figured she was just too scared to put up a fuss and just went with the program. Thankfully she's done now. Took her in in the morning and picked her up that afternoon. The only shocker was the $131 bill.

Yikes!!!! That's a lot of money, in the short-run, 7 baby. I have always spayed or neutered my animals at very early ages. Also their first shots, but with an indoor cat they don't need boosters although many vets won't tell you that. My girl is almost 13 and has never been sick with anything. I read online back then that indoor cats don't need booster shots if they never go outside. There is always the possibility of them escaping to the outdoors and catching something, but I had seen too many cats not recover with ease after the annual booster so I stopped. I did consult with a vet about that article I read ( by a vet ) and he did concur.
Does anybody in the Coffee Shop have satellite internet service? If so, with whom? I am thinking about switching over to satellite internet service and have been checking them out on-line but haven't made a decision yet as to who I might select. Feed back from you guys would be appreciated.
I have a friend who has that Hughes Net, and it's spotty at best, doesn't work half the time, and is totally out when there's storms. He hates it, but it's his only option. He's considered moving just so he can get cable.

If you ever have snow and ice, and I'm sure you do in Illinois, you're gonna have the same issues as satellite TV in that once any of that gets on your parabolic dish it changes the shape characteristics and there goes your signal. But even on a clear day what I've seen was molasses slow.

I'm way in the sticks here but as long as there's a cable TV company I get internet, and there's no weather issue unless a line comes down and they're good about dealing with it. The only drawback is they charge me extra for not watching TV.
Woke up to a couple of inches of new snowfall this morning. Had to clear the car and drive to get Gizmo to the vet, found out she is a he so he's getting spayed, wellness check, shots, etc. He'll be there until Saturday morning after we get back from El Paso late Friday. He wasn't happy with being locked in the front room all night with no food.........
It's already just above freezing so all this is already starting to melt.
I took my little black and white buddy to the vet Thursday and she got spayed. I was literally dreading doing it for years. I thought she would be a fighting, clawing, biting nightmare, but instead she was a super good little girl. The vet said they figured she was just too scared to put up a fuss and just went with the program. Thankfully she's done now. Took her in in the morning and picked her up that afternoon. The only shocker was the $131 bill.

Yikes!!!! That's a lot of money, in the short-run, 7 baby. I have always spayed or neutered my animals at very early ages. Also their first shots, but with an indoor cat they don't need boosters although many vets won't tell you that. My girl is almost 13 and has never been sick with anything. I read online back then that indoor cats don't need booster shots if they never go outside. There is always the possibility of them escaping to the outdoors and catching something, but I had seen too many cats not recover with ease after the annual booster so I stopped. I did consult with a vet about that article I read ( by a vet ) and he did concur.
I think my little critter is about 3 now. She was getting so bad when she was in heat that she'd end up growling. I'd just had enough of that. She kept me up all night with her grunting and antics, and I figured she couldn't be enjoying it any more than I was. So I pushed myself and made the appointment and took her to get fixed. They asked if she was an indoor only cat and I said yes. So they asked if I also wanted her declawed and I said, hell no, do not declaw her. She has all her shots in case she does somehow get out, and I want her to have her claws too. The only thing she ever scratches is her tower, which has areas meant for her to scratch. My old cat, Buttons, was almost 20 when he had to be put to sleep, and he never got booster shoots either, AA, and he was never sick. He was an inside only cat too, so I agree with you, they don't need them.
So good morning everybody. Hombre is still under the weather--he hasn't had this long a siege of cold or flu or whatever he has for a long time, but he really has it. Unfortunately I only have Alkaseltzer cold and the pain reliever in that is aspirin which he isn't supposed to take because of his gout. So off to the pharmacy for a different cold med shortly.

I'm still not completely healthy, although I don't feel bad like I did a few days ago. It's just lingering. The little one is away for a few days, but I just talked to her earlier and she, too, still has lingering sickness.

Just that kind of year, I guess. :mad:
Woke up to a couple of inches of new snowfall this morning. Had to clear the car and drive to get Gizmo to the vet, found out she is a he so he's getting spayed, wellness check, shots, etc. He'll be there until Saturday morning after we get back from El Paso late Friday. He wasn't happy with being locked in the front room all night with no food.........
It's already just above freezing so all this is already starting to melt.
I took my little black and white buddy to the vet Thursday and she got spayed. I was literally dreading doing it for years. I thought she would be a fighting, clawing, biting nightmare, but instead she was a super good little girl. The vet said they figured she was just too scared to put up a fuss and just went with the program. Thankfully she's done now. Took her in in the morning and picked her up that afternoon. The only shocker was the $131 bill.
Here it's $30 to get em fixed
Incredible... I guess we get soaked for living out in the sticks.

And $131 is cheap, cheap, CHEAP for what vets around here charge. Hombre and I don't have a furry companion to love right now purely because if we did need vet services for more than the annual shots, it would really destroy our limited budget.

You'll be so glad you had it done though. She will be much better off not going into heat every few weeks and you'll be much happier without her going berserk during that time.
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Oh and a warm Coffee Shop welcome to Iceweasal who is joining us for the first time today. Welcome, welcome, and happy to see you are joining right in. :)

Your first timer's complimentary beverage:

Well, my situation is this... I live about 150 yards from the middle of nowhere. I don't have the luxury of cable. We have Dish for TV because that's the only option. Used to have dial-up internet years ago and then went to using one of those little things (forget what they called it) but it was more or less a personal hot spot. Used that for years and last year I up-graded it for a newer model that didn't work well at all so I went to DSL with our phone company. It works fair but you often get interference on the phone line. So, I either keep using what I have or get satellite internet. Mrs. BBD is jumping up and down wanting me to get the internet off of the phone line. Haven't decided which one I will get though. They are all pretty expensive and seem to have some sort of gimmick to get you to pick their service. Will ponder this for a few days or so before I make a decision.
Well, my situation is this... I live about 150 yards from the middle of nowhere. I don't have the luxury of cable. We have Dish for TV because that's the only option. Used to have dial-up internet years ago and then went to using one of those little things (forget what they called it) but it was more or less a personal hot spot. Used that for years and last year I up-graded it for a newer model that didn't work well at all so I went to DSL with our phone company. It works fair but you often get interference on the phone line. So, I either keep using what I have or get satellite internet. Mrs. BBD is jumping up and down wanting me to get the internet off of the phone line. Haven't decided which one I will get though. They are all pretty expensive and seem to have some sort of gimmick to get you to pick their service. Will ponder this for a few days or so before I make a decision.
Is there cable out at the road? Maybe the cable company would be willing to run cable in.

I have a buddy that was pretty much in the same boat, but he worked a deal with the cable company and they got him hooked up. I don't think there's any better internet on the planet for consumers than good ole cable. But if you have to stick with something else, possibly ask the phone company if they could give you a dedicated line just for DSL.
Well, my situation is this... I live about 150 yards from the middle of nowhere. I don't have the luxury of cable. We have Dish for TV because that's the only option. Used to have dial-up internet years ago and then went to using one of those little things (forget what they called it) but it was more or less a personal hot spot. Used that for years and last year I up-graded it for a newer model that didn't work well at all so I went to DSL with our phone company. It works fair but you often get interference on the phone line. So, I either keep using what I have or get satellite internet. Mrs. BBD is jumping up and down wanting me to get the internet off of the phone line. Haven't decided which one I will get though. They are all pretty expensive and seem to have some sort of gimmick to get you to pick their service. Will ponder this for a few days or so before I make a decision.
Is there cable out at the road? Maybe the cable company would be willing to run cable in.

I have a buddy that was pretty much in the same boat, but he worked a deal with the cable company and they got him hooked up. I don't think there's any better internet on the planet for consumers than good ole cable. But if you have to stick with something else, possible ask the phone company if they could give you a dedicated line just for DSL.

No cable on the road. The cable stops about a mile from my house.
Well, my situation is this... I live about 150 yards from the middle of nowhere. I don't have the luxury of cable. We have Dish for TV because that's the only option. Used to have dial-up internet years ago and then went to using one of those little things (forget what they called it) but it was more or less a personal hot spot. Used that for years and last year I up-graded it for a newer model that didn't work well at all so I went to DSL with our phone company. It works fair but you often get interference on the phone line. So, I either keep using what I have or get satellite internet. Mrs. BBD is jumping up and down wanting me to get the internet off of the phone line. Haven't decided which one I will get though. They are all pretty expensive and seem to have some sort of gimmick to get you to pick their service. Will ponder this for a few days or so before I make a decision.

Gut feeling response, I would consider staying with DSL instead of going to satellite. Everybody I know who has had satellite say that they really don't like it--it frequently doesn't work at all in really bad weather--snow, heavy rain, etc.--and is subject to interference from trees, hills, etc. between your receiver and the signal. And they say satellite is little faster, if any, than DSL.

Maybe visit with your DSL providers in your area. If your equipment is outdated compared to your phone lines, this could cause the interference you're getting and can be remedied with updated equipment.
Oh and a warm Coffee Shop welcome to Iceweasal who is joining us for the first time today. Welcome, welcome, and happy to see you are joining right in. :)

Your first timer's complimentary beverage:

Well thankyou. That looks mighty nice. I am bit particular about my coffee. I roast at home with a drum roaster, have a Mazzer Mini grinder and Viebiemme Domobar Jr espresso machine. I used to like Starbucks until I got into it.
Oh and a warm Coffee Shop welcome to Iceweasal who is joining us for the first time today. Welcome, welcome, and happy to see you are joining right in. :)

Your first timer's complimentary beverage:

Well thankyou. That looks mighty nice. I am bit particular about my coffee. I roast at home with a drum roaster, have a Mazzer Mini grinder and Viebiemme Domobar Jr espresso machine. I used to like Starbucks until I got into it.

Ah you are going to get along just fine with the other Coffee Shoppers. Lots of real gourmet coffee afficionados here. :)
Oh and a warm Coffee Shop welcome to Iceweasal who is joining us for the first time today. Welcome, welcome, and happy to see you are joining right in. :)

Your first timer's complimentary beverage:

Well thankyou. That looks mighty nice. I am bit particular about my coffee. I roast at home with a drum roaster, have a Mazzer Mini grinder and Viebiemme Domobar Jr espresso machine. I used to like Starbucks until I got into it.

Welcome. :) First cup is on the House.

So good morning everybody. Hombre is still under the weather--he hasn't had this long a siege of cold or flu or whatever he has for a long time, but he really has it. Unfortunately I only have Alkaseltzer cold and the pain reliever in that is aspirin which he isn't supposed to take because of his gout. So off to the pharmacy for a different cold med shortly.

It's the season for sickness.

Maybe so, but I don't have to like it. :)

Of course not, nobody likes it. :D It sucks.
First, the weather: it's 45 degrees here, trying to rain, too! We still have no significant snowfall, 6-8 inches, at best, a little more up at the country place (10-14" there). My partner had the truck washed yesterday. What a waste of money! It stayed clean for two blocks, maybe. With temps above freezing to the past two days, the roads are a mucky mess.
My "foster children" arrived yesterday. They seem like nice young people and were happy to have the help at the airport. They took a rain check for dinner, preferring to get checked into their temporary lodging and letting their dogs settle down a bit. The young lady observed how much my daughter resembles me in looks and mannerisms. My poor daughter!
I've been nursing some nasty cuts on both hands the past few days. Sherman, the terrorist cat, pulled one of his table-top skids, knocking a cup of coffee to the floor. I made an attempt to catch it before it fell, over-balanced, and landed hands first among the shards of cup and the pool of coffee. Although I bandaged the cuts, two particularly bad ones bled for almost two days! I woke up from my nap that evening with both hands caked in blood. I'm about ready to skin that cat, he's such a troublemaker.
Guess I'd better quit goofing off and finish grading papers. I have most of the assignments graded and ready to return to my students. I fully expect my "challenger" to quibble about his test grade, it's the nature of this particular beast, certainly.
Spaeter, CS fellow travelers!
I suggest that next time he quibbles about his grade, you take his paper, read what he is disputing. After a couple seconds appearing to scan it, say something like I'm sorry, I did make a mistake. This is wrong too and knock a couple more points off his score.

It did make 46 here today, but we may get a frost tonight. After that, we should begin to warm up into the 70's by the week end.
Ugh, it looks as though our external hard drive is dying. I've been able to pull some of the stuff off it (it will connect at times, but is inconsistent) but it has more on it than I have free space on my pc's. I tried pulling it from the enclosure and plugging it into my pc, just to test if it might be a problem with the enclosure rather than the drive itself, but my pc wouldn't boot with it plugged in. I wasn't trying to boot to the external drive, just have it plugged in to look at the files while running through my normal drive. I got an error message about 4th master drive or something, so annoying.

I wonder if I should just buy a new internal HD and plug it into this enclosure? Maybe that's a cheaper alternative. I hate when HDs die! :mad:
Download and burn a bootable (ISO) copy of Mac Pup Linux (it runs on RAM), make sure your computer is set to boot from the optical drive first and your external is connected then boot with Mac Pup in the drive. When it's running it should see the external and what's on it, you can then pull as much off that HD as hasn't been corrupted and lost. Have a bunch of thumb drives ready.

I'll give it a shot when I've got a new storage device available, thanks.

Although I must admit to having no idea at all what Macpup does that allows it to boot with the external plugged in. :lol:
It doesn't need a hard drive, like the ancient DOS it runs off the disc media it's on using the system RAM. It doesn't matter what operating system is on your hard drive it can see all the files under Windows or Mac that are stored on the hard drive and allow the user to move those files to another storage device.

Maybe what I really don't understand is why my usual HD won't boot when I plug in the wonky external. I get that it's dying, but why not just boot up the pc as usual and just not give me access to the external? I wouldn't think having a second HD go bad would prevent you from booting your main HD.....but apparently, I don't know what I'm talking about. :lol:

I'll see about getting a new drive sometime soon and have already downloaded the Macpup ISO in case I need it. :D
Check your BIOS and see what your boot order is. My Point of Sale system wouldn't boot up the other day and after a call to customer service, I found I had a flash drive plugged in that BIOS wanted to boot from.
I have tried numerous concoctions to clean the haze off the car headlamps with limited success until today. A while back I mentioned how to use a slurry of hydrogen and baking soda to clean the baked on crap off of stovetops, well I decided to give it a try on the headlamps. They look almost new!!! best stuff I have found and it didn't involve scrubbing until my arm almost fell off. :thup:

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