USMB Coffee Shop IV

So good morning everybody. Hombre is still under the weather--he hasn't had this long a siege of cold or flu or whatever he has for a long time, but he really has it. Unfortunately I only have Alkaseltzer cold and the pain reliever in that is aspirin which he isn't supposed to take because of his gout. So off to the pharmacy for a different cold med shortly.

It's the season for sickness.
Good morning everyone! :)

[raising hand] Permission to vent?
How many of you have had to deal with a passive-aggressive control personality. For almost 12 years now, I've been dealing with my partner, whom I have mentioned at times. Well, he's P-A, and a massive hoarder! I deal with the unpleasantness mostly by complying with the "rules". One of his rules is: unless he's selected the DVD, the TV is not permitted to be on. He finds it impossible to focus on anything else while the TV is running. Hence, whenever he comes into the house, I hit the pause button or turn it off. But before he comes in and settles down, he has to come in-and-out a dozen times, for assorted reasons. Each time, the TV has to be silenced or I get snapped at. I confess, this sometimes rubs me the wrong way. This evening, I made a comment about feeling like a trained seal. He starts packing his kit and sulking. He's going to go back to his place, since I'm such a nasty piece of work, always making stupid comments.
So, I've violated another rule, to never make a comment when I'm aggravated about something he's done/doing. He cannot be criticized.
Now we go to act three: I usually try to cajole him and persuade him to stay here. (He's usually had a few beers by this time and should refrain from driving.) This time, I forwent act three and just let him go, not following him out to the truck, arguing and begging he not drive.
While never openly, physically violent, his behavior is distinctly unpleasant and psychologically violent if the rules are violated. It is easier to just shut up and behave than to oppose him. On some level, I know that one of the (lesser) reasons I will be moving to live closer to my daughter and her family is that I hope to dishearten him and perhaps he'll toss in the towel.
OK, well...thanks for "listening". Venting is therapeutic.

Sorry to hear about that. Good luck with everything.
Woke up to discover that it's Tuesday morning... Imagine that. Something this profound calls for more coffee.

Pretty much the same thing here, BDD. At least the sunny and 70° weather we are having during the daytime, changes it's mind at night and the chill rolls in. I am not looking forward to that newly-arrived species of birds last May every morning for over a month, at 3:30 am to begin their chirping in unison. May they find other forests in which to ring in the day this coming spring. :eusa_hand:
So good morning everybody. Hombre is still under the weather--he hasn't had this long a siege of cold or flu or whatever he has for a long time, but he really has it. Unfortunately I only have Alkaseltzer cold and the pain reliever in that is aspirin which he isn't supposed to take because of his gout. So off to the pharmacy for a different cold med shortly.

It's the season for sickness.

Maybe so, but I don't have to like it. :)
Personally I'd have no problem with banning it but that's just me...........
Did you know why people started using perfume? It was to cover up the body odors because people didn't bath as often.

Yes, in the Victorian days. I've read about that before. I don't know how sensitive you are to it, but I also get headaches from certain kinds of perfume. Other kinds are not as strong, so they don't bother me. The only kind of perfume I wear is Giorgio because, as long as you only use one or two squirts, you might not be able to smell it unless you were sniffing me. Lol.
In fairly open areas, unless someone bathed in perfume, it doesn't bother me, up close and personal...... No way.

Yeah, some people just wear way too much, and now we have that terrible smelling "Axe" cologne and body spray for men. Ugh. I hate the smell of that. I like the old Drakkar for men. That smells fantastic and it has a more mild smell.

That brings back some memories! I used to apply Drakkar Noir, in small amounts. I have a reaction to most perfumes and aftershaves that have an alcohol base. Perfumes with an oil base are easier to deal with. Makes me an expensive date, if you want to entice me with scent. Hoppes 9 is usually a safe bet, though!

I love the scent of Drakkar. It's mild and clean smelling. You are probably right. It's probably the alcohol that is irritating to a lot of people.

The men I have been attracted to don't wear any scent at all, but the one you mention here sounds good, as I do like a clean scent, e.g., soap and water. :thup:
Good morning everybody. Cooler and overcast this morning--low 30's--but the forecast is dry - dry - dry. They probably are getting a dusting on the mountain but nothing significant. Looks like everything in the mid section of the country from Arkansas east to the coast will be getting the worst of it today.

I'm feeling quite a bit better but not 100%. Have a meeting at 11 that won't take long. We got everything tidied up for the housecleaning crew who will arrive in an hour or so. Coffee is good this morning. Hope everybody is having a good Monday and will have a good week.

Thanks Foxy, and may your day go well, also. The last two days have been a whirlwind of fun and excitement for us. The weather was in the 70's and fun was had by all. This week's weather expected to be in the high 60's and sunny, too. Very uncommon for this time of year, but it seems when storms hit in the opposite end of the map, we have to have spring-like weather year-round much to my dismay for I love our marine climate and miss it. This is the second winter out of two, we have had spring-like weather and trees blooming beautiful pink blossoms while others become even more green and filled-in, in February.

I miss the soft rain and beautiful mist that hangs in the forest right outside my windows. Oh well, such a small deal, really and I shall not complain, considering.

Five degrees this morn.

Wanna swap?

No sweetie, I don't want to swap, but if I could, I would come over and help you get through it in any way I could. I haven't shoveled snow in a long time. Said goodbye to that, in the Sierra Nevada mountain range, a few years back,,,,:wink:
Sunday morning I was in the basement sanding, tack clothing and priming the new chest of drawers. I made a mistake when I put the carcass of the dresser on the saw horses to prime. I put the face, the part that needs the paint on the top. This meant I would have to paint it horizontally and reach across the top to do so. I should have put it with the face facing me so I could paint without paint dripping into the cabinet.

Anyway, while I was prepping the drawers, I heard a faint hissing sound. "I wonder what that is?"

Then, I heard a "PLINK" followed by a gushing sound! This was coming from the utility room. I went in and suddenly I was a commander on a U-boat while the American destroyer above was dropping depth charges with astounding accuracy! My tank less water heater had sprung a leak! Water gushed forth like something you would wait in line to see at a National Park.

I scrambled to find the shut off valve, all the while getting doused by a deluge of freezing water. I found the valve and shut it down. There was a hole in the serpentine copper piping the size of a quarter.. My sweat shirt, fleece pants, socks and slippers were soaked. It was -7 outside, and the water coursing through the plumbing was more slush than liquid. I was freezing. I could not take a nice steamy shower to warm up. I could not dry off as quickly as I hoped. I stripped out of the soaked clothes and mopped myself off with a towel.

Of course, it was Sunday and I could not call a plumber. Showers are now taken at my long suffering brother's house until Wednesday night when, according to his schedule, the plumber will stop by Pimplebutt to install a new water heater.

A new water heater helps me make the decision between wall paper and paint for the bedroom project. Time top pick up some color chip samples. The silver lining is, I was in the basement when it happened and was able to stop the leak within a minute.
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Woke up to a couple of inches of new snowfall this morning. Had to clear the car and drive to get Gizmo to the vet, found out she is a he so he's getting spayed, wellness check, shots, etc. He'll be there until Saturday morning after we get back from El Paso late Friday. He wasn't happy with being locked in the front room all night with no food.........
It's already just above freezing so all this is already starting to melt.
Sunday morning IO was in the basement sanding, tack clothing and priming the new chest of drawers. I made a mistake when I put the carcass of the dresser on the saw horses to prime. I put the face, the part that needs the paint on the top. This meant I would have to paint it horizontally and reach across the top[ to do so. I should have put it with the face facing me so I could paint without paint dripping into the cabinet.

Anyway, while I was prepping the drawers, I heard a faint hissing sound. "I wonder what that is?"

Then, I heard a "PLINK" followed by a gushing sound! This was coming from the utility room. I went in and suddenly I was a commander on a U-boat while the American destroyer above was dropping depth charges with astounding accuracy! My tank less water heater had sprung a leak! Water gushed forth like something you would wait in line to see at a National Park.

I scrambled to find the shut off valve, all the while getting doused by a deluge of freezing water. I found the valve and shut it down. There was a hole in the serpentine copper piping the size of a quarter.. My sweat shirt, fleece pants, socks and slippers were soaked. It was -7 outside, and the water coursing through the plumbing was more slush than liquid. I was freezing. I could not take a nice steamy shower to warm up. I could not dry off as quickly as I hoped. I stripped out of the soaked clothes and mopped myself off with a towel.

Of course, it was Sunday and I could not call a plumber. Showers are now taken at my long suffering brother's house until Wednesday night when, according to his schedule, the plumber will stop by Pimplebutt to install a new water heater.

A new water heater helps me make the decision between wall paper and paint for the bedroom project. Time top pick up some color chip samples. The silver lining is, I was in the basement when it happened and was able to stop the leak within a minute.
If he's installing a Bradford White (which plumbers love) you will need a plumber for parts. $$$$$$ Hater heaters have anodes that should be replaced regularly, $25 and Home Depot or Lowes. They are sacrifical rods, once gone the minerals attack the rest of the tank. BW tanks also have their rods in the hot outlet and you lose the nipple when swapping out the part. Most other tanks have a separate nut/access port.

Rheem and GE have a good track record. Whirlpool, not so much.
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Does anybody in the Coffee Shop have satellite internet service? If so, with whom? I am thinking about switching over to satellite internet service and have been checking them out on-line but haven't made a decision yet as to who I might select. Feed back from you guys would be appreciated.
Sunday morning IO was in the basement sanding, tack clothing and priming the new chest of drawers. I made a mistake when I put the carcass of the dresser on the saw horses to prime. I put the face, the part that needs the paint on the top. This meant I would have to paint it horizontally and reach across the top[ to do so. I should have put it with the face facing me so I could paint without paint dripping into the cabinet.

Anyway, while I was prepping the drawers, I heard a faint hissing sound. "I wonder what that is?"

Then, I heard a "PLINK" followed by a gushing sound! This was coming from the utility room. I went in and suddenly I was a commander on a U-boat while the American destroyer above was dropping depth charges with astounding accuracy! My tank less water heater had sprung a leak! Water gushed forth like something you would wait in line to see at a National Park.

I scrambled to find the shut off valve, all the while getting doused by a deluge of freezing water. I found the valve and shut it down. There was a hole in the serpentine copper piping the size of a quarter.. My sweat shirt, fleece pants, socks and slippers were soaked. It was -7 outside, and the water coursing through the plumbing was more slush than liquid. I was freezing. I could not take a nice steamy shower to warm up. I could not dry off as quickly as I hoped. I stripped out of the soaked clothes and mopped myself off with a towel.

Of course, it was Sunday and I could not call a plumber. Showers are now taken at my long suffering brother's house until Wednesday night when, according to his schedule, the plumber will stop by Pimplebutt to install a new water heater.

A new water heater helps me make the decision between wall paper and paint for the bedroom project. Time top pick up some color chip samples. The silver lining is, I was in the basement when it happened and was able to stop the leak within a minute.
If he's installing a Bradford White (which plumbers love) you will need a plumber for parts. $$$$$$ Hater heaters have anodes that should be replaced regularly, $25 and Home Depot or Lowes. They are sacrifical rods, once gone the minerals attack the rest of the tank. BW tanks also have their rods in the hot outlet and you lose the nipple when swapping out the part. Most other tanks have a separate nut/access port.

Rheem and GE have a good track record. Whirlpool, not so much.
Fortunately, the replacement ano0des are put together like links of those without four or five feet of head room above the tank can still replace them.
Does anybody in the Coffee Shop have satellite internet service? If so, with whom? I am thinking about switching over to satellite internet service and have been checking them out on-line but haven't made a decision yet as to who I might select. Feed back from you guys would be appreciated.
I don't and wouldn't. They give you a limited total per month, you go over it and they really ding you. It's good if you have no other way and don't watch movies though.
Woke up to a couple of inches of new snowfall this morning. Had to clear the car and drive to get Gizmo to the vet, found out she is a he so he's getting spayed, wellness check, shots, etc. He'll be there until Saturday morning after we get back from El Paso late Friday. He wasn't happy with being locked in the front room all night with no food.........
It's already just above freezing so all this is already starting to melt.
I took my little black and white buddy to the vet Thursday and she got spayed. I was literally dreading doing it for years. I thought she would be a fighting, clawing, biting nightmare, but instead she was a super good little girl. The vet said they figured she was just too scared to put up a fuss and just went with the program. Thankfully she's done now. Took her in in the morning and picked her up that afternoon. The only shocker was the $131 bill.
Does anybody in the Coffee Shop have satellite internet service? If so, with whom? I am thinking about switching over to satellite internet service and have been checking them out on-line but haven't made a decision yet as to who I might select. Feed back from you guys would be appreciated.
I don't and wouldn't. They give you a limited total per month, you go over it and they really ding you. It's good if you have no other way and don't watch movies though.

I've seen what Hughes' service looks like at a friend's house. It's pathetic. I don't know about data limits but at the glacial speed it runs I doubt you could ever get that far anyway. Even DSL Lite is faster.

As Iceweasel said, only if you have absolutely no other options.
[raising hand] Permission to vent?
How many of you have had to deal with a passive-aggressive control personality. For almost 12 years now, I've been dealing with my partner, whom I have mentioned at times. Well, he's P-A, and a massive hoarder! I deal with the unpleasantness mostly by complying with the "rules". One of his rules is: unless he's selected the DVD, the TV is not permitted to be on. He finds it impossible to focus on anything else while the TV is running. Hence, whenever he comes into the house, I hit the pause button or turn it off. But before he comes in and settles down, he has to come in-and-out a dozen times, for assorted reasons. Each time, the TV has to be silenced or I get snapped at. I confess, this sometimes rubs me the wrong way. This evening, I made a comment about feeling like a trained seal. He starts packing his kit and sulking. He's going to go back to his place, since I'm such a nasty piece of work, always making stupid comments.
So, I've violated another rule, to never make a comment when I'm aggravated about something he's done/doing. He cannot be criticized.
Now we go to act three: I usually try to cajole him and persuade him to stay here. (He's usually had a few beers by this time and should refrain from driving.) This time, I forwent act three and just let him go, not following him out to the truck, arguing and begging he not drive.
While never openly, physically violent, his behavior is distinctly unpleasant and psychologically violent if the rules are violated. It is easier to just shut up and behave than to oppose him. On some level, I know that one of the (lesser) reasons I will be moving to live closer to my daughter and her family is that I hope to dishearten him and perhaps he'll toss in the towel.
OK, well...thanks for "listening". Venting is therapeutic.
GW... you have the patience of a saint. If that was me in that situation, I'd have come to blows with someone like that. I'm not sure what the advantage is to being abused like that, but whatever the reason is, I think you'd be happier not having to deal with that.
Woke up to a couple of inches of new snowfall this morning. Had to clear the car and drive to get Gizmo to the vet, found out she is a he so he's getting spayed, wellness check, shots, etc. He'll be there until Saturday morning after we get back from El Paso late Friday. He wasn't happy with being locked in the front room all night with no food.........
It's already just above freezing so all this is already starting to melt.
I took my little black and white buddy to the vet Thursday and she got spayed. I was literally dreading doing it for years. I thought she would be a fighting, clawing, biting nightmare, but instead she was a super good little girl. The vet said they figured she was just too scared to put up a fuss and just went with the program. Thankfully she's done now. Took her in in the morning and picked her up that afternoon. The only shocker was the $131 bill.
Here it's $30 to get em fixed
Does anybody in the Coffee Shop have satellite internet service? If so, with whom? I am thinking about switching over to satellite internet service and have been checking them out on-line but haven't made a decision yet as to who I might select. Feed back from you guys would be appreciated.
I have a friend who has that Hughes Net, and it's spotty at best, is really slow half the time, and is totally out when there's storms. He hates it, but it's his only option. He's considered moving just so he can get cable.

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