USMB GOP - It's only about ID. Turned out they lied.

[ame=]NC Non-Citizens Voting, Dead Offered Ballots, UNC Officials Embrace Voter Fraud - YouTube[/ame]
Republican policies and rhetoric are offensive to minorities and gays

Call it hate if you want to
are we not talking about what Dean says?..... now i noticed you did not answer my questions.....must have forgot about them in all the excitement......lets try it YOU agree with Dean when he says.....all Republicans HATE minorities....all Republicans HATE Gays...

Does EVERY Republican hate gays and minorities?
Even rdean will tell you not everyone does. But those who don't lack the balls to go after that element of the party that proposes offensive legislation and make offensive statements. They still flock to the Rush Limbaughs and Hannitys who provide a forum for the hate speech

Republicans have made a conscious decision to advocate policies which pander to the anti-gay and anti-minority factions. Call it hate if you wish or just their chosen policy

Does EVERY Republican hate gays and minorities?
Even rdean will tell you not everyone does

you have to be kidding right? show me where i have asked Dean this and he tells me no not all of them....he has been asked dozens of time by me if ALL Republicans hate gays and minorities and has NEVER said no not all of them....geezus christ are you people on the left afraid to say something to this guy? i said.....Dean told me ..."a Republican is a Republican is a Republican"......there are no Liberal or Moderate Republicans they are all the same......if the Republicans in bumfuck Virginia vote some stupid racist asshole into Congress EVERY Republican must back the guy,otherwise how did he get voted in? by Deans twisted logic....EVERY Republican in the Country is Responsible for this guy .....but of course it dont work that way with Democrats because they are diverse....maybe i was wrong about you RW and all these righties here are are too far left to see it.....i did not think so....but i guess i was wrong....
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are we not talking about what Dean says?..... now i noticed you did not answer my questions.....must have forgot about them in all the excitement......lets try it YOU agree with Dean when he says.....all Republicans HATE minorities....all Republicans HATE Gays...

Does EVERY Republican hate gays and minorities?
Even rdean will tell you not everyone does. But those who don't lack the balls to go after that element of the party that proposes offensive legislation and make offensive statements. They still flock to the Rush Limbaughs and Hannitys who provide a forum for the hate speech

Republicans have made a conscious decision to advocate policies which pander to the anti-gay and anti-minority factions. Call it hate if you wish or just their chosen policy
Praise Jesus! Republicans hate the gays, LOVE the NRA!

He did not say some REPUBLICANS he said Republicans

thank you Reb.....and i have pointed this out to Dean quit a few times that when you say REPUBLICANS instead of Far Right,Christian Right, Moderate, are saying ALL Republicans.....of course we know his response....his fellow Far Leftist cant see it of course and the so called "Moderate' Lefties tell me they see it and dont buy it and tell me Dean is ..."out there"........yet they never say anything or they thank the guy.....
Does EVERY Republican hate gays and minorities?
Even rdean will tell you not everyone does. But those who don't lack the balls to go after that element of the party that proposes offensive legislation and make offensive statements. They still flock to the Rush Limbaughs and Hannitys who provide a forum for the hate speech

Republicans have made a conscious decision to advocate policies which pander to the anti-gay and anti-minority factions. Call it hate if you wish or just their chosen policy
Praise Jesus! Republicans hate the gays, LOVE the NRA!

He did not say some REPUBLICANS he said Republicans

thank you Reb.....and i have pointed this out to Dean quit a few times that when you say REPUBLICANS instead of Far Right,Christian Right, Moderate, are saying ALL Republicans.....of course we know his response....his fellow Far Leftist cant see it of course and the so called "Moderate' Lefties tell me they see it and dont buy it and tell me Dean is ..."out there"........yet they never say anything or they thank the guy.....
deanny is the USMB obama, didn't you know that?:lol:
Check out the local news in Watauga, North Carolina.

Get this, the state recommends no more than 1500 at a single voting place. I saw this on the news when the Republican board combined three Democratic voting sites into one that has 40 parking spots and will service over 9,000 voters. They are cutting in half voting times. Moving all voting away from colleges. It has nothing to do with ID and everything to do with voter suppression.

God these fuckers are bold. Now watch these USMB Republicans, "Oh, it's all about ID and fairness". Don't these guys ever give up? How can you trust them when they lie so much?

Then, they held a town hall in a room that seats 8 to keep anyone from protesting. Didn't work.

After "So Many Comments" State Board of Elections Reviewing Monday's Watauga Elections Board Meeting | High Country Press

WataugaWatch: Watauga Co. Board of Elections, 8/12/13: The Long & the Short of It

At least Throrax is honest among most right wingers here. At least he's not saying, "It's all about fair elections" when clearly it's not.

I guess this means you support voter ID, since clearly its not the cause of "voter suppression".

BTW, ever hear of early voting?
They still flock to the Rush Limbaughs and Hannitys who provide a forum for the hate speech

Republicans have made a conscious decision to advocate policies which pander to the anti-gay and anti-minority factions. Call it hate if you wish or just their chosen policy

How do Rush and Hannity provide a "forum for hate speech"?

The 1st Amendment of the Constitution provides us for all free speech (including "hate"), not radio/tv personalities.

Republicans make a conscious decision to advocate polices that apply to everyone, not to make policy for a few cherry picked groups. It's liberals who want special rules and laws to apply on to certain groups of people, e.g. affirmative action for blacks, "gay marriage" laws for queers, ultra high taxes for a select few.
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are we not talking about what Dean says?..... now i noticed you did not answer my questions.....must have forgot about them in all the excitement......lets try it YOU agree with Dean when he says.....all Republicans HATE minorities....all Republicans HATE Gays...

Does EVERY Republican hate gays and minorities?
Even rdean will tell you not everyone does. But those who don't lack the balls to go after that element of the party that proposes offensive legislation and make offensive statements. They still flock to the Rush Limbaughs and Hannitys who provide a forum for the hate speech

Republicans have made a conscious decision to advocate policies which pander to the anti-gay and anti-minority factions. Call it hate if you wish or just their chosen policy

Does EVERY Republican hate gays and minorities?
Even rdean will tell you not everyone does

you have to be kidding right? show me where i have asked Dean this and he tells me no not all of them....he has been asked dozens of time by me if ALL Republicans hate gays and minorities and has NEVER said no not all of them....geezus christ are you people on the left afraid to say something to this guy? i said.....Dean told me ..."a Republican is a Republican is a Republican"......there are no Liberal or Moderate Republicans they are all the same......if the Republicans in bumfuck Virginia vote some stupid racist asshole into Congress EVERY Republican must back the guy,otherwise how did he get voted in? by Deans twisted logic....EVERY Republican in the Country is Responsible for this guy .....but of course it dont work that way with Democrats because they are diverse....maybe i was wrong about you RW and all these righties here are are too far left to see it.....i did not think so....but i guess i was wrong....

Let me tell you something about this board

It is not a place for civil discourse of major political issues. 90% of what goes for political discussion on this board is talking smack. Your guy sucks, my guy is great with no middle ground
rdean talks smack and is very good at it. He does it to the point where the rightwing members of the board follow him around to heap neg rep on him. But what rdean posts is no different than what 20-30 rightwing posters do on a daily basis
are we not talking about what Dean says?..... now i noticed you did not answer my questions.....must have forgot about them in all the excitement......lets try it YOU agree with Dean when he says.....all Republicans HATE minorities....all Republicans HATE Gays...

Does EVERY Republican hate gays and minorities?
Even rdean will tell you not everyone does. But those who don't lack the balls to go after that element of the party that proposes offensive legislation and make offensive statements. They still flock to the Rush Limbaughs and Hannitys who provide a forum for the hate speech

Republicans have made a conscious decision to advocate policies which pander to the anti-gay and anti-minority factions. Call it hate if you wish or just their chosen policy
Praise Jesus! Republicans hate the gays, LOVE the NRA!

He did not say some REPUBLICANS he said Republicans

Another fine rdean post where REPUBLICANS ban gays from CPAC

If ALL REPUBLICANS do not hate gays, where is the outrage at CPAC standing up for gay conservatives? redean has once again done a fine job of highlighting the racist and homophobic policies of your party

And you happen to be one of the biggest gay haters on the board
Praise Jesus! Republicans hate the gays, LOVE the NRA!

He did not say some REPUBLICANS he said Republicans

thank you Reb.....and i have pointed this out to Dean quit a few times that when you say REPUBLICANS instead of Far Right,Christian Right, Moderate, are saying ALL Republicans.....of course we know his response....his fellow Far Leftist cant see it of course and the so called "Moderate' Lefties tell me they see it and dont buy it and tell me Dean is ..."out there"........yet they never say anything or they thank the guy.....
deanny is the USMB obama, didn't you know that?:lol:

i just find it amazing that people like RW and others cant see how he posts things and what he says....
Does EVERY Republican hate gays and minorities?
Even rdean will tell you not everyone does. But those who don't lack the balls to go after that element of the party that proposes offensive legislation and make offensive statements. They still flock to the Rush Limbaughs and Hannitys who provide a forum for the hate speech

Republicans have made a conscious decision to advocate policies which pander to the anti-gay and anti-minority factions. Call it hate if you wish or just their chosen policy

Does EVERY Republican hate gays and minorities?
Even rdean will tell you not everyone does

you have to be kidding right? show me where i have asked Dean this and he tells me no not all of them....he has been asked dozens of time by me if ALL Republicans hate gays and minorities and has NEVER said no not all of them....geezus christ are you people on the left afraid to say something to this guy? i said.....Dean told me ..."a Republican is a Republican is a Republican"......there are no Liberal or Moderate Republicans they are all the same......if the Republicans in bumfuck Virginia vote some stupid racist asshole into Congress EVERY Republican must back the guy,otherwise how did he get voted in? by Deans twisted logic....EVERY Republican in the Country is Responsible for this guy .....but of course it dont work that way with Democrats because they are diverse....maybe i was wrong about you RW and all these righties here are are too far left to see it.....i did not think so....but i guess i was wrong....

Let me tell you something about this board

It is not a place for civil discourse of major political issues. 90% of what goes for political discussion on this board is talking smack. Your guy sucks, my guy is great with no middle ground
rdean talks smack and is very good at it. He does it to the point where the rightwing members of the board follow him around to heap neg rep on him. But what rdean posts is no different than what 20-30 rightwing posters do on a daily basis

and yet you cant even bring yourself to say yes or no i agree or dont agree with what Dean says...and you point out a "Rightwinger" here that brings Democrats into EVERY fucking conversation he/she is in no matter what the subject like Dean does....outside of Dudley there is no one on this board who is Obsessed with a party like Dean.....if you know of one please let me know.....
Does EVERY Republican hate gays and minorities?
Even rdean will tell you not everyone does. But those who don't lack the balls to go after that element of the party that proposes offensive legislation and make offensive statements. They still flock to the Rush Limbaughs and Hannitys who provide a forum for the hate speech

Republicans have made a conscious decision to advocate policies which pander to the anti-gay and anti-minority factions. Call it hate if you wish or just their chosen policy
Praise Jesus! Republicans hate the gays, LOVE the NRA!

He did not say some REPUBLICANS he said Republicans

Another fine rdean post where REPUBLICANS ban gays from CPAC

If ALL REPUBLICANS do not hate gays, where is the outrage at CPAC standing up for gay conservatives? redean has once again done a fine job of highlighting the racist and homophobic policies of your party

And you happen to be one of the biggest gay haters on the board
do ALL Republicans HATE gays RW?.....Dean says they you agree with him?
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Praise Jesus! Republicans hate the gays, LOVE the NRA!

He did not say some REPUBLICANS he said Republicans

Another fine rdean post where REPUBLICANS ban gays from CPAC

If ALL REPUBLICANS do not hate gays, where is the outrage at CPAC standing up for gay conservatives? redean has once again done a fine job of highlighting the racist and homophobic policies of your party

And you happen to be one of the biggest gay haters on the board
do ALL Republicans HATE gays RW?.....Dean says they you agree with him?

Why the obsession with the word ALL?

I'm positive there are many Republicans who are actually functioning in the 21st century when it comes to gays

However, GOP policies are decidendly anti-gay

Opposing repeal of DADT
Opposing Gay Marriage
Supporting Constitutional Amendments making marriage exclusively one man/ one woman
Supporting DOMA
Banning gays from CPAC

Does that constitute hate?
Pretty damned close in my book
Another fine rdean post where REPUBLICANS ban gays from CPAC

If ALL REPUBLICANS do not hate gays, where is the outrage at CPAC standing up for gay conservatives? redean has once again done a fine job of highlighting the racist and homophobic policies of your party

And you happen to be one of the biggest gay haters on the board
do ALL Republicans HATE gays RW?.....Dean says they you agree with him?

Why the obsession with the word ALL?

I'm positive there are many Republicans who are actually functioning in the 21st century when it comes to gays

However, GOP policies are decidendly anti-gay

Opposing repeal of DADT
Opposing Gay Marriage
Supporting Constitutional Amendments making marriage exclusively one man/ one woman
Supporting DOMA
Banning gays from CPAC

Does that constitute hate?
Pretty damned close in my book

Why the obsession with the word ALL?

you cant figure that out?....

I'm positive there are many Republicans who are actually functioning in the 21st century when it comes to gays

your good Buddy Dean wont even say that much....i have asked more than once.....

However, GOP policies are decidendly anti-gay

do you agree with every policy the Democrats put out there?.....are you responsible if they back something that you dont agree with?....and there are many Democrats who are also "anti-Gay" like here in "Liberal" California.....does that mean they hate too?....or does hate only go with Republicans?.....
Does EVERY Republican hate gays and minorities?
Even rdean will tell you not everyone does. But those who don't lack the balls to go after that element of the party that proposes offensive legislation and make offensive statements. They still flock to the Rush Limbaughs and Hannitys who provide a forum for the hate speech

Republicans have made a conscious decision to advocate policies which pander to the anti-gay and anti-minority factions. Call it hate if you wish or just their chosen policy
Praise Jesus! Republicans hate the gays, LOVE the NRA!

He did not say some REPUBLICANS he said Republicans

Another fine rdean post where REPUBLICANS ban gays from CPAC

If ALL REPUBLICANS do not hate gays, where is the outrage at CPAC standing up for gay conservatives? redean has once again done a fine job of highlighting the racist and homophobic policies of your party

And you happen to be one of the biggest gay haters on the board

rdean is not obama why are you defending rdeans words when you know exactly what he wrote?

I did not see anyone on that video vote illegally, did you?

Typical Project Veritas bullshit without the pimp
Ask for a ballot and run away when you are asked to sign it

you are a fucking dumb ass
Actually, you are the dumbass to believe anything that O'Keefe/Breitbart put out. You do realize they just make shit up don't you?

The voter verification is the signature. Just going in and asking for the card is not voter fraud. Not till you actually sign, have the signature checked and step in the booth
I did not see anyone on that video vote illegally, did you?

Typical Project Veritas bullshit without the pimp
Ask for a ballot and run away when you are asked to sign it

you are a fucking dumb ass
Actually, you are the dumbass to believe anything that O'Keefe/Breitbart put out. You do realize they just make shit up don't you?

The voter verification is the signature. Just going in and asking for the card is not voter fraud. Not till you actually sign, have the signature checked and step in the booth

Stop deflecting and open you god damn eyes.

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