USMB Is Reviewing The Current Reputation Breakdown. We Are Open For Input Here.

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I've heard about this bullying. Normally from people saying that it happens. I guess I've always missed the threads it actually happens in...Lucky me i guess.... I neg those who I feel deserve it. normally for stupidity, gross unnatural stupidity. So a thumbs down would be kind of nice for just the WTF are you drinking posts...

the problem comes when individuals ALL see that..... and neg that person.

then the whiner says they are being.... rep bullied.
I've heard about this bullying. Normally from people saying that it happens. I guess I've always missed the threads it actually happens in

Neg reps don't show up on any threads, unless you post it to brag about it in one specific thread, and it's usually the bullies that post the neg reps they get after they've neg repped someone first. When a poster gives you neg rep and then tells you that you are on 48 hour notice, what else would you take it as other than bullying?

...Lucky me i guess.... I neg those who I feel deserve it. normally for stupidity, gross unnatural stupidity. So a thumbs down would be kind of nice for just the WTF are you drinking posts...

If I find a post totally stupid, gross or unnaturally stupid, I usually don't even bother to respond. If I disagree with someone's comment, I debate them and give my reasons and links. I guess if one is incapable of doing that due to lack of intelligence or vocabulary, a neg rep is an easy way out.

Whatever you choose to believe........
I've heard about this bullying. Normally from people saying that it happens. I guess I've always missed the threads it actually happens in

Neg reps don't show up on any threads, unless you post it to brag about it in one specific thread, and it's usually the bullies that post the neg reps they get after they've neg repped someone first. When a poster gives you neg rep and then tells you that you are on 48 hour notice, what else would you take it as other than bullying?

...Lucky me i guess.... I neg those who I feel deserve it. normally for stupidity, gross unnatural stupidity. So a thumbs down would be kind of nice for just the WTF are you drinking posts...

If I find a post totally stupid, gross or unnaturally stupid, I usually don't even bother to respond. If I disagree with someone's comment, I debate them and give my reasons and links. I guess if one is incapable of doing that due to lack of intelligence or vocabulary, a neg rep is an easy way out.

Whatever you choose to believe........

Works both ways. Whatever you choose to believe.

Is it just coincidence that some posters have a reputation for giving neg rep? If it was done universally, like pos rep is, the same people wouldn't be singled out as known for giving neg rep.
I have never neg repped... Well, except for spammers trying to sell shit...
This is very telling.

Common sense dictates what side and/or type of person that engages in neg reps.

Me? I've never given a single neg rep...ever. Don't plan to either.

No one has that type of control over me, on this forum, to move me to anger or ridicule for me to lash out against them in that way.

I leave that for the birds.
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Perhaps you would consider a negative equivalent to the "Thanks" button? You know, an innocuous way to express one's distaste for a particular post that may have been submitted by an individual who has chosen to turn off his or her rep?

I know I don't always feel like replying to a post just to call someone a jackass...

I think a thumbs down alternative to the "Thanks" button is a piss poor substitute for negative rep.
Allowing people to opt out of the rep system and the 48 hour rule are about the worst crap to happen here since I've been here.
If you want to be an asshole, you shouldn't be able to opt out of the only tool members have for letting you know your attempts to humiliate yourself were successful.
Sounds like you really enjoy the ability to neg rep...cherish it even.
Neg reps don't show up on any threads, unless you post it to brag about it in one specific thread, and it's usually the bullies that post the neg reps they get after they've neg repped someone first. When a poster gives you neg rep and then tells you that you are on 48 hour notice, what else would you take it as other than bullying?

If I find a post totally stupid, gross or unnaturally stupid, I usually don't even bother to respond. If I disagree with someone's comment, I debate them and give my reasons and links. I guess if one is incapable of doing that due to lack of intelligence or vocabulary, a neg rep is an easy way out.

Whatever you choose to believe........

Works both ways. Whatever you choose to believe.

Is it just coincidence that some posters have a reputation for giving neg rep? If it was done universally, like pos rep is, the same people wouldn't be singled out as known for giving neg rep.

I would suppose that to certain people I might be known to give negs...I guess those 2 or 3 are just some of the really stupid ones.......
But I am confident that most people give out many many times more positive rep than neg rep.

For instance of my last 50 given reps only 4 were negs. And they were to 4 different people.
Fault me if you will. I give and take where i believe it is fair and just...And not out of spite.
Works both ways. Whatever you choose to believe.

Is it just coincidence that some posters have a reputation for giving neg rep? If it was done universally, like pos rep is, the same people wouldn't be singled out as known for giving neg rep.

Sounds like whining to me. I've been known to neg for whining. Care to test the system?
Perhaps you would consider a negative equivalent to the "Thanks" button? You know, an innocuous way to express one's distaste for a particular post that may have been submitted by an individual who has chosen to turn off his or her rep?

I know I don't always feel like replying to a post just to call someone a jackass...

I think a thumbs down alternative to the "Thanks" button is a piss poor substitute for negative rep.
Allowing people to opt out of the rep system and the 48 hour rule are about the worst crap to happen here since I've been here.
If you want to be an asshole, you shouldn't be able to opt out of the only tool members have for letting you know your attempts to humiliate yourself were successful.
Several of the posters are abusing the opt out program by starting flame OPs in politics, degrading opponents in the OP instead of opening a discussion and asking other people's opinions. It's better to leave a door open for all to post in the OP, imho. They say heinous things instead to ensure a certain response, and there's no way to stop them or even cause them to acknowledge they are abusing the system.

I vote for no opting out. Make people accountable for what they say again. It's the right thing to do. It puts too much pressure on the moderators to have to separate each and every complaint about these bad start threads. That's not fair to anybody.
Whatever you choose to believe........

Works both ways. Whatever you choose to believe.

Is it just coincidence that some posters have a reputation for giving neg rep? If it was done universally, like pos rep is, the same people wouldn't be singled out as known for giving neg rep.

I would suppose that to certain people I might be known to give negs...I guess those 2 or 3 are just some of the really stupid ones.......
But I am confident that most people give out many many times more positive rep than neg rep.

For instance of my last 50 given reps only 4 were negs. And they were to 4 different people.
Fault me if you will. I give and take where i believe it is fair and just...And not out of spite.
That's what I call a responsible use of positive and negative rep. Some people are unacquainted with proper online behaviors at USMB, and those who let them know it are actually their friends. Thanks for a very good post, SFC Ollie. I hate to neg rep also, but occasionally it gets someone's attention who was close to slipping into the troll category. They need to know trolls are lower than snake snot and stop doing it. Fighting with facts is the only way to fly. In my humble opinion, of course.
sand will make glass with enough heat.... it does not require pressure.


Duh me...I was thinking coal.

That is a diamond and can only be made with pressure from a very certain type of person.


Whatever you choose to believe........

Works both ways. Whatever you choose to believe.

Is it just coincidence that some posters have a reputation for giving neg rep? If it was done universally, like pos rep is, the same people wouldn't be singled out as known for giving neg rep.

I would suppose that to certain people I might be known to give negs...I guess those 2 or 3 are just some of the really stupid ones.......
But I am confident that most people give out many many times more positive rep than neg rep.

For instance of my last 50 given reps only 4 were negs. And they were to 4 different people.
Fault me if you will. I give and take where i believe it is fair and just...And not out of spite.

You are probably one of few that uses it the way it was intended, to show your dislike for a post - some just use it as a tool to bully/intimidate. Especially when it is done to a newcomer who then can't get out of the hole.

I only neg rep those that neg rep me first.
Speaking as a relative newbie I have a couple of suggestions that will give us a clearer picture of who we are dealing with for the first time. (Not all of us have been around since Cereal Killer had his 1st papercut. ;))

I like the [No Thanks] button and a corresponding count [No Thanked N times in N posts].

It would be nice to see a total of neg reps given by a poster.

Some of the reputation options;

Argues with Stop signs.
Loses arguments with Stop signs.
Believes that they won the argument with the Stop sign.

Starting your own religion is so yesterday.
Could convert Atheists to their religion.
Owns their own alternative universe.

One more idea but it might not be feasible. Have a dropdown of icons for each post and then if you click on the "thup" that post could have a count of 5 thups. The icons could be extended to cuckoo, lol, confused, link, etc. Sort of instant feedback without having to make another post.

Oh, and can we have a [back to top] option?
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Perhaps you would consider a negative equivalent to the "Thanks" button? You know, an innocuous way to express one's distaste for a particular post that may have been submitted by an individual who has chosen to turn off his or her rep?

I know I don't always feel like replying to a post just to call someone a jackass...

I think a thumbs down alternative to the "Thanks" button is a piss poor substitute for negative rep.
Allowing people to opt out of the rep system and the 48 hour rule are about the worst crap to happen here since I've been here.
If you want to be an asshole, you shouldn't be able to opt out of the only tool members have for letting you know your attempts to humiliate yourself were successful.
Sounds like you really enjoy the ability to neg rep...cherish it even.

Cherish? No. Necessary? Yes. I really wish I didn't feel the need, but it is the only tool the site gives me to show my contempt for the particularly disruptive, dishonest or just plain disgusting members I run across. I suppose I could flame the idiots instead, but many are not worth the effort and sometimes I just don't care to add on topic content to an insult in order to abide by rules for specific areas.

Reputation and rep display are the only indication we have to judge how unfamiliar posters are regarded by their peers. Opting out of the system or turning off rep display are nothing more than a cowardly way of appearing acceptable. Neither should be allowed.
I think a thumbs down alternative to the "Thanks" button is a piss poor substitute for negative rep.
Allowing people to opt out of the rep system and the 48 hour rule are about the worst crap to happen here since I've been here.
If you want to be an asshole, you shouldn't be able to opt out of the only tool members have for letting you know your attempts to humiliate yourself were successful.
Sounds like you really enjoy the ability to neg rep...cherish it even.

Cherish? No. Necessary? Yes. I really wish I didn't feel the need, but it is the only tool the site gives me to show my contempt for the particularly disruptive, dishonest or just plain disgusting members I run across. I suppose I could flame the idiots instead, but many are not worth the effort and sometimes I just don't care to add on topic content to an insult in order to abide by rules for specific areas.

Reputation and rep display are the only indication we have to judge how unfamiliar posters are regarded by their peers. Opting out of the system or turning off rep display are nothing more than a cowardly way of appearing acceptable. Neither should be allowed.

I agree with Ernie that it is a limited tool at best and opting out further reduces the effectiveness of the tool. So perhaps there is a penalty for opting out such as a posting limit of just 5/day for those who opt out.

Since the only real measure of anyone's "worth" in these forums is credibility it might be worthwhile trying to come up with a credibility index of some sort. Yes, there are always those who will try to game it but it might be worth considering.
I use the thanks and can not quite figure out the others ... Time as a member and posts might be given more emphasis for the medals as well.

Back to the Top for sure.

I think everyone should have to be subject to getting rep. There can be punishment, like taking all or part for inappropriate use of rep. But no one should get to opt out and then run rampant all over the forum giving the rest of us hell. Everyone should have to take their licks. I know I take mine. It would make for fewer trolls if everyone had to.

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So I'd be a school board member, nah. "God made the Idiot for practice, and then He made the School Board," Mark Twain. And our congress today is made up of mostly buffoons.

PS starting your own religion is a bit hyperbolic and for some maybe disrespectful?

Ha ha. You raise a very good point. People who have started their own religions;


(Note, that last one is the one that the world's elites are into, including much of the European Aristocracy and the Rothschild family. I shit you not. :lol: )

Personally, I have felt, that people that have a very HIGH rep. have either been on the forum a very long time, and/or spend a lot of time on here. Or they tend to have a mind that is an echo chamber. This means they repeat an establishment point of view. So naturally they are going to get lots of rep. points with people who watch/listen/ and read the same MSM points of partisan position pieces as they do.

But if we don't have citizens that are well educated, that seek to look beyond the corporate media, beyond the story they are fed, the story that the establishment wishes the citizenry to accept, how will the republic survive the predations of the elites?

On the other hand, I am not necessarily inclined to admire those whose mission it is to just piss off anyone and everyone they can. These radicals and reactionaries find no pleasure in taking seriously any compromise with those who SERIOUSLY wish to find the truth and facts behind the events of our day.

I like the;
I think 5000 and above should be "Hung Like Bull" or "Attention Whore" or "Dances With Bikers".
After all, if you don't make any enemies, you sure as hell aren't doing a good job around here. So there Should be a little tongue in cheek ribbing for those who get up too high.

Unless of course, you have been here SO long, and you spend all your time on here. How can you help not get too high? Not only that, if you spend all your time posting awesome music, jokes, and human interest posts, well, then, of course you are going to have high rep.

But let's not forget what good 'ol Churchill said. You don't get unbelievable high rep. without making enemies, and you don't make enemies w/o taking a stand.


And for those who get -5000 and below, well, let's face it, they have the attitude of a Honey Badger. Not that this is bad. Why do people view negative rep. so bad? There are some people on this board, I expect them to be so low brow, they are itching to use that neg. rep. function. And others, no matter how heated I get into it with them, they are so completely above using it, I know that it won't come, I'd be honored if I could get it out of them, but it would never happen. I get ashamed of myself when I lose my temper. lol I know then it was just a dishonest attempt to try to get a neg. out of them. :lol:
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