USMB Official 2020 Debate Thread -- Round 2..

Somebody said these were sitting on the moderator's chair after she left.


I don't even know what they are.
Put away your toys, this isn't the time, nor the place for that sort of thing.

Self-professed rightwing conservatives are such perverts!

No wonder you guys love Rudy "Public Touch" Giuliani so much.


Trump’s Debate Hail Mary: Lie After Brazen, Incoherent Lie

Looking to turn around a trailing campaign, President Donald Trump dug deep, chilled out and threw a bunch of garbage at the wall, hoping at least some of it would stick.


I was surprised that Trump continued to tell so many lies tonight. I thought he would be a little more careful, honest and truthful in this final debate. I was wrong...
The thing that got me was all the talk from Biden about how he wants to spend money on this and money on that, Green New Deal, don't send druggies to prison send them to treatment, get back into the Paris Accords, etc. Where the hell is the money going to come from to do all that spending? Raising taxes on the rich and big corps is just a drop in the bucket compared to everything he wants to do. Not that Trump is all that fiscally conservative either, but IMHO the Dems are bat-shit crazy to push for all these programs and policies.
Where Biden really hurt himself is when he stated he wanted the U.S. to move away from the oil standard...

America is a major exporter of oil especially diesel, so the move would be impossible by 2025...

Also Biden failure to understand cost to convert from one source of energy to the next.

Also Biden need to understand that China does not play by anyone rules but their own!

North Korea is their ( China ) mini-me and Biden plan will just make North Korea more rogue and China will use them to make the Asia Region more unstable...

Finally, Trump hurt Biden with the reality that Biden has done little and the fact is Biden admitted he made too many mistakes in the past and I believe this debate hurt Biden and Biden is lucky this is the final debate because had this been the first one Biden would be losing in the polls...
So basically you're confessing that he was whooping up on Trump's ass all night, but slipped and bumped his head at the end w/that unfortunate statement, right?
Anyone notice that Trump had that phony presser info from Hunter's x-biz partner memorized?
It wasn't phony. It involves THREE phones WITH RECORDS that will be turned over to the FBI.

The Biden Crime Family is falling apart at the seams....all because of a goddamned crackhead, pedophile Hunter Biden.

Joe Biden is toast!
Phony? For sure!
Sounds so pre-aranged for Trump to be so informed about it.
You think neither he nor his team watched the Lt.? You're naive to a fault!

Not only that, what he said at the news presser has been said all day long on Fox.
How'd you guys like the way Biden led off with "this should not be about fear" implicating Trump. Biden said it was for something else, I don't remember, it doesn't matter what he says, it's all BS anyway.

Then Biden went on to use fear tactics THROUGHOUT the entire debate like the crooked seasoned politician he was, with the mumbling, fumbling, forgetfulness etc. for what he is today. That's the guy the PROGS put up to beat the most capable POTUS in our history.

You're done PROGS, you fucked up four years running, not a thing right or well. Just a big splash of no integrity.

I'm happy to know Trump gets four more, your clowns are done. Let's hope for the country the democrats lose congress as well, BIGLY.
Biden will shut down the oil industry!!!!! OMG!!!! Ha ha ha ha ha is Texas still going blue?

Difference between shutting down the oil industry, which is just a bizarre concept that nobody wants, and transitioning to a more sustainable energy source.
The DemNazi Platform, and the inspiration from it, The UN Agenda 2030 and their Sustainable Development Goals.....

Not only calls for Depopulation of 6 Billion yah going to do that? Kill them with War, Pestilence and Famine.......

But it also calls for The Abolishing of all Hydrocarbon fuels.

The most poor of the poor rely on Hydrocarbon fuels to heat their homes and cook their food.

So why do they want to eliminate Hydrocarbon Fuels?

They have to kill 6 Billion People, starve them to death, freeze them to death and kill them by any means possible. Abortion, Euthanasia, Depopulation, Rationed Healthcare, Rationed Resources, Relocation. It is ALL PART OF THE SAME PLAN!

This is not a conspiracy. It is in their literature in black and white.


Democrats and The UN believe in creating a GLOBAL HOLOCAUST because they think The Planet has a Fever and Humans are The Virus.

They have to kill 6 Billion People to reach their goals.

That means they have to kill you, and they have to kill me.

When do they want to have this started? 2030 UN Agenda 2030.

Sorry buddy, but I'm just not in the mood for that tinfoil hat shit tonight.
What tinfoil shit are you in the mood for?

Not his.
LOL well how about the laptop? Roh roh
How'd you guys like the way Biden led off with "this should not be about fear" implicating Trump. Biden said it was for something else, I don't remember, it doesn't matter what he says, it's all BS anyway.

Then Biden went on to use fear tactics THROUGHOUT the entire debate like the crooked seasoned politician he was, with the mumbling, fumbling, forgetfulness etc. for what he is today. That's the guy the PROGS put up to beat the most capable POTUS in our history.

You're done PROGS, you fucked up four years running, not a thing right or well. Just a big splash of no integrity.

I'm happy to know Trump gets four more, your clowns are done. Let's hope for the country the democrats lose congress as well, BIGLY.
I guarantee that Trump and every Trump supporter will complain about the moderator. That's all they do. Every. Single. Time.
The moderator could have asked about guns, but didn’t. As usual, it was 2 to 1 against President Trump. She was not so blatantly biased as Wallace was.

LoL. You guys whine nonstop about the moderators.

Tonight's was sad.

Trump overcame the twit though

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