USMC vet claims PTSD and demands "right" to have pet dog with him at work.

NIMH » Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

How did we become such a weak and ineffective people?
How did you become such a hateful person?

Why do some people develop PTSD and other people do not?
It is important to remember that not everyone who lives through a dangerous event develops PTSD. In fact, most people will not develop the disorder.

Many factors play a part in whether a person will develop PTSD. Some examples are listed below. Risk factors make a person more likely to develop PTSD. Other factors, called resilience factors, can help reduce the risk of the disorder.

Risk Factors and Resilience Factors for PTSD
Some factors that increase risk for PTSD include:

  • Living through dangerous events and traumas
  • Getting hurt
  • Seeing another person hurt, or seeing a dead body
  • Childhood trauma
  • Feeling horror, helplessness, or extreme fear
  • Having little or no social support after the event
  • Dealing with extra stress after the event, such as loss of a loved one, pain and injury, or loss of a job or home
  • Having a history of mental illness or substance abuse
Some resilience factors that may reduce the risk of PTSD include:

  • Seeking out support from other people, such as friends and family
  • Finding a support group after a traumatic event
  • Learning to feel good about one’s own actions in the face of danger
  • Having a positive coping strategy, or a way of getting through the bad event and learning from it
  • Being able to act and respond effectively despite feeling fear
Researchers are studying the importance of these and other risk and resilience factors, including genetics and neurobiology. With more research, someday it may be possible to predict who is likely to develop PTSD and to prevent it.
Prevent PTSD grow a spine.

Gads you are so gullible. Do you cry at sad movies too?

Yes- I am 'gullible'- in that I believe veterans who have been harmed in combat- and not a bitter old asshole like you.
Ohhh harmed in combat.

Well that let's the dog lover out. He was a counter intelligence officer. Did his desk shoot at him?

If someone is harmed they don't have to make up PTSD.

Maybe like John Kerry, he got a paper cut.
You are a miserable person.
I'm quite happy. You are miserable just thinking about it. I won't fall for the cry babies. You needed a box of tissues for The Notebook.
I don't think you are real. To have been through what you have claimed you would have to be more experienced with life and the troubles they present. I understand you know nothing of war and the fear of death or the pain from taking another's life. I got through my problems with very few difficulties but I know of many that suffer. Perhaps you just don't like anyone that served in the military.
You are a miserable person.
I'm quite happy. You are miserable just thinking about it. I won't fall for the cry babies. You needed a box of tissues for The Notebook.
I don't think you are real. To have been through what you have claimed you would have to be more experienced with life and the troubles they present. I understand you know nothing of war and the fear of death or the pain from taking another's life. I got through my problems with very few difficulties but I know of many that suffer. Perhaps you just don't like anyone that served in the military.
Are you suggesting that everyone who served in the military now hides under the bed clutching a puppy?

I don't like weakness. It is a shame that our military has members the come out fearful. Perhaps the fault has been a societal movement to emasculate men all together. Get them in touch with their sensitive side.
Ohhh harmed in combat.

Well that let's the dog lover out. He was a counter intelligence officer. Did his desk shoot at him?

Yauncey worked in counterintelligence for the Marine Corps for ten years and served in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He was awarded a Purple Heart for wounds he obtained during combat.

So far you have been wrong about everything you have posted.

You claimed Alzheimer's is not a mental illness- you were ignorant- and wrong.
You claimed that Alzheimer's is diagnoses with simple physical tests- you were ignorant- and wrong.
And now you claimed that this veteran didn't get wounded in combat.

Why the hell do you hate our veterans so much?
You are a miserable person.
I'm quite happy. You are miserable just thinking about it. I won't fall for the cry babies. You needed a box of tissues for The Notebook.
I don't think you are real. To have been through what you have claimed you would have to be more experienced with life and the troubles they present. I understand you know nothing of war and the fear of death or the pain from taking another's life. I got through my problems with very few difficulties but I know of many that suffer. Perhaps you just don't like anyone that served in the military.

I don't like weakness. .

From what i have seen- you really don't like anything.

Or anyone.

Just a bitter asshole who is pissed off at everyone.
You are a miserable person.
I'm quite happy. You are miserable just thinking about it. I won't fall for the cry babies. You needed a box of tissues for The Notebook.
I don't think you are real. To have been through what you have claimed you would have to be more experienced with life and the troubles they present. I understand you know nothing of war and the fear of death or the pain from taking another's life. I got through my problems with very few difficulties but I know of many that suffer. Perhaps you just don't like anyone that served in the military.

I don't like weakness. .

From what i have seen- you really don't like anything.

Or anyone.

Just a bitter asshole who is pissed off at everyone.
Well, you know....there's gonna be people staying at work, going on vacation, getting their nails done, shopping online for insurance....rather than going to her funeral.
Hell with these idiots who try and bring their pets to work with them.

USMC Vet: Employer Won't Let Me Come to Work With PTSD Service Dog

july 8 2017 A United States Marine Corps veteran who suffers from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder said his employer won't let him come to work with his service dog.

Yauncey Long said Cincinnati Bell, a Midwest telecom company, refused to let him work in the company of his service dog, C4.

Long said he's gotten pushback from the company, including "unsatisfactory" responses from management, after he applied for reasonable accommodations.

why would you resent a vet with PTSD who got screwed up in wartime?
He and John Kerry can compare war wounds.

It's a shame this sob sister got his feelings hurt. He should pull up his pants and get on with his life rather then clutching his puppy.
What service dogs do to help people. What Lego is doing for this boy other service dogs do for our military folks who have been thru unspeakable events.

The history of mankind is bloody, brutal, wars. Today, humanity is subject to innumerable mental and emotional assaults. It comes down, always, to the individual standing up, finding a wellspring of intestinal fortitude and going on with their lives. Some people overeat or drink. They must stop. No one is going to do it for them.

I just don't believe that PTSD is a real condition. It's an excuse. It's the last emotional straw to cling to. But, assuming there is such a thing, like hoarding, compulsive handwashing or any other weakness of the spirit, you grit your teeth and white knuckle through. There is nothing wrong with having a dog or loving your dog. I have a dog. What happens when the dog fails? Is it your fault or the dog's?
The history of mankind is bloody, brutal, wars. Today, humanity is subject to innumerable mental and emotional assaults. It comes down, always, to the individual standing up, finding a wellspring of intestinal fortitude and going on with their lives. Some people overeat or drink. They must stop. No one is going to do it for them.

I just don't believe that PTSD is a real condition. It's an excuse. It's the last emotional straw to cling to. But, assuming there is such a thing, like hoarding, compulsive handwashing or any other weakness of the spirit, you grit your teeth and white knuckle through. There is nothing wrong with having a dog or loving your dog. I have a dog. What happens when the dog fails? Is it your fault or the dog's?
I'd rather help someone who needs an "excuse" for what combat did to them while in the service of our country....than listen to someone who has excuses for NEVER serving our country.
The history of mankind is bloody, brutal, wars. Today, humanity is subject to innumerable mental and emotional assaults. It comes down, always, to the individual standing up, finding a wellspring of intestinal fortitude and going on with their lives. Some people overeat or drink. They must stop. No one is going to do it for them.

I just don't believe that PTSD is a real condition. It's an excuse. It's the last emotional straw to cling to. But, assuming there is such a thing, like hoarding, compulsive handwashing or any other weakness of the spirit, you grit your teeth and white knuckle through. There is nothing wrong with having a dog or loving your dog. I have a dog. What happens when the dog fails? Is it your fault or the dog's?
I'd rather help someone who needs an "excuse" for what combat did to them while in the service of our country....than listen to someone who has excuses for NEVER serving our country.
Then go, be an enabler.
The history of mankind is bloody, brutal, wars. Today, humanity is subject to innumerable mental and emotional assaults. It comes down, always, to the individual standing up, finding a wellspring of intestinal fortitude and going on with their lives. Some people overeat or drink. They must stop. No one is going to do it for them.

I just don't believe that PTSD is a real condition. It's an excuse. It's the last emotional straw to cling to. But, assuming there is such a thing, like hoarding, compulsive handwashing or any other weakness of the spirit, you grit your teeth and white knuckle through. There is nothing wrong with having a dog or loving your dog. I have a dog. What happens when the dog fails? Is it your fault or the dog's?
I'd rather help someone who needs an "excuse" for what combat did to them while in the service of our country....than listen to someone who has excuses for NEVER serving our country.
Then go, be an enabler.
So...what's your excuse for never having served your country? What's your excuse for whining about those who have served and have come back less than perfect?
The history of mankind is bloody, brutal, wars. Today, humanity is subject to innumerable mental and emotional assaults. It comes down, always, to the individual standing up, finding a wellspring of intestinal fortitude and going on with their lives. Some people overeat or drink. They must stop. No one is going to do it for them.

I just don't believe that PTSD is a real condition. It's an excuse. It's the last emotional straw to cling to. But, assuming there is such a thing, like hoarding, compulsive handwashing or any other weakness of the spirit, you grit your teeth and white knuckle through. There is nothing wrong with having a dog or loving your dog. I have a dog. What happens when the dog fails? Is it your fault or the dog's?
I'd rather help someone who needs an "excuse" for what combat did to them while in the service of our country....than listen to someone who has excuses for NEVER serving our country.
Then go, be an enabler.
So...what's your excuse for never having served your country? What's your excuse for whining about those who have served and have come back less than perfect?
I assumed that I was not psychologically suited for the military. Not a team player.

They served, came back less than perfect and returned to infantilism. What happened between the men who fought and won wars far more bloody than these and the men of today? What happened?

The dog did nothing more than interrupt. Someone saying "knock this shit off " would serve the same purpose. Him, the man himself, could do the same thing.
The history of mankind is bloody, brutal, wars. Today, humanity is subject to innumerable mental and emotional assaults. It comes down, always, to the individual standing up, finding a wellspring of intestinal fortitude and going on with their lives. Some people overeat or drink. They must stop. No one is going to do it for them.

I just don't believe that PTSD is a real condition. It's an excuse. It's the last emotional straw to cling to. But, assuming there is such a thing, like hoarding, compulsive handwashing or any other weakness of the spirit, you grit your teeth and white knuckle through. There is nothing wrong with having a dog or loving your dog. I have a dog. What happens when the dog fails? Is it your fault or the dog's?
I'd rather help someone who needs an "excuse" for what combat did to them while in the service of our country....than listen to someone who has excuses for NEVER serving our country.
Then go, be an enabler.
So...what's your excuse for never having served your country? What's your excuse for whining about those who have served and have come back less than perfect?
I assumed that I was not psychologically suited for the military. Not a team player.

They served, came back less than perfect and returned to infantilism. What happened between the men who fought and won wars far more bloody than these and the men of today? What happened?

The dog did nothing more than interrupt. Someone saying "knock this shit off " would serve the same purpose. Him, the man himself, could do the same thing.
So that's your excuse.....I give it a ton less weight than any servicemember who comes back and needs help.

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