USMC vet claims PTSD and demands "right" to have pet dog with him at work.

Look this guy up. He was a counter intelligence officer. A desk jockey.

He went to the doctor with his list of symptoms in hand. Easily available on the Internet and got his diagnosis. It's not like there are tests that can confirm what he claims.

So that's one person. Even if he's a charlatan, he's not a representative sample size to draw conclusions about PTSD.'ve not heard of shell shock.
Shell shock was given to men under prolonged bombardment. It was used to describe cowardice or malingering. Many men came back from the war, held it together and went on with their lives. Did they too have shell shock? Maybe they did. Maybe they just put some starch in their backbone and went on.

Meet the 91-year-old whose wartime PTSD makes him the perfect guide for today’s veterans

The vets I meet are surprised to learn I’m a weightlifter who does interval training on the treadmill and that I can make it through a conversation without nodding off. I tell them how PTSD has affected me: I avoid elevators, crowds and July 4th fireworks; I’m claustrophobic from the 12 days I spent in a lightless cell at the Luftwaffe interrogation center in Germany, and I won’t fly unless I have an aisle seat.

Survivor’s guilt is still my strongest stressor. I make them privy to my emotional baggage to show them that they are not unique or weird. I tell them about my bombing missions with the Eighth Air Force during WWII and the day that my B-17 exploded over Berlin. How I am plagued with guilt over the loss of four of my crewmates that day. What it was like being a POW for a year and how exhilarating it was to see Patton lead his troops through the barbed wire gates of our Stalag to liberate us.

I also tell them that I have been an out patient at the hospital for more than 25 years and that the care I received has changed my life.
This should be required reading in every high school.

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Really? Reading about an alcoholic who ended up committing suicide should be required reading. Maybe so.
I have no issue with kids learning about alcohol and drug abuse. Why do you hate the handicapped?
I don't consider claims of PTSD a handicap. I consider it an excuse. I don't hate them. I consider them weak.
Ever talk to someone going on their fifth tour in Iraq? I have.
Yes I have. I have spoken at length to men that fought in Viet Nam as well as assorted gang bangers, killers, and general all around bad guys who never seem to get PTSD. PTSD is unknown among the cartels, the Mafia and even the Irish gangs don't get PTSD.

Historically wars were bloody affairs. The fighting was up close and personal. When the war was over, the men went home and led remarkable lives..

I don't believe you have ever actually talked to anyone.

Frankly you are an idiot. An uninformed idiot. No- sorry- you are an uninformed asshole.

One who is pissing on our veterans just because you don't believe mental illness is real.

Not a surprise from someone who finds joy in in the idea of ISIS murdering gays.
My limit is that once I knew my husband was dying, I couldn't just go to work. I couldn't do my routine. He was who I focused on, until he took his last breath.

Anyone who thought I wasn't where I should have been can go to hell.

By the time my husband was dying I had already closed the law office and opened the dog grooming shop. I moved him into the back room where I could take care of him and work too. He needed 24/7 care. I had to work so I did. Suck it up buttercup. No one wants to hear about the wound care or diapers you got going on. When he went in the hospital I shuttled back and forth. I had bathers, techs, they needed the money I paid them. Suck it up, pull your pants up someone has a baby to feed and it ain't you. No one wants to hear your sob story.
For the most part this country sends their children to war. I know nothing of you but I assume you are older and have viewed death. In many cases these veterans see death for the first time in war and you have no idea as I am sure the low-ness you feel when you take another life. You feel a way that you can not explain that you feel will never go away. I was 20 when I was sent to Vietnam as a Marine. I was lucky that I had a helpful family and was able to make a good life for me and my family. I went back to school, got married, and got a decent job. You must be aware that war changes a person for ever. Yes there are some phonies but right thinking people will be patient and help those that have been through these horrible things.
Life means that horrible things will happen. Most people will see something ugly at some point.

It's the people that claim all these emotional illnesses and breaks with reality that should not be catered to.

Why did you take care of your husbands wounds or change his diapers?

Why didn't you just let him take care of himself? Why were you 'catering' to his illness?
A claim of mental instability is not a handicap.


Why is a 'claim of mental incapacity' not as real as any other claim of a handicap?

Or do you believe if you can't see a missing limb that there must not be a handicap?
A claim of mental incapacity is not a handicap because it only exists in your head. You go on. Bad things happen and you pick up and go on asking nothing from anyone. The only appropriate answer is "Get over yourself".
My limit is that once I knew my husband was dying, I couldn't just go to work. I couldn't do my routine. He was who I focused on, until he took his last breath.

Anyone who thought I wasn't where I should have been can go to hell.

By the time my husband was dying I had already closed the law office and opened the dog grooming shop. I moved him into the back room where I could take care of him and work too. He needed 24/7 care. I had to work so I did. Suck it up buttercup. No one wants to hear about the wound care or diapers you got going on. When he went in the hospital I shuttled back and forth. I had bathers, techs, they needed the money I paid them. Suck it up, pull your pants up someone has a baby to feed and it ain't you. No one wants to hear your sob story.
For the most part this country sends their children to war. I know nothing of you but I assume you are older and have viewed death. In many cases these veterans see death for the first time in war and you have no idea as I am sure the low-ness you feel when you take another life. You feel a way that you can not explain that you feel will never go away. I was 20 when I was sent to Vietnam as a Marine. I was lucky that I had a helpful family and was able to make a good life for me and my family. I went back to school, got married, and got a decent job. You must be aware that war changes a person for ever. Yes there are some phonies but right thinking people will be patient and help those that have been through these horrible things.
Life means that horrible things will happen. Most people will see something ugly at some point.

It's the people that claim all these emotional illnesses and breaks with reality that should not be catered to.

Why did you take care of your husbands wounds or change his diapers?

Why didn't you just let him take care of himself? Why were you 'catering' to his illness?
Because he was desperately ill and dying. If he claimed PTSD and was too afraid to go to the toilet, I would have let him lay there.
My limit is that once I knew my husband was dying, I couldn't just go to work. I couldn't do my routine. He was who I focused on, until he took his last breath.

Anyone who thought I wasn't where I should have been can go to hell.

By the time my husband was dying I had already closed the law office and opened the dog grooming shop. I moved him into the back room where I could take care of him and work too. He needed 24/7 care. I had to work so I did. Suck it up buttercup. No one wants to hear about the wound care or diapers you got going on. When he went in the hospital I shuttled back and forth. I had bathers, techs, they needed the money I paid them. Suck it up, pull your pants up someone has a baby to feed and it ain't you. No one wants to hear your sob story.
For the most part this country sends their children to war. I know nothing of you but I assume you are older and have viewed death. In many cases these veterans see death for the first time in war and you have no idea as I am sure the low-ness you feel when you take another life. You feel a way that you can not explain that you feel will never go away. I was 20 when I was sent to Vietnam as a Marine. I was lucky that I had a helpful family and was able to make a good life for me and my family. I went back to school, got married, and got a decent job. You must be aware that war changes a person for ever. Yes there are some phonies but right thinking people will be patient and help those that have been through these horrible things.
Life means that horrible things will happen. Most people will see something ugly at some point.

It's the people that claim all these emotional illnesses and breaks with reality that should not be catered to.

Why did you take care of your husbands wounds or change his diapers?

Why didn't you just let him take care of himself? Why were you 'catering' to his illness?
Because he was desperately ill and dying. If he claimed PTSD and was too afraid to go to the toilet, I would have let him lay there.

Sigh- as much of an asshole as you are, I don't have it in me to pursue this- I am sorry for your loss- I am sorry you are such an asshole.
A claim of mental instability is not a handicap.


Why is a 'claim of mental incapacity' not as real as any other claim of a handicap?

Or do you believe if you can't see a missing limb that there must not be a handicap?
A claim of mental incapacity is not a handicap because it only exists in your head. You go on. Bad things happen and you pick up and go on asking nothing from anyone. The only appropriate answer is "Get over yourself".

'it only exists in your head'.

Wow. I so would like to be able to tell my mother in law with Alzheimer's that it just exists in her head- that she just needs to 'Get over yourself'- and have her be able to remember my wife. Or how to use a toilet.

But this is not a surprise coming from the person who admires ISIS for killing gays.
I had an acquaintence who has since passed. She was in Berlin when the Allies bombed. Every time she saw fireworks it reminded her of being a terrified child and her world exploding around her. Bodies and parts of bodies everywhere. Her mother still alive crushed under a fallen build.

She never even avoided fireworks. She enjoyed the 4th of July. She did wince a time or two.

The difference is, a broken leg is the broken leg for everyone. PTSD is whatever you want it to be.
A claim of mental instability is not a handicap.


Why is a 'claim of mental incapacity' not as real as any other claim of a handicap?

Or do you believe if you can't see a missing limb that there must not be a handicap?
A claim of mental incapacity is not a handicap because it only exists in your head. You go on. Bad things happen and you pick up and go on asking nothing from anyone. The only appropriate answer is "Get over yourself".

'it only exists in your head'.

Wow. I so would like to be able to tell my mother in law with Alzheimer's that it just exists in her head- that she just needs to 'Get over yourself'- and have her be able to remember my wife. Or how to use a toilet.

But this is not a surprise coming from the person who admires ISIS for killing gays.
Alzheimers is not a mental illness. Brain tumors are not mental illnesses.
I had an acquaintence who has since passed. She was in Berlin when the Allies bombed. Every time she saw fireworks it reminded her of being a terrified child and her world exploding around her. Bodies and parts of bodies everywhere. Her mother still alive crushed under a fallen build.

She never even avoided fireworks. She enjoyed the 4th of July. She did wince a time or two.

The difference is, a broken leg is the broken leg for everyone. PTSD is whatever you want it to be.

You simply don't understand mental illness.

Your friend wincing was a symptom. There are degrees of illness- there are different stages of cancer and different degrees of heart disease. There's also mental illness degrees that are livable, but still symptomatic, and levels that are debilitating.

People are not cars. There are many factors that go into our health, and so there's a vast array of illnesses we can suffer - and within each illness, a vast range of severity.
You go on. Whatever it is you go on. You pick yourself up and go on.

It doesn't mean bad things never happen it means that you grow a spine and get over it. Not that every one and their brother in law has to accommodate your feelings.
You go on. Whatever it is you go on. You pick yourself up and go on.

It doesn't mean bad things never happen it means that you grow a spine and get over it. Not that every one and their brother in law has to accommodate your feelings.

You have a severe misunderstanding of mental illness.

Yeah, you go on. But if you're miserable going on, it wears you down some more. So you ask for help in order to go on more effectively, and maybe with a bit more enjoyment of life.

Otherwise, you begin doing the things that you think people "excuse" with mental illness. Things like hurting your loved ones, drinking, withdrawing from society.

You don't have to "believe" it; it's there whether you do or not. And I can't help but notice that you are one miserable person on here.
You go on. Whatever it is you go on. You pick yourself up and go on.

It doesn't mean bad things never happen it means that you grow a spine and get over it. Not that every one and their brother in law has to accommodate your feelings.

You have a severe misunderstanding of mental illness.

Yeah, you go on. But if you're miserable going on, it wears you down some more. So you ask for help in order to go on more effectively, and maybe with a bit more enjoyment of life.

Otherwise, you begin doing the things that you think people "excuse" with mental illness. Things like hurting your loved ones, drinking, withdrawing from society.

You don't have to "believe" it; it's there whether you do or not. And I can't help but notice that you are one miserable person on here.

Why would anyone want to accommodate someone who survives by demanding pity?

Forcing someone to sit up straight does not make me miserable. I assure you.
You go on. Whatever it is you go on. You pick yourself up and go on.

It doesn't mean bad things never happen it means that you grow a spine and get over it. Not that every one and their brother in law has to accommodate your feelings.

You have a severe misunderstanding of mental illness.

Yeah, you go on. But if you're miserable going on, it wears you down some more. So you ask for help in order to go on more effectively, and maybe with a bit more enjoyment of life.

Otherwise, you begin doing the things that you think people "excuse" with mental illness. Things like hurting your loved ones, drinking, withdrawing from society.

You don't have to "believe" it; it's there whether you do or not. And I can't help but notice that you are one miserable person on here.

Why would anyone want to accommodate someone who survives by demanding pity?

Forcing someone to sit up straight does not make me miserable. I assure you.

No one is demanding pity. People with mental illness want treatment.
You go on. Whatever it is you go on. You pick yourself up and go on.

It doesn't mean bad things never happen it means that you grow a spine and get over it. Not that every one and their brother in law has to accommodate your feelings.

You have a severe misunderstanding of mental illness.

Yeah, you go on. But if you're miserable going on, it wears you down some more. So you ask for help in order to go on more effectively, and maybe with a bit more enjoyment of life.

Otherwise, you begin doing the things that you think people "excuse" with mental illness. Things like hurting your loved ones, drinking, withdrawing from society.

You don't have to "believe" it; it's there whether you do or not. And I can't help but notice that you are one miserable person on here.

Why would anyone want to accommodate someone who survives by demanding pity?

Forcing someone to sit up straight does not make me miserable. I assure you.

No one is demanding pity. People with mental illness want treatment.
Then you take away the emotional crutches and treat them. No therapy dogs, no accommodation. They can gripe about losing a Call of Duty game to their therapist who is milking the phony illness for all its worth.
You go on. Whatever it is you go on. You pick yourself up and go on.

It doesn't mean bad things never happen it means that you grow a spine and get over it. Not that every one and their brother in law has to accommodate your feelings.

You have a severe misunderstanding of mental illness.

Yeah, you go on. But if you're miserable going on, it wears you down some more. So you ask for help in order to go on more effectively, and maybe with a bit more enjoyment of life.

Otherwise, you begin doing the things that you think people "excuse" with mental illness. Things like hurting your loved ones, drinking, withdrawing from society.

You don't have to "believe" it; it's there whether you do or not. And I can't help but notice that you are one miserable person on here.

Why would anyone want to accommodate someone who survives by demanding pity?

Forcing someone to sit up straight does not make me miserable. I assure you.

No one is demanding pity. People with mental illness want treatment.
Then you take away the emotional crutches and treat them. No therapy dogs, no accommodation. They can gripe about losing a Call of Duty game to their therapist who is milking the phony illness for all its worth.

Treat them how?

That's for the doctor to decide. If they think the patient needs a dog, that's the treatment. If they need a pill, or to talk, that's the treatment.
there is NO special class in American society though it looks like you emotion driven people are intent on establihing SPECIAL classes in the USA Syriusly .

Again- you are of course entitled to your opinion.

In my opinion, those who have volunteered to serve and defend our country deserve respect and admiration for their service.

And our country generally agrees- since we have an entire Veteran's Administration devoted to them.

We also have laws that provide specific benefits to honor veterans- from home loans to job protections.

I think we should encourage those who may choose to volunteer to defend our country- by honoring those who have done already done so.
---------------------------------------------- issue here is a 'ptsd'er' forcing a private business owner to give up some of his RIGHTS and not about home loans or anything else Syriusly . As I have said in this thread , this ptsd'er was a volunteer and was a paid volunteer same as my Dad and 2 Uncles were during ww2 . My DAD and Uncle fought the war and came home and got jobs , raised a family , paid taxes and they never infringed on the RIGHTS of a private business owner like this ptsd'er wants to do Syriusly . At best , this is a place where CHARITY and a Favor 'could' be extended by the private business owner if he wants to do the ptsd'er a favor Syriusly .
You go on. Whatever it is you go on. You pick yourself up and go on.

It doesn't mean bad things never happen it means that you grow a spine and get over it. Not that every one and their brother in law has to accommodate your feelings.

You have a severe misunderstanding of mental illness.

Yeah, you go on. But if you're miserable going on, it wears you down some more. So you ask for help in order to go on more effectively, and maybe with a bit more enjoyment of life.

Otherwise, you begin doing the things that you think people "excuse" with mental illness. Things like hurting your loved ones, drinking, withdrawing from society.

You don't have to "believe" it; it's there whether you do or not. And I can't help but notice that you are one miserable person on here.

Why would anyone want to accommodate someone who survives by demanding pity?

Forcing someone to sit up straight does not make me miserable. I assure you.

No one is demanding pity. People with mental illness want treatment.
Then you take away the emotional crutches and treat them. No therapy dogs, no accommodation. They can gripe about losing a Call of Duty game to their therapist who is milking the phony illness for all its worth.

Treat them how?

That's for the doctor to decide. If they think the patient needs a dog, that's the treatment. If they need a pill, or to talk, that's the treatment.
Ohh so giving in is the treatment! Agreeing that they are weak and spineless is the treatment. Okay. If that's what you want to do. Don't expect everyone to give in.

Telling these sob sisters to knock it off will do more for their treatment than feeling their pain.
This isn't a left-right issue.

No one goes to the doctor and simply announces PTSD or any other illness. They tell the doctor their symptoms and it's up to the doc to make a diagnosis.
---------------------------------------------------- people lie all the time and about everything . Latest case is probably that Hawaiian soldier 'ikakia' that joined up with Islamic state , isis . Yesterday the 'ikakia' Father was on the news talking about his terrorist son possibly having 'ptsd' RC .

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