USMC vet claims PTSD and demands "right" to have pet dog with him at work.

My limit is that once I knew my husband was dying, I couldn't just go to work. I couldn't do my routine. He was who I focused on, until he took his last breath.

Anyone who thought I wasn't where I should have been can go to hell.

By the time my husband was dying I had already closed the law office and opened the dog grooming shop. I moved him into the back room where I could take care of him and work too. He needed 24/7 care. I had to work so I did. Suck it up buttercup. No one wants to hear about the wound care or diapers you got going on. When he went in the hospital I shuttled back and forth. I had bathers, techs, they needed the money I paid them. Suck it up, pull your pants up someone has a baby to feed and it ain't you. No one wants to hear your sob story.
For the most part this country sends their children to war. I know nothing of you but I assume you are older and have viewed death. In many cases these veterans see death for the first time in war and you have no idea as I am sure the low-ness you feel when you take another life. You feel a way that you can not explain that you feel will never go away. I was 20 when I was sent to Vietnam as a Marine. I was lucky that I had a helpful family and was able to make a good life for me and my family. I went back to school, got married, and got a decent job. You must be aware that war changes a person for ever. Yes there are some phonies but right thinking people will be patient and help those that have been through these horrible things.
Life means that horrible things will happen. Most people will see something ugly at some point.

It's the people that claim all these emotional illnesses and breaks with reality that should not be catered to.

They should be allowed to stay broken and suffer?

And what about people with physical ailments? Is treatment "catering" to them?
Those who are suffering from made up emotional maladies aren't broken. They are weak. When they get a spine they will no longer be suffering. They want a binkie. A binkie in a bottle, a blunt binkie, a binkie pill, in this case a furry binkie.

And the diabetic needs an insulin binky. A cancer patient needs chemotherapy binky.

We all need something at some time.
My limit is that once I knew my husband was dying, I couldn't just go to work. I couldn't do my routine. He was who I focused on, until he took his last breath.

Anyone who thought I wasn't where I should have been can go to hell.
-------------------------------------------- you are such a hero as i roll my eyes RC !!
insulin , broken bones , bullet wound , stab wound are all seen and can be proven , 'ptsd' in most cases is 'bs' RC !!
By the time my husband was dying I had already closed the law office and opened the dog grooming shop. I moved him into the back room where I could take care of him and work too. He needed 24/7 care. I had to work so I did. Suck it up buttercup. No one wants to hear about the wound care or diapers you got going on. When he went in the hospital I shuttled back and forth. I had bathers, techs, they needed the money I paid them. Suck it up, pull your pants up someone has a baby to feed and it ain't you. No one wants to hear your sob story.
For the most part this country sends their children to war. I know nothing of you but I assume you are older and have viewed death. In many cases these veterans see death for the first time in war and you have no idea as I am sure the low-ness you feel when you take another life. You feel a way that you can not explain that you feel will never go away. I was 20 when I was sent to Vietnam as a Marine. I was lucky that I had a helpful family and was able to make a good life for me and my family. I went back to school, got married, and got a decent job. You must be aware that war changes a person for ever. Yes there are some phonies but right thinking people will be patient and help those that have been through these horrible things.
Life means that horrible things will happen. Most people will see something ugly at some point.

It's the people that claim all these emotional illnesses and breaks with reality that should not be catered to.

They should be allowed to stay broken and suffer?

And what about people with physical ailments? Is treatment "catering" to them?
Those who are suffering from made up emotional maladies aren't broken. They are weak. When they get a spine they will no longer be suffering. They want a binkie. A binkie in a bottle, a blunt binkie, a binkie pill, in this case a furry binkie.

And the diabetic needs an insulin binky. A cancer patient needs chemotherapy binky.

We all need something at some time.
Neither cancer nor diabetes are emotional stressors.

PTSD is made up by psychologists who needed sonething to treat. Strong people have the same things happen to them as the spineless wonders and don't need to express their feelings.
'head doktor' and soldier simply claim a problem and say Trust me , and then after you trust me make out my check and grant me special favors RC .
My limit is that once I knew my husband was dying, I couldn't just go to work. I couldn't do my routine. He was who I focused on, until he took his last breath.

Anyone who thought I wasn't where I should have been can go to hell.
-------------------------------------------- you are such a hero as i roll my eyes RC !!

No I'm not.
insulin , broken bones , bullet wound , stab wound are all seen and can be proven , 'ptsd' in most cases is 'bs' RC !!

Mental illnesses have been observed for hundreds, if not thousands, of years in human history.
For the most part this country sends their children to war. I know nothing of you but I assume you are older and have viewed death. In many cases these veterans see death for the first time in war and you have no idea as I am sure the low-ness you feel when you take another life. You feel a way that you can not explain that you feel will never go away. I was 20 when I was sent to Vietnam as a Marine. I was lucky that I had a helpful family and was able to make a good life for me and my family. I went back to school, got married, and got a decent job. You must be aware that war changes a person for ever. Yes there are some phonies but right thinking people will be patient and help those that have been through these horrible things.
Life means that horrible things will happen. Most people will see something ugly at some point.

It's the people that claim all these emotional illnesses and breaks with reality that should not be catered to.

They should be allowed to stay broken and suffer?

And what about people with physical ailments? Is treatment "catering" to them?
Those who are suffering from made up emotional maladies aren't broken. They are weak. When they get a spine they will no longer be suffering. They want a binkie. A binkie in a bottle, a blunt binkie, a binkie pill, in this case a furry binkie.

And the diabetic needs an insulin binky. A cancer patient needs chemotherapy binky.

We all need something at some time.
Neither cancer nor diabetes are emotional stressors.

They are not mental illnesses, but they are emotional stressors.
My limit is that once I knew my husband was dying, I couldn't just go to work. I couldn't do my routine. He was who I focused on, until he took his last breath.

Anyone who thought I wasn't where I should have been can go to hell.
-------------------------------------------- you are such a hero as i roll my eyes RC !!

No I'm not.
insulin , broken bones , bullet wound , stab wound are all seen and can be proven , 'ptsd' in most cases is 'bs' RC !!

Mental illnesses have been observed for hundreds, if not thousands, of years in human history.
---------------------------------------------- there is NO concrete proof of 'ptsd' , belief in ptsd is simply trusting the person that says they have 'ptsd' . As i have said , the doktor agrees and both get paid and the bill is sent to taxpayers RC .
College students have PTSD from final exams. Couch rangers have PTSD from playing call of Duty. Game of Thrones sent people for "help" after Battle of the Bastards.
My limit is that once I knew my husband was dying, I couldn't just go to work. I couldn't do my routine. He was who I focused on, until he took his last breath.

Anyone who thought I wasn't where I should have been can go to hell.
-------------------------------------------- you are such a hero as i roll my eyes RC !!

No I'm not.
insulin , broken bones , bullet wound , stab wound are all seen and can be proven , 'ptsd' in most cases is 'bs' RC !!

Mental illnesses have been observed for hundreds, if not thousands, of years in human history.
---------------------------------------------- there is NO concrete proof of 'ptsd' , belief in ptsd is simply trusting the person that says they have 'ptsd' . As i have said , the doktor agrees and both get paid and the bill is sent to taxpayers RC .

There's no concrete proof of any mental illnesses.

For a long time, there wasn't concrete proof of several physical illnesses.
emotional stressor now , aw funny , if it ain't one thing its another for these lefties . Anyway , cancer and diabetes are observable to anyone . PTSD is not observable or provable except for the words of the so called sufferer or liar and his witchdoktor RC .
This isn't a left-right issue.

No one goes to the doctor and simply announces PTSD or any other illness. They tell the doctor their symptoms and it's up to the doc to make a diagnosis.
Look this guy up. He was a counter intelligence officer. A desk jockey.

He went to the doctor with his list of symptoms in hand. Easily available on the Internet and got his diagnosis. It's not like there are tests that can confirm what he claims.
Look this guy up. He was a counter intelligence officer. A desk jockey.

He went to the doctor with his list of symptoms in hand. Easily available on the Internet and got his diagnosis. It's not like there are tests that can confirm what he claims.

So that's one person. Even if he's a charlatan, he's not a representative sample size to draw conclusions about PTSD.
PTSD did not exist prior to 1980. The symptoms of PTSD are so vast that there are 3 million cases of PTSD diagnosed on the basis of self claims every year.

PTSD is everything. See a car accident, miss the 24 hour sale at Macy's, the cake doesn't rise. The car has a flat tire. All cause PTSD. The cure is to stop being an infant.
PTSD did not exist prior to 1980. The symptoms of PTSD are so vast that there are 3 million cases of PTSD diagnosed on the basis of self claims every year.

PTSD is everything. See a car accident, miss the 24 hour sale at Macy's, the cake doesn't rise. The car has a flat tire. All cause PTSD. The cure is to stop being an infant.

Wrong. PTSD was not diagnosed before 1980. That's different than not existing.
Look this guy up. He was a counter intelligence officer. A desk jockey.

He went to the doctor with his list of symptoms in hand. Easily available on the Internet and got his diagnosis. It's not like there are tests that can confirm what he claims.

So that's one person. Even if he's a charlatan, he's not a representative sample size to draw conclusions about PTSD.'ve not heard of shell shock.
Look this guy up. He was a counter intelligence officer. A desk jockey.

He went to the doctor with his list of symptoms in hand. Easily available on the Internet and got his diagnosis. It's not like there are tests that can confirm what he claims.

So that's one person. Even if he's a charlatan, he's not a representative sample size to draw conclusions about PTSD.'ve not heard of shell shock.
Shell shock was given to men under prolonged bombardment. It was used to describe cowardice or malingering. Many men came back from the war, held it together and went on with their lives. Did they too have shell shock? Maybe they did. Maybe they just put some starch in their backbone and went on.
there is NO special class in American society though it looks like you emotion driven people are intent on establihing SPECIAL classes in the USA Syriusly .

Again- you are of course entitled to your opinion.

In my opinion, those who have volunteered to serve and defend our country deserve respect and admiration for their service.

And our country generally agrees- since we have an entire Veteran's Administration devoted to them.

We also have laws that provide specific benefits to honor veterans- from home loans to job protections.

I think we should encourage those who may choose to volunteer to defend our country- by honoring those who have done already done so.
and as far as the PTSD , yes Sir , i think that in the majority of cases its BS Syriusly .

That is too bad.

I guess if you can't see that missing limb, you just assume the veteran is faking it.

Meet the 91-year-old whose wartime PTSD makes him the perfect guide for today’s veterans

The vets I meet are surprised to learn I’m a weightlifter who does interval training on the treadmill and that I can make it through a conversation without nodding off. I tell them how PTSD has affected me: I avoid elevators, crowds and July 4th fireworks; I’m claustrophobic from the 12 days I spent in a lightless cell at the Luftwaffe interrogation center in Germany, and I won’t fly unless I have an aisle seat.

Survivor’s guilt is still my strongest stressor. I make them privy to my emotional baggage to show them that they are not unique or weird. I tell them about my bombing missions with the Eighth Air Force during WWII and the day that my B-17 exploded over Berlin. How I am plagued with guilt over the loss of four of my crewmates that day. What it was like being a POW for a year and how exhilarating it was to see Patton lead his troops through the barbed wire gates of our Stalag to liberate us.

I also tell them that I have been an out patient at the hospital for more than 25 years and that the care I received has changed my life.
Would you not find it odd that someone who was in a concentration camp, who might have been buried alive for fun or watched people forced to dig their own graves before being shot in the head. Women raped repeatedly, men raped and hung on meathooks until their shoulders dislocated. These people did not get PTSD.

They didn't?

PTSD and Holocaust Survivors, by Andy Douillard
Aging Holocaust Survivors Suffer From PTSD
Nazi horrors revisited: The Holocaust survivors who only develop PTSD in old age | Daily Mail Online

You don't find this conclusion that PTSD afflicts holocaust survivors only in old age the least bit curious. They are old. They, like many old people tend to draw back into memories of their youth. That's not PTSD, it's age.

Wow- such compassion for holocaust survivors.

I don't find your lack of compassion for holocaust survivors surprising- since you have more compassion for ISIS murdering gays.

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