USS Liberty Remembered At Navy Memorial

You aren't the least bit interested in any facts because the facts all point to a planned coordinated attack, not an accident.
In order to make a Murder change stick, you have to serve-up a motive, as well as a smoking gun.

You still haven't provided a plausible motive, that outweighs the risks.

Again, you people can speculate on motives, I'll stick to the facts we know.
Your case is incomplete.

Given that state of affairs, you cannot declare a legitimate verdict or judgment.
In order to make a Murder change stick, you have to serve-up a motive, as well as a smoking gun.

You still haven't provided a plausible motive, that outweighs the risks.

Again, you people can speculate on motives, I'll stick to the facts we know.
Your case is incomplete.

Given that state of affairs, you cannot declare a legitimate verdict or judgment.

No, but the issue remains in dispute; either a haven for conspiracy theorists, or a cover up of the intentional killing of US military.
In order to make a Murder change stick, you have to serve-up a motive, as well as a smoking gun.

You still haven't provided a plausible motive, that outweighs the risks.

Again, you people can speculate on motives, I'll stick to the facts we know.

Motive isn't necessary, a mistake can lead to deadly intentional acts.

I'll let you continue guessing about that too. Someone in the Israeli chain of command gave orders to do something, who or why.....we will never know. Coordinated attacks from air and sea don't happen spontaneously, some planning and preparation is required.
I remember this incident well, in 1968 the North Koreans commandeered the USS Pueblo, also a surveillance ship gathering intelligence. It hard to say what the reasons were for either incident, but of course people can read into it what they want. By the way, one of the biggest spy scandals in CIA history, involved a mole for Israel. Aldrich Ames. It's almost as if they don't trust us or something. They say, keep your friends close, and your enemies even closer...

The USS Pueblo was outfitted for the same intelligence gathering purpose as the USS Liberty. The North Koreans knew what they were looking at, strains credulity to imagine the Israelis didn't.

Thus, the theory Israel attacked a US ship that had intercepted Israel communication of a planned attack on land. The plan was to blame this on Egypt, but the attack did not send all hands down. LBJ, was either bought off, or too engrossed in US dissent to care.
New revelations in attack on American spy ship

The Israeli Air Force had gained control of the skies on the first day of the war by destroying the Egyptian air force on the ground. America was Israel's ally, and the Israelis knew the Americans were there. The ship's mission was to monitor the communications of Israel's Arab enemies and their Soviet advisers, but not Israeli communications. The Liberty felt safe.

Then the jets started shooting at the officers and enlisted men stretched out on the deck for a lunch-hour sun bath. Theodore Arfsten, a quartermaster, remembered watching a Jewish officer cry when he saw the blue Star of David on the planes' fuselages. At first, crew members below decks had no idea whose planes were shooting at their ship.
Again, you people can speculate on motives, I'll stick to the facts we know.

Motive isn't necessary, a mistake can lead to deadly intentional acts.

I'll let you continue guessing about that too. Someone in the Israeli chain of command gave orders to do something, who or why.....we will never know. Coordinated attacks from air and sea don't happen spontaneously, some planning and preparation is required.

There were initial claims Israeli aircraft were fired on, later abandoned; also, still a possibility of gross negligence, the Israelis planned on an attack without verifying the target.
Motive isn't necessary, a mistake can lead to deadly intentional acts.

I'll let you continue guessing about that too. Someone in the Israeli chain of command gave orders to do something, who or why.....we will never know. Coordinated attacks from air and sea don't happen spontaneously, some planning and preparation is required.

There were initial claims Israeli aircraft were fired on, later abandoned; also, still a possibility of gross negligence, the Israelis planned on an attack without verifying the target.
Israel knew three hours prior to their attack the Liberty was a US ship

"At approximately 1050 hours, the naval observer from the early morning reconnaissance flight arrived at Israeli air force HQ and sat down with the air-naval liaison officer there. The two officers consulted Jane's Fighting Ships and learned that the ship reported earlier in the day was USS Liberty, a United States Navy technical research ship."

The last thing the IDF would have done in 1967 was launch an attack on an unidentified ship since Soviet warships were also in the vicinity.

Your faith is making you look like a fool.

USS Liberty Memorial: Summary of Events
I'll let you continue guessing about that too. Someone in the Israeli chain of command gave orders to do something, who or why.....we will never know. Coordinated attacks from air and sea don't happen spontaneously, some planning and preparation is required.

There were initial claims Israeli aircraft were fired on, later abandoned; also, still a possibility of gross negligence, the Israelis planned on an attack without verifying the target.
Israel knew three hours prior to their attack the Liberty was a US ship

"At approximately 1050 hours, the naval observer from the early morning reconnaissance flight arrived at Israeli air force HQ and sat down with the air-naval liaison officer there. The two officers consulted Jane's Fighting Ships and learned that the ship reported earlier in the day was USS Liberty, a United States Navy technical research ship."

The last thing the IDF would have done in 1967 was launch an attack on an unidentified ship since Soviet warships were also in the vicinity.

Your faith is making you look like a fool.

USS Liberty Memorial: Summary of Events

Its KNOWLEDGE & COMMON SENSE, I would advise you to purchase some, but it cannot be bought.
There were initial claims Israeli aircraft were fired on, later abandoned; also, still a possibility of gross negligence, the Israelis planned on an attack without verifying the target.
Israel knew three hours prior to their attack the Liberty was a US ship

"At approximately 1050 hours, the naval observer from the early morning reconnaissance flight arrived at Israeli air force HQ and sat down with the air-naval liaison officer there. The two officers consulted Jane's Fighting Ships and learned that the ship reported earlier in the day was USS Liberty, a United States Navy technical research ship."

The last thing the IDF would have done in 1967 was launch an attack on an unidentified ship since Soviet warships were also in the vicinity.

Your faith is making you look like a fool.

USS Liberty Memorial: Summary of Events

Its KNOWLEDGE & COMMON SENSE, I would advise you to purchase some, but it cannot be bought.
Faith requires neither knowledge or common sense.
Why did you ever bother learning how to read if you waste it on faith-based propaganda?
Inspiration, revelation, or authority are poor tools to understand reality.
As the "attackers" were found to have fired on the ship without any intent to fire on a US ship, yes. I disagree with both of you, the investigationS at the time were thorough. US systems failed, as did Israeli. AFTER THE FIRST HIT, SMOKE obscured visual contact. And as always, Israel took responsibility, paid ALL claims, and showed remorse.
Bullshit! There is a recording of the Israeli fighter pilot, telling his commanders that it is a US ship, before he is ordered to fire on it.

There was a helicopter gunship that circled the ship twice seeing a big fuckin' red, white and blue US flag on the ships mast, before he fired. He also shot up the life raft they deployed.

This was no mistake and he sided with the terrorists that shot up a US ship!
As the "attackers" were found to have fired on the ship without any intent to fire on a US ship, yes. I disagree with both of you, the investigationS at the time were thorough. US systems failed, as did Israeli. AFTER THE FIRST HIT, SMOKE obscured visual contact. And as always, Israel took responsibility, paid ALL claims, and showed remorse.
Bullshit! There is a recording of the Israeli fighter pilot, telling his commanders that it is a US ship, before he is ordered to fire on it.

There was a helicopter gunship that circled the ship twice seeing a big fuckin' red, white and blue US flag on the ships mast, before he fired. He also shot up the life raft they deployed.

This was no mistake and he sided with the terrorists that shot up a US ship!

They testimony of both the Captain, and 1st mate changed, read up on it.
They testimony of both the Captain, and 1st mate changed, read up on it.
I've read what the two sell outs had to say.

Why don't you read what the rest of the crew had to say?

The ones they did not ask to testify in that phony hearing.

Incorrect, a total of eleven hearings, 8 Congressional, NSA, Navy, three is Israel, the list goes on. The Captain refused to lie under oath, as did the first mate.
They testimony of both the Captain, and 1st mate changed, read up on it.
I've read what the two sell outs had to say.

Why don't you read what the rest of the crew had to say?

The ones they did not ask to testify in that phony hearing.
"7. That although Liberty was saved from almost certain destruction through the heroic efforts of the ship's Captain, William L. McGonagle (MOH), and his brave crew, surviving crewmembers were later threatened with 'court-martial, imprisonment or worse' if they exposed the truth; and were abandoned by their own government;

8. That due to the influence of Israel's powerful supporters in the United States, the White House deliberately covered up the facts of this attack from the American people;

9. That due to continuing pressure by the pro-Israel lobby in the United States, this attack remains the only serious naval incident that has never been thoroughly investigated by Congress; to this day, no surviving crewmember has been permitted to officially and publicly testify about the attack..."

The Moorer Commission
They testimony of both the Captain, and 1st mate changed, read up on it.
I've read what the two sell outs had to say.

Why don't you read what the rest of the crew had to say?

The ones they did not ask to testify in that phony hearing.

Incorrect, a total of eleven hearings, 8 Congressional, NSA, Navy, three is Israel, the list goes on. The Captain refused to lie under oath, as did the first mate.

The Captain refused to "lie under oath". Can you be a little more specific about what you mean by "lie".
As the "attackers" were found to have fired on the ship without any intent to fire on a US ship, yes. I disagree with both of you, the investigationS at the time were thorough. US systems failed, as did Israeli. AFTER THE FIRST HIT, SMOKE obscured visual contact. And as always, Israel took responsibility, paid ALL claims, and showed remorse.
Bullshit! There is a recording of the Israeli fighter pilot, telling his commanders that it is a US ship, before he is ordered to fire on it.

There was a helicopter gunship that circled the ship twice seeing a big fuckin' red, white and blue US flag on the ships mast, before he fired. He also shot up the life raft they deployed.

This was no mistake and he sided with the terrorists that shot up a US ship!

They testimony of both the Captain, and 1st mate changed, read up on it.

But the rest of the crew were obviously all that your theory?
The muslim lovers cling to an accident close to 30 years ago but will never mention the deliberate bombing of the Cole.

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