USS liberty


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Why would that be a problem in Lebanon? What would that have to do with a civil war?
sorry, i don't really have the patience to educate someone on this on a message board

OK, fair enough. Thanks.
As usual Wiki represents a good starting point:

"The establishment of the state of Israel and the displacement of a hundred thousand Palestinian refugees to Lebanon (around 10% of the total population of the country) changed the demographics of Lebanon and provided a foundation for the long-term involvement of Lebanon in regional conflicts."

Israel Invades:

"Israel launched Operation Peace for Galilee on 6 June 1982, attacking PLO bases in Lebanon. Israeli forces quickly drove 25 miles (40 km) into Lebanon, moving into East Beirut with the tacit support of Maronite leaders and militia. When the Israeli cabinet convened to authorize the invasion, Sharon described it as a plan to advance 40 kilometers into Lebanon, demolish PLO strongholds, and establish an expanded security zone that would put northern Israel out of range of PLO rockets.

"In fact, Israeli chief of staff Rafael Eitan and Sharon had already ordered the invading forces to head straight for Beirut, in accord with Sharon's blueprint dating to September 1981.

"After the invasion had begun, the UN Security Council passed a further resolution on 6 June 1982, Resolution 509, which reaffirms UNSCR 508 and "demands that Israel withdraw all its military forces forthwith and unconditionally to the internationally recognized boundaries of Lebanon".[16]

"Thus far the US had not used its veto.

"However, on 8 June 1982, the US vetoed a proposed resolution that 'reiterates [the] demand that Israel withdraw all its military forces forthwith and unconditionally to the internationally recognized boundaries of Lebanon',[17] thereby giving implicit assent to the Israeli invasion."

Chomsky is much less charitable:

"Excuses and explanations were discarded almost as quickly as they were produced: the Argov assassination attempt, defense of the border settlements, a 25-mile limit. In fact, the army headed straight for Beirut and the Beirut-Damascus highway, in accordance with plans that had long been prepared and that were known in advance to the Labor opposition (see section 6.3).

"Former chief of military intelligence Aharon Yariv of the Labor Party stated: 'I know in fact that going to Beirut was included in the original military plan,' despite the pretense to the contrary, dutifully repeated by the U.S. government, which could hardly have been in much doubt about the facts if U.S. intelligence was not on vacation."

Had we been asking the question "how many more Americans deserve to die for Israel" on 6 June 1982, the 241 American servicemen who died in Beirut on 23 October 1983 might still be alive.

And voting Republican.
OK, fair enough. Thanks.
As usual Wiki represents a good starting point:

George, you were supposed to provide links to your posts urging Lebanon to bring to justice the Hezballah who murdered 300 Marines in Beirut.

Where are they, bitch?
Here's one, slut.

"5.1 Extermination of the Two-Legged Beasts

"The first target was the Palestinian camp of Rashidiyeh south of Tyre, much of which, by the second day of the invasion, "had become a field of rubble.' There was ineffectual resistance, but as an officer of the UN peace-keeping force swept aside in the Israeli invasion later remarked:

"'It was like shooting sparrdws with cannon." The 9000 residents of the camp-which had been regularly bombed and shelled for years from land, sea and air-either fled, or were herded to the beach where they could watch the destruction of much of what remained by the Israeli forces. All teen-age and adult males were blindfolded and bound, and taken to camps, where little has been heard about them since.

"This is typical of what happened throughout southern Lebanon. The Palestinian camps were demolished, largely bulldozed to the ground if not destroyed by bombardment; and the population was dispersed or (in the case of the male population) imprisoned.

"Reporters were generally not allowed in the Palestinian camps, where the destruction was worst, to keep them from witnessing what had happened and was being done. There were occasional reports. David Shipler described how after the camps were captured the army proceeded to destroy what was left.

"An army officer, 'when asked why bulldozers were knocking down houses in which women and children were living,' responded by saying: 'they are all terrorists.'96 His statement accurately summarizes Israel's strategy and the assumptions that underlie it, over many years."

'Still haven't told us how much money the Jewish State of Israel would have to pay you to piss on the graves of your children...
As usual Wiki represents a good starting point:

George, you were supposed to provide links to your posts urging Lebanon to bring to justice the Hezballah who murdered 300 Marines in Beirut.

Where are they, bitch?
Here's one, slut.

George, where are the links to your posts demanding Lebanon bring to justice Hezballah who murdered 300 Marines in Beirut?

Still waiting, anti-American bitch.
George, you were supposed to provide links to your posts urging Lebanon to bring to justice the Hezballah who murdered 300 Marines in Beirut.

Where are they, bitch?
Here's one, slut.

George, where are the links to your posts demanding Lebanon bring to justice Hezballah who murdered 300 Marines in Beirut?

Still waiting, anti-American bitch.

Foreign troops are legitimate targets. There was no crime committed.
Here's one, slut.

George, where are the links to your posts demanding Lebanon bring to justice Hezballah who murdered 300 Marines in Beirut?

Still waiting, anti-American bitch.

Foreign troops are legitimate targets. There was no crime committed.

Hezballah is a terrorist organization occupying Lebanon, a violation of international law.

Hezballah fighting out of uniform and not carrying arms in full view are violations of international law.

Crimes committed, dunce.
George, where are the links to your posts demanding Lebanon bring to justice Hezballah who murdered 300 Marines in Beirut?

Still waiting, anti-American bitch.

Foreign troops are legitimate targets. There was no crime committed.

Hezballah is a terrorist organization occupying Lebanon, a violation of international law.

Hezballah fighting out of uniform and not carrying arms in full view are violations of international law.

Crimes committed, dunce.

All citizens have the right to defend their country. Why do you think we have the 2nd amendment?
Foreign troops are legitimate targets. There was no crime committed.

Hezballah is a terrorist organization occupying Lebanon, a violation of international law.

Hezballah fighting out of uniform and not carrying arms in full view are violations of international law.

Crimes committed, dunce.

All citizens have the right to defend their country. Why do you think we have the 2nd amendment?

I recognize you're not very bright, but, try to wrap your feeble mind around the fact that Hezballah is not Lebanon's standing military. Hezballah is a terrorist faction that has invaded Lebanon.
Hezballah is a terrorist organization occupying Lebanon, a violation of international law.

Hezballah fighting out of uniform and not carrying arms in full view are violations of international law.

Crimes committed, dunce.

All citizens have the right to defend their country. Why do you think we have the 2nd amendment?

I recognize you're not very bright, but, try to wrap your feeble mind around the fact that Hezballah is not Lebanon's standing military. Hezballah is a terrorist faction that has invaded Lebanon.

I think there are some people here who have that same thought about armed groups.
George, where are the links to your posts demanding Lebanon bring to justice Hezballah who murdered 300 Marines in Beirut?

Still waiting, anti-American bitch.

Foreign troops are legitimate targets. There was no crime committed.

Hezballah is a terrorist organization occupying Lebanon, a violation of international law.

Hezballah fighting out of uniform and not carrying arms in full view are violations of international law.

Crimes committed, dunce.
Got any proof?
George, where are the links to your posts demanding Lebanon bring to justice Hezballah who murdered 300 Marines in Beirut?

Still waiting, anti-American bitch.

Foreign troops are legitimate targets. There was no crime committed.

Hezballah is a terrorist organization occupying Lebanon, a violation of international law.

Hezballah fighting out of uniform and not carrying arms in full view are violations of international law.

Crimes committed, dunce.
Once's the (illegal) occupations, stupid.

"Hezbollah first emerged in 1982 as a militia in response to the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, also known as Operation Peace for Galilee, set on resisting the Israeli occupation of Lebanon during the Lebanese civil war.

"Its leaders were inspired by Ayatollah Khomeini, and its forces were trained and organized by a contingent of Iranian Revolutionary Guards.

"Hezbollah's 1985 manifesto listed its four main goals as 'Israel's final departure from Lebanon as a prelude to its final obliteration,' ending 'any imperialist power in Lebanon,' submission of the Phalangists to 'just rule' and bringing them to trial for their crimes, and giving the people the chance to choose 'with full freedom the system of government they want,' while we not hide our commitment to the rule of Islam.'

"Hezbollah leaders have also made numerous statements calling for the destruction of Israel, which they refer to as a "Zionist entity... built on lands wrested from their owners."

Hezbollah - Wiki
Once's the (illegal) occupations, stupid.

Once, again, George gets bitch slapped. Syria and Hezballah are occupying Lebanon. Hezballah is not the Lebanese armed forces, you clueless dumbass.
Hezbollah is Lebanese and would never have come into existence had not the Jewish State of Israel invaded their country and murdered thousands of their fellow citizens.

BTW, Marc, how many Arab children have you personally murdered?
Once's the (illegal) occupations, stupid.

Once, again, George gets bitch slapped. Syria and Hezballah are occupying Lebanon. Hezballah is not the Lebanese armed forces, you clueless dumbass.
Hezbollah is Lebanese and would never have come into existence had not the Jewish State of Israel invaded their country and murdered thousands of their fellow citizens.

BTW, Marc, how many Arab children have you personally murdered?
which wouldnt have happened had Lebanon not allowed the PLO free access to their country to attack Israel from
Hezbollah is Lebanese and would never have come into existence had not the Jewish State of Israel invaded their country and murdered thousands of their fellow citizens.

BTW, Marc, how many Arab children have you personally murdered?

Israel "invaded" Lebanon because Lebanon provided safe haven to the PLO who were attacking Israel. Israel responded in compliance with the law of armed conflict.

If al Qaeda attacked Florida from Cuba, the US would flatten Cuba.

Hezballah is not part of the Lebanese armed forces, you clueless fool..

George the moron gets bitched slapped, again.:clap2:
George, where are those links to your posts demanding Lebanon bring to justice the Hezballah who murdered 300 Marinesin Beirut?

Still waiting, you ugly ****.
BTW, Marc, how many Arab children have you personally murdered?

How many Arab children have the sand rats murdered?
"We Desire Death Like You Desire Life"
[ame=]YouTube - Hamas we desire death human shields of civilians[/ame]
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