USS liberty


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Only devout baby killers/fuckers believe George Schultz is anything except Bechtel's bitch.

Which explains your support.

Your self esteem is about rock bottom, eh, loser?

Still no condemnations from you over the Muslim genocide of children, men and women in Darfur and Sudan.

You're a loser and a fraud, Georgie

What does that have to do with Israel's attack on the USS Liberty?

The imaginary attack the US govt determined never happened.

Go back to playing with yourself, your only skill.
"Getting Away With Murder

"The fatal incident off the Gaza coast was not the first time Israel had used lethal force against a nearly defenseless ship at sea. The attack on the 'Freedom Flotilla' was reminiscent of the attack on the USS Liberty during Israel’s Six-Day War against three of its Arab neighbors.

The war started on June 5, 1967, when Israel carried out an unprovoked Blitzkrieg attack.

"What is my source for 'unprovoked?' Former Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, who 15 years later admitted publicly:

“'In June 1967, we had a choice. The Egyptian army concentrations in the Sinai approaches do not prove that [Egyptian President] Nasser was really about to attack us.

"'We must be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack him.'

"Three days into the war, Israeli aircraft and torpedo boats turned their firepower on the intelligence collection ship USS Liberty in international waters after the Israelis had identified it as a U.S. Navy ship.

The Israelis later insisted that the strafing and torpedo attacks were accidents in the fog of war. However, U.S. intelligence intercepted Israeli conversations at the time showing the attacks were deliberate, and their nature and persistence showed clear intent to sink the Liberty and leave no survivors."

"Israeli commandos clad in black were about to land from helicopters and finish off what remained of the Liberty crew when Seaman Terry Halbardier (later awarded the Silver Star) slid over the Liberty’s napalm-greased deck to jury-rig an antenna and get an SOS off to the Sixth Fleet.

"Israeli forces intercepted the SOS and quickly broke off the attack. But 34 of the Liberty crew were killed and over 170 wounded."

All imaginary of course to those who profit from Israeli and US war crimes.

Ray McGovern
"Getting Away With Murder

"The fatal incident off the Gaza coast was not the first time Israel had used lethal force against a nearly defenseless ship at sea.

Israel was entirely compliant with international law in intercepting a hostile vessel intent on violating Israel's lawful blockade of a terrorist base in Gaza.

Your law lesson for the day, low self esteem Georgie.
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"Getting Away With Murder

The attack on the 'Freedom Flotilla' was reminiscent of the attack on the USS Liberty during Israel’s Six-Day War against three of its Arab neighbors.

The US govt determined the Liberty incident was an accident, low self esteem Georgie.

No posts from you on North Korea shooting a South Korean ship out of the water, killing dozens?

Tsk tsk, low self esteem Georgie.
Still no posts from Marc the self-absorbed snob telling us how many "sand rats" he has personally murdered.

What's the matter, rich bitch?

All talk and zero walk?

Still, no condemnation from low self esteem Georgie directed to his Muslim jihadists slaughtering millions of children, men and women in Darfur and southern.

Georgie, the fraud.
I don't profit from Muslim hired killers.

Unlike arrogant bitch shit shills like you.

How much are you making from investing in apartheid?

Testy testy, low self esteem Georgie. Must be difficult going through life as such a total loser, eh, bud?

How much are you making from investing in apartheid Arab Muslim countries that discriminate by religion, gender and sexual orientation, Georgie?
"Forty years ago this week, I was asked to investigate the heaviest attack on an American ship since World War II.

"As senior legal counsel to the Navy Court of Inquiry it was my job to help uncover the truth regarding Israel's June 8th 1967 bombing of the USS Liberty.

On that sunny, clear day 40 years ago, Israel's combined air and naval forces attacked our American intelligence-gathering ship for two hours, inflicting 70 percent casualties.

"Thirty four American sailors died and 172 were injured. The USS Liberty remained afloat only by the crew's heroic efforts.

"Israel claimed it was an accident. Yet I know from personal conversations with the late Admiral Isaac C. Kidd -- president of the Court of Inquiry -- that President Johnson and Secretary of Defense McNamara ordered him to conclude that the attack was a case of 'mistaken identity"'.

Ward Boston
"Forty years ago this week, I was asked to investigate the heaviest attack on an American ship since World War II.

"As senior legal counsel to the Navy Court of Inquiry it was my job to help uncover the truth regarding Israel's June 8th 1967 bombing of the USS Liberty.

Oh, Georgie, the US govt determined the Liberty incident was an accident.

Yet, you're silent on your cohorts in Hezballah murdering 300 Marines in Beirut.

Georgie the fraud.
Am I supposed to believe a snide parasite like you or patriots like Ward Boston and Ray McGovern?

Who's first on your loyalty list?

Israel or the US?

I never heard of these crackpots, Georgie. I'm a Princeton grad and consult far more scholarly sources.

Georgie, still, not a peep out of you about Muslims slaughtering millions in Darfur and southern Sudan.

Georgie, the fraud.
"On June 8th, survivors of Israel's cruel attack will gather in Washington, DC to honor their dead shipmates as well as the mothers, sisters, widows and children they left behind.

"They will continue to ask for a fair and impartial congressional inquiry that, for the first time, would allow the survivors themselves to testify publicly.

"For decades, I have remained silent. I am a military man and when orders come in from the Secretary of Defense and President of the United States, I follow them. However, attempts to rewrite history and concern for my country compel me to share the truth."

How much are your investments in apartheid Israel paying you to rewrite history?

Don't you find that sort of work a little elitist?

Ward Boston
Am I supposed to believe a snide parasite like you or patriots like Ward Boston and Ray McGovern?

Who's first on your loyalty list?

Israel or the US?

I never heard of these crackpots, Georgie. I'm a Princeton grad and consult far more scholarly sources.

Georgie, still, not a peep out of you about Muslims slaughtering millions in Darfur and southern Sudan.

Georgie, the fraud.

Is that why you don't know Jack?
Am I supposed to believe a snide parasite like you or patriots like Ward Boston and Ray McGovern?

Who's first on your loyalty list?

Israel or the US?

I never heard of these crackpots, Georgie. I'm a Princeton grad and consult far more scholarly sources.

Georgie, still, not a peep out of you about Muslims slaughtering millions in Darfur and southern Sudan.

Georgie, the fraud.

Is that why you don't know Jack?

Coming from you? LOL
Polishing your knob is your only expertise.
I never heard of these crackpots, Georgie. I'm a Princeton grad and consult far more scholarly sources.

Georgie, still, not a peep out of you about Muslims slaughtering millions in Darfur and southern Sudan.

Georgie, the fraud.

Is that why you don't know Jack?

Coming from you? LOL
Polishing your knob is your only expertise.

Two degrees from Princeton and this is the best you can do?

"I propose that 91 year old Robert McNamara be arrested. No, I'm not suggesting he be tried for his role in planning the fire bombings of Japanese cities during World War II, or for being LBJ's Defense Secretary and architect of the war of aggression against Vietnam.

"Jail him for one much smaller act, the betrayal of sailors aboard the USS Liberty. While the Liberty was under a massive attack, Robert McNamara twice recalled the airplanes that a navy commander had sent out to defend them."

Arrest Robert McNamara

After the second recall ordered by McNamara, Lyndon Johnson chimed in: "this time President Johnson ordered the recall with the comment that he did not care if every man drowned and the ship sank, but that he would not embarrass his allies."

USS Liberty - Wiki
"On June 8th, survivors of Israel's cruel attack will gather in Washington, DC to honor their dead shipmates as well as the mothers, sisters, widows and children they left behind.

"They will continue to ask for a fair and impartial congressional inquiry that, for the first time, would allow the survivors themselves to testify publicly.

"For decades, I have remained silent. I am a military man and when orders come in from the Secretary of Defense and President of the United States, I follow them. However, attempts to rewrite history and concern for my country compel me to share the truth."

How much are your investments in apartheid Israel paying you to rewrite history?

Don't you find that sort of work a little elitist?

Ward Boston
They did testify publically moron.

It was at the US Navy Court Of Inquiry.
"I propose that 91 year old Robert McNamara be arrested. No, I'm not suggesting he be tried for his role in planning the fire bombings of Japanese cities during World War II, or for being LBJ's Defense Secretary and architect of the war of aggression against Vietnam.

"Jail him for one much smaller act, the betrayal of sailors aboard the USS Liberty. While the Liberty was under a massive attack, Robert McNamara twice recalled the airplanes that a navy commander had sent out to defend them."

Arrest Robert McNamara

After the second recall ordered by McNamara, Lyndon Johnson chimed in: "this time President Johnson ordered the recall with the comment that he did not care if every man drowned and the ship sank, but that he would not embarrass his allies."

USS Liberty - Wiki

Poor Georgie, relying on Wikipedia for his historical scholarship. Too bad you dropped out of high school, eh, Georgie?
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