Utah GOP councilman apologizes for saying the left wants everyone to be bisexual


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
you have to be more NIMBLE in your bigotry, dude!

you have to be more NIMBLE in your bigotry, dude!

Only the cute ones.
"They won't be happy until we are all bi-sexual and in non-committed relationships... until we have no children, and simply have new humans arrive in labs and immediately put into a school for collectivism and indoctrination."

Children are the curse of having sex.
you have to be more NIMBLE in your bigotry, dude!
Well I think we can say it was hyperbole often used to emphasize the gravity of the issue. But is there any truth in it? Well, yes, it is clear no one can any longer be criticized without being branded a radical bigot, homophone, Islamophobia, et al. This nation is so demanding now that anyone who does not tow the PC line should banned and screamed at. Whatever. We’re pretty used to it now. We should now no longer be surprised the California legislature is on the verge of fining toy stores if they display boys and girl toys as separate sections. Same with clothing I am reading. ---- No one wants to read a number of similar measures we are witness to, readily available. Can we draw the line at giving hormone blockers to children?
What's the problem. it's the truth. Are we not supposed to speak the truth anymore. oh yeah. that's right. NO MORE TRuth. You can only say what the left allows.
you have to be more NIMBLE in your bigotry, dude!

He's mistaken. The left just doesn't want us to be super straight.
Black folks, brown folks, women, LGBTQs Democrats, Jews, Muslims are often criticized. So now are we free to criticize straight white males and republicans as well? What this guy said is idiotic.
Black folks, brown folks, women, LGBTQs Democrats, Jews, Muslims are often criticized. So now are we free to criticize straight white males and republicans as well? What this guy said is idiotic.
Not really, but even it it were. He SHOULD NEVER apologize for it.
"Not that equity hasn't done good things in the past". LOL

This guy would have been the person protesting outside of the local school because of the audacity of allowing blacks in.
you have to be more NIMBLE in your bigotry, dude!

The Congressman is right---the left/communists wish to blur sexual barriers (not because they are open minded) in order to weaken the populations moral compass in all matters. The 70's communists (see Jim jones, Charlie Manson, etc used to do this in cults----being able to erode sexual barriers gave the controllee more power over those he was trying to control. Those with no sexual barriers are far far easier to corrupt.
you have to be more NIMBLE in your bigotry, dude!

The Congressman is right---the left/communists wish to blur sexual barriers (not because they are open minded) in order to weaken the populations moral compass in all matters. The 70's communists (see Jim jones, Charlie Manson, etc used to do this in cults----being able to erode sexual barriers gave the controllee more power over those he was trying to control. Those with no sexual barriers are far far easier to corrupt.

Electing a serial adulterer did nothing to affect the countries moral compass?
you have to be more NIMBLE in your bigotry, dude!

The Congressman is right---the left/communists wish to blur sexual barriers (not because they are open minded) in order to weaken the populations moral compass in all matters. The 70's communists (see Jim jones, Charlie Manson, etc used to do this in cults----being able to erode sexual barriers gave the controllee more power over those he was trying to control. Those with no sexual barriers are far far easier to corrupt.

Electing a serial adulterer did nothing to affect the countries moral compass?
bill clinton?
you have to be more NIMBLE in your bigotry, dude!

The Congressman is right---the left/communists wish to blur sexual barriers (not because they are open minded) in order to weaken the populations moral compass in all matters. The 70's communists (see Jim jones, Charlie Manson, etc used to do this in cults----being able to erode sexual barriers gave the controllee more power over those he was trying to control. Those with no sexual barriers are far far easier to corrupt.

Electing a serial adulterer did nothing to affect the countries moral compass?
bill clinton?

Him too.

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