Utah school students denied lunch after parents refuse to pay school bills


the issue here is not the 3-5$ people owe to the cafeteria and not the race of those in debt. The issue here is a criminal assault of the children and a power grab by the cafeteria workers and the school in general.

HAHA. So now if i refuse to give you a free meal, i'm guilty of criminal assault?

no, you are simply an idiot.
that is exactly what happened. In their rage the cafeteria workers were throwing lunches kids brought from home.

and to be clear, taking lunch to throw it away even from the kid whose parents are in debt, after the kid already has had the tray - is beyond the normal human dignity. It is a typical nazi or soviet style inhumane power overreach and I am appalled the supposed "conservatives" will approve this just becasue their assumption the "debt kids" can be a "wrong race".

Were does the story about the cafeteria workers rage come from? The storys I have seen say a bureaucrat from the finance department stationed herself at the cash register and the students were informed they could not have the lunchs they had selected in the cafeteria line. The food was dumped in the trash by the bureaurcrat and the student was given a carton of milk and piece of fruit. The cafeteria workers were horrified and upset. This appears to be the work and stupidity of one individual bureaucrat overstepping her authority with a stupid idea on how to get the word out that parents needed to pay more attention to their kids lunch accounts.

some of the kids who called the parents stated that their home brought lunches were grabbed and thrown away - and whoever did it was still the school worker, cafeteria or otherwise.
The bureaucrat was the school worker as well.

Where in the article does it state that?
that is exactly what happened. In their rage the cafeteria workers were throwing lunches kids brought from home.

and to be clear, taking lunch to throw it away even from the kid whose parents are in debt, after the kid already has had the tray - is beyond the normal human dignity. It is a typical nazi or soviet style inhumane power overreach and I am appalled the supposed "conservatives" will approve this just becasue their assumption the "debt kids" can be a "wrong race".

Were does the story about the cafeteria workers rage come from? The storys I have seen say a bureaucrat from the finance department stationed herself at the cash register and the students were informed they could not have the lunchs they had selected in the cafeteria line. The food was dumped in the trash by the bureaurcrat and the student was given a carton of milk and piece of fruit. The cafeteria workers were horrified and upset. This appears to be the work and stupidity of one individual bureaucrat overstepping her authority with a stupid idea on how to get the word out that parents needed to pay more attention to their kids lunch accounts.

some of the kids who called the parents stated that their home brought lunches were grabbed and thrown away - and whoever did it was still the school worker, cafeteria or otherwise.
The bureaucrat was the school worker as well.

Well show us the source of your allegation. Give us a link or clue as to where we can find that story. Sounds like something one might find in a rw blog, made up by some asshole and passed around by other assholes. Sort of like asshole misinformation chain. And oh ya, sorry you don't know the difference between a school worker, who works in a school, and an administrator for the Board of Education as an administrator. The bureaucrat had no authority or business in the school and having direct contact with the students.
One of Utah's biggest school systems apologized Thursday and told angry parents it was investigating why dozens of elementary school children had their lunches seized and thrown away when they didn't have enough money in their accounts.
"This was a mistake," said Jason Olsen, a spokesman for the Salt Lake School District. "There shouldn't have been food taken away from these students once they went through that line."
The district came under national criticism after as many as 40 kids were given fruit and milk and their real lunches were thrown away Tuesday at Uintah Elementary in Salt Lake City.
"She took my lunch away and said, 'Go get a milk,'" fifth-grader Sophia Isom told NBC station KSL. "I came back and asked, 'What's going on?' Then she handed me an orange. She said, 'You don't have any money in your account, so you can't get lunch.'"

Nowhere in the story does it state that kids that brought their lunches from home were thrown away.

the news stories reported on the TV at the day it happened were stating exactly that - the lunches were seized also from kids which brought them from home - those were in the interviews with the parents and that was not ONE interview.
The story is not limited to ONE article :rolleyes:
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Were does the story about the cafeteria workers rage come from? The storys I have seen say a bureaucrat from the finance department stationed herself at the cash register and the students were informed they could not have the lunchs they had selected in the cafeteria line. The food was dumped in the trash by the bureaurcrat and the student was given a carton of milk and piece of fruit. The cafeteria workers were horrified and upset. This appears to be the work and stupidity of one individual bureaucrat overstepping her authority with a stupid idea on how to get the word out that parents needed to pay more attention to their kids lunch accounts.

some of the kids who called the parents stated that their home brought lunches were grabbed and thrown away - and whoever did it was still the school worker, cafeteria or otherwise.
The bureaucrat was the school worker as well.

Well show us the source of your allegation. Give us a link or clue as to where we can find that story. Sounds like something one might find in a rw blog, made up by some asshole and passed around by other assholes. Sort of like asshole misinformation chain. And oh ya, sorry you don't know the difference between a school worker, who works in a school, and an administrator for the Board of Education as an administrator. The bureaucrat had no authority or business in the school and having direct contact with the students.

It is not my allegation - it is the allegation by the parents. And as it shows here, not only me, but also Dragonlady has seen those - as she states exactly the same.
and the so-called "bureaucrat" was the cafeteria manager herself/himself, so stop pretending it was an alien sent from space.

I understand, you statist worshipers will defend a Lucifer himself if he happens to be a school bureaucrat but get a grip in your awe of the power overreach :lol:
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Not true. I saw the interviews with some parents and they were predominantly white.

You idiot. The media always does that. 90% of the deadbeat parents are minorities but we only see the interviews with whites.

Not only does the video show mostly white children, but Salt Lake City is a predominately white area. The facts mean nothing to you tuhough. You are such a hopeless racist that you have already created a narrative in your head that can't be swayed by any evidence to the contrary. You are either the biggest retard on USMB, or a troll.

I believe him to be a troll. He doesn't represent the right. Reminds me of Jake in some ways.
The students had lunches they brought from home seized. And the students were white kids

Wanna show me where it states that?

It was stated in the interviews I saw. It's fun that this happened in Utah - a white, Republican state.

Every child and parent interviewed was white, looked to be well dressed and all-American. Not a tattoo or nose ring to be seen.

And everyone complained about the school complaining about their home made lunches being taken away.
some of the kids who called the parents stated that their home brought lunches were grabbed and thrown away - and whoever did it was still the school worker, cafeteria or otherwise.
The bureaucrat was the school worker as well.

Well show us the source of your allegation. Give us a link or clue as to where we can find that story. Sounds like something one might find in a rw blog, made up by some asshole and passed around by other assholes. Sort of like asshole misinformation chain. And oh ya, sorry you don't know the difference between a school worker, who works in a school, and an administrator for the Board of Education as an administrator. The bureaucrat had no authority or business in the school and having direct contact with the students.

It is not my allegation - it is the allegation by the parents. And as it shows here, not only me, but also Dragonlady has seen those - as she states exactly the same.
and the so-called "bureaucrat" was the cafeteria manager herself/himself, so stop pretending it was an alien sent from space.

I understand, you statist worshipers will defend a Lucifer himself if he happens to be a school bureaucrat but get a grip in your awe of the power overreach :lol:

The bureaucrat wasn't the cafeteria manager. She was from the DoE Administration, specificly the Division that handles student nutrition programs.
Well hey, if Dragonlady claims she saw an interview on TV up in Toronto, Canada, the allegation of students having lunchs brought from home stolen from them by enraged cafeteria workers, it must be true.
Well show us the source of your allegation. Give us a link or clue as to where we can find that story. Sounds like something one might find in a rw blog, made up by some asshole and passed around by other assholes. Sort of like asshole misinformation chain. And oh ya, sorry you don't know the difference between a school worker, who works in a school, and an administrator for the Board of Education as an administrator. The bureaucrat had no authority or business in the school and having direct contact with the students.

It is not my allegation - it is the allegation by the parents. And as it shows here, not only me, but also Dragonlady has seen those - as she states exactly the same.
and the so-called "bureaucrat" was the cafeteria manager herself/himself, so stop pretending it was an alien sent from space.

I understand, you statist worshipers will defend a Lucifer himself if he happens to be a school bureaucrat but get a grip in your awe of the power overreach :lol:

The bureaucrat wasn't the cafeteria manager. She was from the DoE Administration, specificly the Division that handles student nutrition programs.
Well hey, if Dragonlady claims she saw an interview on TV up in Toronto, Canada, the allegation of students having lunchs brought from home stolen from them by enraged cafeteria workers, it must be true.

the lunches were taken away by cafeteria workers, not the alien bureaucrat :

The workers then took those lunches from the students and threw them away, he said, because once food is served to one student it can’t be served to another.
Lunches seized from kids in debt at Salt Lake City elementary | The Salt Lake Tribune

she saw the news in Canada I saw the news in the US - and we BOTH heard the same - as that was what the KIDS themselves told the parents b- and that information was given by the interviewed parents.
I was watching one of the American news channels, either MSNBC or CNN.

CNN was repeating that interview over and over and over again - and that was exactly the point - that in their gust ( better reserved for other instances) the workers took lunches even from kids who brought their own lunches and had thrown them away.
The students had lunches they brought from home seized. And the students were white kids

Wanna show me where it states that?

It was stated in the interviews I saw. It's fun that this happened in Utah - a white, Republican state.

Every child and parent interviewed was white, looked to be well dressed and all-American. Not a tattoo or nose ring to be seen.

And everyone complained about the school complaining about their home made lunches being taken away.

yes, that what the main complaints were about - the overzealous cafeteria workers taking away the home prepared lunches.
If another kid took away somebody's lunch they'd call it "bullying" and slap the little bugger in irons then put him/her/it in a pillory in the parking lot.

But bureaucrats will quietly get "Hero of The Soviet American People" medals and cash bonuses.

But you won't see the ceremonies on TV. Unless FOX happens to a reporter around.
Were does the story about the cafeteria workers rage come from? The storys I have seen say a bureaucrat from the finance department stationed herself at the cash register and the students were informed they could not have the lunchs they had selected in the cafeteria line. The food was dumped in the trash by the bureaurcrat and the student was given a carton of milk and piece of fruit. The cafeteria workers were horrified and upset. This appears to be the work and stupidity of one individual bureaucrat overstepping her authority with a stupid idea on how to get the word out that parents needed to pay more attention to their kids lunch accounts.

Overstepping her authority. ??? Giving the kids the food they had NOT paid for would have been screwing the taxpayers and THAT would be overstepping her authority. THINK

None of this would have happened if the deadbeat minority parents had paid the money into their kids lunch account. But they CHOSE not to figuring the stupid whites would give the kids free food anyway. Cheating white people is a game they love to play.

Or the parents might have just forgotten to top up their children's lunch accounts.
Or the families might've been in a desperate financial situation at the time, waiting for next pay day.


"It was pretty traumatic and humiliating," said Erica Lukes, whose 11-year-old daughter had her cafeteria lunch taken from her as she stood in line Tuesday at Uintah Elementary School, 1571 E. 1300 South.

Lukes said as far as she knew, she was all paid up. "I think it’s despicable," she said. "These are young children that shouldn’t be punished or humiliated for something the parents obviously need to clear up."


100% correct.
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I was watching one of the American news channels, either MSNBC or CNN.

I thought so. The two super-liberal networks. They hire some white homeless people, give them nice clothes and 50 bucks and tell them "memorize this and repeat it for the camera."
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-80nj75cVc]Chris Farley and Adam Sandler performing "Lunchlady Land" on SNL with SNL players! - YouTube[/ame]
Article doesn't say so you can be sure most of these deadbeat parents are black or hispanic. They think whites should give them everything.

Not true. I saw the interviews with some parents and they were predominantly white. Some were different races, but that is not the point - the cafeteria workers have no right to grab children's lunches ( the ones they brought from home!!!!) - this is a theft per law and a criminal assault - the parents should file a lawsuit against the school and particular individuals.
I agree, if the school stole and threw away the lunches that the children brought from home, that is a crime.

How can we justify throwing away perfectly good food, when some kids have no lunch? Whoever made this decision is not playing with a full deck, and needs psychological help.
Article doesn't say so you can be sure most of these deadbeat parents are black or hispanic. They think whites should give them everything.

Now you can eat some shit, bigot.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1GngNZjdnM]Utah Elementary School; No Money, No Lunch - YouTube[/ame]

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