Utah school students denied lunch after parents refuse to pay school bills

the cafeteria workers have no right to grab children's lunches ( the ones they brought from home!!!!)

first off this is a report from nbc so one must view it as not completely truthful

other reports say it was only lunches the school would provide

for a fee

could have been handled better

it were the interviews with the parents on CNN - the whole day they were playing it over and over and over again. Even if one does not watch TV, walking through various rooms with TV on it is easy to see the episode.
The online stories do not report that, but the day it originally was reported the centerpiece was exactly that - the overzealous cafeteria workers grabbing lunches form kids which have had home made lunches as well.
Dragonlady have seen the same, so I am not hallucinating :D

not in this case but i do remember a school that was purposefully

taking away the kids sack lunches declaring them not nutritious

the school ended up getting their asses handed back to them

as they should as in this case as well.
School clearly overstepped their authority by taking home made lunches from kids and acted as heartless gestapo taking away the trays in order to throw them into the garbage.

this is unthinkable for any reasonable person.
If you have already given the food away - let the kid eat it.
How is taking away a kid's private property....in this case lunch....NOT theft?

I mean, lunches brought from home.....the cafeteria stuff? With most of it chances are good it would go in the trash in any case. Still, why rush it?
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There is so much racism and retard going on in this thread it is hard to know where to start. There was no rage. Brown bags were not seized. There were people who didn't pay their accounts. Not that they are responsible to begin with. But when you don't send anything out to tell them it is hard to have any ground to stand on when you deny the lunches. Unfortunately between the racists like SS and the Leftytoons like Vox the actual facts never get discussed.

learn how to read, imbecile, then you will know where to start.

Sadly I do.
Article doesn't say so you can be sure most of these deadbeat parents are black or hispanic. They think whites should give them everything.

Utah school district apologizes for seizing kids' lunches for unpaid bills - U.S. News

Jan 30, 2014 6:17 AM EST

One of Utah's biggest school systems apologized Thursday and told angry parents it was investigating why dozens of elementary school children had their lunches seized and thrown away when they didn't have enough money in their accounts.

"This was a mistake," said Jason Olsen, a spokesman for the Salt Lake School District. "There shouldn't have been food taken away from these students once they went through that line."
The district came under national criticism after as many as 40 kids were given fruit and milk and their real lunches were thrown away Tuesday at Uintah Elementary in Salt Lake City.
"She took my lunch away and said, 'Go get a milk,'" fifth-grader Sophia Isom told NBC station KSL. "I came back and asked, 'What's going on?' Then she handed me an orange. She said, 'You don't have any money in your account, so you can't get lunch.'"

Olsen said that parents had been notified about negative balances Monday and that a child nutrition manager had decided to withhold lunches to deal with the issue. They were thrown away because once food is served to one student it can't be served to another, he said

Yes, because kids whose parents don't have much money should starve.

You are such a racist dirtbag.
There is so much racism and retard going on in this thread it is hard to know where to start. There was no rage. Brown bags were not seized. There were people who didn't pay their accounts. Not that they are responsible to begin with. But when you don't send anything out to tell them it is hard to have any ground to stand on when you deny the lunches. Unfortunately between the racists like SS and the Leftytoons like Vox the actual facts never get discussed.

learn how to read, imbecile, then you will know where to start.

Sadly I do.

obviously you do not. yet. and it is sad, that's true. :D
Schools supplying lunches at all is a fucking joke. If you can't send your kid to school with a brown bag and milk money, you have no business procreating.

You're a spiteful little twerp aren't you?

It takes five minutes to make a sandwich and toss a piece of fruit and some Fritos in a bag. I understand that for "today's busy parents" that's too much to ask when they have to make sure their Facebook status is updated.
Schools supplying lunches at all is a fucking joke. If you can't send your kid to school with a brown bag and milk money, you have no business procreating.

You're a spiteful little twerp aren't you?

It takes five minutes to make a sandwich and toss a piece of fruit and some Fritos in a bag. I understand that for "today's busy parents" that's too much to ask when they have to make sure their Facebook status is updated.

The school took the lunches the kids brought from home and threw them away.

The whole thing happened because of a software glitch and over zealous cafeteria workers.

Can you not read?
You're a spiteful little twerp aren't you?

It takes five minutes to make a sandwich and toss a piece of fruit and some Fritos in a bag. I understand that for "today's busy parents" that's too much to ask when they have to make sure their Facebook status is updated.

The school took the lunches the kids brought from home and threw them away.

The whole thing happened because of a software glitch and over zealous cafeteria workers.

Can you not read?

I can read, I was making a point in general about schools supplying lunch, as though it is some onerous chore to make your kid a fucking sandwich.
If school attendance is required by law, shouldn't lunches and everything else, be completely free? Otherwise isn't it just a tax?
Article doesn't say so you can be sure most of these deadbeat parents are black or hispanic. They think whites should give them everything.

Not true. I saw the interviews with some parents and they were predominantly white. Some were different races, but that is not the point - the cafeteria workers have no right to grab children's lunches ( the ones they brought from home!!!!) - this is a theft per law and a criminal assault - the parents should file a lawsuit against the school and particular individuals.

"This was a mistake," said Jason Olsen, a spokesman for the Salt Lake School District. "There shouldn't have been food taken away from these students once they went through that line."
The district came under national criticism after as many as 40 kids were given fruit and milk and their real lunches were thrown away Tuesday at Uintah Elementary in Salt Lake City.

"She took my lunch away and said, 'Go get a milk,'" fifth-grader Sophia Isom told NBC station KSL. "I came back and asked, 'What's going on?' Then she handed me an orange. She said, 'You don't have any money in your account, so you can't get lunch.'"

Olsen said that parents had been notified about negative balances Monday and that a child nutrition manager had decided to withhold lunches to deal with the issue. They were thrown away because once food is served to one student it can't be served to another, he said

They didn't take sack lunches away from kids. You don't go through the line if you already have a sack lunch. The last sentence pretty much points that out.
The school administrator made her point, and the school apologized for her/him. There won't be any law suit and criminal assault is a real laffer.
"This was a mistake," said Jason Olsen, a spokesman for the Salt Lake School District. "There shouldn't have been food taken away from these students once they went through that line."
The district came under national criticism after as many as 40 kids were given fruit and milk and their real lunches were thrown away Tuesday at Uintah Elementary in Salt Lake City.

"She took my lunch away and said, 'Go get a milk,'" fifth-grader Sophia Isom told NBC station KSL. "I came back and asked, 'What's going on?' Then she handed me an orange. She said, 'You don't have any money in your account, so you can't get lunch.'"

Olsen said that parents had been notified about negative balances Monday and that a child nutrition manager had decided to withhold lunches to deal with the issue. They were thrown away because once food is served to one student it can't be served to another, he said

They didn't take sack lunches away from kids. You don't go through the line if you already have a sack lunch. The last sentence pretty much points that out.
The school administrator made her point, and the school apologized for her/him. There won't be any law suit and criminal assault is a real laffer.

Children with sack lunches go through the line to get milk or juice. Watch the interviews. The children clearly say that the lunch they brought from home was taken away from them and thrown away.

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