Utah school students denied lunch after parents refuse to pay school bills

I was watching one of the American news channels, either MSNBC or CNN.

I thought so. The two super-liberal networks. They hire some white homeless people, give them nice clothes and 50 bucks and tell them "memorize this and repeat it for the camera."

I guess you didn't read the article which said that the school board is having problems with the software which notifies the parents that their child's cafeteria account needs funds. The article also said that parents not paying accounts isn't a problem for the board and they apologized for the over reaction of the board employee.

No, you were too busy posting you bigotry and racism. Asshole!
Why should the children be the ones who suffer when their parents are the ones who can not deliver?

God bless you and them kids always!!!

There is so much racism and retard going on in this thread it is hard to know where to start. There was no rage. Brown bags were not seized. There were people who didn't pay their accounts. Not that they are responsible to begin with. But when you don't send anything out to tell them it is hard to have any ground to stand on when you deny the lunches. Unfortunately between the racists like SS and the Leftytoons like Vox the actual facts never get discussed.
There is so much racism and retard going on in this thread it is hard to know where to start. There was no rage. Brown bags were not seized. There were people who didn't pay their accounts. Not that they are responsible to begin with. But when you don't send anything out to tell them it is hard to have any ground to stand on when you deny the lunches. Unfortunately between the racists like SS and the Leftytoons like Vox the actual facts never get discussed.

learn how to read, imbecile, then you will know where to start.
Not true. I saw the interviews with some parents and they were predominantly white.

You idiot. The media always does that. 90% of the deadbeat parents are minorities but we only see the interviews with whites.

it is you who are an idiot. an exemplary one.

the issue here is not the 3-5$ people owe to the cafeteria and not the race of those in debt. The issue here is a criminal assault of the children and a power grab by the cafeteria workers and the school in general.

But the brainless assholes like you will never understand that.

I think I will go to Red Lobster for dinner today and when the waitress brings my order to the table I will tell her I don't have any money. Would you like to go with me and see what happens?
The students had lunches they brought from home seized. And the students were white kids

Wanna show me where it states that?

It was stated in the interviews I saw. It's fun that this happened in Utah - a white, Republican state.

Every child and parent interviewed was white, looked to be well dressed and all-American. Not a tattoo or nose ring to be seen.

And everyone complained about the school complaining about their home made lunches being taken away.

Why would they interview parents who send a sack lunch to school with their kid? They don't have a bill to pay. I thought this was about those that didn't pay for school lunches.
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Article doesn't say so you can be sure most of these deadbeat parents are black or hispanic. They think whites should give them everything.

Not true. I saw the interviews with some parents and they were predominantly white. Some were different races, but that is not the point - the cafeteria workers have no right to grab children's lunches ( the ones they brought from home!!!!) - this is a theft per law and a criminal assault - the parents should file a lawsuit against the school and particular individuals.

the cafeteria workers have no right to grab children's lunches ( the ones they brought from home!!!!)

first off this is a report from nbc so one must view it as not completely truthful

other reports say it was only lunches the school would provide

for a fee

could have been handled better
If i got behind they sent a note home the next day i paid it, problem solved. If you have a child pay the bill. Sheesh

as you may or may not know

we have a grandson who lives with us full time

things has really changed from the time my kids went to school til now

now if the account dips i get an automated email

we can view the account and balance on line

and add funds as well

we also know exactly each and every item he purchased

from his account
It's amazing how easily low IQ, low paid workers will stand with the state, acting like some kind of authority figures, participating in this kind of stupidity.

You gotta be fucking kidding. All the cafeteria workers who were in on this consistently vote republican. All the cafeteria workers were doing is practicing what the GOP preaches;
Don't feed the poor, it will make them "dependent" on eating.

Fucking white trash republicans. Got them a 9 dollar an hour job and want to lord it over poor kids.
It's amazing how easily low IQ, low paid workers will stand with the state, acting like some kind of authority figures, participating in this kind of stupidity.

You gotta be fucking kidding. All the cafeteria workers who were in on this consistently vote republican. All the cafeteria workers were doing is practicing what the GOP preaches;
Don't feed the poor, it will make them "dependent" on eating.

Fucking white trash republicans. Got them a 9 dollar an hour job and want to lord it over poor kids.

Public school employees are all paid by the local government, probably belong to a union and mostly vote Democrat where I come from.

The Republicans that I help give out bags of groceries to poor folks at my Church food bank are all unpaid volunteers. You must be talking about your Democrat friends.
Schools supplying lunches at all is a fucking joke. If you can't send your kid to school with a brown bag and milk money, you have no business procreating.

You're a spiteful little twerp aren't you?

I don't like the way Editec put it, but I do think e are enabling parents by taking their responsibilities away. It doesn't take much to make a sandwich, put in an apple and chips and a quarter for milk. Parents who get free lunch are getting food stamps as well.

Tell me why they cannot make their brown bag lunch. It would save the government millons if not a billion.


In 2011, the gov't spent $10.1 Billion on free and reduced lunches

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Wanna show me where it states that?

It was stated in the interviews I saw. It's fun that this happened in Utah - a white, Republican state.

Every child and parent interviewed was white, looked to be well dressed and all-American. Not a tattoo or nose ring to be seen.

And everyone complained about the school complaining about their home made lunches being taken away.

Why would they interview parents who send a sack lunch to school with their kid? They don't have a bill to pay. I thought this was about those that didn't pay for school lunches.

because they took and throw away the home made lunches, duh.

in their overzealous power grab the cafeteria workers were punishing the kids which have nothing to do with the school lunches - and that what the parents were mostly furious about.

not that I would take away the lunch already given to the "debt" kid by school either.

you don't want to serve lunch to debt kids - do it BEFORE they have the tray.
Article doesn't say so you can be sure most of these deadbeat parents are black or hispanic. They think whites should give them everything.

Not true. I saw the interviews with some parents and they were predominantly white. Some were different races, but that is not the point - the cafeteria workers have no right to grab children's lunches ( the ones they brought from home!!!!) - this is a theft per law and a criminal assault - the parents should file a lawsuit against the school and particular individuals.

the cafeteria workers have no right to grab children's lunches ( the ones they brought from home!!!!)

first off this is a report from nbc so one must view it as not completely truthful

other reports say it was only lunches the school would provide

for a fee

could have been handled better

it were the interviews with the parents on CNN - the whole day they were playing it over and over and over again. Even if one does not watch TV, walking through various rooms with TV on it is easy to see the episode.
The online stories do not report that, but the day it originally was reported the centerpiece was exactly that - the overzealous cafeteria workers grabbing lunches form kids which have had home made lunches as well.
Dragonlady have seen the same, so I am not hallucinating :D
It's amazing how easily low IQ, low paid workers will stand with the state, acting like some kind of authority figures, participating in this kind of stupidity.

You gotta be fucking kidding. All the cafeteria workers who were in on this consistently vote republican. All the cafeteria workers were doing is practicing what the GOP preaches;
Don't feed the poor, it will make them "dependent" on eating.

Fucking white trash republicans. Got them a 9 dollar an hour job and want to lord it over poor kids.

bullshit. all the school and cafeteria workers are union members and vote dimocrap without even thinking.
Are people reading or watching anything in this thread?

1. The automated software didn't notify parents the funds in their kids' accounts were running low.

2. There have been problems with the software since the first of the year.

3. Cafeteria staff seized the brown bag lunches students brought from home and threw them away.

4. The school board has apologized.

5. The parents and the students did nothing wrong.

6. The board doesn't have a problem with school lunch accounts not being paid.
Were does the story about the cafeteria workers rage come from? The storys I have seen say a bureaucrat from the finance department stationed herself at the cash register and the students were informed they could not have the lunchs they had selected in the cafeteria line. The food was dumped in the trash by the bureaurcrat and the student was given a carton of milk and piece of fruit. The cafeteria workers were horrified and upset. This appears to be the work and stupidity of one individual bureaucrat overstepping her authority with a stupid idea on how to get the word out that parents needed to pay more attention to their kids lunch accounts.

Overstepping her authority. ??? Giving the kids the food they had NOT paid for would have been screwing the taxpayers and THAT would be overstepping her authority. THINK

None of this would have happened if the deadbeat minority parents had paid the money into their kids lunch account. But they CHOSE not to figuring the stupid whites would give the kids free food anyway. Cheating white people is a game they love to play.

Just where in any article does it mention race? Find the link meaning any article written by a professional journalist that mentions the race of any student or parent involved in this story. If you cannot find that link, I call you out as a racist!
Not true. I saw the interviews with some parents and they were predominantly white. Some were different races, but that is not the point - the cafeteria workers have no right to grab children's lunches ( the ones they brought from home!!!!) - this is a theft per law and a criminal assault - the parents should file a lawsuit against the school and particular individuals.

the cafeteria workers have no right to grab children's lunches ( the ones they brought from home!!!!)

first off this is a report from nbc so one must view it as not completely truthful

other reports say it was only lunches the school would provide

for a fee

could have been handled better

it were the interviews with the parents on CNN - the whole day they were playing it over and over and over again. Even if one does not watch TV, walking through various rooms with TV on it is easy to see the episode.
The online stories do not report that, but the day it originally was reported the centerpiece was exactly that - the overzealous cafeteria workers grabbing lunches form kids which have had home made lunches as well.
Dragonlady have seen the same, so I am not hallucinating :D

not in this case but i do remember a school that was purposefully

taking away the kids sack lunches declaring them not nutritious

the school ended up getting their asses handed back to them
Way it was handled it why it's in the news. Seizing children's lunch only to throw it in the garbage is outrageous. Those involved should be fired for causing embarassment and likely trauma to the children effected.

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