Utah Sheriff's rally call for an uprising against homo marriage

You are as generally ignorant of Christianity as the Muslim haters here are of the Koran.
Incorrect Jake

I was a dedicated Christian for many years before I converted to Islam. I used to teach Sunday school at the church and hosted numerous weekly Bible study groups in my home. And have read the Bible cover to cover many times. ... :cool: .

This is the first time in all are years you have said this, to my knowledge.

Thank you for coming out.

But you are ignorant of Christian numbers and denominations, if you think the far right of Christian evangelicals, fundamentalists, and Pentecostals are more than a small minority.
Katzndogz, we are not going back to the bad old 1950s.

Of course not. We will continue on the road of degeneracy and perversion until the end, whatever form that end might be.

If perversion in Europe is any guide, the end is decidedly islamic.
Verse #3 says. "All" the men from every part of the city of Sodom—both young and old—surrounded the house to get at the two men for sex.

So obviously the entire city was populated by depraved sodomites.

God sent the 2 angles to help Lot, who was the only heterosexual in the city, escape the total destruction he was going to rain on the sodomites. ... :cool:

The citizens of Sodom accepted homosexuality as normal even if they weren't homosexuals themselves. Although the passage says that men came from every part of the city, it does not quantify by saying all men of the city. The entire city supported gay rights even if they weren't gay themselves. That is what make the entire city corrupt. Lot and his family were not only heterosexuals, they did not consider homosexuality normal. Lot offered his daughters if the homosexuals would give up the idea of raping the angels. Of course gay men would not take that. They have no interest in women but the angels in the form of men had to be forced into acceptance.

Lot and his daughters had sex. That's not gay. Lot's wife was turned into a pillar of salt.

The point is that the Bible has to be read with a ton, not a grain, of salt.

Biblical literalism is heresy to the great majority of Christian.

If you know so much about the Bible why are your version of events backwards and not quite honest?

First of all, Lot's wife was turned into a pillar of salt before Lot's daughter's seduced him.

I challenge your claim that "Biblical literalism is heresy to the great majority of Christian(s)".
You are as generally ignorant of Christianity as the Muslim haters here are of the Koran.
Incorrect Jake

I was a dedicated Christian for many years before I converted to Islam. I used to teach Sunday school at the church and hosted numerous weekly Bible study groups in my home. And have read the Bible cover to cover many times. ... :cool: .

This is the first time in all are years you have said this, to my knowledge.

Thank you for coming out.

But you are ignorant of Christian numbers and denominations, if you think the far right of Christian evangelicals, fundamentalists, and Pentecostals are more than a small minority.

You must not have been paying attention. I haven't been here for years, and I've heard Sunni Man say the same thing any number of times.
You are as generally ignorant of Christianity as the Muslim haters here are of the Koran.
Incorrect Jake

I was a dedicated Christian for many years before I converted to Islam. I used to teach Sunday school at the church and hosted numerous weekly Bible study groups in my home. And have read the Bible cover to cover many times. ... :cool: .

This is the first time in all are years you have said this, to my knowledge.
Jake, I have said this several times on various threads over the years I have been on the forum.

It's never been a secret. ... :cool:
Katzndogz, we are not going back to the bad old 1950s.

Of course not. We will continue on the road of degeneracy and perversion until the end, whatever form that end might be.

If perversion in Europe is any guide, the end is decidedly islamic.

You do realize that homosexual rights and Islam are at opposite ends of the spectrum?
America is the modern day Sodom and will soon enough reap its reward. God won't allow his creation to fall into the hands of Satan and the perverts.

The sooner the better if you ask me.

Ohhhh no. The US won't get off that easy. We will have same sex marriage, the normalization of homosexuality, bestiality, legal pedophilia, necrophilia, and probably leniency for gay cannibals before this is done. Once a country goes down the path of degeneracy it doesn't stop. Just look at other countries that have had legalization of same sex marriage longer than we have to see where we're going.

Sweden is trying (and failing) to pass laws against animal sexual abuse now.

All I know is that Jesus said he would return one day and the signs for that return get riper and riper with every passing year. He also said that he will come with judgment and victory. The Bible depicts the signs that will foretell his coming.

The liberal perverts that infest this website ensure their own destruction.

And that's a good thing.
Katzndogz, we are not going back to the bad old 1950s.

Of course not. We will continue on the road of degeneracy and perversion until the end, whatever form that end might be.

If perversion in Europe is any guide, the end is decidedly islamic.

You do realize that homosexual rights and Islam are at opposite ends of the spectrum?

Thus the logic in the liberal's defense of islam and homosexuality.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Katzndogz, we are not going back to the bad old 1950s.

Of course not. We will continue on the road of degeneracy and perversion until the end, whatever form that end might be.

If perversion in Europe is any guide, the end is decidedly islamic.

You do realize that homosexual rights and Islam are at opposite ends of the spectrum?

Yep. I know that. Do you?

You surely can see what's happening.
Of course not. We will continue on the road of degeneracy and perversion until the end, whatever form that end might be.

If perversion in Europe is any guide, the end is decidedly islamic.

You do realize that homosexual rights and Islam are at opposite ends of the spectrum?

Yep. I know that. Do you?

You surely can see what's happening.

So let me follow your logic then...

American conservatives oppose gay rights
Islam opposes gay rights
Conservatives will unite with Islam to fight gay rights?
You do realize that homosexual rights and Islam are at opposite ends of the spectrum?

Yep. I know that. Do you?

You surely can see what's happening.

So let me follow your logic then...

American conservatives oppose gay rights
Islam opposes gay rights
Conservatives will unite with Islam to fight gay rights?

Muslims hate Jews more than they hate fags and dems are the party that caters to antisemitis
Yep. I know that. Do you?

You surely can see what's happening.

So let me follow your logic then...

American conservatives oppose gay rights
Islam opposes gay rights
Conservatives will unite with Islam to fight gay rights?

Muslims hate Jews more than they hate fags and dems are the party that caters to antisemitis

No, his logic is absolutely right on. Conservatives love to hate more than they love their country or anything else. If it came to it, they would definitely work with Muslims to fight against the acceptance of gays, despite all their talk about how Islam is an evil religion that wants to take over the world. The right wingers would ignore all of that if it helped in the hate filled war they are waging against gays.
The far right reactonary wing nuts here are as potentially dangerous as the reactionary Islamic wing nuts

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