Utah Sheriffs write letter to White House: We are willing to die for the 2ndAmendment

burley Idaho here is pretty much Utah north. The sheriff here said they wouldn't enforce any new gun laws

Utah is the best state in the union...bar none
Obama took an oath to protect the constitution, to attempt alterations to any of our fundamental rights is unconstitutional, that would make him by definition a traitor, but that's nothing new. Way to go Utah.

A free people ought to be armed.
George Washington

No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.
Thomas Jefferson

I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.
Thomas Jefferson

The Constitution of most of our states (and of the United States) assert that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed.
Thomas Jefferson

To disarm the people is the most effectual way to enslave them.
George Mason
This is one of the most stupid (and mythical) issues out there.

Not one piece of gun control legislation has crossed Obama's desk since he's been in office.
So, is there a separate organization for black and hispanic Utah sheriffs?
What delusions. The sheriffs said that they would not back down on refusing to support federal gun laws. The articles were more than nine months, and no body was saying we will die before we give in.
It was a state sheriff's photo op at their annual meeting in SLC.

The association president said that of course the county officials will obey the law.
not true. Harry Reid has told barry gun issues are a lose lose proposition for democrats
He can tell him whatever he wants. The fact is, no legislation has been written to limit guns in America. So it's just ludicrous to talk as though there has.

If someone writes a bill to limit guns, we can talk about it when we cross that bridge.

Until then, it's just a bullshit issue and a major waste of time.
Not for lack of trying on his and his anti gun nut buddies side. Only because republicans refuse to let him win.
No. It's because this is just a bullshit issue that doesn't even exist on planet earth.
Bullshit. They have been written they just haven't been able to pass them.
So, is there a separate organization for black and hispanic Utah sheriffs?

Why would there be? They are just sheriffs why do they need separate groups?

Well then they all must have have been given the day off when the pic was taken...
You are whining because there are no black sheriffs in Utah....:lol:
not true. Harry Reid has told barry gun issues are a lose lose proposition for democrats
He can tell him whatever he wants. The fact is, no legislation has been written to limit guns in America. So it's just ludicrous to talk as though there has.

If someone writes a bill to limit guns, we can talk about it when we cross that bridge.

Until then, it's just a bullshit issue and a major waste of time.
Actually legislation has been written and presented.
Gun control: Barack Obama condemns 'shameful' failure to pass reform | World news | The Guardian
Two other measures introduced in response to Sandy Hook – a ban on assault weapons and a ban on high-capacity magazines – also fell on Wednesday, as expected. NRA-backed Republican proposals to expand concealed carry rights nationally and focus law enforcement on prosecuting gun crime were also blocked.

Care to lie some more? Thankfully even some democraps know they pass this garbage will be the end of their tenure in congress.
Obama asks Congress to pass laws that would: require background checks on all gun sales; restore a ban on "military-style assault weapons"; ban gun magazines with capacities of more than 10 rounds; and toughen penalties on people who sell guns to those who can't have them

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