V.P. Pence Warns Graduates to Prepare for Persecution for Their Christianity

On Saturday, Vice President Mike Pence spoke to the 2019 graduates of Liberty University.

While many commencement speakers wish the graduates a bright and glorious future, Pence issued a dire warning.

He told the students that for most of America’s history, there was no problem being a Christian, but times have changed.

He continued to tell the graduates that in today’s America to be prepared to be ridiculed and shunned because of their Christian faith.

(Excerpt) Read more at barbwire.com ...

I like Pence. I like how he never apologizes for his faith and I have not heard many negatives except he is Trumps second in command.....Compared to ANY of the scum on the Communist side he would be hands down a decent pick for #46 !

And Pence was furthering the divide in this country, us against the world. What a loon, I call his a crazy loon because that is what he is.

And because his wife was in judgement, she is a crazy loon as well.

Most evangelicals are crazy loons.
Yes a Muslim communist terrorist lover is to be believed! Lolol!
Pence plays the scare card, which
Little Trumpsters fall for 100% of the time.

Jesus Christ, as usual, was absolutely prophetic when he stated that "The world will hate you because of me". Western liberals despise Christianity and Christians.
That is not true! I am not even sure what you are talking about--or what Pence is talking about. Sure, trolls run their mouths on this board, but other than that, I don't hear Christianity or Christians being "hated" at all. Who ridicules and shuns them? (Remember--we are not talking about the trolls here.)

In the mainstream media, show me one place where Christianity is "hated." I just never see anything like that or hear it. Most everyone in this country still believes in God, even though they might not be part of an organized religion. I think most consider themselves "Christian" if they have to identify as one of the major faiths. Probably almost as many who believe in God also support Jesus's teachings. He was a good man.

So what am I missing?

Nearly eight-in-ten U.S. adults think God or a higher power has protected them, and two-thirds say they have been rewarded by the Almighty.
Americans' beliefs about the nature of God
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Pence plays the scare card, which
Little Trumpsters fall for 100% of the time.

Jesus Christ, as usual, was absolutely prophetic when he stated that "The world will hate you because of me". Western liberals despise Christianity and Christians.

!, I am a real Bible based Christian.,Therefore, I am consistent in my beliefs and not just when it's convenient for me, for political reasons.
2, I have been a consistent moderate Independent for the last twenty years or so. It seems, that anyone to is not as fanatically far right as folks like you, must be a liberal.
3, Republicans have used fear to rally their minions for decades. Fear, was the number one tool, Trump used in his acceptance speech as the nominee for the presidency at the 2016, Republican Convention.
Christians haven’t been this persecuted since Romans threw them to the lions

Except for those who live in the Middle East. Right? Or those who lived in Communist Russia? Or those in Africa?
Or those who lived in Nazi Germany

So you contradict your own statement? Priceless.
Went right over your head didn’t it?

Nope. Your sarcasm was lost.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with their hypocrisy.

What hypocrisy? That they didn't vote for the abortion-loving bitch like you did?

I like that WrongWinger.... definitely many points that Blow Job Clinton and the Surender Monkey portrayed!!!!!

All that really matters...

Really, care to show some examples?

I can do it for Trump
Surrender Monkey, your messiah #1
APPARENTLY ALL The new texts and investigations of scum coup members and a lap dog media is #2
#4 YES SCOTUS is changing for the better. GOODBYE ROE v WADE!
#5 BUT $145 Million to Clinton for Uranium 1 is OK!!!!

This is too easy...next!
Has nothing to do with what I posted

Try again
On Saturday, Vice President Mike Pence spoke to the 2019 graduates of Liberty University.

While many commencement speakers wish the graduates a bright and glorious future, Pence issued a dire warning.

He told the students that for most of America’s history, there was no problem being a Christian, but times have changed.

He continued to tell the graduates that in today’s America to be prepared to be ridiculed and shunned because of their Christian faith.

(Excerpt) Read more at barbwire.com ...

I like Pence. I like how he never apologizes for his faith and I have not heard many negatives except he is Trumps second in command.....Compared to ANY of the scum on the Communist side he would be hands down a decent pick for #46 !
thoughts and prayers......
--------------------------------------------- YEAH to Thoughts and Prayers but also work and fight to Keep your Guns Bode !!
What hypocrisy? That they didn't vote for the abortion-loving bitch like you did?

I like that WrongWinger.... definitely many points that Blow Job Clinton and the Surender Monkey portrayed!!!!!

All that really matters...

Really, care to show some examples?

I can do it for Trump
Surrender Monkey, your messiah #1
APPARENTLY ALL The new texts and investigations of scum coup members and a lap dog media is #2
#4 YES SCOTUS is changing for the better. GOODBYE ROE v WADE!
#5 BUT $145 Million to Clinton for Uranium 1 is OK!!!!

This is too easy...next!
Has nothing to do with what I posted

Try again
Has everything to do with what you posted....you think everyone is an idiot like you!....ROTFLMFAO!
Christians haven’t been this persecuted since Romans threw them to the lions

Except for those who live in the Middle East. Right? Or those who lived in Communist Russia? Or those in Africa?

Or perhaps those who live in Israel.

Christians are persecuted in Israel? Do tell.

Yes, some churches are even burnt, and some old men with gray beards spit on Christians.
Especially bad for Palestinian Christians I've read.
What is this "persecution" crap?

Of those in the U.S. who choose to follow a faith, the majority are Christian. Someone please give pence a towel.He's all wet.

We have never had a president who was not a Christian. All of those who have run for executive office, or are currently, have been Christian, except for two of the Jewish faith. What is pence thinking???
Even God hates Evangelicals

He finds them to be pretentious and spiteful
No one can speak for the Supreme Being, the Creator, so I can't use the term "God" as it is used in the Abrahamic faiths, given that millions of people lived in places outside of the Middle East and the Roman Empire (India, China, Africa, the peoples of the Americas) and the Creator probably would have contacted them also. But in the realm of the Christian faith alone, Evangelicals are pretentious, arrogant, and spiteful, and only pretend to adhere to the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth when they do not.
What is this "persecution" crap?

Of those in the U.S. who choose to follow a faith, the majority are Christian. Someone please give pence a towel.He's all wet.

We have never had a president who was not a Christian. All of those who have run for executive office, or are currently, have been Christian, except for two of the Jewish faith. What is pence thinking???
------------------------------------ and thank the Christian GOD for that Lysis !! GO Pence as you have an election coming up in a few years Pence !!
It is so dreadfully hard being a Christian here in America. :crybaby:
-------------------------------------- and i think that Mike Pence was talking about a worldwide trend of the difficulty of being a Christian through many parts of the World rather than just here in the USA . From what i read , murder is being done to Christians all over the world simply because they are Christian MDK .
Pence Persecuted 280,000 gay people living in his state. Republicans have no problem with that. They see nothing wrong with it.

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