V.P. Pence Warns Graduates to Prepare for Persecution for Their Christianity

TRUMPS Party is working pretty nicely from my point of view as i rarely see 'jebito bush' types or other Pragmatic and 'treacherous' types like 'kasich' or 'dead mcstains' and dead and gone old man 'bush' Kiwiman .

What is your point of view?
It is so dreadfully hard being a Christian here in America. :crybaby:
-------------------------------------- and i think that Mike Pence was talking about a worldwide trend of the difficulty of being a Christian through many parts of the World rather than just here in the USA . From what i read , murder is being done to Christians all over the world simply because they are Christian MDK .

“Throughout most of American history, it's been pretty easy to call yourself Christian,” Pence said. “It didn’t even occur to people that you might be shunned or ridiculed for defending the teachings of the Bible. But things are different now.”

He specifically mentions to prepare yourself for how difficult it is to be a Christian here in the United States. He's doing nothing more than passing out victim cards and red meat for his base.

Statement: He's doing nothing more than passing out victim cards and red meat for his base.

Response: Yep, it is ^^^ pure Trumpism; that means hate and fear mongering. I'm sure - if the Nuns who taught us didn't lie- this is not what Jesus preached on the "Sermon on the Mount".
-------------------------------------- feck those 'nuns' , those nuns works for and are Paid the 'pope' Wry !!

Who or what made you into the iconoclast you've become? Vile, vulgar and ignorant*** (Nuns are not paid per se):

The Average Salary of Nuns

***much like trump.
-------------------------------------------- [chuckle] , they still work and get fed something and they do nefarious work especially for importation of new 'pew fillers' in the 'popes' church's . Where do 'nuns' eat and where do they sleep Wry ?? [probably eat and sleep on and at the 'popes' property eh]
TRUMPS Party is working pretty nicely from my point of view as i rarely see 'jebito bush' types or other Pragmatic and 'treacherous' types like 'kasich' or 'dead mcstains' and dead and gone old man 'bush' Kiwiman .

What is your point of view?
------------------------------------------ i call it a PRACTICAL point of view and from that point of view i say that i Mostly approve of Trump though i find him to be a 'wusse' on the invasion of third worlders into the USA . Course , the 'jebito bush' and 'hilary , kasich , dead mcstain, dead old man bush and the others would be much worse Wry .

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