VA pick (Trump's doctor) on rocks over allegations of hostile work environment, excessive drinking

"It's almost like Trump decided to pick his own doctor for VA secretary and everyone knew it was a bad idea but nobody could (or tried to) talk him out of it"
Excessive drinking, improperly dispensing meds!? I want to party with this guy.
"Sometimes you need to take a moment to appreciate the mind-numbing incompetence of this White House."
What the left won’t do to try to destroy anyone Trump likes or likes him.
If these allegations are true, I'm sure the Navy will be investigating too.
'BREAKING: Senators Isakson and Tester officially announce that the hearing for Veterans Sec nominee Rony Jackson will be delayed. Isakson said he does not want Jackson to withdraw his nomination."
Sarah Huckabee Sanders of course just lied about Ronny Jackson being the most vetted than any other nominee, which is pretty frightening considering they never vetted him before Predator trump nominated him.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders of course just lied about Ronny Jackson being the most vetted than any other nominee, which is pretty frightening considering they never vetted him before Predator trump nominated him.
Of course, non other than your beloved messiah Hussein Obama "vetted" him extensively, and in fact gave him glittering reviews including several recommendations for promotion.
You know, when they first floated his nomination for the VA, I was against it because he is a specialty officer, not a line officer, and has never ran a command himself. Only line officers are allowed to be CO's of ships.

Then, it came out that he was prescribing Ambien and mild stimulants to help people adjust to new time zones.

Right after I heard that, I was wondering why he was doing that? One of the things that Sailors know how to do is adjust to different time zones. We cross them all the time, and have to be able to adjust to new sleep cycles.

How did we do that? Simple.............part of every smart Sailor's deployment kit always includes a bottle of Melatonin. That is an OTC food supplement that you can get in health stores, and if taken just before going to bed, it will "reset" your circadian rhythm.

Why didn't he give them that? Or, at the very least, start with that, and if it didn't work well for the person THEN switch to Ambien and stimulants.

No wonder they called him "Candyman".

Hmmm......................wonder if Trump conjured him up by saying his name 3 times to a mirror in a dark room?
He was doing exactly what he was doing in the Trump administration as he was during the Obama and Bush administrations, so why didn't Trump's predecessors fire him?

This is yet another pathetic, disgusting leftwing fake news hit job just to obstruct and stiffle the Trump administration from moving forward in helping this country fix it's problems.
None of this bad behavior was evident while the doctor was obama's doctor. It is almost like democrats just made it up. In fact, it's exactly like they just made it up.
A compilation of allegations by Sen. Jon Tester against Ronny Jackson include:
- known as "candyman"
- doled out Percoset (Now that it's opioids, Trump's gonna have to execute him.)
- wrecked a government vehicle while drunk after a SS going away party
- "the most unethical person i have ever worked with."
Fake accusations without a shred of physical evidence. Just like the Russia collusion accusation.

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