VA pick (Trump's doctor) on rocks over allegations of hostile work environment, excessive drinking

The secret service found absolutely nothing resembling any of the allegations. Tester says he has 20 wtinesses that verified his claims and every one of them are anonymous.

It's a fake. Tester thought that because Harry.Reid got away with lying so will he.

Not so fast.
What's that sound on the left?

"Secret Service has just informed me that Senator Jon Tester’s statements on Admiral Jackson are not true. There were no such findings. A horrible thing that we in D.C. must live with, just like phony Russian Collusion. Tester should lose race in Montana. Very dishonest and sick!

Allegations made by Senator Jon Tester against Admiral/Doctor Ron Jackson are proving false. The Secret Service is unable to confirm (in fact they deny) any of the phony Democrat charges which have absolutely devastated the wonderful Jackson family. Tester should resign. The great people of Montana will not stand for this kind of slander when talking of a great human being. Admiral Jackson is the kind of man that those in Montana would most respect and admire, and now, for no reason whatsoever, his reputation has been shattered. Not fair, Tester!" - President Trump
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he must not be confirmed!

"Sometimes you need to take a moment to appreciate the mind-numbing incompetence of this White House."

Sarah Huckabee Sanders of course just lied about Ronny Jackson being the most vetted than any other nominee, which is pretty frightening considering they never vetted him before Predator trump nominated him.

No wonder they called him "Candyman".

Hmmm......................wonder if Trump conjured him up by saying his name 3 times to a mirror in a dark room?

A compilation of allegations by Sen. Jon Tester against Ronny Jackson include:
- known as "candyman"
- doled out Percoset (Now that it's opioids, Trump's gonna have to execute him.)
- wrecked a government vehicle while drunk after a SS going away party
- "the most unethical person i have ever worked with."

Wonder if he's going to have a drink to get over it.

Now all that can be heard is...

he must not be confirmed!

"Sometimes you need to take a moment to appreciate the mind-numbing incompetence of this White House."

Sarah Huckabee Sanders of course just lied about Ronny Jackson being the most vetted than any other nominee, which is pretty frightening considering they never vetted him before Predator trump nominated him.

No wonder they called him "Candyman".

Hmmm......................wonder if Trump conjured him up by saying his name 3 times to a mirror in a dark room?

A compilation of allegations by Sen. Jon Tester against Ronny Jackson include:
- known as "candyman"
- doled out Percoset (Now that it's opioids, Trump's gonna have to execute him.)
- wrecked a government vehicle while drunk after a SS going away party
- "the most unethical person i have ever worked with."

Wonder if he's going to have a drink to get over it.

Now all that can be heard is...


So you spend your time conjuring up shit like this that no one really cares about? I don't even remember posting to this thread but for you it's like research into the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Get a life.
I don't even remember posting to this thread but for you it's like research into the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Get a life.

Awww... Did I hurt your feelings? Maybe you should take ownership of your post's... You seen an opportunity to pile on with a bunch of liars and bad mouth someone you have no idea about... Relying on truthful information from a cyber rag like talking points memo is a armature move...

Get an adult to help you post...
I do not know about these allegations being true or not....but "golden boys" DO get protected in the military. Seen it again and again.
I do not know about these allegations being true or not....but "golden boys" DO get protected in the military. Seen it again and again.

But, you also have to remember that he is in a WH appointment. Assignments like that are considered "special duty" and as such, require certain kinds of screenings. Another thing about a job like this is that if you are caught doing something to bring discredit upon your service, they will send you back to regular duty.

Matter of fact, I saw several recruiters while I was working at a MEPS get sent back to the fleet for a lot less.

Did he do something? Dunno, but if it comes out that he did, he should be sent back to the Fleet.
WRONG! He's just no longer in the lead position. Get your facts straight.

Correction noted Sarge...

First Ronny Jackson Withdrew His Nomination as VA Director. He Won't Get His Old Job Back Either

I heard Sanders explain this today on the press briefing. She said that when Jackson was nominated, he was moved from being the main doctor to being a department head, because they thought he would get the nomination and wanted to have another doctor in his position when he got it.

But, when he withdrew his nomination, Sanders said that instead of moving him back to his old position and kicking the new doctor back to his old position, they are going to keep him as a department head and the new doctor is going to take over.

But, if there wasn't anything in his past like some claim, he would have been reinstated as Trumps doctor. Since he's not going back to being his doctor, I would be willing to bet there is something in his past that they don't want to have come to light.
But, if there wasn't anything in his past like some claim, he would have been reinstated as Trumps doctor. Since he's not going back to being his doctor, I would be willing to bet there is something in his past that they don't want to have come to light.

Presumption of innocence

The presumption of innocence, sometimes referred to by the Latin expression Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat (the burden of proof is on the one who declares, not on one who denies), is the principle that one is considered innocent unless proven guilty.
Presumption of innocence - Wikipedia

The reason I am defending this man is he filled a non-political position... Partisan accusations have been flying ever since the Commander in Chief asked him to fill a Cabinet Position... The Partisan Posse immediately went to work and started spewing all kinds of slanderous accusation against the Rear Admiral... I have a bias when it comes to believing partisan politicians or the Secret Service, so shoot me...
Secret Service disputes allegation against Rear Adm. Ronny Jackson

Dig long enough and you will find dust in anyone's underwear drawer... Remember how silly the 'Beer Summit' and or #Beergate was? Apparently there has been a squabble between Admiral Jackson and another Dr. at the White House... Is this close to the accusations that the POS Sen. from Montana was spewing out... No...
Mike Pence's doctor alerted White House aides about Ronny Jackson concerns last fall

What I have read and come to conclude that very possibly a very good man was railroaded because he is in the wrong place at the right time...
WRONG! He's just no longer in the lead position. Get your facts straight.

Correction noted Sarge...

First Ronny Jackson Withdrew His Nomination as VA Director. He Won't Get His Old Job Back Either

I heard Sanders explain this today on the press briefing. She said that when Jackson was nominated, he was moved from being the main doctor to being a department head, because they thought he would get the nomination and wanted to have another doctor in his position when he got it.

But, when he withdrew his nomination, Sanders said that instead of moving him back to his old position and kicking the new doctor back to his old position, they are going to keep him as a department head and the new doctor is going to take over.

But, if there wasn't anything in his past like some claim, he would have been reinstated as Trumps doctor. Since he's not going back to being his doctor, I would be willing to bet there is something in his past that they don't want to have come to light.

But, if there wasn't anything in his past like some claim, he would have been reinstated as Trumps doctor. Since he's not going back to being his doctor, I would be willing to bet there is something in his past that they don't want to have come to light

You just cannot tolerate that he's been vindicated by the Secret Service, the people who know what's going on in the White House than anyone else.

I'm willing to bet that, after having been so brutally and unfairly attacked, the good doctor has decided to retire from the military and seek a practice somewhere very far from Washington, D.C. and the filth that's there.

Good luck to him!

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