Va Primary: Gingrich, Perry fail to get on ballot.

1. He’s not serious about being president.
2. He lacks the resources to run a Nation-wide campaign.
3. If somehow nominated, he’d stand no chance against Obama.
Many of Newt all along: It was just a grand book sales tour.

He is not a serious contender, not if you can't make it on the ballot in the state you reside in, where you are heavily favored. Really embarrassing, he did not have his volunteers out there collecting those signatures, that's what this boils down to, they did not do their job. Some of the lunies on the board are trying to make this out to be some conspiracy, ridiculous.

He collected more than enough signatures, but Romney's goons cheated.

This is going to seriously backfire on Romney... I think that the more they see the establishment cheat to get their pre-determined result, the more you are going to see the base rebel against it.

Probably means Obama will get a second term, and people will curse Romney's name for blowing it.
Perhaps not, but being a candidate for president should.

You really think Romnuts knows all the rules for primaries across the country?

Frankly, this is embarrassing.

For the GOP, yes, it certainly is. Bolling has proven what a sellout little whore he is.

The TPM should have his ass in the crosshairs till he leaves elected office.

If you are running for President of the United States you better damn well know the election laws of the different states or at least hire a campaign manager who does. These candidates were warned on November 15th from the GOP in Virginia to get busy, they didn't, quit making excuses for them. They deserve to lose those electoral votes, they did not earn them.

Guy, "election laws" have nothing to do with it. This was a call made by the Republican Party of Virginia, not the State of Virginia.

And seriously, invalidating 5 of the 7 candidates? Wasn't that going a bit overboard? How little faith does the Establishment have in Romney.
It was the busiest time of the year for shoppers.

People were out and about ~~~everywhere~~~.

The state of Virgina has on order of about 4 million registered voters

Newt knew MONTHS in advance of the requirements.

And STILL, he could not collect a measy 15,000 signatures. What the hell does that tell you?

Tells me he didnt kiss enough GOP establishment ass like Romnnuts did.

Newt knew MONTHS in advance of the requirements.

And STILL, he could not collect a measy 15,000 signatures. What the hell does that tell you?

1. He’s not serious about being president.

Of course he is, even if its only to boost his book sales, lol.

2. He lacks the resources to run a Nation-wide campaign.

He didnt at one time, but that is changing.

3. If somehow nominated, he’d stand no chance against Obama.

Of course he would stand a chance, but the more the GOP establishment ruins the Republican brand (as if Boner and Rmnuts has done enough already) then it will be much hard for any GOP nominee to win.
How in the hell did Gingrich allow this to happen? I highly doubt he couldn't find 10K signatures in the state of VA.

What a blunder.

Perry on the other hand, probably couldn't find 10K signatures in VA.

The both had more than 10k, but Bolling and his cronies in the VA GOP machine simply tossed out enough to keep them off the ballot.

Keyes got enough in 2008 and wasnt considered a major candidate, so the GOP changed the rules this year so they could legally throw out as many signatures as they want.

But whatever happened to your respect for the voters? You really think that these ridiculous rules were meant to enable the choices for Virginian voters?

Of course not, it wasmeant to hand the state over to Romney, but he might get a huge surprise in March.

OK, Braniac: how many signatures did Keyes collect in 2008?

Lol, was Keyes on the ballot or not?
How in the hell did Gingrich allow this to happen? I highly doubt he couldn't find 10K signatures in the state of VA.

What a blunder.

Perry on the other hand, probably couldn't find 10K signatures in VA.

The both had more than 10k, but Bolling and his cronies in the VA GOP machine simply tossed out enough to keep them off the ballot.

Keyes got enough in 2008 and wasnt considered a major candidate, so the GOP changed the rules this year so they could legally throw out as many signatures as they want.

But whatever happened to your respect for the voters? You really think that these ridiculous rules were meant to enable the choices for Virginian voters?

Of course not, it wasmeant to hand the state over to Romney, but he might get a huge surprise in March.

Good point. I think that Romney is going to find a lot of the rank and file are sick of tricks like this...

I do too, because I know *I* am sick of his bullshit already and we havent even had a single primary yet.

This is standard NE machine politics; attack, slander, ruin and bouy off.

Romneys destruction of government documents in the last days of his govenor ship is a ticking time bomb here that Obama will bang like a cheap whore.
Many of Newt all along: It was just a grand book sales tour.

He is not a serious contender, not if you can't make it on the ballot in the state you reside in, where you are heavily favored. Really embarrassing, he did not have his volunteers out there collecting those signatures, that's what this boils down to, they did not do their job. Some of the lunies on the board are trying to make this out to be some conspiracy, ridiculous.

He collected more than enough signatures, but Romney's goons cheated.

This is going to seriously backfire on Romney... I think that the more they see the establishment cheat to get their pre-determined result, the more you are going to see the base rebel against it.

Probably means Obama will get a second term, and people will curse Romney's name for blowing it.

Agreed. Romnuts might get Virginia but methinks he has dug himself a hole to deep to climb out of in most states.

What does anyone think Romnuts credibility is with the TPM now? Zilch. And that I suspect will almost guarrantee he doesnt get the nomination. But who knows? Romnuts seems intent on buying every TPM loser out there who desperately dreams of having cred again some day.
Gingrich failed to get on the Missouri Primary ballot too. Of course the Republican party in Missouri has decided to apportion delegates in a caucus and the primary is beauty contest to avoid penalties for moving the primary up without party approval.

But these people did file to be on the ballot:
U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann
Herman Cain
Keith Drummond
John Huntsman
Gov. Gary Johnson
Michael Meehan
U.S. Rep. Ron Paul of Texas
Gov. Rick Perry
Gov. Mitt Romney
U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania

Showing that Gingrich must not be serious in his bid.
He's the only one who stands any kind of chance. He's their John McCain this year.

Now they are being picky. Too bad they weren't as diligent a few years ago-

Election Fraud Investigation: Did Fake Signatures Get Obama on Primary Ballot?Election Fraud Investigation: Did Fake Signatures Get Obama on Primary Ballot? | Fox News Insider

I gotta admit, I'm shocked that it took this long for a b-but Obama in this thread.

This has got you guys shittin' bricks, huh?

Oops sorry, I mean shittin' rocks. It being Christmas and all.
Looks like Romney will win Virginia's Primary, so he can focus on other Super Tuesday states. It is beginning to look like Romney will be the main man for Republicans because of his steady base of support.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has failed to qualify for Virginia's March 6 Republican primary, a development that adds to the challenges faced by the recent frontrunner in the GOP presidential race.
"After verification, RPV has determined that Newt Gingrich did not submit required 10k signatures and has not qualified for the VA primary," the Republican Party of Virginia announced early Saturday on its Twitter website.
Perry also fell short of the 10,000 signatures of registered voters required for a candidate's name to be on the primary ballot, but former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and Texas Rep. Ron Paul will be on the ballot.
My Way News - GOP: Gingrich, Perry will not be on Va. Ballot

This is shows a stunning lack of organization for supposed front runners in this primary. I have become increasingly disillusioned with the GOP primary. At the onset I was a stanch Paul supporter, motivated by the thought that Obama was infinitely beatable and that what was desperately needed was a candidate that would follow through on commitments to restore the Constitutional restrictions on a forever expanding federal government and unregulated central banking system.

Ron Paul will not defeat Obama. It will not be based on policy or philosophical differences, Paul vs. Obama would be portrayed as a white racist attack on the first black president.

Paul is not capable of adequately articulating his libertarian positions effectively nor will he resonate personally to a majority of Americans.

Looking at the field now I am more depressed and truly concerned for the future of this country. There isn't a candidate that I believe can both defeat Obama and actually dramatically reform the federal government.
He's the only one who stands any kind of chance. He's their John McCain this year.

Now they are being picky. Too bad they weren't as diligent a few years ago-

Election Fraud Investigation: Did Fake Signatures Get Obama on Primary Ballot?Election Fraud Investigation: Did Fake Signatures Get Obama on Primary Ballot? | Fox News Insider

I gotta admit, I'm shocked that it took this long for a b-but Obama in this thread.

This has got you guys shittin' bricks, huh?

Oops sorry, I mean shittin' rocks. It being Christmas and all.

Great retort: Obama is accused of breaking actual laws is comparable to two GOP candidates following the law and not getting on the ballot.

Very deep.
Now they are being picky. Too bad they weren't as diligent a few years ago-

Election Fraud Investigation: Did Fake Signatures Get Obama on Primary Ballot?Election Fraud Investigation: Did Fake Signatures Get Obama on Primary Ballot? | Fox News Insider

I gotta admit, I'm shocked that it took this long for a b-but Obama in this thread.

This has got you guys shittin' bricks, huh?

Oops sorry, I mean shittin' rocks. It being Christmas and all.

Great retort: Obama is accused of breaking actual laws is comparable to two GOP candidates following the law and not getting on the ballot.

Very deep.

^----------------------thinks that some fox news blog is a valid source to be taken seriously

Gingrich failed to get on the Missouri Primary ballot too. Of course the Republican party in Missouri has decided to apportion delegates in a caucus and the primary is beauty contest to avoid penalties for moving the primary up without party approval.

But these people did file to be on the ballot:
U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann
Herman Cain
Keith Drummond
John Huntsman
Gov. Gary Johnson
Michael Meehan
U.S. Rep. Ron Paul of Texas
Gov. Rick Perry
Gov. Mitt Romney
U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania

Showing that Gingrich must not be serious in his bid.


That or grossly incompetent – take your pick.

Looking at the field now I am more depressed and truly concerned for the future of this country. There isn't a candidate that I believe can both defeat Obama and actually dramatically reform the federal government.

Then you’re both depressed and naïve – this was the case before the 2012 campaign even began. There was never a candidate who could ‘dramatically reform the federal government,’ nor will there ever be. That can only be done by the American people through the vote – if they ever wise-up and use the franchise as designed. This search for the ‘Messiah President’ is inane.
I gotta admit, I'm shocked that it took this long for a b-but Obama in this thread.

This has got you guys shittin' bricks, huh?

Oops sorry, I mean shittin' rocks. It being Christmas and all.

Great retort: Obama is accused of breaking actual laws is comparable to two GOP candidates following the law and not getting on the ballot.

Very deep.

^----------------------thinks that some fox news blog is a valid source to be taken seriously


Right, that's the way to do it: only get information from certain sources, and others are the devil.

I'm sure we could find an MSNBC story for you.

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