Va Primary: Gingrich, Perry fail to get on ballot.


What database should they been using and what are the examples of these "most ridiculous reasons"?
I think that means allowing any old signature penned by anyone which either doesn't qualify as a valid signature, or didn't bother to write their address.
It's almost as if some are saying Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck *should* be allowed as valid signatures.

(and on any large petition rosters you will find shit like that - that's why you get lots more than the base number required.)

(and if anyone is going to bring up Indiana, better think that one through...)
The Virginia legislature took up a bill to allow write ins on primary elections but it was defeated this year. I am not sure of the parliamentary rules in the Virginia legislature but I would think that it is too late for a new law to be enacted. Of course in politics anything is possible and all rules have exceptions.

Speaking to News4 outside the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception Sunday , Gingrich said, "We're disappointed, but it was our fault [as a campaign]."
"We're getting an amazing number of people who believe Virginians ought to have the right to choose and shouldn't be restricted to just two [candidates]," Gingrich said. "It's time for [Virginia] to change [the law]. If something's wrong, they ought to fix it."
Gingrich: Va. Primary Controversy 'Our Fault' | NBC4 Washington
Only in wingnut world is following the rules and guidelines an instance of fraud.

Only in asswipe partisan crony world is a rigged rule set ipso-facto fair and legit.

Really, you classify the demand for honest open elections as 'wingnut world'?

When partisan cronies rig the rules of an election to disqualify five out of seven candidates, thats OK because it is according to the rules the cronies wrote to rig the election?


You are such an excellent example of what is wrong with our political system.

Thank you for that.

What database should they been using and what are the examples of these "most ridiculous reasons"?

Disqualifying rsignatures because voter registration data are not up to date is ridiculous. That a signature gatherer must be a resident of Virginia is ridiculous. That any mispelling or mismatch of any kind allows for the signature to be dropped is ridiculous.

The point of the petition is to show broad support for a candidate to get on the ballot. Gingrich has been running among the top two candidates in Virginia for a while now so to disqualify him on the basis of bad addresses for the signatures on the petition is assinine and anti-democratic.

The GOP of Virginia does not trust its membership to vote for the parties nominee in an election that includes all the top candidates.

They are a bunch of elitist crony hypocrital frauds.

What database should they been using and what are the examples of these "most ridiculous reasons"?
I think that means allowing any old signature penned by anyone which either doesn't qualify as a valid signature, or didn't bother to write their address.

It does not mean only those things but many other situations as well as when someone wrote their address on the petition as '123 Bird Lane' But someone screwed up with the voter registration and put in '123 Bird Dr.' or even '123' Bird Ln.'

When cronies work the rules of the system for their patron, logic and intent are irrelevant.

Democrat cronies have done similar things for years to toss out GOP votes, and it seems like the GOP sellouts are now using such tactics against Tea Party people and the candidates they most support.
There is no reason for anyone to think Paul cant beat Obama.

In fact, I think Paul has a better chance of defeating Obama than either Gingrich or Romnuts.

That’s delusional thinking.

The fact that the GOP establishment loathes Paul at a level of intensity one can only compare to a force of Nature just makes him all the better in my view.

Their hate of Obama is infinitely more intense.

If he fails to get the nomination, I pray to God he runs as a third party candidate.

So do democrats.
The system was put into place to dissuade people from entering the primary except for the parties choices. People running for Senator in Virginia have to get the same amount of signatures to qualify. These rules were passed by a Democratic led legislature back in the 70's and the party hacks and office holders in Virginia like the rules because it keeps marginal candidates from running for office and wasting their resources.

So the 49 delegates will be split between Romney and Paul. Florida has 50 (?) delegates this year because they were penalized for moving their primary up to Jan 29 so Virginia does carry a little more weight than usual.
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What database should they been using and what are the examples of these "most ridiculous reasons"?

Disqualifying rsignatures because voter registration data are not up to date is ridiculous. That a signature gatherer must be a resident of Virginia is ridiculous. That any mispelling or mismatch of any kind allows for the signature to be dropped is ridiculous.

The point of the petition is to show broad support for a candidate to get on the ballot. Gingrich has been running among the top two candidates in Virginia for a while now so to disqualify him on the basis of bad addresses for the signatures on the petition is assinine and anti-democratic.

The GOP of Virginia does not trust its membership to vote for the parties nominee in an election that includes all the top candidates.

They are a bunch of elitist crony hypocrital frauds.

I signature check candidate petitions all the time and those are all, exactly, reasons I would reject a signature on a nomination petition.

Top reasons for signature rejections on petitions (based on FIRST HAND experience)

Not Registered
Registered at different address
I signature check candidate petitions all the time and those are all, exactly, reasons I would reject a signature on a nomination petition.

Top reasons for signature rejections on petitions (based on FIRST HAND experience)

Not Registered
Registered at different address

Again, weren't you guys the very same ones screaming bloody murder when you figured out this is what Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris had done to eliminate thousands of Democratic voters from the rolls in 2000?
The system was put into place to dissuade people from entering the primary except for the parties choices. People running for Senator in Virginia have to get the same amount of signatures to qualify. These rules were passed by a Democratic led legislature back in the 70's and the party hacks and office holders in Virginia like the rules because it keeps marginal candidates from running for office and wasting their resources.

So the 49 delegates will be split between Romney and Paul. Florida has 50 (?) delegates this year because they were penalized for moving their primary up to Jan 29 so Virginia does carry a little more weight than usual.

Actually, I think, judging by the level of outrage I am seeing by Republicans over this, you are going to see VA relent very quickly. I think this is going to be a major black eye for the GOP establishment trying to rig the game in Romney's favor.

But to the point, whatever else you want to say about them, Newt and Perry are not "Marginal" candidates. They are major contenders. The State Party pulling shit like this just shows that they don't want the nomination to be a real contest. They know their annointed candidate is awful and are trying to rig the game.
What database should they been using and what are the examples of these "most ridiculous reasons"?
I think that means allowing any old signature penned by anyone which either doesn't qualify as a valid signature, or didn't bother to write their address.

It does not mean only those things but many other situations as well as when someone wrote their address on the petition as '123 Bird Lane' But someone screwed up with the voter registration and put in '123 Bird Dr.' or even '123' Bird Ln.'

When cronies work the rules of the system for their patron, logic and intent are irrelevant.

Democrat cronies have done similar things for years to toss out GOP votes, and it seems like the GOP sellouts are now using such tactics against Tea Party people and the candidates they most support.
^^^ More made up shit from out of your ass.

You, nor anyone at this point, knows the full details on how Gingrich or Perry came up short -- it has not been reported yet if it was the overall number, whether they lacked addresses completely, whether someone filled in pages on their own, how many Mickey Mouses there actually were, if some addresses were not even *in* the state, or if the specific 11 congressional district /400 signature requirement was met.

All you are doing is throwing out shit in hopes to convince the gullible.
I signature check candidate petitions all the time and those are all, exactly, reasons I would reject a signature on a nomination petition.

Top reasons for signature rejections on petitions (based on FIRST HAND experience)

Not Registered
Registered at different address

Again, weren't you guys the very same ones screaming bloody murder when you figured out this is what Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris had done to eliminate thousands of Democratic voters from the rolls in 2000?
No, it was not the same - at all.

And if you are to dumb to not even know the difference between a primary ballot signature petition - and a General Election VOTE ---

then child, you is just too damn dumb.
The system was put into place to dissuade people from entering the primary except for the parties choices. People running for Senator in Virginia have to get the same amount of signatures to qualify. These rules were passed by a Democratic led legislature back in the 70's and the party hacks and office holders in Virginia like the rules because it keeps marginal candidates from running for office and wasting their resources.

So the 49 delegates will be split between Romney and Paul. Florida has 50 (?) delegates this year because they were penalized for moving their primary up to Jan 29 so Virginia does carry a little more weight than usual.

Actually, I think, judging by the level of outrage I am seeing by Republicans over this, you are going to see VA relent very quickly. I think this is going to be a major black eye for the GOP establishment trying to rig the game in Romney's favor.

But to the point, whatever else you want to say about them, Newt and Perry are not "Marginal" candidates. They are major contenders. The State Party pulling shit like this just shows that they don't want the nomination to be a real contest. They know their annointed candidate is awful and are trying to rig the game.

Major contenders? To be a major contender you must make sure you are on the ballot in all the states and have people from those states working and volunteering to assist in getting the required signatures. In Virginia the only person who can get signatures are Virginia residents who are registered voters. You cannot ship in hired help or volunteers form other states to run signature petitions around. Of course Paul and Romney went through this 4 years ago and that is why they are on the ballot.
You're a fucking idiot. Bachman, Huntsman and Santorum didn't get enough signatures. Newt paid $1.50 per signature, got over 11,000, but many were not legitimate. That's why you have to get about twice as many signatures as needed in order to make sure you have enough legitimate ones. Which Mittens and Paul did.

You would think, as 'smart' as Newt claims to be, he would take the needed steps to get on the ballot in his own adopted state! :lol:

So they only people the REPUBLICAN Party lets on the ballot are Mitt and the Crazy Guy, and you don't smell a fix? Really?

I hear Mitt Romney is going to hire Tonya Harding as his campaign director. Expect a lot of broken kneecaps in the next few weeks.

No. Virginia has the strictest ballot access requirements in the nation. Every candidate is aware of this, or should be.

Arkansas = 46,913
Georgia = 27,742
California = 26,500
Michigan = 15,000
New Mexico = 11,973
Virginia = 10,000

Note: as of 2003. Only two states rated an "A" and Virginia was one of only 4 states to rate a "B+" in terms of ballot access for candidates.

I think that means allowing any old signature penned by anyone which either doesn't qualify as a valid signature, or didn't bother to write their address.

It does not mean only those things but many other situations as well as when someone wrote their address on the petition as '123 Bird Lane' But someone screwed up with the voter registration and put in '123 Bird Dr.' or even '123' Bird Ln.'

When cronies work the rules of the system for their patron, logic and intent are irrelevant.

Democrat cronies have done similar things for years to toss out GOP votes, and it seems like the GOP sellouts are now using such tactics against Tea Party people and the candidates they most support.
^^^ More made up shit from out of your ass.

You, nor anyone at this point, knows the full details on how Gingrich or Perry came up short -- it has not been reported yet if it was the overall number, whether they lacked addresses completely, whether someone filled in pages on their own, how many Mickey Mouses there actually were, if some addresses were not even *in* the state, or if the specific 11 congressional district /400 signature requirement was met.

All you are doing is throwing out shit in hopes to convince the gullible.

What the hell do you think validating an address is, dumbass?

It can mean anything the cronies want it to mean and this type of thing has happened before.

Truth is I dont know how many were eliminated for exactly what reason, but given the difficulty of getting on the Virginia ballot and the rumors that the main problem was matching the addresses, the things I am suggesting are not unreasonable.

I am not claiming to *know* anything about the hidden innards of a crony systems 'validation'.

I do know that it is a sham election when five of seven candidates are struck from the ballot.
I signature check candidate petitions all the time and those are all, exactly, reasons I would reject a signature on a nomination petition.

Top reasons for signature rejections on petitions (based on FIRST HAND experience)

Not Registered
Registered at different address

Again, weren't you guys the very same ones screaming bloody murder when you figured out this is what Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris had done to eliminate thousands of Democratic voters from the rolls in 2000?

Nope, don't believe I am.

We have different rules for petition signatures than we do for voting, in my state anyway. If you are registered, but at a different address than where you reside, you are still eligible to vote. Depending on where you vote, your ballot will be duplicated to the appropriate precinct.

If you are not registered at the address you put on a petition however, your signature is rejected. (but we do outreach to the voters to get them properly registered)

What did Bush and Harris do to eliminate those voters? Voter caging? That's a horse of a different color.

Everything that VA did for it's petition signature checking, we would have done in California.
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Major contenders? To be a major contender you must make sure you are on the ballot in all the states and have people from those states working and volunteering to assist in getting the required signatures. In Virginia the only person who can get signatures are Virginia residents who are registered voters. You cannot ship in hired help or volunteers form other states to run signature petitions around. Of course Paul and Romney went through this 4 years ago and that is why they are on the ballot.

You are engaging in circular logic here.

The GOP decided to scrutinize the petitions of non-Romney candidates to such a degree that it was impossible for them to get on the ballot. It shows a party establishment that has wed itself to a weak candidate they know their own voters don't like.

I'm starting to think more and more that Romney is a sacrificial lamb. The GOP doesn't really WANT to win. They know the economy is going to be awful for the next few years, why not let Obama get beaten up over it? They can reap benefits downballot in 2012 and bigger benefits in 2014 and 2016 as they groom Jeb Bush for the nomination. After 8 years of Obama's ineptitude, we'll look back at Dubya as the "golden era."
The system was put into place to dissuade people from entering the primary except for the parties choices. People running for Senator in Virginia have to get the same amount of signatures to qualify. These rules were passed by a Democratic led legislature back in the 70's and the party hacks and office holders in Virginia like the rules because it keeps marginal candidates from running for office and wasting their resources.

So the 49 delegates will be split between Romney and Paul. Florida has 50 (?) delegates this year because they were penalized for moving their primary up to Jan 29 so Virginia does carry a little more weight than usual.

Actually, I think, judging by the level of outrage I am seeing by Republicans over this, you are going to see VA relent very quickly. I think this is going to be a major black eye for the GOP establishment trying to rig the game in Romney's favor.

But to the point, whatever else you want to say about them, Newt and Perry are not "Marginal" candidates. They are major contenders. The State Party pulling shit like this just shows that they don't want the nomination to be a real contest. They know their annointed candidate is awful and are trying to rig the game.

Glad to see that someone else gets it on these boards.

I dont get why so many here seem comfortable with crony fascism.

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