Va Primary: Gingrich, Perry fail to get on ballot.

Great retort: Obama is accused of breaking actual laws is comparable to two GOP candidates following the law and not getting on the ballot.

Very deep.

^----------------------thinks that some fox news blog is a valid source to be taken seriously


Right, that's the way to do it: only get information from certain sources, and others are the devil.

I'm sure we could find an MSNBC story for you.

Then dig one up!

BTW who is "we"?
Obama is accused of breaking actual laws is comparable to two GOP candidates following the law and not getting on the ballot.
The thread’s about the latter, not the former – rather than a pathetic deflection start your own thread about the former, I’m sure it will be Chock full o’Facts.
13 pages and I haven't seen anyone mention what this does to the Iowa caucaus. Folks in Iowa tend to worry about that fuzzy idea called "electability.". A headline like this probably killed Newt's chances there dead.

I'm not sold on the idea of a fix by the GOP. This isn't the first time Newt's shown some serious organizational issues and keeping most of the candidates off the ballot renders Virginia irrelevant in the primary process.
Its a conspiracy on a level with the missing plane and collapse of building 7. It makes the Roswell weather balloon look like a game of clue. This is bigger and deeper than the men on the grassy knoll. There are men behind the curtains and it is being hushed up at the highest levels! This could be the work of the Bilderbergers, and the people in the Bohemian Grove!
This could possibly be the combined work of the Soros and Kochs.
Keep your eyes and ears open, 'Merkun 'mockracy is at stake!

Or Ginreich's campaign blew it.
Its a conspiracy on a level with the missing plane and collapse of building 7. It makes the Roswell weather balloon look like a game of clue. This is bigger and deeper than the men on the grassy knoll. There are men behind the curtains and it is being hushed up at the highest levels! This could be the work of the Bilderbergers, and the people in the Bohemian Grove!
This could possibly be the combined work of the Soros and Kochs.
Keep your eyes and ears open, 'Merkun 'mockracy is at stake!

Or Gingrich's campaign blew it.
I'm going to go with Occam's Razor and blame ineptitude. I mean, Rick Perry doesn't even know what the voting age is. I'm not at all surprised that his campaign would be baffled by election laws and rules.
BUt if you go into the numbers, 18% of Republicans won't support a Mormon, but a whopping 27% of Democrats won't, either. The number for indepedents is 19%

Of those Democrats and Independents, how many of them are equally unwilling to support ANY candidate who presents a significant religious affiliation? I suspect that Democrats and Independents are less concerned with a Mormon candidate than they are with a religious candidate.
Two interesting articles:

  1. Ballot Access News » Blog Archive » Virginia 2011 Independent ...

    Ballot Access News » Blog Archive » Virginia 2011 Independent Candidate for Legislature has Big Impact on 2012 Presidential Primary...
    2 hours ago – The lawsuit, Osborne v Boyles, cl 11-520-00, was filed in Bristol County Circuit Court. It was filed too late to be heard before the election, but is ...

  2. Ballot Access News » Blog Archive » Virginia Lawsuit Over ...

    Ballot Access News » Blog Archive » Virginia Lawsuit Over Discriminatory Petition-checking Procedures Will Proceed, Even though Election is Over...
    Nov 10, 2011 – If a primary petition appears on its face to have as many signatures as are required, it is assumed to be valid. The case is Osborne v Boyles, ...
13 pages and I haven't seen anyone mention what this does to the Iowa caucaus. Folks in Iowa tend to worry about that fuzzy idea called "electability.". A headline like this probably killed Newt's chances there dead.

I'm not sold on the idea of a fix by the GOP. This isn't the first time Newt's shown some serious organizational issues and keeping most of the candidates off the ballot renders Virginia irrelevant in the primary process.

It has no bearing on Iowa except for maybe public indifference to Gingrich's campaign. Another aspect is that we are talking about a minuscule amount of delegates but the media's magnifying glass effect on little states magnifies their influence. Why the parties let a few states select their nominee is beyond comprehension. Talk about the tail wagging the dog!!!!

This does open the door somewhat to a Dark horse candidate coming into the race. Even though deadlines have passed for some primaries and others are approaching quickly, several others are caucuses and they usually do not have strict rules for nominations.

Romney has failed to generate much enthusiasm and even though he maintains his lead at the front of the pack the rank and file Republicans want somebody else, somebody that can generate some enthusiasm other than an anti-Obama vote. They didn't want Romney 4 years ago and even though he has been repackaged he still leaves a sour taste for most Republicans.
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Its a conspiracy on a level with the missing plane and collapse of building 7. It makes the Roswell weather balloon look like a game of clue. This is bigger and deeper than the men on the grassy knoll. There are men behind the curtains and it is being hushed up at the highest levels! This could be the work of the Bilderbergers, and the people in the Bohemian Grove!
This could possibly be the combined work of the Soros and Kochs.
Keep your eyes and ears open, 'Merkun 'mockracy is at stake!


You know, sarcasm and mockery dont prove jack.

The Romnuts campaign chairman, Bolling, is the Lt Govenor of the state and is putting his finger on the scales here.

The establishment suck ups here are really sounding like closet Democrats implying that all five of the seven candidates are too stupid or incompetent to get on the ballot, when the fact is THE GOP IS IS USING A VOTER REGISTRATION DATABASE AND DISQUALIFYING SIGNATURES FOR THE MOST RIDICULOUS REASONS.

Gingrich and Perry both had more than 10k signatures turned in but Romnuts-Bolling lackeys tossed them out for absurd reasons that are being applied for the first time.

IF Keyes could get on the ballot in 2008 with his understaffed cadre of supportes in VA, then any thinking person should realize that serious changes have been made for this year.

But thats fine by me as this anti-democratic bullshit is going to kill any chance of Romnuts winning the election, period. Real Americans dont like elite annointed toadies chaosen in rigged elections.

The GOP establishment is committing slow motion political suicide.
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Looks like Romney will win Virginia's Primary, so he can focus on other Super Tuesday states. It is beginning to look like Romney will be the main man for Republicans because of his steady base of support.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has failed to qualify for Virginia's March 6 Republican primary, a development that adds to the challenges faced by the recent frontrunner in the GOP presidential race.
"After verification, RPV has determined that Newt Gingrich did not submit required 10k signatures and has not qualified for the VA primary," the Republican Party of Virginia announced early Saturday on its Twitter website.
Perry also fell short of the 10,000 signatures of registered voters required for a candidate's name to be on the primary ballot, but former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and Texas Rep. Ron Paul will be on the ballot.
My Way News - GOP: Gingrich, Perry will not be on Va. Ballot

This is shows a stunning lack of organization for supposed front runners in this primary. I have become increasingly disillusioned with the GOP primary. At the onset I was a stanch Paul supporter, motivated by the thought that Obama was infinitely beatable and that what was desperately needed was a candidate that would follow through on commitments to restore the Constitutional restrictions on a forever expanding federal government and unregulated central banking system.

Ron Paul will not defeat Obama. It will not be based on policy or philosophical differences, Paul vs. Obama would be portrayed as a white racist attack on the first black president.

Paul is not capable of adequately articulating his libertarian positions effectively nor will he resonate personally to a majority of Americans.

Looking at the field now I am more depressed and truly concerned for the future of this country. There isn't a candidate that I believe can both defeat Obama and actually dramatically reform the federal government.

That is because the GOP elite would rather lose the election than let the Tea PArty Movement have any influence on who gets the nomination.

Thats fine, I am ready to toss the GOP in the trash-heap of hsitory and start over with a new party.

Hopefully, if Romnuts gets the nomination, Paul or Trump with run as a t hird party candidate.

They will lose, but maybe it will prevent the Gop bloodsuckers from having a lot of tax-payers money to use to cement their control of the party.

If not, then lets have a new third party.
Gingrich failed to get on the Missouri Primary ballot too. Of course the Republican party in Missouri has decided to apportion delegates in a caucus and the primary is beauty contest to avoid penalties for moving the primary up without party approval.

But these people did file to be on the ballot:
U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann
Herman Cain
Keith Drummond
John Huntsman
Gov. Gary Johnson
Michael Meehan
U.S. Rep. Ron Paul of Texas
Gov. Rick Perry
Gov. Mitt Romney
U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania

Showing that Gingrich must not be serious in his bid.

And the only two that are going to BE on the ballot are Romney and Paul. So 11 people filed, and only two were accepted. And you don't see this as being the least bit fishy?
Ron Paul will not defeat Obama. It will not be based on policy or philosophical differences

Um, do you really believe this???

There is no reason for anyone to think Paul cant beat Obama.

In fact, I think Paul has a better chance of defeating Obama than either Gingrich or Romnuts.

The fact that the GOP establishment loathes Paul at a level of intensity one can only compare to a force of Nature just makes him all the better in my view.

If he fails to get the nomination, I pray to God he runs as a third party candidate.
Gingrich failed to get on the Missouri Primary ballot too. Of course the Republican party in Missouri has decided to apportion delegates in a caucus and the primary is beauty contest to avoid penalties for moving the primary up without party approval.

But these people did file to be on the ballot:
U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann
Herman Cain
Keith Drummond
John Huntsman
Gov. Gary Johnson
Michael Meehan
U.S. Rep. Ron Paul of Texas
Gov. Rick Perry
Gov. Mitt Romney
U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania

Showing that Gingrich must not be serious in his bid.

And the only two that are going to BE on the ballot are Romney and Paul. So 11 people filed, and only two were accepted. And you don't see this as being the least bit fishy?

Of course not; he has drank the Kool Aid pitcher-emptied-straight-into-his maw-of-a-mouth style. he has no analytical facilities left to him.
But thats fine by me as this anti-democratic bullshit...

Anti-democratic. :lol: A primary doesn't have to be 'democratic.' It's up to the party. States don't even have to HAVE primaries. In fact, for most of our history, candidates were chosen by party bosses / conventions.

You can thank the progressive movement for the change in bringing about direct primaries.

(Glenn Beck won't tell you that. lol)
But thats fine by me as this anti-democratic bullshit...

Anti-democratic. :lol: A primary doesn't have to be 'democratic.' It's up to the party. States don't even have to HAVE primaries. In fact, for most of our history, candidates were chosen by party bosses / conventions.

You can thank the progressive movement for the change in bringing about direct primaries.

(Glenn Beck won't tell you that. lol)

I never said that primaries *have* to be (whatever you think that means) democratic.

I and most Americans much prefer primaries that are fair and impartial elections, not rigged by party bosses and their sycophants to give them predetermined results, which is essentially a form of fraud.

Of course you would be OK with the hypocrisy of a fixed election, but that shouldnt come as a surprize to anyone.

What database should they been using and what are the examples of these "most ridiculous reasons"?

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