Va Primary: Gingrich, Perry fail to get on ballot.

Major contenders? To be a major contender you must make sure you are on the ballot in all the states and have people from those states working and volunteering to assist in getting the required signatures. In Virginia the only person who can get signatures are Virginia residents who are registered voters. You cannot ship in hired help or volunteers form other states to run signature petitions around. Of course Paul and Romney went through this 4 years ago and that is why they are on the ballot.

You are engaging in circular logic here.

The GOP decided to scrutinize the petitions of non-Romney candidates to such a degree that it was impossible for them to get on the ballot. It shows a party establishment that has wed itself to a weak candidate they know their own voters don't like.

I'm starting to think more and more that Romney is a sacrificial lamb. The GOP doesn't really WANT to win. They know the economy is going to be awful for the next few years, why not let Obama get beaten up over it? They can reap benefits downballot in 2012 and bigger benefits in 2014 and 2016 as they groom Jeb Bush for the nomination. After 8 years of Obama's ineptitude, we'll look back at Dubya as the "golden era."

The economy is about to make a nother face-plant into a depression and I dont think the GOP wants anything to do with it. The establishment neocons would rather focus on maintaining control of the GOP than winning the election it seems, as you suggest.
What database should they been using and what are the examples of these "most ridiculous reasons"?

Disqualifying rsignatures because voter registration data are not up to date is ridiculous. That a signature gatherer must be a resident of Virginia is ridiculous. That any mispelling or mismatch of any kind allows for the signature to be dropped is ridiculous.

The point of the petition is to show broad support for a candidate to get on the ballot. Gingrich has been running among the top two candidates in Virginia for a while now so to disqualify him on the basis of bad addresses for the signatures on the petition is assinine and anti-democratic.

The GOP of Virginia does not trust its membership to vote for the parties nominee in an election that includes all the top candidates.

They are a bunch of elitist crony hypocrital frauds.

I signature check candidate petitions all the time and those are all, exactly, reasons I would reject a signature on a nomination petition.

Top reasons for signature rejections on petitions (based on FIRST HAND experience)

Not Registered
Registered at different address

That is ridiculous and assinine, but that doesnt mean this broken political system doesnt do it.

I think that means allowing any old signature penned by anyone which either doesn't qualify as a valid signature, or didn't bother to write their address.

It does not mean only those things but many other situations as well as when someone wrote their address on the petition as '123 Bird Lane' But someone screwed up with the voter registration and put in '123 Bird Dr.' or even '123' Bird Ln.'

When cronies work the rules of the system for their patron, logic and intent are irrelevant.

Democrat cronies have done similar things for years to toss out GOP votes, and it seems like the GOP sellouts are now using such tactics against Tea Party people and the candidates they most support.
^^^ More made up shit from out of your ass.

You, nor anyone at this point, knows the full details on how Gingrich or Perry came up short -- it has not been reported yet if it was the overall number, whether they lacked addresses completely, whether someone filled in pages on their own, how many Mickey Mouses there actually were, if some addresses were not even *in* the state, or if the specific 11 congressional district /400 signature requirement was met.

All you are doing is throwing out shit in hopes to convince the gullible.

Wow, sounds like you think Seawitch is gullible, lol.
It does not mean only those things but many other situations as well as when someone wrote their address on the petition as '123 Bird Lane' But someone screwed up with the voter registration and put in '123 Bird Dr.' or even '123' Bird Ln.'

And you can provide evidence of this?

I don't know if you are aware, but this is the 21st century and you can't "screw up the address" in most of the voter registration software I've encountered. The system auto corrects to the information from the USPS and from GIS.

We don't reject for differences like "Dr vs Ave" or even a slight difference in spelling in street names. We also don't reject for apartment # changes since they still reside at the physical address. Also not rejected, name changes as long as there are similarities in the signature.
Glad to see that someone else gets it on these boards.

I dont get why so many here seem comfortable with crony fascism.
You two, and maybe that orea twit are the only ones who appear to be fellating each other to a frenzy with distorted information to convince yourselves it's not pathetic to defend.

Most honest folks here, including many conservatives & republicans, recognize how stupid it would make them look to make the kind of arguments you boys are.

Some people care about their credibility and reputation.
Glad to see that someone else gets it on these boards.

I dont get why so many here seem comfortable with crony fascism.
You two, and maybe that orea twit are the only ones who appear to be fellating each other to a frenzy with distorted information to convince yourselves it's not pathetic to defend.

I know this is beyond your personal experience but the rest of the world does not felate anyone to get agreement, unlike you and your butt-buddies.

We use facts and reason, not sexual favors and prostrations of subservience, you asswipe.

Most honest folks here, including many conservatives & republicans, recognize how stupid it would make them look to make the kind of arguments you boys are.

Yeah, because elections that are not rigged is so last week and all, lol.

What is really funny here is that y ou are so out of touch with how most Americans feel about elections not being rigged. You just dont get it and continue to defend the Romnuts no matter how fascist they are. It's hilarious.

Some people care about their credibility and reputation.

Obviously that doesnt include neo-con crypto-fascists like Bolling and his asslicks.
It does not mean only those things but many other situations as well as when someone wrote their address on the petition as '123 Bird Lane' But someone screwed up with the voter registration and put in '123 Bird Dr.' or even '123' Bird Ln.'

And you can provide evidence of this?

You mean like five of seven candidates being struck from a ballot?

I don't know if you are aware, but this is the 21st century and you can't "screw up the address" in most of the voter registration software I've encountered. The system auto corrects to the information from the USPS and from GIS.

Bullshit. Bugs are not a design feature unless you work for Microsoft and every software package has bugs galore.

I have seen addresses screwed up on Virginia drivers licenses, and the people that run that data set have no incentive to fudge anything, unlike the Romnuts that run the VA pertition valdiations.

We don't reject for differences like "Dr vs Ave" or even a slight difference in spelling in street names. We also don't reject for apartment # changes since they still reside at the physical address. Also not rejected, name changes as long as there are similarities in the signature.

Yes, *normally* you wouldnt, but then again *normally* one doesnt see 15% of signatures submitted rejected in these kinds of things, especially where it is an OPEN primary three months away.

This is bullshit and you should know it.
Fair elections are no big deal to you? Rigged votes are OK?

Shove it.

These are fair elections. The candidates had their chance to get on the ballot and they BLEW it. They're not entitled to a place on the ballot, they have to earn it.

Nothing in this is rigged. The rules were set out long ago. Gingrich doesn't even deny that he failed to collect the necessary signatures.
JimBowie1958 said:
You mean like five of seven candidates being struck from a ballot?

You see right there.

You lied again.

Folks, there is so much shit this dude keeps flinging, most of it not even worth addressing ....but THIS - he keeps repeating over and over.


Five of seven candidates were NOT "struck from a ballot."

TWO out of FOUR who actually submitted the paperwork were struck.

You can't be "struck from the ballot" when you don't even TRY to get on it.

If he had any integrity, he'd stop repeating the lie.
TWO out of FOUR who actually submitted the paperwork were struck.

You can't be "struck from the ballot" when you don't even TRY to get on it.

If he had any integrity, he'd stop repeating the lie.

Alright, that's it, right there! You're lying. You're being sucked into the lie, speaking in their words. This is the stuff that gives them power, don't do it!

Last week, nobody was on the ballot. NOBODY! Two of the fourt who tried to get on the ballot failed to get on the ballot. They didn't fulfill their obligations. They were never on the ballot in the first place, so they were never struck from the ballot.
TWO out of FOUR who actually submitted the paperwork were struck.

You can't be "struck from the ballot" when you don't even TRY to get on it.

If he had any integrity, he'd stop repeating the lie.

Alright, that's it, right there! You're lying. You're being sucked into the lie, speaking in their words. This is the stuff that gives them power, don't do it!

Last week, nobody was on the ballot. NOBODY! Two of the fourt who tried to get on the ballot failed to get on the ballot. They didn't fulfill their obligations. They were never on the ballot in the first place, so they were never struck from the ballot.

Touche my good man! Touche!
Something for the readers to consider.

This is from Free Republic, a source I am loathe to use, but maybe might hold sway with hard core cons. There is usual grains of salt to be taken with anonymous sources, of course, but this one does appear to have some (potential) inside information:

[SIZE=+1]BREAKING: Gingrich 2,000 Ballot Signatures Short?[/SIZE]
BearingDrift ^ | December 24, 2011 | Shaun Kennedy
Posted on Saturday, December 24, 2011 1:20:59 AM by Plutarch
UPDATE (12.53am): Sources at RPV are telling me that the 2,000 signatures do not have addresses on them… meaning that they cannot be verified. Newt Gingrich may very well be off the ticket in Virginia, folks…

If that's the case, then right there, we can see how 2000 were tossed right out wholesale.

Unless some are thinking they officials should allow illegitimate signatures, and open themselves up to a challenge, and maybe have to defend (without hope of winning) a court case, or lose their job for doing that.
from the sopurce this was taken from (a conservative VA magazine) - another anonymous, but I can't see why someone would lie about this:

Josh December 24, 2011 10:20 am I was one of the volunteers getting signatures for Romney. We had nearly 500 volunteers working every parade, GOP event, metro/VRE station, mall, craft fair, etc. in VA.

We made sure volunteers qualified the signers as registered VA voters and watched them properly sign & print their name, put their address down, give the date and the last four of their SS number.

There is no VA conspiracy. It was simple hard work by dedicated volunteers and a superior organization. What does this say about the rest that failed to qualify? Maybe the big leagues aren’t for them just yet. Romney had their efforts underway at the end of the summer til December. That is why they submitted the most – 16,000. I also saw Ron Paul supporters out too getting signatures. Why didn’t the other campaigns think they might need to do the same? Maybe they didn’t think they’d be around in March 2012.

BREAKING: Gingrich 2,000 Ballot Signatures Short? – Bearing Drift: Virginia's Conservative Voice
Fair elections are no big deal to you? Rigged votes are OK?

Shove it.

These are fair elections. The candidates had their chance to get on the ballot and they BLEW it. They're not entitled to a place on the ballot, they have to earn it.

Nothing in this is rigged. The rules were set out long ago. Gingrich doesn't even deny that he failed to collect the necessary signatures.

Lol, now the debate is over. Inthemiddle has pofintificated!


You think that a process that excludes five of seven candidates to be fair which proves you are either corrupt, stupid or just morally lame as hell.
TWO out of FOUR who actually submitted the paperwork were struck.

You can't be "struck from the ballot" when you don't even TRY to get on it.

If he had any integrity, he'd stop repeating the lie.

Alright, that's it, right there! You're lying. You're being sucked into the lie, speaking in their words. This is the stuff that gives them power, don't do it!

Last week, nobody was on the ballot. NOBODY! Two of the fourt who tried to get on the ballot failed to get on the ballot. They didn't fulfill their obligations. They were never on the ballot in the first place, so they were never struck from the ballot.


Quibbling over semantics is the surest sign of a losing arguement.
JimBowie1958 said:
You mean like five of seven candidates being struck from a ballot?

You see right there.

You lied again.

Folks, there is so much shit this dude keeps flinging, most of it not even worth addressing ....but THIS - he keeps repeating over and over.


Five of seven candidates were NOT "struck from a ballot."

TWO out of FOUR who actually submitted the paperwork were struck.

You can't be "struck from the ballot" when you don't even TRY to get on it.

If he had any integrity, he'd stop repeating the lie.


You know what I mean, jack-ass. I am talking about the GOp keeping five of seven candidates off the ballot.

Call it what you will but your semantic quibbbling is nothing more than a red herring.

Dear sweet Jesus you are just squirming around the obvious fascist intent to deny the voters of Virginia the right to vote on ALL the major candidates.
TWO out of FOUR who actually submitted the paperwork were struck.

You can't be "struck from the ballot" when you don't even TRY to get on it.

If he had any integrity, he'd stop repeating the lie.

Alright, that's it, right there! You're lying. You're being sucked into the lie, speaking in their words. This is the stuff that gives them power, don't do it!

Last week, nobody was on the ballot. NOBODY! Two of the fourt who tried to get on the ballot failed to get on the ballot. They didn't fulfill their obligations. They were never on the ballot in the first place, so they were never struck from the ballot.

Touche my good man! Touche!

lol, got your voter-hate tag-team going!

You know what sucked?

I was kept out of the running at the Boston Marathon.

Doesn't matter that I didn't try to qualify.

I was still kept out.

From now I can play the victim. :cry: Why Oh Why was I kept out of the Boston Marathon! :eusa_snooty:
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