Va Primary: Gingrich, Perry fail to get on ballot.

All this crying because the politicians got out maneuvered Wow. Shut it.

Fair elections are no big deal to you? Rigged votes are OK?

Shove it.

Jake the Fake doesn't want a fair election.

He knows Romney couldn't win one of those.

JoeB engages in far rightie demogoguery: saying I said something I did not.

I said some did as they were supposed to, and others did not (they were outmaneuvered by a prepared opposition). Thus a fair election will be held.

JoeB does not want prepared nominees, apparently.
Fair elections are no big deal to you? Rigged votes are OK?

Shove it.

Jake the Fake doesn't want a fair election.

He knows Romney couldn't win one of those.

JoeB engages in far rightie demogoguery: saying I said something I did not.

I said some did as they were supposed to, and others did not (they were outmaneuvered by a prepared opposition). Thus a fair election will be held.

JoeB does not want prepared nominees, apparently.

Guy, the point is, this would not have BEEN an issue if they weren't trying to rig the game.

Romney gets 5 of the 6 opponents disqualified from the ballot, that's a rigged game.

Maybe we like our nominees to be prepared, but we also like ones with a sense of fair play.

Do you really think he's going to be able to find a "technicality" to use against Obama?
The both had more than 10k, but Bolling and his cronies in the VA GOP machine simply tossed out enough to keep them off the ballot.

Keyes got enough in 2008 and wasnt considered a major candidate, so the GOP changed the rules this year so they could legally throw out as many signatures as they want.

But whatever happened to your respect for the voters? You really think that these ridiculous rules were meant to enable the choices for Virginian voters?

Of course not, it wasmeant to hand the state over to Romney, but he might get a huge surprise in March.

OK, Braniac: how many signatures did Keyes collect in 2008?

Lol, was Keyes on the ballot or not?
Yes - he collected enough signatures.

Yet, Newt 'Superior Intellect' Gingrich couldn't figure out Virginia's requirements!

Looks like Romney will win Virginia's Primary, so he can focus on other Super Tuesday states. It is beginning to look like Romney will be the main man for Republicans because of his steady base of support.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has failed to qualify for Virginia's March 6 Republican primary, a development that adds to the challenges faced by the recent frontrunner in the GOP presidential race.
"After verification, RPV has determined that Newt Gingrich did not submit required 10k signatures and has not qualified for the VA primary," the Republican Party of Virginia announced early Saturday on its Twitter website.
Perry also fell short of the 10,000 signatures of registered voters required for a candidate's name to be on the primary ballot, but former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and Texas Rep. Ron Paul will be on the ballot.
My Way News - GOP: Gingrich, Perry will not be on Va. Ballot

This is shows a stunning lack of organization for supposed front runners in this primary. I have become increasingly disillusioned with the GOP primary. At the onset I was a stanch Paul supporter, motivated by the thought that Obama was infinitely beatable and that what was desperately needed was a candidate that would follow through on commitments to restore the Constitutional restrictions on a forever expanding federal government and unregulated central banking system.

Ron Paul will not defeat Obama. It will not be based on policy or philosophical differences, Paul vs. Obama would be portrayed as a white racist attack on the first black president.

Paul is not capable of adequately articulating his libertarian positions effectively nor will he resonate personally to a majority of Americans.

Looking at the field now I am more depressed and truly concerned for the future of this country. There isn't a candidate that I believe can both defeat Obama and actually dramatically reform the federal government.


Only in wingnut world is following the rules and guidelines an instance of fraud.

Only in asswipe partisan crony world is a rigged rule set ipso-facto fair and legit.

Really, you classify the demand for honest open elections as 'wingnut world'?

When partisan cronies rig the rules of an election to disqualify five out of seven candidates, thats OK because it is according to the rules the cronies wrote to rig the election?


You are such an excellent example of what is wrong with our political system.

Thank you for that.
Is Newt your boyfriend?

Guy, the point is, this would not have BEEN an issue if they weren't trying to rig the game.

Romney gets 5 of the 6 opponents disqualified from the ballot, that's a rigged game.

What a fucking liar you are.
Only in wingnut world is following the rules and guidelines an instance of fraud.

Only in asswipe partisan crony world is a rigged rule set ipso-facto fair and legit.

Really, you classify the demand for honest open elections as 'wingnut world'?

When partisan cronies rig the rules of an election to disqualify five out of seven candidates, thats OK because it is according to the rules the cronies wrote to rig the election?


You are such an excellent example of what is wrong with our political system.

Thank you for that.
Is Newt your boyfriend?
Jake the Fake doesn't want a fair election.

He knows Romney couldn't win one of those.

JoeB engages in far rightie demogoguery: saying I said something I did not.

I said some did as they were supposed to, and others did not (they were outmaneuvered by a prepared opposition). Thus a fair election will be held.

JoeB does not want prepared nominees, apparently.

Guy, the point is, this would not have BEEN an issue if they weren't trying to rig the game.

Romney gets 5 of the 6 opponents disqualified from the ballot, that's a rigged game.

Maybe we like our nominees to be prepared, but we also like ones with a sense of fair play.

Do you really think he's going to be able to find a "technicality" to use against Obama?

Okay...I'll bite. How did Romney make sure that the rest of the candidates didn't even file in VA?

Guy, the point is, this would not have BEEN an issue if they weren't trying to rig the game.

Romney gets 5 of the 6 opponents disqualified from the ballot, that's a rigged game.

What a fucking liar you are.

Once again, if the establishment were confident in Romney, they wouldn't be playing these games.

I do find it amusing that people who are Obama Supporters are taking Romney's side in this...

It makes me wonder who you are really afraid of.
Okay...I'll bite. How did Romney make sure that the rest of the candidates didn't even file in VA?

They all filed, the RPV declared they didn't have enough signatures to get on the ballot invoking an arbitrary standard.

Again, for someone who is supposedly afraid of Romney, you seem awfully anxious to take his side in this.
Okay...I'll bite. How did Romney make sure that the rest of the candidates didn't even file in VA?

They all filed, the RPV declared they didn't have enough signatures to get on the ballot invoking an arbitrary standard.

Again, for someone who is supposedly afraid of Romney, you seem awfully anxious to take his side in this.

Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum and former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman did not submit signatures with Virginia's State Board of Elections by Thursday's 5 p.m. deadline and will not be on the primary ballot.

OMG! There is no "side" to FACTS. This had NOTHING to do with Romney.
Okay...I'll bite. How did Romney make sure that the rest of the candidates didn't even file in VA?

They all filed, the RPV declared they didn't have enough signatures to get on the ballot invoking an arbitrary standard.

Again, for someone who is supposedly afraid of Romney, you seem awfully anxious to take his side in this.

Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum and former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman did not submit signatures with Virginia's State Board of Elections by Thursday's 5 p.m. deadline and will not be on the primary ballot.

Bachmann, Santorum and Huntsman miss Virginia primary deadline | Richmond Times-Dispatch

OMG! There is no "side" to FACTS. This had NOTHING to do with Romney.

Next you'll be telling me John Gotti had an alibi. And a blow job isn't really sex so Clinton wasn't technically lying.

For a fight you have no interest in, since you won't vote for ANYONE the GOP produces, no matter how bad Obama messes up the country, you seem awfully committed to who our nominee should be.

"Please don't throw me into the briar patch, B'rer Fox."
Okay...I'll bite. How did Romney make sure that the rest of the candidates didn't even file in VA?
Mormons. Can't turn your back on 'em! :terror:

A mistake I learned the hard way, unfortunately.

Here's the ironic thing, guy.

If Romney's the nominee, I'll vote for Obama, and I'll be on here taking up Obama's case.

Not because I want to. Obama has been the worst president of my lifetime. Carter takes on a new dignity by comparison.

But Romney is just a scummy human being.
They all filed, the RPV declared they didn't have enough signatures to get on the ballot invoking an arbitrary standard.

Again, for someone who is supposedly afraid of Romney, you seem awfully anxious to take his side in this.

Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum and former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman did not submit signatures with Virginia's State Board of Elections by Thursday's 5 p.m. deadline and will not be on the primary ballot.

Bachmann, Santorum and Huntsman miss Virginia primary deadline | Richmond Times-Dispatch

OMG! There is no "side" to FACTS. This had NOTHING to do with Romney.

Next you'll be telling me John Gotti had an alibi. And a blow job isn't really sex so Clinton wasn't technically lying.

For a fight you have no interest in, since you won't vote for ANYONE the GOP produces, no matter how bad Obama messes up the country, you seem awfully committed to who our nominee should be.

"Please don't throw me into the briar patch, B'rer Fox."

I'm sorry Joe. You've jumped the shark on this one and I still want Newt to be your nominee.
Okay...I'll bite. How did Romney make sure that the rest of the candidates didn't even file in VA?
Mormons. Can't turn your back on 'em! :terror:

A mistake I learned the hard way, unfortunately.

Here's the ironic thing, guy.

If Romney's the nominee, I'll vote for Obama, and I'll be on here taking up Obama's case.

Not because I want to. Obama has been the worst president of my lifetime. Carter takes on a new dignity by comparison.

But Romney is just a scummy human being.
For what it's worth, I can't in good conscience vote for either of them. I have no respect for Romney at all, and Obama has been little more than a third Dubya term, in my opinion.

I suspect I will go and vote for whatever warm body the Libertarian Party puts up there in order to preserve their ballot access for the next time around, then go punish my liver at the local watering hole. What else can one do? :dunno:
Mormons. Can't turn your back on 'em! :terror:

A mistake I learned the hard way, unfortunately.

Here's the ironic thing, guy.

If Romney's the nominee, I'll vote for Obama, and I'll be on here taking up Obama's case.

Not because I want to. Obama has been the worst president of my lifetime. Carter takes on a new dignity by comparison.

But Romney is just a scummy human being.
For what it's worth, I can't in good conscience vote for either of them. I have no respect for Romney at all, and Obama has been little more than a third Dubya term, in my opinion.

I suspect I will go and vote for whatever warm body the Libertarian Party puts up there in order to preserve their ballot access for the next time around, then go punish my liver at the local watering hole. What else can one do? :dunno:

Unfortunately, that's pretty close to my plan.
Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum and former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman did not submit signatures with Virginia's State Board of Elections by Thursday's 5 p.m. deadline and will not be on the primary ballot.

Bachmann, Santorum and Huntsman miss Virginia primary deadline | Richmond Times-Dispatch

OMG! There is no "side" to FACTS. This had NOTHING to do with Romney.

Next you'll be telling me John Gotti had an alibi. And a blow job isn't really sex so Clinton wasn't technically lying.

For a fight you have no interest in, since you won't vote for ANYONE the GOP produces, no matter how bad Obama messes up the country, you seem awfully committed to who our nominee should be.

"Please don't throw me into the briar patch, B'rer Fox."

I'm sorry Joe. You've jumped the shark on this one and I still want Newt to be your nominee.

Nice deflection! But you didn't answer the question.

Why do you CARE who is on the ballot in Virginia if you aren't going to vote for either of them anyway and you really think Newt is the weaker candidate?

It's the kind of kibbitzing that sounds a bit suspicious to me.

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