Va Primary: Gingrich, Perry fail to get on ballot.

And a blow job isn't really sex so Clinton wasn't technically lying.

Actually, that was Gingrich's defense.

Manning first alleged in 1995 that she had had an affair with Gingrich, telling Vanity Fair, “We had oral sex. He prefers that modus operandi because then he can say, ‘I never slept with her.’”

Newt Gingrich | Adultery | Anne Manning | The Daily Caller



And your "It's a conspiracy" schtick is pretty pathetic.
Next you'll be telling me John Gotti had an alibi. And a blow job isn't really sex so Clinton wasn't technically lying.

For a fight you have no interest in, since you won't vote for ANYONE the GOP produces, no matter how bad Obama messes up the country, you seem awfully committed to who our nominee should be.

"Please don't throw me into the briar patch, B'rer Fox."

I'm sorry Joe. You've jumped the shark on this one and I still want Newt to be your nominee.

Nice deflection! But you didn't answer the question.

Why do you CARE who is on the ballot in Virginia if you aren't going to vote for either of them anyway and you really think Newt is the weaker candidate?

It's the kind of kibbitzing that sounds a bit suspicious to me.

LOL....I don't care. I'm simply pointing out the FACTS.
Looks like Romney will win Virginia's Primary, so he can focus on other Super Tuesday states. It is beginning to look like Romney will be the main man for Republicans because of his steady base of support.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has failed to qualify for Virginia's March 6 Republican primary, a development that adds to the challenges faced by the recent frontrunner in the GOP presidential race.
"After verification, RPV has determined that Newt Gingrich did not submit required 10k signatures and has not qualified for the VA primary," the Republican Party of Virginia announced early Saturday on its Twitter website.
Perry also fell short of the 10,000 signatures of registered voters required for a candidate's name to be on the primary ballot, but former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and Texas Rep. Ron Paul will be on the ballot.
My Way News - GOP: Gingrich, Perry will not be on Va. Ballot

We're down to a Virginia ballot that will consist of Romney and possibly Ron Paul if he doesn't get disqualified too. All other GOP candidates failed to meet Virginia's requirements.

Republican presidential candidates Michele Bachmann, Jon Huntsman and Rick Santorum failed to qualify for the Virginia ballot, according to state GOP officials.

Four candidates — former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, former House speaker Newt Gingrich, Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Rep. Ron Paul (Texas) — turned in thousands of signatures by the deadline.

Candidates had until 5 p.m. to collect 10,000 signatures from across the state, including 400 from each congressional district.

Virginia, an increasingly important swing state, will hold its primary on Super Tuesday, March

The signatures still must be certified by Republican Party of Virginia. Garren Shipley, a party spokesman, said he expects that to be completed by Friday.

Bachmann, Huntsman, Santorum not on Va. primary ballot | Richmond Times-Dispatch

Something that makes you want to go HMMM--doesn't it?

This is hilarious.

I've been away....Gingrich won't be on the Virginia his own Party's primary? Is that what just happened?
I'm sorry Joe. You've jumped the shark on this one and I still want Newt to be your nominee.

Nice deflection! But you didn't answer the question.

Why do you CARE who is on the ballot in Virginia if you aren't going to vote for either of them anyway and you really think Newt is the weaker candidate?

It's the kind of kibbitzing that sounds a bit suspicious to me.

LOL....I don't care. I'm simply pointing out the FACTS.

Of course you don't. Which is why you are posting in every thread on this subject, becuase you simply don't care... not you, you're our little fact-finder...

Come on. Liberals want Romney to get the nomination because just in case Obama blows it, he's a Republican you can live with. At least be honest enough to admit that.
Nice deflection! But you didn't answer the question.

Why do you CARE who is on the ballot in Virginia if you aren't going to vote for either of them anyway and you really think Newt is the weaker candidate?

It's the kind of kibbitzing that sounds a bit suspicious to me.

LOL....I don't care. I'm simply pointing out the FACTS.

Of course you don't. Which is why you are posting in every thread on this subject, becuase you simply don't care... not you, you're our little fact-finder...

Come on. Liberals want Romney to get the nomination because just in case Obama blows it, he's a Republican you can live with. At least be honest enough to admit that.

maybe it's just fun to point out when someone's lost it on a subject? you need to let go of the mormon hatred. it's making you irrational.
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Bachman, Huntsman, Perry, Gingrich, and Santorum are not nitwits, nitwit. Two spent probably millions of dollars hiring pros to get them on the ballot, got well over the needed number but got disqualified by a rigged process that threw out over 35% of the signatures. The other three knew that this game was so rigged that they didnt even bother.

And thats OK by your estimation because 'Dims da rules, Dude!'

lol, pathetic

Do you have any evidence of this.

Gingrich turned in 11,050, just over 10% greater signatures then required. From that how do you determine that 35% were disqualified? The second requirement is fthat 400 qualified voters were needed from each district. That means if for one district the Gingrich campaign only turned in 300 qualified signatures, then they could have turned in 1,000,000 signatures and it wouldn't have made any difference. Failure to qualify by district is very likely since it appears they tried to gather the required signatures late in the game at a couple of DC are rallies.

So, (a) please provide the source for the 35% rejection amount, and (b) please show where he met the requirement of 400 from each of the 11 congressional districts.

Thank you in advance for your supporting evidence.


Meh, I looked but couldnt find the thing I read the other day that said Gingrich missed the minimum by like 2500 signatures. So, honestly, I dont know how reliable the info is now that I cant double check it. Sometimes I get to reading so many sites, later I cant really remember which are just comments and which are more serious blogs and which are from news sources.

But my guesstimate was based on that 2500 number, plus the 1050 he turned in that was over the 10k he needed. That would be about 3550 of 11050 which off the top of my head was about 35%.
Bachman, Huntsman, Perry, Gingrich, and Santorum are not nitwits, nitwit. Two spent probably millions of dollars hiring pros to get them on the ballot,...

Instead of making excuses for these yahoos, the real question is why didn't they know what was required of them to get on the ballot?

They are the ballot because they spent millions of $$$ and hired professionals to make sure they were there...

..........................Oh wait.


So if you hire some professionals to do something for you, and they all fail, it is your fault for not knowing their trade better than they do?

[I'll tell you why - cause he just makes shit up.

He's done it over and over. After a while, you begin to expect not a single paragraph will contain any truth or fact.

Bullshit, Ihavent made anything up.

Prove it, dumbass liar.
The fact that the GOP establishment loathes Paul at a level of intensity one can only compare to a force of Nature....

Explains why a conspiracy by the GOP establishment unjustly kept Gingrich from getting on the ballot, while Paul made it. :eusa_whistle:

The two have nothing to do with each other, nor did I imply they had anything to do with each other. It just suggests the GOP bootlicks didnt see a need to worry about Paul.

God knows you have to be about the stupidest poster on these boards.
OK, Braniac: how many signatures did Keyes collect in 2008?

Lol, was Keyes on the ballot or not?
Yes - he collected enough signatures.

Yet, Newt 'Superior Intellect' Gingrich couldn't figure out Virginia's requirements!


That is ridiculous. Gingrich and Perry both hhired pros to do a job that they failed to do.

That is not a reflection on Gingrich and Perry but of the circumstances, and the contempt the Virginia bootlicks like Bolling have for a fair vote.

Guy, the point is, this would not have BEEN an issue if they weren't trying to rig the game.

Romney gets 5 of the 6 opponents disqualified from the ballot, that's a rigged game.

What a fucking liar you are.

Virginias Lt Govenor Bolling is Romnuts campaign chairman for Virginia. His influence extends throughout the government and the usual party hacks and bootlickers like you.

Yes, Romnuts got these people in charge so they could put a fat finger on the scales for this process and he got his moneys worth.

Guy, the point is, this would not have BEEN an issue if they weren't trying to rig the game.

Romney gets 5 of the 6 opponents disqualified from the ballot, that's a rigged game.

What a fucking liar you are.

Once again, if the establishment were confident in Romney, they wouldn't be playing these games.

I do find it amusing that people who are Obama Supporters are taking Romney's side in this...

It makes me wonder who you are really afraid of.

They know that Romnuts is their weakest opponent, and if a socially conservative candidate gets the nomination they will have a hard time.
Bachman, Huntsman, Perry, Gingrich, and Santorum are not nitwits, nitwit. Two spent probably millions of dollars hiring pros to get them on the ballot, got well over the needed number but got disqualified by a rigged process that threw out over 35% of the signatures. The other three knew that this game was so rigged that they didnt even bother.

And thats OK by your estimation because 'Dims da rules, Dude!'

lol, pathetic

Do you have any evidence of this.

Gingrich turned in 11,050, just over 10% greater signatures then required. From that how do you determine that 35% were disqualified? The second requirement is fthat 400 qualified voters were needed from each district. That means if for one district the Gingrich campaign only turned in 300 qualified signatures, then they could have turned in 1,000,000 signatures and it wouldn't have made any difference. Failure to qualify by district is very likely since it appears they tried to gather the required signatures late in the game at a couple of DC are rallies.

So, (a) please provide the source for the 35% rejection amount, and (b) please show where he met the requirement of 400 from each of the 11 congressional districts.

Thank you in advance for your supporting evidence.


Meh, I looked but couldnt find the thing I read the other day that said Gingrich missed the minimum by like 2500 signatures. So, honestly, I dont know how reliable the info is now that I cant double check it. Sometimes I get to reading so many sites, later I cant really remember which are just comments and which are more serious blogs and which are from news sources.

But my guesstimate was based on that 2500 number, plus the 1050 he turned in that was over the 10k he needed. That would be about 3550 of 11050 which off the top of my head was about 35%.

Thank you for acknowledging that at this time we don't have specifics about the decision process, the only specifics we do have (at this point) are the requirements under the law. We don't know if it was a lack of addresses (required to check voter registration and from what district they are from - if qualified) or if it was a lack of complying with the 400 from each district.

Time will tell as I think this will be challenged in court resulting in more details being released to the public.

Meanwhile GOP voters in Virginia wont be able to vote for five out of seven candidates, which just makes them happy as can be imagined, fascist scumbags.

GOP voters in VA who actually give a darn have no one to blame but the candidate...
i think we can all agree that newt and rick were entitled to being on the ballot. and that they were therefore cheated. they were ROBBED!
LOL....I don't care. I'm simply pointing out the FACTS.

Of course you don't. Which is why you are posting in every thread on this subject, becuase you simply don't care... not you, you're our little fact-finder...

Come on. Liberals want Romney to get the nomination because just in case Obama blows it, he's a Republican you can live with. At least be honest enough to admit that.

maybe it's just fun to point out when someone's lost it on a subject? you need to let go of the mormon hatred. it's making you irrational.

Not at all. you people claimed all sorts of paranoid bullshit about butterfly ballots (designed by a Democrat, but helped Pat Buchanan) and expunging convicts from voter rolls (ordered by a court) in Florida in 2000. But at the end of the day, when given a chance, they re-elected Jeb and they re-elected Dubya.

In this case, they don't WANT the voters to get into it. They don't want to even take a chance that Romney will lose Virginia. NOPE. Let's keep EVERYONE else off the ballot except Ron Paul.

Let everyone on the ballot, let the voters decide. Seems like a simple enough solution to me.

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