Vacation Destination Martha's Vineyard with thousands of Rooms Off-Season Says it Does not Have Room for 50 Illegals as it Kicks Them Out

Judging from the wanted lists from police departments and the FBI they do plenty of fighting. The people along the border see their homes broken into and their pets killed see plenty of fighting. You think these are innocent child like flower children. They aren't. They will cut your throat and steal the pennies off a dead man's eyes.
In America we use a standard called "Innocent until proven guilty". Every one of those people were following the laws of this country when they were shanghaied for a sadistic political stunt. They were fooled by official-looking people into thinking they were being given a tiny piece of the American dream. Instead they were dumped in a strange place and set up for deportation. These people did nothing to deserve being turned into a political weapon.
In America we use a standard called "Innocent until proven guilty". Every one of those people were following the laws of this country when they were shanghaied for a sadistic political stunt. They were fooled by official-looking people into thinking they were being given a tiny piece of the American dream. Instead they were dumped in a strange place and set up for deportation. These people did nothing to deserve being turned into a political weapon.
They are HERE. Every one should have been hanged and left for the Crows to eat their eyes.
In America we use a standard called "Innocent until proven guilty". Every one of those people were following the laws of this country when they were shanghaied for a sadistic political stunt. They were fooled by official-looking people into thinking they were being given a tiny piece of the American dream. Instead they were dumped in a strange place and set up for deportation. These people did nothing to deserve being turned into a political weapon.
Hahahahaha feeeeeellllliiinnnngggssssssss.
TRICKED? You gotta be kidding me. They are lucky they haven't just been shot dead on sight for illegally invading into a foreign country. These people have been fed, clothed, cared for, given clean rest facilities, and free transportation when all they should have gotten is steel and the bite of some well-trained police dogs.

And now they will get yet more services lavished on them at my expense.

One of our Marines was locked away in a prison starved and tortured for a year just for accidentally crossing into Mexico by making a wrong turn along the border on his way to San Diego. And then president Obumma didn't so much as raise a finger, send a card, lift a pen or make a phone call.

Next time I hope DeSantis sends them 50,000 illegals and drops them by helicopter right on the front lawn of the WH. Let Daddy Biden take care of them, he brought them here.
They are legal refugees from Communist Venezuela.
Scary brown people? You meanr the brown people who pick your fruits and vegetables, fix your roads and bridges, roof your houses, and cut your lawns, that most sorry ass white people won't do?
Are you truly this stupid, or just trolling?

Look at the meme again, and ask your babysitter to explain it to you if you still don't get it.
If you already knew that, you were lying when you claimed that DeSantis broke the law.

Unless you will now move onto to some law other than the one you cited which applies to people who transport unauthorized aliens.

That's what the DOJ has done for seven years. Picked a man and desperately sought a crime that he may have committed, so you must have learned from them.
You know those transported to Martha's Vineyard were in the US legally as refugees from COMMUNIST Venezuela, right?
Domestic Transporting -- Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(ii) makes it an offense for any person who -- knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has come to, entered, or remains in the United States in violation of law, transports, or moves or attempts to transport or move such alien within the United States by means of transportation or otherwise, in furtherance of such violation of law. This kicks your ass and DeSantis's, and there is no arguing around it for either of you.
Your stupidity is exceeded only by your love of the hivemind you dwell in. :)

But if you're saying Biden should be impeached for doing this, I'm all in. :)
They are HERE. Every one should have been hanged and left for the Crows to eat their eyes.
They were mostly Venezuelans with temporary refugee status. They didn't sneak in. They presented themselves at the border and asked for asylum. Since then they have been navigating the process set down in the law to get permanent asylum. Now why do you want them horribly murdered?

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