Vaccinated people spread covid

report they're full. They aren't, they won't ever be. You know why? The percentages don't figure in the math. you all don't do math, I know.
What the fuck are you bloviating about now? Do you even know. So not only do you know more than the CDC, you know more than the health care providers on the frontline? What I know is that you are and arrogant, uniformed ass who only making things worse. Why don't spell out exactly what you policy would be for combatting Cove and why. Give it a shot since you are so fucking smart. A stable genius I bet.
What the fuck are you bloviating about now? Do you even know. So not only do you know more than the CDC, you know more than the health care providers on the frontline? What I know is that you are and arrogant, uniformed ass who only making things worse. Why don't spell out exactly what you policy would be for combatting Cove and why. Give it a shot since you are so fucking smart. A stable genius I bet.
what's hilarious it's like you think you know!!!! what is it you personally know? Where is your research?
I do. I'm vaccinated and I don't have an issue with the status of the vaccines. Your point is well, not correct.

Then what is the problem that you're coming to me all hot and bothered that you ... agree with what I said.

Stick up your ass?
what's hilarious it's like you think you know!!!! what is it you personally know? Where is your research?
Where is my research? Where the fuck is your research. Neither of us are researcher so cut the fucking gaslight bullshit

I read the reseach . If you read it at all, and I don't think that you do but if you do you are not comprehening it and you just dismiss it as bullshit because it does not fit your warped views. I am sick of your willfull stupidity
\And again you did not answer my question: Why don't spell out exactly what you policy would be for combatting Cove and why. You can't. You have no fucking clue.
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report they're full. They aren't, they won't ever be. You know why? The percentages don't figure in the math. you all don't do math, I know.
I asked you a fucking question That is not an answer. Wait until the ICUs are full before what?> Before we take steps to stop the spread. Are you really that stupid or are you just trolling and playing a moronic game here.
Fauci knew this all along. The influenza vaccine has been around for decades, yet it's only about 50% effective in a good year, and less than 20% effective in a bad one.

Want to know why they are pushing the vax so hard? Moderna stock was at $20 per share in December 2019. It is now at $420.

Like other coronaviruses that cause flu-like symptoms - there are four that most people acquire at some point in their lives - COVID will be with us forever, and Big Pharma, along with Fauci, will make millions.

Fauci now says he fears vaccine-resistant COVID variant could emerge this fall and warns US is 'in trouble' - one day after saying the nation is on same 'trajectory' as UK where cases are in DECLINE

  • Dr Anthony Fauci said he fears that if COVID-19 spreads enough it can mutate into a vaccine-resistant variant
  • He also predicts that with the current growth of cases, the U.S. could be recording 200,000 new infections a day within a few weeks
  • His remarks come just one day after telling the Center for Strategic and International Studies that the U.S. is on a 'similar trajectory' to that of the UK
  • The UK reported its lowest number of COVID cases on Tuesday
  • More Americans are now reporting that they are pessimistic about the pandemic as a return to normal has been delayed by fourth wave
  • The Indian 'Delta' variant-fueled case surge has cause daily cases to increase by 350% over the past month

I guess you don't understand that I am not a member of your culture. I am a German. I don't have any idea what you like to say with this sentence. In films you see sometimes that a doctor asks during an operation a nurse to dab away sweat using wadding or cellulose material. I don't have any idea whether exists methods to solve this problem with a kind of bandana, because often doctors also have to use additional a kind of bandana with special instruments.

So, in Germany they have no surgical masks?

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