Vaccinated people spread covid

Cool dead end story.

But here is the bottom line: Excess death statistics, which are mortality actuals that are not based on diagnosis, clearly support official Covid-19 death counts. Excessive deaths we've experienced since pandemic began is nowhere near what we see in "mild influenza" seasons.


Oh fuck off! LOL!!! Where is there justification for a 15% jump in overall deaths? LOL!
So total deaths worldwide were up...what 17% in 2020?
You're gonna need more than some fucking bar graph to prove that one!
Oh fuck off! LOL!!! Where is there justification for a 15% jump in overall deaths? LOL!
So total deaths worldwide were up...what 17% in 2020?
You're gonna need more than some fucking bar graph to prove that one!
What the hell? These are standard mortality statistics, their "justification" is the same it's always been - PEOPLE DYING.
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why did co-morbidies not kill people before at rates we see over the last year?
Assuming we can trust the rates/numbers - which is a big assumption - we get these strong flu-like viruses about once in a generation, and this time, their appearance coincided with the oldest Boomers turning 75.

So it's not rocket surgery.
Because what you are peddling is ignorant, really detached bullshit, that's why.
Covid-19 is a novel virus and has been much more deadly than good ol' treatable, and vaccinated against, influenza.
We get these about once every generation, yes.

Thank goodness the Delta variant is basically a mild flu, right? :)
As a novel virus in 1918 Influenza killed tons of people btw.
Irrelevant (calling Covid Godwin), but an example of one of the once in a generation viruses we see; sanitary standards are VASTLY greater now than in 1918 when an earache could kill you.
Assuming we can trust the rates/numbers - which is a big assumption - we get these strong flu-like viruses about once in a generation, and this time, their appearance coincided with the oldest Boomers turning 75.

And just like that, "mild" turned into "strong" on a turn of a dime.

Yes we have a potent novel virus....and even way to deal with it so it doesn't kill millions - practice prevention untill vaccination. You know, all the stuff yahoos like you fight tooth and nail.
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Not according to Dr F Head, or did you forget why he said we all need the vaccine? Love it, follow the science until it’s politically in expedient. Apparently the experts aren’t actually experts after all. I guess that is why they call it the practice of medicine, or should we say a game of darts.
And just like that, "mild" turned into "strong" on a turn of a dime.
Nope. The original was strong - as I said - and the Delta mild - as I said.

Reading comprehension is a plus. :)
Yes we have a potent novel virus....
We did, but only the vulnerable were vulnerable, as ever.

Democrats chose to weaponize it politically, and burned the country down because they're more dangerous than Nazis.
and even way to deal with it so it doesn't kill millions -
Never a need - only the vulnerable were vulnerable, and they needed to look after themselves.
practice prevention untill vaccination.
If you're vulnerable/okay with the experimental vaccine, sure.
You know, all the stuff yahoos like you fight tooth and nail.
You know, personal attacks are the most unimaginative form of fallacious trolling. :)
View attachment 519169

We must be forced to get an experimental vaccine that was created in 9months.

Indeed it was created here in Germany from BionTech/Pfizer in only two days. The rest of the time "we" - people from about 60 nations of the world - needed to make all important tests. In all other cases it was similar, I guess.

One which has 0% effectiveness (vaxxed spread it at the same rate of the unvaxxed).

Vaccines are very effective - not 100% - but very effective. In case someone gets an infection, although he was vaccinated (an exception from the rule not to get infected) then he's not so heavy symptoms and the viral load is lower. So also the chance is lower to get infected in case a single vaccination works not perfectly.

Yet, you’re calling us Nazis and murderers for not getting it.

You DemonRats are sick, brainwashed, and retarded

Emotional hate scrap now. That's a "must be so" in the conversations in the USA.

As far as I can see makes your message from CNN not a big sense here in Germany. Also not in case of the delta and delta-plus variants of the Sars-Co-V2 virus.

Now comes my emotional scrap: What is the name of the US-American officials, who said so? Mr. Rumpelstiltskin and Mother Holle?

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Get your Trump death jabs

More than 125,000 breakthrough cases were reported by the CDC in just 38 states.

WASHINGTON — At least 125,000 fully vaccinated Americans have tested positive for Covid and 1,400 of those have died, according to data collected by NBC News.

But the total number of breakthrough cases is likely higher than 125,683, since nine states, including Pennsylvania and Missouri, did not provide any information, while 11, like Covid hotspot Florida, did not provide death and hospitalization totals. Four states gave death and hospitalization numbers, but not the full tally of cases.

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Get your Trump death jabs

More than 125,000 breakthrough cases were reported by the CDC in just 38 states.

WASHINGTON — At least 125,000 fully vaccinated Americans have tested positive for Covid and 1,400 of those have died, according to data collected by NBC News.

So 1.2% died in case of vaccination failure. Sounds not high this risk. Do you have the age of all this people? Unfortunatelly the immune system of older persons is also often not the best - so perhaps it helps a third immunisation if the people are older.

But the total number of breakthrough cases is likely higher than 125,683, since nine states, including Pennsylvania and Missouri, did not provide any information, while 11, like Covid hotspot Florida, did not provide death and hospitalization totals. Four states gave death and hospitalization numbers, but not the full tally of cases.

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