Vaccinated vs previously infected: who spreads the virus more?

Ya know, fine I'll waste my time and do just that to put an exclamation point on how much of a lying troll you are.

Here are my 4 quotes with references to your points:
No. You still have not described what the two groups are. Quoting some study is not describing the two groups. You STILL haven't described what the two groups are, but that is the point of the thread. There is a story to tell when lefties evade, you just have to look for what and why they evade.
No. You still have not described what the two groups are. Quoting some study is not describing the two groups. You STILL haven't described what the two groups are, but that is the point of the thread. There is a story to tell when lefties evade, you just have to look for what and why they evade.
Hahahahahaha... And you were harping on me for semantics?! Holy crap. What do you want me to describe?! There isn't anything to describe. I answered your OP question several times, and I answered your diversionary questions several times. I've shown 4 quotes of me describing the groups exactly in the way you laid out, broken record style. I even labeled with neat little 1A, 1B, 1C, 2A, 2B just like you asked. You can't dispute any of my posts. You are trolling and and lying about the things I say and worst of all you are still avoiding answering my simple question. That is weak and cowardice. Just admit you're an idiot and we can move on.
Slade3200 itfitzme JohnDB have illustrated the point of my thread, all we have to do is look at what exactly they are evading. Despite being asked to demonstrate that they read and understood the opening post, despite being asked to describe back to me what the two groups were, and despite slade engaging me in a semantics battle (which demonstrates that he is capable of seeing every detail in the opening post), none of them were willing to post exactly what those two groups were. Let's look at the opening post:

"I'm thinking that vaxxed people who have never been infected are going to spread the virus more easily when they finally do become infected than previously infected non vaxxed people."

Let's list everything about group 1:

A. Vaxxed people
B. Never infected before
C. Become infected.

Now, group 2:

A. Previously infected
B. Not vaxxed

As we can see, none of our evaders was willing to include item C for group 1. Items a, b, and c, all describing one group of people, puts lefties into overload. Our 3 evaders saw item 1C over and over, so now we just need to look at why they are evading this so hard.

Group one has been proven to be spreaders of the virus, group 2 is not known to spread the virus. This is politically inconvenient, EXTREMELY inconvenient. This shows a forbidden advantage that previously infected people have over vaxxed people who have not been infected. Even after a couple lefties inevitably dig up and post a couple of exceptions to this advantage trend, the advantage will stand strong.

Thank you evaders, for illustrating the point of my thread. Lefty evasion is a picture worth a thousand wor
Ya know, fine I'll waste my time and do just that to put an exclamation point on how much of a lying troll you are.

Here are my 4 quotes with references to your points:
None of these have a single group that includes 1a, 1b, and 1c. The groups in the opening post are specifically 1a, 1b, 1c for group one, and 2a, 2b for group two. No overlap. You are quoting some study that is not what the opening post is about, (evasion), and it doesn't even have any groups that match.
Slade3200 itfitzme JohnDB have illustrated the point of my thread, all we have to do is look at what exactly they are evading. Despite being asked to demonstrate that they read and understood the opening post, despite being asked to describe back to me what the two groups were, and despite slade engaging me in a semantics battle (which demonstrates that he is capable of seeing every detail in the opening post), none of them were willing to post exactly what those two groups were. Let's look at the opening post:

"I'm thinking that vaxxed people who have never been infected are going to spread the virus more easily when they finally do become infected than previously infected non vaxxed people."

Let's list everything about group 1:

A. Vaxxed people
B. Never infected before
C. Become infected.

Now, group 2:

A. Previously infected
B. Not vaxxed

As we can see, none of our evaders was willing to include item C for group 1. Items a, b, and c, all describing one group of people, puts lefties into overload. Our 3 evaders saw item 1C over and over, so now we just need to look at why they are evading this so hard.

Group one has been proven to be spreaders of the virus, group 2 is not known to spread the virus. This is politically inconvenient, EXTREMELY inconvenient. This shows a forbidden advantage that previously infected people have over vaxxed people who have not been infected. Even after a couple lefties inevitably dig up and post a couple of exceptions to this advantage trend, the advantage will stand strong.

Thank you evaders, for illustrating the point of my thread. Lefty evasion is a picture worth a thousand wor
Oops, you already posted this days ago and I debunked it. Computer glitch
None of these have a single group that includes 1a, 1b, and 1c. The groups in the opening post are specifically 1a, 1b, 1c for group one, and 2a, 2b for group two. No overlap. You are quoting some study that is not what the opening post is about, (evasion), and it doesn't even have any groups that match.
Well now you are lying. My last quote had all addressed in one post. Not that it matters… who made these lame rules that every point you made up pages into the thread needed to be addressed all at once?! Despite that ridiculous strawman criteria I did it anyways. You’ve lost it dude. Fess up. You’re a moron
Ten points go to anybody who can quote slade listing the two groups listed in the opening post.

Group 1

A. Vaxxed people
B. Never infected before
C. Become infected.

Now, group 2:

A. Previously infected
B. Not vaxxed
Ten points go to anybody who can quote slade listing the two groups listed in the opening post.

Group 1

A. Vaxxed people
B. Never infected before
C. Become infected.

Now, group 2:

A. Previously infected
B. Not vaxxed
Already been quoted. You can Venmo me the 10
Already been quoted. You can Venmo me the 10
Lol, looks like the fox is guarding the henhouse. Non of your fellow commies are supporting you here either. If you had actually described the two groups and responded to the opening post, your comrades would be doing a lot of copy n paste to slap me around with. Evasion is a picture worth a thousand words, and your evasion fit is telling the story that you are trying not to tell.
Lol, looks like the fox is guarding the henhouse. Non of your fellow commies are supporting you here either. If you had actually described the two groups and responded to the opening post, your comrades would be doing a lot of copy n paste to slap me around with. Evasion is a picture worth a thousand words, and your evasion fit is telling the story that you are trying not to tell.
Nobody cares about our stupid squabble. It’s not about who on here supports who. It’s about simple facts which you seem to want to ignore in order to troll. Are you having fun with that?
I'm thinking that vaxxed people who have never been infected are going to spread the virus more easily when they finally do become infected than previously infected non vaxxed people.
Think again. Pretty sure there is absolutely no actual evidence supporting your position.

Spreading isn't the issue.
Being infected is.
People who've never been vaccinated are more prone to catching and dying from the disease. INCLUDING previously infected. No matter the history of the carrier.
People who've been vaccinated have a much lower probability of catching the virus and a much lower probability of serious complications.
I wouldn't bet on it either way. If forced to take a stand I'd side with the vaccinated being less likely to spread the disease. Only because other than Florida, the highest rate of cases per 100,000 occur where the vaccination rate is below the national average.


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