Vaccinated vs previously infected: who spreads the virus more?

Classic response when a lefty has been beat. I've seen "have a good day", "you're a racist", "bye!", "I'm putting you on ignore", and several other weak retreats. Lefties fold up like lawn chairs when you hold their feet to the fire. Don't worry, nobody expects you to slap down the point of this thread that I posted. After all, it was you and the other evaders that illustrated my point better than anyone else.
I'm taking offense at your label.

I'm A-political... meaning I don't do politics whatsoever and I am committed to being against them.

And for the record....I'm not the one being obtuse.
I'm taking offense at your label.

I'm A-political... meaning I don't do politics whatsoever and I am committed to being against them.

And for the record....I'm not the one being obtuse.
The evasion thing locks it in, you are a lefty. If you had been able to list items 1a,1b, and 1c, I might think you had at least a tiny objective bone in your body, and if you had been able to answer which group was more likely to spread the virus, I'd raise an eyebrow. You evaded though, just like a lefty. I can see your true colors, but you will never understand how obvious they are.
Slade3200 itfitzme JohnDB have illustrated the point of my thread, all we have to do is look at what exactly they are evading. Despite being asked to demonstrate that they read and understood the opening post, despite being asked to describe back to me what the two groups were, and despite slade engaging me in a semantics battle (which demonstrates that he is capable of seeing every detail in the opening post), none of them were willing to post exactly what those two groups were. Let's look at the opening post:

"I'm thinking that vaxxed people who have never been infected are going to spread the virus more easily when they finally do become infected than previously infected non vaxxed people."

Let's list everything about group 1:

A. Vaxxed people
B. Never infected before
C. Become infected.

Now, group 2:

A. Previously infected
B. Not vaxxed

As we can see, none of our evaders was willing to include item C for group 1. Items a, b, and c, all describing one group of people, puts lefties into overload. Our 3 evaders saw item 1C over and over, so now we just need to look at why they are evading this so hard.

Group one has been proven to be spreaders of the virus, group 2 is not known to spread the virus. This is politically inconvenient, EXTREMELY inconvenient. This shows a forbidden advantage that previously infected people have over vaxxed people who have not been infected. Even after a couple lefties inevitably dig up and post a couple of exceptions to this advantage trend, the advantage will stand strong.

Thank you evaders, for illustrating the point of my thread. Lefty evasion is a picture worth a thousand words.
You are all kinds of confused. I haven't evaded a thing. Your OP asks which of the two groups do I think spread COVID more. I answered like 4 times that I have no idea and I asked why you are comparing those groups. You evaded over and over. See, I give direct answers you dodge and spin and name call.

Since you won't answer my question how about I ask a new one... What point are you trying to make with this now very boring round about discussion?
You are all kinds of confused. I haven't evaded a thing. Your OP asks which of the two groups do I think spread COVID more. I answered like 4 times that I have no idea and I asked why you are comparing those groups. You evaded over and over. See, I give direct answers you dodge and spin and name call.

Since you won't answer my question how about I ask a new one... What point are you trying to make with this now very boring round about discussion?
Post 78 shows your answer.
Post 78 shows your answer.
You say in post 78 that I was evading... I certainly was not evading. You never asked if I believed that vaxed people could get infected again and I never even hinted that I didn't believe that was happening. This is you making up a straw man to fight against. That was never a subject of debate between us in this thread. Of course people are getting vaxed and getting infected, that is a given.

What you still haven't answered, not even in post 78, is why you are comparing those two groups. There is certainly data showing that non vaxed people are spreading at a higher rate than vaxed people who get infected... See below. So what point are you trying to make?


Stage 2 trials are completed and now most likely gearing up for a full blown stage 3 trial. Which can get us another emergency approval. In the meantime a booster of original will have diminishing returns effect on the variants.

Since the Moderna vaccine has a better response to protect you from the variants to begin with I'm going to hold out for just the variant booster.
There is certainly data showing that non vaxed people are spreading at a higher rate than vaxed people who get infected..
This is not what the thread is about, stop evading. The two groups that you evaded acknowledging are described in post 78. These groups that you are trying to introduce are not related to this thread.

Group 1
A. Vaxxed people
B. Never infected before
C. Become infected.

Now, group 2:

A. Previously infected
B. Not vaxxed
I'm thinking that vaxxed people who have never been infected are going to spread the virus more easily when they finally do become infected than previously infected non vaxxed people.

I'd say it's the communist activists posing behind the cloak of journalism and their loyal fan base.
This is not what the thread is about, stop evading. The two groups that you evaded acknowledging are described in post 78. These groups that you are trying to introduce are not related to this thread.

Group 1
A. Vaxxed people
B. Never infected before
C. Become infected.

Now, group 2:

A. Previously infected
B. Not vaxxed
I stated those groups several times. I don't know what you think I'm evading. You are comparing vaxed people who spread the virus (meaning they are reinfected) versus people who have not been vaxed, have previously caught COVID and then catch it again. There is no evading. I'm fully aware that you are comparing these groups. I posted a study from the CDC that analyzes this very thing. I'm asking why you are comparing these groups and you still haven't answered. What point are you doing a piss poor job trying to make?
Lol, starting a new thread inside one you already lost in won't fix your screw up here. Nice surrender.
Not hardly...
I just provided lots of proof of what I've been saying all along.

You however have yet to provide anything beyond 3rd grade schoolyard antics.
Just show me which post has you acknowledging 1a through one c, and 2a and 2b. Only need to see the quote once.
I've been posting quotes all throughout this thread and giving you direct answers while you do none of that. You're straight up trolling. We are talking about two groups spreading the disease meaning people from these groups are infected. Correct? The two groups you are pointing out are and I'll quote from several of my previous posts.... Something is wrong with you.

Yes, I perceive and basic logic tells me that a person without antibodies for COVID as susceptible to catch and spread it. I have read that vaxed people do have a chance of catching COVID especially with the Delta variant which is more contagious. This chance of catching it is less than that of an unvaccinated person. Many studies show that the severity of the "breakthrough" infections are far less severe in vaccinated people versus unvaccinated. This makes the vaccinated safer and less contagious.

Care to answer my question now, which is not a derailment question like you keep inaccurately implying as I'm asking why you are making the comparison being made in the OP.

I've answered this question multiple times now as honestly as I can. I do not know which group has stronger antibodies. Vaxxed or those with natural antibodies. I told you I had spoken to somebody who had COVID and then tested negative for antibodies so that doesn't look good for natural immunity. We also know that with Delta vaxed people are catching and spreading it. I don't know which is causing worse cases and more spread.

Now that I've answered this yet again, will you please answer my quesiton... Why are you comparing these two groups?

Those who have not had COVID but had been Vaccinated and those who have had COVID. Now can you tell us why you want to look at those groups?

Yup, Vaxxed who have not had Covid, and those who have had Covid and are unvaxed. Notice how I have repeated over and over and over and over again direct answers to your questions, while you continue to avoid answering mine... Whats up with that. I feel like you are trolling and not having an honest and respectful discussion.

Yup, I did about three times.
I've been posting quotes all throughout this thread and giving you direct answers while you do none of that. You're straight up trolling. We are talking about two groups spreading the disease meaning people from these groups are infected. Correct? The two groups you are pointing out are and I'll quote from several of my previous posts.... Something is wrong with you.
Yep he's a troll.
Not hardly...
I just provided lots of proof of what I've been saying all along.

You however have yet to provide anything beyond 3rd grade schoolyard antics.
You've been evading the opening post all along.
Yep he's a troll.
That is a popular surrender. The most classic lefty surrenders are "you're a racist", and "I'm going to put you on ignore". The troll one that you are using here is probably about the third most popular, so still a classic. Posting random propaganda is a pretty popular lefty surrender as well. Lefties fold up like lawn chairs when you hold their little commie feet to the fire, and then they claim victory or do one of their other surrenders.
I've been posting quotes all throughout this thread and giving you direct answers while you do none of that. You're straight up trolling. We are talking about two groups spreading the disease meaning people from these groups are infected. Correct? The two groups you are pointing out are and I'll quote from several of my previous posts.... Something is wrong with you.
Just show me a single one, and break it down where I can see 1a through one 1c and 2a through 2b. None of those posts show it.

Group 1
A. Vaxxed people
B. Never infected before
C. Become infected.

Now, group 2:

A. Previously infected
B. Not vaxxed
Just show me a single one, and break it down where I can see 1a through one 1c and 2a through 2b. None of those posts show it.

Group 1
A. Vaxxed people
B. Never infected before
C. Become infected.

Now, group 2:

A. Previously infected
B. Not vaxxed
I posted 4 of my quotes from this thread addressing that. There are probably more as you insist on making people repeat themselves while evading questions that are asked of you. Very annoying
Just show me a single one, and break it down where I can see 1a through one 1c and 2a through 2b. None of those posts show it.

Group 1
A. Vaxxed people
B. Never infected before
C. Become infected.

Now, group 2:

A. Previously infected
B. Not vaxxed
Ya know, fine I'll waste my time and do just that to put an exclamation point on how much of a lying troll you are.

Here are my 4 quotes with references to your points:

Slade3200 said:
Yes, I perceive and basic logic tells me that a person without antibodies for COVID as susceptible to catch and spread it. I have read that vaxed people do have a chance of catching COVID especially with the Delta variant which is more contagious. This chance of catching it is less than that of an unvaccinated person. Many studies show that the severity of the "breakthrough" infections are far less severe in vaccinated people versus unvaccinated (1A, 1C, 2B). This makes the vaccinated safer and less contagious.

Care to answer my question now, which is not a derailment question like you keep inaccurately implying as I'm asking why you are making the comparison being made in the OP.

Slade3200 said:
I've answered this question multiple times now as honestly as I can. I do not know which group has stronger antibodies. Vaxxed or those with natural antibodies (1A, 2A, 2B). I told you I had spoken to somebody who had COVID and then tested negative for antibodies so that doesn't look good for natural immunity (2A). We also know that with Delta vaxed people are catching and spreading it (1A, 1C). I don't know which is causing worse cases and more spread.

Now that I've answered this yet again, will you please answer my quesiton... Why are you comparing these two groups?

Slade3200 said:
Those who have not had COVID (1B) but had been Vaccinated (1A) and those who have had COVID (2A). Now can you tell us why you want to look at those groups?

Slade3200 said:
Yup, Vaxxed (1A) who have not had Covid (1B), and those who have had Covid (2A) and are unvaxed (2B).(1C) Notice how I have repeated over and over and over and over again direct answers to your questions, while you continue to avoid answering mine... Whats up with that. I feel like you are trolling and not having an honest and respectful discussion.

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