Vaccinated vs previously infected: who spreads the virus more?

This is where the problem is. You came up with a single unverifiable previously infected person who you claim doesn't test for antibodies, but that is not what the thread is about. You have not even demonstrated that you did in fact read and understand the title and opening post. I really will address your thread derailment question, but not until we get through with the thread topic.

I think you have what it takes to answer the opening post, which is why I see your desperate attempts to evade the topic as a weakness. Evasion always shows me your hand. The more you push for the derailment question, the shitier your hand. Claims that you have already answered the opening post "somewhere" show a shitty hand as well. Why not just provide the correct answer, and then marginalize it with some pro vax propaganda?
Well you said you don't trust studies and you don't trust the media so what else is there? I told you about a first hand account I had which unsurprisingly you dismiss as unverified. Theres no where for me to go with all your excuses. But thats fine.

Nothing about my question is evading or derailing. I'm asking you why the comparison. Why is that confusing to you?!

I've answered your OP question and follow ups several times now. I don't know what else your looking for. Its feeling like you are opting to just troll me instead of answering my very simple question. How about you just act like an adult for a second and do what I've been doing for you this whole time which is provide direct answers to direct questions.
Yup, nobody has claimed they are 100% effective but the nutters need to paint it that way to pretend like they are making a good argument... Which they aren't.
Can you post an example of anybody making this 100% claim?
That's workplace safety protocols provided by OSHA...

That's not medical's workplace safety.

Again not the same.
Do you dispute any of the OSHA information that I posted? I believe OSHA established these guidelines to keep people from needing medical care.
Well in this case those who have been recently vaccinated with the mRNA vaccines have some limited protection against the variants...but it appears that it doesn't last long.
The other currently available vaccines don't seem to help with the variants...and the J&J vaccine doesn't seem to last as long as an infusion of manufactured antibodies.
I'm thinking that vaxxed people who have never been infected are going to spread the virus more easily when they finally do become infected than previously infected non vaxxed people. Which of these two groups do you think is more likely to spread it?
Well you said you don't trust studies and you don't trust the media so what else is there? I told you about a first hand account I had which unsurprisingly you dismiss as unverified. Theres no where for me to go with all your excuses. But thats fine.

Nothing about my question is evading or derailing. I'm asking you why the comparison. Why is that confusing to you?!

I've answered your OP question and follow ups several times now. I don't know what else your looking for. Its feeling like you are opting to just troll me instead of answering my very simple question. How about you just act like an adult for a second and do what I've been doing for you this whole time which is provide direct answers to direct questions.
Can you quote me saying that I do not trust studies?

Let's refresh our view of the opening post:

"I'm thinking that vaxxed people who have never been infected are going to spread the virus more easily when they finally do become infected than previously infected non vaxxed people."

Which of these two groups do you think is more likely to spread it?
Can you post an example of anybody making this 100% claim?
Absolutely, thank you for asking. Is it ok if I use you as an example of somebody painting the vaccines as ineffective because they do not work all the time... Here you go, this is from a thread that you started that is about you not supporting the vaccine:

Vaccinated people are dying. They are getting delta, they are getting covid, they are dying.
Can you quote me saying that I do not trust studies?

Let's refresh our view of the opening post:

"I'm thinking that vaxxed people who have never been infected are going to spread the virus more easily when they finally do become infected than previously infected non vaxxed people."

Which of these two groups do you think is more likely to spread it?
Yes I can quote you but this is the last time I waste my time verfying things that we both know you say. Stop trolling and just try to have an adult conversation.

The only studies permitted without being censored, deplatformed, cancelled or suppressed, are studies that ultimately lead to everybody getting the jab.
Let's refresh our view of the opening post:

"I'm thinking that vaxxed people who have never been infected are going to spread the virus more easily when they finally do become infected than previously infected non vaxxed people."

Which of these two groups do you think is more likely to spread it?
I've answered this question multiple times now as honestly as I can. I do not know which group has stronger antibodies. Vaxxed or those with natural antibodies. I told you I had spoken to somebody who had COVID and then tested negative for antibodies so that doesn't look good for natural immunity. We also know that with Delta vaxed people are catching and spreading it. I don't know which is causing worse cases and more spread.

Now that I've answered this yet again, will you please answer my quesiton... Why are you comparing these two groups?
I'm thinking that vaxxed people who have never been infected are going to spread the virus more easily when they finally do become infected than previously infected non vaxxed people. Which of these two groups do you think is more likely to spread it?

Currently it's a very convoluted answer...
We have around 6-8 vaccines being used worldwide. We have four different ones in America currently FDA approved.

We have several variants infecting people.
We have people getting vaxxed after infection too.
Which means that there's well over a dozen groups. Not two.

Variants are designed by nature to bypass vaccinations and natural immunity. So as time progresses no answer is going to be accurate.
Can you quote me saying that I do not trust studies?

Let's refresh our view of the opening post:

"I'm thinking that vaxxed people who have never been infected are going to spread the virus more easily when they finally do become infected than previously infected non vaxxed people."

Which of these two groups do you think is more likely to spread it?
How Well Does the J&J Vaccine Work Against the Delta Variant? | In the Pipeline.

If you can get past the science geek speak...this will give you some idea... again with the variables I mentioned before.
Absolutely, thank you for asking. Is it ok if I use you as an example of somebody painting the vaccines as ineffective because they do not work all the time... Here you go, this is from a thread that you started that is about you not supporting the vaccine:
What percent did I specify?
Yes I can quote you but this is the last time I waste my time verfying things that we both know you say. Stop trolling and just try to have an adult conversation.
Can you quote me actually saying that I do not trust studies?
Can you quote me actually saying that I do not trust studies?
Yes I quoted it already... Are you denying that you were saying you don't trust studies? Or are you looking for a word for word quote of you saying "I do not trust studies" because we both know you didn't say those exact words nor was I implying that you said those exact words.
Yes I quoted it already... Are you denying that you were saying you don't trust studies? Or are you looking for a word for word quote of you saying "I do not trust studies" because we both know you didn't say those exact words nor was I implying that you said those exact words.
I am very, very careful and specific when I post, and when I read other people's posts. I never said that I do not trust studies, and I never said anybody is claiming 100% on the jab. Can you quote ANYBODY making this claim? If not it may just be your own perception. I respect your use of the word "painting", but not when paired with the "100%".
I only specified two. Can you tell me what the two groups I specified are?
Those who have not had COVID but had been Vaccinated and those who have had COVID. Now can you tell us why you want to look at those groups?

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