Vaccinated vs previously infected: who spreads the virus more?

My answer would be that Iā€™d have to look at studyā€™s but if Iā€™m guessing Iā€™d say that whomever has a more sever case would spread more. I have no clue how vaxed antibodies compare to ā€œnaturalā€ antibodies. Now can you explain why we are comparing these two groups?
You should not need to rely upon a study to form an opinion about this, especially since all studies that you would trust lead to everybody getting the jab.

We've been living covid culture for a year and a half, and people like you and me have read plenty about it. Have you ever heard of previously infected people spreading covid? How about non previously infected vaxxed people? These are the two things that you would want to think about if you were to form your own opinion.
You should not need to rely upon a study to form an opinion about this, especially since all studies that you would trust lead to everybody getting the jab.

We've been living covid culture for a year and a half, and people like you and me have read plenty about it. Have you ever heard of previously infected people spreading covid? How about non previously infected vaxxed people? These are the two things that you would want to think about if you were to form your own opinion.
I spoke to a person two weeks ago that had Covid with mild symptoms and got an antibody test two months later and tested negative for antibodies. That means they were susceptible to catching it again and spreading it. Theres a first hand experience. The rest of things I've seen with my own eyes are simply people who have caught it. The only way to measure spread is through studies that other people do.

Now since I answered yours how about you answer my question. Why are we comparing post positive people with vaxed people?
Yes, masks help prevent the spread but ONLY if everyone is wearing them properly and without exception.
No matter how many people wear masks, they still don't work.

Masks have the potential to work, but only if they are the correct ppe for whatever hazmat you are using it for, and if the hazmat they are intended to filter out is present. They won't do anything in a room full of uninfected people or if they are not niosh approved and listed on the msds sheet.
The only way to measure spread is through studies that other people do.
The only studies permitted without being censored, deplatformed, cancelled or suppressed, are studies that ultimately lead to everybody getting the jab.
The only studies permitted without being censored, deplatformed, cancelled or suppressed, are studies that ultimately lead to everybody getting the jab.
Well thatā€™s probably because the more people that get the jab the less carnage our world experiences from the virus. Itā€™s not complicated. Can you answer my question now?
I spoke to a person two weeks ago that had Covid with mild symptoms and got an antibody test two months later and tested negative for antibodies. That means they were susceptible to catching it again and spreading it.
So you perceive one previously person who may have the ability to infect others. How about vaxxed people who have not been previously infected? Have you read anything about these people infecting others when they become infected? More than the one potential case of the previously infected that you mentioned?
So you perceive one previously person who may have the ability to infect others. How about vaxxed people who have not been previously infected? Have you read anything about these people infecting others when they become infected? More than the one potential case of the previously infected that you mentioned?
Yes, I perceive and basic logic tells me that a person without antibodies for COVID as susceptible to catch and spread it. I have read that vaxed people do have a chance of catching COVID especially with the Delta variant which is more contagious. This chance of catching it is less than that of an unvaccinated person. Many studies show that the severity of the "breakthrough" infections are far less severe in vaccinated people versus unvaccinated. This makes the vaccinated safer and less contagious.

Care to answer my question now, which is not a derailment question like you keep inaccurately implying as I'm asking why you are making the comparison being made in the OP.
I'm thinking that vaxxed people who have never been infected are going to spread the virus more easily when they finally do become infected than previously infected non vaxxed people.
I thought the New York Jets were going to win the Super Bowl last year.

That did not work out so well.
Yes, I perceive and basic logic tells me that a person without antibodies for COVID as susceptible to catch and spread it. I have read that vaxed people do have a chance of catching COVID especially with the Delta variant which is more contagious. This chance of catching it is less than that of an unvaccinated person. Many studies show that the severity of the "breakthrough" infections are far less severe in vaccinated people versus unvaccinated. This makes the vaccinated safer and less contagious.

Care to answer my question now, which is not a derailment question like you keep inaccurately implying as I'm asking why you are making the comparison being made in the OP.
You seem very anxious to get to your thread derailment question, but we haven't finished the thread topic part of this yet. The thread topic is about previously infected unvaxxed vs vaxxed people who have not been infected yet. It was never about unvaxxed people who do not have antibodies.
You seem very anxious to get to your thread derailment question, but we haven't finished the thread topic part of this yet. The thread topic is about previously infected unvaxxed vs vaxxed people who have not been infected yet. It was never about unvaxxed people who do not have antibodies.
Itā€™s not derailment to ask why youā€™re making that comparison. Thatā€™s actually right on topic, especially after ive given you several direct and specific answers to multiple questions. Why donā€™t you do the same?
You seem very anxious to get to your thread derailment question, but we haven't finished the thread topic part of this yet. The thread topic is about previously infected unvaxxed vs vaxxed people who have not been infected yet. It was never about unvaxxed people who do not have antibodies.
I never said it was about unvaxxed who donā€™t have antibodies. You are misreading something
No matter how many people wear masks, they still don't work.

Masks have the potential to work, but only if they are the correct ppe for whatever hazmat you are using it for, and if the hazmat they are intended to filter out is present. They won't do anything in a room full of uninfected people or if they are not niosh approved and listed on the msds sheet.
Woah woah woah....
I never claimed that they were 100% effective. They are not.

I said that they HELP prevent transmission.

HUGE difference between what you think I said and what I actually said.
Woah woah woah....
I never claimed that they were 100% effective. They are not.

I said that they HELP prevent transmission.

HUGE difference between what you think I said and what I actually said.
Yup, nobody has claimed they are 100% effective but the nutters need to paint it that way to pretend like they are making a good argument... Which they aren't.

The whole point of being vaccinated is to make it more difficult to catch the virus. And for many other diseases, vaccination has severely limited them or wiped them out. Sure, some vaccinated people may still catch it. But I doubt if it would last long. And if everybody was vaccinated, their chances of spreading it to anybody else is extremely low. Here's the thing. Get everybody vaccinated first. If for some reason that doesn't work, then complain. Don't be an anti-vaxer.

The whole point of being vaccinated is to make it more difficult to catch the virus. And for many other diseases, vaccination has severely limited them or wiped them out. Sure, some vaccinated people may still catch it. But I doubt if it would last long. And if everybody was vaccinated, their chances of spreading it to anybody else is extremely low. Here's the thing. Get everybody vaccinated first. If for some reason that doesn't work, then complain. Don't be an anti-vaxer.
Well in this case those who have been recently vaccinated with the mRNA vaccines have some limited protection against the variants...but it appears that it doesn't last long.
The other currently available vaccines don't seem to help with the variants...and the J&J vaccine doesn't seem to last as long as an infusion of manufactured antibodies.
I never said it was about unvaxxed who donā€™t have antibodies. You are misreading something
This is where the problem is. You came up with a single unverifiable previously infected person who you claim doesn't test for antibodies, but that is not what the thread is about. You have not even demonstrated that you did in fact read and understand the title and opening post. I really will address your thread derailment question, but not until we get through with the thread topic.

I think you have what it takes to answer the opening post, which is why I see your desperate attempts to evade the topic as a weakness. Evasion always shows me your hand. The more you push for the derailment question, the shitier your hand. Claims that you have already answered the opening post "somewhere" show a shitty hand as well. Why not just provide the correct answer, and then marginalize it with some pro vax propaganda?
Woah woah woah....
I never claimed that they were 100% effective. They are not.

I said that they HELP prevent transmission.

HUGE difference between what you think I said and what I actually said.

Masks have the potential to work, but only if they are the correct ppe for whatever hazmat you are using it for, and if the hazmat they are intended to filter out is present. They won't do anything in a room full of uninfected people or if they are not niosh approved and listed on the msds sheet.

The whole point of being vaccinated is to make it more difficult to catch the virus. And for many other diseases, vaccination has severely limited them or wiped them out. Sure, some vaccinated people may still catch it. But I doubt if it would last long. And if everybody was vaccinated, their chances of spreading it to anybody else is extremely low. Here's the thing. Get everybody vaccinated first. If for some reason that doesn't work, then complain. Don't be an anti-vaxer.
I'm thinking that vaxxed people who have never been infected are going to spread the virus more easily when they finally do become infected than previously infected non vaxxed people. Which of these two groups do you think is more likely to spread it?
Masks have the potential to work, but only if they are the correct ppe for whatever hazmat you are using it for, and if the hazmat they are intended to filter out is present. They won't do anything in a room full of uninfected people or if they are not niosh approved and listed on the msds sheet.

That's workplace safety protocols provided by OSHA...

That's not medical's workplace safety.

Again not the same.

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