Vaccinations, yes or no?

Vaccinations yes or no and political leanings

  • I'm liberal and vaccinated

  • I'm liberal and not vaccinated

  • I'm conservative and vaccinated

  • I'm conservative and not vaccinated

  • I'm independent and vaccinated

  • I'm independent and not vaccinated

  • Waffles

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Been a lot of discussion over where the antivaxxers are at politically, so let's just find out.

Poll is public and you must vote to see the results.
I'm not sure why you are asking if someone is vaccinated or not. Many people did not have a say in getting vaccinated.

Or did you word your poll wrong?
What's stopping you?
What is it you are trying to learn?

Are you interested in who are vaccinating their kids or who have been vaccinated? Your poll suggests you are trying to learn who has been vaccinated.

I'm unaware of any debate on who is vaccinated. Only on getting children vaccinated.
Been a lot of discussion over where the antivaxxers are at politically, so let's just find out.

Poll is public and you must vote to see the results.
Independent and I don't vaccinate my children. Leftists should be all for CHOICE in vaccination t\

hey are for choice to let a woman murder a baby but are the ones leading the charge to FORCE poison into kids bodies.

your child should not be allowed in public....or public are a danger to chemo patients and babies under 1...please vaccinate your crotch fucking ignorant
So triggered! I love it. Spew those big pharma talking points its funny.
that is such crap there Polishprince and you know it....the outbreak in asheville resulted from a private school that allowed the nasty crotch gremlins that arent vaccinated

Why are you calling kids "nasty crotch gremlins"?

It's not as if they are in control of their lives.
Been a lot of discussion over where the antivaxxers are at politically, so let's just find out.

Poll is public and you must vote to see the results.
Independent and I don't vaccinate my children. Leftists should be all for CHOICE in vaccination t\

hey are for choice to let a woman murder a baby but are the ones leading the charge to FORCE poison into kids bodies.

your child should not be allowed in public....or public are a danger to chemo patients and babies under 1...please vaccinate your crotch fucking ignorant
So triggered! I love it. Spew those big pharma talking points its funny.
So, you are an anit-vaxer.
Been a lot of discussion over where the antivaxxers are at politically, so let's just find out.

Poll is public and you must vote to see the results.
I'm not sure why you are asking if someone is vaccinated or not. Many people did not have a say in getting vaccinated.

Or did you word your poll wrong?
What's stopping you?
What is it you are trying to learn?

Are you interested in who are vaccinating their kids or who have been vaccinated? Your poll suggests you are trying to learn who has been vaccinated.

I'm unaware of any debate on who is vaccinated. Only on getting children vaccinated.
The poll was originally posted to answer the question of which political party was the antivaxxers. Going by the poll results it would be the independents, but the response rate was too low to really mean anything.
Been a lot of discussion over where the antivaxxers are at politically, so let's just find out.

Poll is public and you must vote to see the results.
Independent and I don't vaccinate my children. Leftists should be all for CHOICE in vaccination they are for choice to let a woman murder a baby but are the ones leading the charge to FORCE poison into kids bodies.
Pure Aryan blood doesn't need vaccinations. :laugh2:
I am conservative and I am vaccinated, as are my kids.

I am not anti-vax, but I am anti-authoritarian - and I would stand with the anti-vaxxers in the event mandatory vaccinations became a thing. Nobody is going to stick me or my kids with something without my permission. Anyone who would attempt to do so is getting shot. Period.
Been a lot of discussion over where the antivaxxers are at politically, so let's just find out.

Poll is public and you must vote to see the results.
Vaccinations are a good thing in general and I have had many , all of the usual ones recommended by my doctor. My kid has all of them as well

But no one should be forcing them

One can be pro vaccinations while opposing mandatory vaccinations

The claims of autism and so on are clearly junk science

Two things I have noticed however

My kid got a chicken pox vaccination and a few years later contracted small pox.

The doctor admitted that not all vaccinations are highly effective. Probably just like bacteria nature is evolving micro organisms to resist modern medicine. It follows then that the effectiveness of vaccines can be called into question.

The second is the spread of disease by people who remain unvaccinated

I think those sort of people are more likely to be the massive numbers of homeless people living in filth throughout most large cities run by Democrats. There is not much we can do about people remaining vaccine free when Democrat towns like LA and San Francisco have growing tent cities of homeless living in piles of feces and shooting heroin
Painting this as right or left is ignorant. Waffles gets my vote.
My wife has a crazy liberal new age cousin into all the natural health crap and refuses to vaccinate her children and doesn't believe in doctors.
Stupidity runs across party lines.
Been a lot of discussion over where the antivaxxers are at politically, so let's just find out.

Poll is public and you must vote to see the results.
Vaccinations are a good thing in general and I have had many , all of the usual ones recommended by my doctor. My kid has all of them as well

But no one should be forcing them

One can be pro vaccinations while opposing mandatory vaccinations

The claims of autism and so on are clearly junk science

Two things I have noticed however

My kid got a chicken pox vaccination and a few years later contracted small pox.

The doctor admitted that not all vaccinations are highly effective. Probably just like bacteria nature is evolving micro organisms to resist modern medicine. It follows then that the effectiveness of vaccines can be called into question.

The second is the spread of disease by people who remain unvaccinated

I think those sort of people are more likely to be the massive numbers of homeless people living in filth throughout most large cities run by Democrats. There is not much we can do about people remaining vaccine free when Democrat towns like LA and San Francisco have growing tent cities of homeless living in piles of feces and shooting heroin
Vaccinations are more ABO t society than individuals so yes, they should be mandatory.

As far as I know the only thing smallpox and chickenpox share is the word "pox" so I don't think that's related.

Health Dept. Nation wide vaccinate homeless.folks for free, and they are mostly happy to have it. The vast majority of unvaccinated people are just nutjobs like rustic who are sure they are some kinda government plot for mind control or something.
Been a lot of discussion over where the antivaxxers are at politically, so let's just find out.

Poll is public and you must vote to see the results.
Vaccinations are a good thing in general and I have had many , all of the usual ones recommended by my doctor. My kid has all of them as well

But no one should be forcing them

One can be pro vaccinations while opposing mandatory vaccinations

The claims of autism and so on are clearly junk science

Two things I have noticed however

My kid got a chicken pox vaccination and a few years later contracted small pox.

The doctor admitted that not all vaccinations are highly effective. Probably just like bacteria nature is evolving micro organisms to resist modern medicine. It follows then that the effectiveness of vaccines can be called into question.

The second is the spread of disease by people who remain unvaccinated

I think those sort of people are more likely to be the massive numbers of homeless people living in filth throughout most large cities run by Democrats. There is not much we can do about people remaining vaccine free when Democrat towns like LA and San Francisco have growing tent cities of homeless living in piles of feces and shooting heroin
Vaccinations are more ABO t society than individuals so yes, they should be mandatory.

As far as I know the only thing smallpox and chickenpox share is the word "pox" so I don't think that's related.

Health Dept. Nation wide vaccinate homeless.folks for free, and they are mostly happy to have it. The vast majority of unvaccinated people are just nutjobs like rustic who are sure they are some kinda government plot for mind control or something.
That is exactly what people are talking about when they say that they have been politicized.

They are not more about society which is not even a real thing They are about the individual. Persons are real society is just a vague concept with no rights.

Yes I made a mistake she got a chicken pox vaccine and then contracted chicken pox ( not small pox )

Most homeless people do not get vaccinated and do not bother to cooperate.

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