Vaccine Failure Underway in Israel (Scotland too....)

A lot of people will not get the vaccine. About half the working population aged 18-65. As data like the above become known, that will be less and less. Or put another way, the uptake on the boosters will be a tinier population.

And no wonder, really
Like I said, I no longer care if you get the vaccine.

Good. That's the way it should be.

If I were you, I would seriously research the boosters. Like the second shot was not without effect, neither will the boosters be.
The Israeli government says its analysis has shown the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine appears to be less effective against infections caused by the Delta variant compared to other strains of COVID-19.

all that proves if people who are unvaccinated should get the shot , it will be better for them and me.

So, in your mind, if the vaccine is ineffective and comes with a host of side effects--some of them quite serious--that means everyone should get the shot.
lol....yeah I'm trying to figure out what that means too.....not sure she actually knows...

"Here, this medication is ineffective with a host of side effects. It might even make you really sick for a few days and is known to cause myocarditis, GBS and blood clots. YOU SHOULD TAKE IT!!!"

But WE are the crazy ones, right?
With the left everything becomes a religion ....this is funny because even Atheism is followed with such vigor and zeal that it easily resembles a cultic Now vaccination has become the new virtue signal to be worn proudly as a symbol of identity and so it too has arisen to the status of worshipful honor and those who disagree are heretics of the cause.

Yes, a sore arm.
I wish that was the case for me. :(

Older people, with weaker immune systems, typically had just the sore arm. Younger people got sick. Often, really sick.

I have two children. When they were vaccinated, I was always warned about side effects but they were always fine. Not fussy, no fevers, nothing. Fine. Even with flu shots. Me, too.

So when I saw friends and colleagues, one after another, getting really sick with these vaccines and parroting the "That means the immune system is working!" I thought....uh, no. It was a big red flag for me.
The Israeli government says its analysis has shown the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine appears to be less effective against infections caused by the Delta variant compared to other strains of COVID-19.

all that proves if people who are unvaccinated should get the shot , it will be better for them and me.

So, in your mind, if the vaccine is ineffective and comes with a host of side effects--some of them quite serious--that means everyone should get the shot.
lol....yeah I'm trying to figure out what that means too.....not sure she actually knows...

"Here, this medication is ineffective with a host of side effects. It might even make you really sick for a few days and is known to cause myocarditis, GBS and blood clots. YOU SHOULD TAKE IT!!!"

But WE are the crazy ones, right?
With the left everything becomes a religion ....this is funny because even Atheism is followed with such vigor and zeal that it easily resembles a cultic Now vaccination has become the new virtue signal to be worn proudly as a symbol of identity and so it too has arisen to the status of worshipful honor and those who disagree are heretics of the cause.


This is truth and it makes it funny to hear them rail on about "Christian fundies". I'm always thinking oh hunny. The Puritans had nothing on you. Nothing.
Neither my husband or I have any side effects, a sore arm was all. He had the Pfizer and I had the Moderna.
It clearly will not kill everyone.

It clearly does not even offer NEAR the benefits advertised.

Does that personally offend you? It's just a vaccine, after all. Or is it to you something so much more?
At one point in time my opinion was that for the sake of all the people, everyone should get the vaccine. As time went on is has become apparent that a certain part of the population will never get it. So now I really don't care if you get it or not. I got my shots and if a booster is needed I'll get that as well.
One thing I've noticed around here is those who did not get vaccinated still wear a mask.
At least some people are honest.
Not here....there are lots of people who proudly walk about with no arm holes and no masks on. In fact most people have dropped their masks...there are still a few terrified Karens who piss their pants all the way through their shopping tour at the markets.... I am tempted to take a loud recording of someone sneezing constantly into the store just to see how quickly they faint and fall down.
Neither my husband or I have any side effects, a sore arm was all. He had the Pfizer and I had the Moderna.

That's nice for you. Plenty of my friends had terrible side effects.

But also, the important thing is the side effects aren't worth it if the vaccines are failing. It appears they are, which Pfizer already acknowledged with the need for boosters.

Hey who wants more spike proteins floatin' around in there?
It clearly will not kill everyone.

It clearly does not even offer NEAR the benefits advertised.

Does that personally offend you? It's just a vaccine, after all. Or is it to you something so much more?
At one point in time my opinion was that for the sake of all the people, everyone should get the vaccine. As time went on is has become apparent that a certain part of the population will never get it. So now I really don't care if you get it or not. I got my shots and if a booster is needed I'll get that as well.
One thing I've noticed around here is those who did not get vaccinated still wear a mask.
At least some people are honest.
Not here....there are lots of people who proudly walk about with no arm holes and no masks on. In fact most people have dropped their masks...there are still a few terrified Karens who piss their pants all the way through their shopping tour at the markets.... I am tempted to take a loud recording of someone sneezing constantly into the store just to see how quickly they faint and fall down.

I saw a lady a couple of weeks ago, double masked with gloves on. I tried, I did, I tried to be generous and continually told myself, okay, okay, maybe she has an immune condition. I don't know.

I went home and told hubby and he was like, "no, she's just scared out of her mind." hahahaha
Neither my husband or I have any side effects, a sore arm was all. He had the Pfizer and I had the Moderna.

That's nice for you. Plenty of my friends had terrible side effects.

But also, the important thing is the side effects aren't worth it if the vaccines are failing. It appears they are, which Pfizer already acknowledged with the need for boosters.

Hey who wants more spike proteins floatin' around in there?
They keep saying that natural immunity is not as good.....not sure why the think that's based on some research that as of yet I have not see the Data tables for but I do know one thing...the research is funded by the same people who fund the vaccines soooooo......I doubt that it is faithful to the facts.
"Here, this medication is ineffective with a host of side effects. It might even make you really sick for a few days and is known to cause myocarditis, GBS and blood clots. YOU SHOULD TAKE IT!!!"

But WE are the crazy ones, right?
I had side effects. Lasted a couple of days.

That was my first indication that these vaccines were just not right. People getting sicker with the vaccines than many people do with Covid.

That's....not right.
Bill Gates says service pack two will be needed
"Here, this medication is ineffective with a host of side effects. It might even make you really sick for a few days and is known to cause myocarditis, GBS and blood clots. YOU SHOULD TAKE IT!!!"

But WE are the crazy ones, right?
I had side effects. Lasted a couple of days.

That was my first indication that these vaccines were just not right. People getting sicker with the vaccines than many people do with Covid.

That's....not right.
Bill Gates says service pack two will be needed
like it or not the ultimate laboratory is the human body.....they know this but will never come right out and say it. I am sure that the producers are taking the numbers and details of the malfunctions and going back to the lab to fix them but there will and necessarily needs to be an acceptable " Collateral Damage" to the population before it is totally correct if there even is such a thing as totally correct. This is why I have decided to stay away .... I deal with hundreds of people every day and so far I am just fine....there is no question in my mind that i have been exposed,,,, I am certain of it. why would I change my position now? I will choose the natural Immunity every time because I don't have to fear any mysterious, later to be revealed aftereffects from that. If I contract the virus and croak....oh well....then disregard this post.

Geez....I'm more likely to become a vicitm of Illegal alien crime at this point than I am to die from the little buggy they are making millions off of.
Highly-vaccinated Israel now has twice as many COVID infections per capita in the past two weeks compared to the United States:


Source 1: COVID-19 Case Mapper


Source 2: COVID-19 Global Case Mapper

Reportedly, they now lead the world in new cases per capita in the past week:

Source 3:

These data seem to have extraordinary significance, including arguably public policy repurcussions, yet we don't hear much at all about it.

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