Vaccine industry goes nuclear in push for new law that would deny you Your job if you aren't vac....

You have no constitutional right to spread disease.

You certainly have no constitutional right to abide by legal requirements for employment.
You better prove somehow I have any disease that could spread prior to attempting to force any of your shit into my system in this world. Its not your garden to poison at will and you are not the one that has any proprietorial rights to it.
Very easy to accommodate. You don't have to work for such an overbearing company and they don't have to hire you.
So you have nothing, MW: no wave of cancer caused by the polio vaccine, much better health in America because of vaccines, and no right to not be vaccinated in the work place, etc. Tough to be you.
No, not at all. He has no trouble being like he is.
Talking about you and your statements jakey. Cancer exploded among the children who received those vaccines laced with SV-40.

The stupidity is mind blowing, thank you for picking up where I just gotta step off for a few because the stupidity when all the information is right there. That is one of the most perplexing irritations that makes me want to scream lol.
( I was yelling at you). =)
They can poison themselves but they have no right whatsoever to force their toxins onto everyone else.
Under the guise of wellness, employers are reaching very deep into the lives of their employees. Vaccinations are the least of the wellness programs. Using wellness programs employers will regulate what you eat, how much exercise you should have and whether that ski trip is too dangerous for you to take.
If I employ, I have a right to contract with you on wellness provisions.

If you don't like it, apply elsewhere.

Which is why you might see employers only hiring people who are married and make marriage counseling a condition of employment in time to come. If you don't like it, apply elsewhere.
So you have nothing, MW: no wave of cancer caused by the polio vaccine, much better health in America because of vaccines, and no right to not be vaccinated in the work place, etc. Tough to be you.
No, not at all. He has no trouble being like he is.
Talking about you and your statements jakey. Cancer exploded among the children who received those vaccines laced with SV-40.

The stupidity is mind blowing, thank you for picking up where I just gotta step off for a few because the stupidity when all the information is right there. That is one of the most perplexing irritations that makes me want to scream lol.
( I was yelling at you). =)
They can poison themselves but they have no right whatsoever to force their toxins onto everyone else.
No one is forcing anything on you. Go work someplace that doesn't require vaccinations. You can't force anything in your employer.
You have no constitutional right to spread disease.

You certainly have no constitutional right to abide by legal requirements for employment.
You better prove somehow I have any disease that could spread prior to attempting to force any of your shit into my system in this world. Its not your garden to poison at will and you are not the one that has any proprietorial rights to it.
Very easy to accommodate. You don't have to work for such an overbearing company and they don't have to hire you.
And that is perfectly fine just don't give those companies special considerations and skew regulations in favor of them over and above the other businesses that want nothing to do with this crap commerce game y'all play. Fact is that is now what y'all are doing though as you push your shit onto other people.
It really is a mixed bag. We were raised in an age of penicillin, and vaccines against things that our parents remembered killing people. My great grandmother lived into her 90's and I loved that dear woman. I was stunned when my mom told me that Gra'ma held her 9 year old son in her arms when he died. From measles. And held her husband in her arms when he died from a simple cut on his ankle.
So, at that time, everyone was thrilled that there was a shot or a pill that would make sure their child would not die from these diseases. And rightly so. There was no known downside to it.

Now there is. Do you take the risk involved is what it comes down to. What are the odds? It is not a decision the government, school system or anyone else should be making for you. And yet, your decision can cause a public to be at risk. This is a hard one.
No, not at all. He has no trouble being like he is.
Talking about you and your statements jakey. Cancer exploded among the children who received those vaccines laced with SV-40.

The stupidity is mind blowing, thank you for picking up where I just gotta step off for a few because the stupidity when all the information is right there. That is one of the most perplexing irritations that makes me want to scream lol.
( I was yelling at you). =)
They can poison themselves but they have no right whatsoever to force their toxins onto everyone else.
No one is forcing anything on you. Go work someplace that doesn't require vaccinations. You can't force anything in your employer.
You are wrong. I didn't work for anyone else for years....but that fact made me a target for elitist and thugs. I could right a book about the laws they broke in taking us out through illegal activities as they attempted to force us into their way of thinking. So after the big take out I went and got a 'job' and was covered in chemicals due to the employers peoples ignorance. I refused to sign anything more than what is required by law after the chemical incident and they refused to give out the information on the substance I was covered in (they lied). You may have the right to force people but intelligent people will tell y'all to go fuck your selves and thus we have a whole lot of idiots in positions that they never belonged in the first place and boom y'all crash and burn and think others should pay for your forced agenda. That is the way it has been and it will crash even more as obviously y'all ain't hit bottom and gone down far enough yet.
It really is a mixed bag. We were raised in an age of penicillin, and vaccines against things that our parents remembered killing people. My great grandmother lived into her 90's and I loved that dear woman. I was stunned when my mom told me that Gra'ma held her 9 year old son in her arms when he died. From measles. And held her husband in her arms when he died from a simple cut on his ankle.
So, at that time, everyone was thrilled that there was a shot or a pill that would make sure their child would not die from these diseases. And rightly so. There was no known downside to it. Now there is. Do you take the risk involved is what it comes down to. What are the odds? It is not a decision the government or anyone else should be making for you. And yet, you decision can cause a public risk. This is a hard one.
It should be a choice. It is a slippery slope you go down when you start mandating personal health.
Under the guise of wellness, employers are reaching very deep into the lives of their employees. Vaccinations are the least of the wellness programs. Using wellness programs employers will regulate what you eat, how much exercise you should have and whether that ski trip is too dangerous for you to take.
Last employer that offered me insurance gave us a 10% break on something (I can't remember what) if we signed up for the gym (it was free--good deal). Next year it included taking long surveys about what we ate, how we recreated, handled stress, blah blah blah and started asking us to sign up for this program and that program. I dropped out. Too nosy for my employer to be involved in, but it was still my choice.
It really is a mixed bag. We were raised in an age of penicillin, and vaccines against things that our parents remembered killing people. My great grandmother lived into her 90's and I loved that dear woman. I was stunned when my mom told me that Gra'ma held her 9 year old son in her arms when he died. From measles. And held her husband in her arms when he died from a simple cut on his ankle.
So, at that time, everyone was thrilled that there was a shot or a pill that would make sure their child would not die from these diseases. And rightly so. There was no known downside to it. Now there is. Do you take the risk involved is what it comes down to. What are the odds? It is not a decision the government or anyone else should be making for you. And yet, you decision can cause a public risk. This is a hard one.
It should be a choice. It is a slippery slope you go down when you start mandating personal health.

Absolutely right. My kids weren't allowed to start school if they weren't current on their vaccinations. There was no choice.
It really is a mixed bag. We were raised in an age of penicillin, and vaccines against things that our parents remembered killing people. My great grandmother lived into her 90's and I loved that dear woman. I was stunned when my mom told me that Gra'ma held her 9 year old son in her arms when he died. From measles. And held her husband in her arms when he died from a simple cut on his ankle.
So, at that time, everyone was thrilled that there was a shot or a pill that would make sure their child would not die from these diseases. And rightly so. There was no known downside to it.

Now there is. Do you take the risk involved is what it comes down to. What are the odds? It is not a decision the government, school system or anyone else should be making for you. And yet, your decision can cause a public to be at risk. This is a hard one.
Aren't the odds way, way, way in our favor? If they weren't, vaccines would not be used.
Aren't the odds way, way, way in our favor? If they weren't, vaccines would not be used.
If you choose to take that like gambling on the "odds" it should be a personal choice, not a forced requirement ever in a society of people with liberty and freedom.
It really is a mixed bag. We were raised in an age of penicillin, and vaccines against things that our parents remembered killing people. My great grandmother lived into her 90's and I loved that dear woman. I was stunned when my mom told me that Gra'ma held her 9 year old son in her arms when he died. From measles. And held her husband in her arms when he died from a simple cut on his ankle.
So, at that time, everyone was thrilled that there was a shot or a pill that would make sure their child would not die from these diseases. And rightly so. There was no known downside to it. Now there is. Do you take the risk involved is what it comes down to. What are the odds? It is not a decision the government or anyone else should be making for you. And yet, you decision can cause a public risk. This is a hard one.
It should be a choice. It is a slippery slope you go down when you start mandating personal health.

Absolutely right. My kids weren't allowed to start school if they weren't current on their vaccinations. There was no choice.
They did not stop there they have just demanded more and more shots for little ones. Give a serpent an inch and it will take the whole.
It really is a mixed bag. We were raised in an age of penicillin, and vaccines against things that our parents remembered killing people. My great grandmother lived into her 90's and I loved that dear woman. I was stunned when my mom told me that Gra'ma held her 9 year old son in her arms when he died. From measles. And held her husband in her arms when he died from a simple cut on his ankle.
So, at that time, everyone was thrilled that there was a shot or a pill that would make sure their child would not die from these diseases. And rightly so. There was no known downside to it. Now there is. Do you take the risk involved is what it comes down to. What are the odds? It is not a decision the government or anyone else should be making for you. And yet, you decision can cause a public risk. This is a hard one.
It should be a choice. It is a slippery slope you go down when you start mandating personal health.

Absolutely right. My kids weren't allowed to start school if they weren't current on their vaccinations. There was no choice.


No Law Says Parents Have To Get Their Children Vaccinated

That was then, and then came OBAMA
Aren't the odds way, way, way in our favor? If they weren't, vaccines would not be used.
If you choose to take that like gambling on the "odds" it should be a personal choice, not a forced requirement ever in a society of people with liberty and freedom.
I think that's a fair statement, except that if more than 5 or 6% of the population in this country believed as you do, epidemics would again start taking people's lives. Lots of lives. Is that what you want?
It really is a mixed bag. We were raised in an age of penicillin, and vaccines against things that our parents remembered killing people. My great grandmother lived into her 90's and I loved that dear woman. I was stunned when my mom told me that Gra'ma held her 9 year old son in her arms when he died. From measles. And held her husband in her arms when he died from a simple cut on his ankle.
So, at that time, everyone was thrilled that there was a shot or a pill that would make sure their child would not die from these diseases. And rightly so. There was no known downside to it. Now there is. Do you take the risk involved is what it comes down to. What are the odds? It is not a decision the government or anyone else should be making for you. And yet, you decision can cause a public risk. This is a hard one.
It should be a choice. It is a slippery slope you go down when you start mandating personal health.

Absolutely right. My kids weren't allowed to start school if they weren't current on their vaccinations. There was no choice.


All states allow a medical exemption and some states allow philosophical and/or religious exemptions. However, the American Medical Association and are actively promoting the abolishment of religious and philosophical exemptions.

Vaccination Liberation Exemptions

Vaccination Liberation Information


Religious and philosophical exemptions from vaccination requirements and lessons learned from conscientious objectors from conscription. Salmon DA, Siegel AW.

Department of Health Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Pubic Health, 615 N Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA. [email protected]

All jurisdictions in the US require proof of vaccination for school entrance. Most states permit non-medical exemptions. Public health officials must balance the rights of individuals to choose whether or not to vaccinate their children with the individual and societal risks associated with choosing not to vaccinate (i.e., claiming an exemption). To assist the public health community in optimally reaching this balance, this analysis examines the constitutional basis of non-medical exemptions and examines policies governing conscientious objection to conscription as a possible model. The jurisprudence that the US Supreme Court has developed in cases in which religious beliefs conflict with public or state interests suggests that mandatory immunization against dangerous diseases does not violate the First Amendment right to free exercise of religion. Accordingly, states do not have a constitutional obligation to enact religious exemptions. Applying the model of conscientious objectors to conscription suggests that if states choose to offer nonmedical exemptions, they may be able to optimally balance individual freedoms with public good by considering the sincerity of beliefs and requiring parents considering exemptions to attend individual educational counseling.

PMID: 12037257 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
It really is a mixed bag. We were raised in an age of penicillin, and vaccines against things that our parents remembered killing people. My great grandmother lived into her 90's and I loved that dear woman. I was stunned when my mom told me that Gra'ma held her 9 year old son in her arms when he died. From measles. And held her husband in her arms when he died from a simple cut on his ankle.
So, at that time, everyone was thrilled that there was a shot or a pill that would make sure their child would not die from these diseases. And rightly so. There was no known downside to it.

Now there is. Do you take the risk involved is what it comes down to. What are the odds? It is not a decision the government, school system or anyone else should be making for you. And yet, your decision can cause a public to be at risk. This is a hard one.

History of Vaccine Schedule
414% Increase In Vaccines Given to U.S. Children
In 1950, your child would have received 7 vaccines by the age of 6. Let’s fast forward to 2013.

If you follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) endorsed annual childhood vaccine schedule, your child will receive over 36 vaccines by the time they are 6 years of age!

Will you over-vaccinate your child?

Before you see the dramatic increase in the vaccines given to children, please take a look at how many vaccines are given to children in the United States compared with other countries around the world.



Year Frequency Number of Vaccines Given Vaccine
1950 3 Months 1 Pertussis Vaccine
1950 4 Months 1 Pertussis Vaccine
1950 5 Months 1 Pertussis Vaccine
1950 6 Months 2 Diphtheria-Tetanus Toxoid
Smallpox Vaccine
1950 7 Months 1 Diphtheria-Tetanus Toxoid
1950 11 Months 1 Pertussis Vaccine
Total Vaccines for 1950 7
1974 2 Months 2 Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (DTP)
Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV)
1974 4 Months 2 Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (DTP)
Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV)
1974 6 Months 2 Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (DTP)
Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV)
1974 12 Months 1 Measles Vaccine
1974 1-12 years 2 Mumps Vaccine
Rubella Vaccine
1974 18 Months 2 Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (DTP)
Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV)
1974 4 to 6 Years 2 Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (DTP)
Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV)
Total Vaccines for 1974 13
1983 2 Months 2 Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (DTP)
Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV)
1983 4 Months 2 Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (DTP)
Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV)
1983 6 Months 1 Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (DTP)
1983 15 Months 1 Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)
1983 18 Months 1 Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)
1983 48 Months 2 Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (DTP)
Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV)
Total Vaccines for 1983 10
2013 Prenatal 1 Influenza (IIV)
2013 Birth 1 Hepatitis B (HepB)
2013 2 Months 5 Diphtheria, Tetanus, a. Pertussis (DTaP)
Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV)
Pneumococcal conjugate Vaccine (PCV)
Rotavirus (RV)
2013 4 Months 6 Hepatitis B (HepB)
Diphtheria, Tetanus, a. Pertussis (DTaP)
Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV)
Pneumococcal conjugate Vaccine (PCV)
Rotavirus (RV)
2013 6 Months 7 Hepatitis B (HepB)
Diphtheria, Tetanus, a. Pertussis (DTaP)
Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV)
Pneumococcal conjugate Vaccine (PCV)
Rotavirus (RV)
Influenza (IIV)
2013 12 Months 5 Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
Hepatitis A (Hep A)
Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)
Pneumococcal conjugate Vaccine (PCV)
Varicella (VAR)
2013 15 Months 1 Diphtheria, Tetanus, a.Pertussis (DTaP)
2013 18 Months 2 Hepatitis A (Hep A)
Influenza (IIV)
2013 30 Months 1 Influenza (IIV)
2013 42 Months 1 Influenza (IIV)
2013 48 Months 4 Diphtheria, Tetanus, a. Pertussis (DTaP)
Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV)
Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)
Varicella (VAR)
2013 54 Months 1 Influenza (IIV)
2013 66 Months 1 Influenza (IIV)
Total Vaccines for 2013 36
[contentbox headline=”[B]References[/B]” type=”normal”]
Merck Manual 8th ed. Basic Immunization Schedule – Optional Schedule No. 1. 1950. pg. 1462.

2013 Centers for Disease Control Vaccination Schedule[/contentbox]

Go back to the information about the Vaccine Schedule.

[hcshort id=”13″]
History of Vaccine Schedule –
View attachment 124482
(Natural News) North Carolina Congresswoman Virginia Foxx, a Republican, has introduced new legislation that, taken to its logical end, might eventually provision for employers to force their employees to be vaccinated under the guise of “wellness.”

House Resolution 1313, known as the “Preserving Employee Wellness Programs Act,” contains certain provisions for “disease prevention” that, should employees refuse them, might end up costing them their jobs. That, or employees could face penalties in the form of ostracization or even higher insurance rates.

You can read the full text of H.R. 1313 at

Obamacare threatens penalties, higher insurance premiums for employees who refuse ‘disease prevention’ vaccinations
Despite being the main sponsor of the bill, Rep. Foxx isn’t necessarily its brainchild. Where the tricky language in H.R. 1313 actually stems from is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as Obamacare. In it, provisions for implementing employer health promotion and prevention programs are outlined in further detail, as are the potential penalties for failing to abide by them.

As explained by Health Impact News, employer health promotion and prevention programs can already provide incentives and rewards for employee compliance, as well as “surcharges” and “penalties” for non-compliance. What are these penalties, you might be asking yourself? Higher insurance premiums, for one.

According to the text of H.R. 1313, employees who abide by their employers’ wellness guidelines, which may include compulsory vaccinations, can be awarded up to 50 percent off their insurance premiums. Employees who do not abide by these wellness guidelines, on the other hand, could end up paying 50 percent more than their vaccinated co-workers.

Vaccine industry goes “nuclear” in push for new law that would deny you YOUR JOB if you aren’t vaccinated –

When we were America YOU WERE NOT FORCED TO VACCINATE, AND PRO VACCINE FREAKS STFUP because if you are vaccinated then you have nothing to worry about. You fall for the fear tactic your parental Government has fed you hands down.

Clean vaccines do not exist for those on the peasant list the sooner you figure that out the sooner you might realize why these vaccines have bull shit in them you would feed a dog.

Clean vaccines use to be fine, that's when they were clean like seventy years ago.

Go to YOUTUBE and SEARCH DOCTOR MARY's MONKEY......................

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H.R. 1313 Bill Would Require Medical Procedures Like Vaccines as Requirement for Employment


How can any American living here in the supposed “land of the free” honestly believe we still are?

The Connecticut Supreme Court has now ruled that yes, the government has the power to force a minor to undergo chemotherapy treatments even if she doesn’t want to.

That’s right. The court has unanimously determined that a 17-year-old patient cannot refuse chemotherapy treatment, even if her mother agrees they want to seek alternative treatment, for her Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

We aren’t just a fascist oligarchy and a police state, but we absolutely a medical tyranny.

Medical Tyranny: Supreme Court Just Ruled the Government Can Force a 17-Year-Old to Take Chemotherapy

Vaccine Excipient & Media Summary------------- IN OTHER WORDS THE INGRIDENTS

Vaccine Ingredients (CDC)

Do you know what toxic chemicals and dangerous biological agents will be injected into your child? Don't wait until the last moment, download the vaccine ingredients now and see for yourself.

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