Vaccine industry goes nuclear in push for new law that would deny you Your job if you aren't vac....

Aren't the odds way, way, way in our favor? If they weren't, vaccines would not be used.
If you choose to take that like gambling on the "odds" it should be a personal choice, not a forced requirement ever in a society of people with liberty and freedom.
I think that's a fair statement, except that if more than 5 or 6% of the population in this country believed as you do, epidemics would again start taking people's lives. Lots of lives. Is that what you want?
In your or someone else's theory? I am for personal choice. If the people are informed of the risk whatever those may be from both sides and they make the choice to take or forgo vaccines or any other modern device that is called 'freedom of choice' and I am for personal choice. I can tell the neighbors east, west, north or south of me that they have polluted water and warn them what they may possibly suffer the physical consequences if they drink it with out treating it but the choice is still theirs to make whether to drink it or not.
View attachment 124482
(Natural News) North Carolina Congresswoman Virginia Foxx, a Republican, has introduced new legislation that, taken to its logical end, might eventually provision for employers to force their employees to be vaccinated under the guise of ā€œwellness.ā€

House Resolution 1313, known as the ā€œPreserving Employee Wellness Programs Act,ā€ contains certain provisions for ā€œdisease preventionā€ that, should employees refuse them, might end up costing them their jobs. That, or employees could face penalties in the form of ostracization or even higher insurance rates.

You can read the full text of H.R. 1313 at

Obamacare threatens penalties, higher insurance premiums for employees who refuse ā€˜disease preventionā€™ vaccinations
Despite being the main sponsor of the bill, Rep. Foxx isnā€™t necessarily its brainchild. Where the tricky language in H.R. 1313 actually stems from is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as Obamacare. In it, provisions for implementing employer health promotion and prevention programs are outlined in further detail, as are the potential penalties for failing to abide by them.

As explained by Health Impact News, employer health promotion and prevention programs can already provide incentives and rewards for employee compliance, as well as ā€œsurchargesā€ and ā€œpenaltiesā€ for non-compliance. What are these penalties, you might be asking yourself? Higher insurance premiums, for one.

According to the text of H.R. 1313, employees who abide by their employersā€™ wellness guidelines, which may include compulsory vaccinations, can be awarded up to 50 percent off their insurance premiums. Employees who do not abide by these wellness guidelines, on the other hand, could end up paying 50 percent more than their vaccinated co-workers.

Vaccine industry goes ā€œnuclearā€ in push for new law that would deny you YOUR JOB if you arenā€™t vaccinated ā€“

When we were America YOU WERE NOT FORCED TO VACCINATE, AND PRO VACCINE FREAKS STFUP because if you are vaccinated then you have nothing to worry about. You fall for the fear tactic your parental Government has fed you hands down.

Clean vaccines do not exist for those on the peasant list the sooner you figure that out the sooner you might realize why these vaccines have bull shit in them you would feed a dog.

Clean vaccines use to be fine, that's when they were clean like seventy years ago.

Go to YOUTUBE and SEARCH DOCTOR MARY's MONKEY......................

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H.R. 1313 Bill Would Require Medical Procedures Like Vaccines as Requirement for Employment


How can any American living here in the supposed ā€œland of the freeā€ honestly believe we still are?

The Connecticut Supreme Court has now ruled that yes, the government has the power to force a minor to undergo chemotherapy treatments even if she doesnā€™t want to.

Thatā€™s right. The court has unanimously determined that a 17-year-old patient cannot refuse chemotherapy treatment, even if her mother agrees they want to seek alternative treatment, for her Hodgkinā€™s lymphoma.

We arenā€™t just a fascist oligarchy and a police state, but we absolutely a medical tyranny.

Medical Tyranny: Supreme Court Just Ruled the Government Can Force a 17-Year-Old to Take Chemotherapy

Vaccine Excipient & Media Summary------------- IN OTHER WORDS THE INGRIDENTS

Vaccine Ingredients (CDC)

Do you know what toxic chemicals and dangerous biological agents will be injected into your child? Don't wait until the last moment, download the vaccine ingredients now and see for yourself.

View attachment 124522

wacko anti-vaxxers shouldn't be allowed to work near the rest of us and make the population sick with diseases we have already eradicated.

poor conspiracy nutcase
View attachment 124482
(Natural News) North Carolina Congresswoman Virginia Foxx, a Republican, has introduced new legislation that, taken to its logical end, might eventually provision for employers to force their employees to be vaccinated under the guise of ā€œwellness.ā€

House Resolution 1313, known as the ā€œPreserving Employee Wellness Programs Act,ā€ contains certain provisions for ā€œdisease preventionā€ that, should employees refuse them, might end up costing them their jobs. That, or employees could face penalties in the form of ostracization or even higher insurance rates.

You can read the full text of H.R. 1313 at

Obamacare threatens penalties, higher insurance premiums for employees who refuse ā€˜disease preventionā€™ vaccinations
Despite being the main sponsor of the bill, Rep. Foxx isnā€™t necessarily its brainchild. Where the tricky language in H.R. 1313 actually stems from is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as Obamacare. In it, provisions for implementing employer health promotion and prevention programs are outlined in further detail, as are the potential penalties for failing to abide by them.

As explained by Health Impact News, employer health promotion and prevention programs can already provide incentives and rewards for employee compliance, as well as ā€œsurchargesā€ and ā€œpenaltiesā€ for non-compliance. What are these penalties, you might be asking yourself? Higher insurance premiums, for one.

According to the text of H.R. 1313, employees who abide by their employersā€™ wellness guidelines, which may include compulsory vaccinations, can be awarded up to 50 percent off their insurance premiums. Employees who do not abide by these wellness guidelines, on the other hand, could end up paying 50 percent more than their vaccinated co-workers.

Vaccine industry goes ā€œnuclearā€ in push for new law that would deny you YOUR JOB if you arenā€™t vaccinated ā€“

When we were America YOU WERE NOT FORCED TO VACCINATE, AND PRO VACCINE FREAKS STFUP because if you are vaccinated then you have nothing to worry about. You fall for the fear tactic your parental Government has fed you hands down.

Clean vaccines do not exist for those on the peasant list the sooner you figure that out the sooner you might realize why these vaccines have bull shit in them you would feed a dog.

Clean vaccines use to be fine, that's when they were clean like seventy years ago.

Go to YOUTUBE and SEARCH DOCTOR MARY's MONKEY......................

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NVIC Advocacy Home


View attachment 124485

H.R. 1313 Bill Would Require Medical Procedures Like Vaccines as Requirement for Employment


How can any American living here in the supposed ā€œland of the freeā€ honestly believe we still are?

The Connecticut Supreme Court has now ruled that yes, the government has the power to force a minor to undergo chemotherapy treatments even if she doesnā€™t want to.

Thatā€™s right. The court has unanimously determined that a 17-year-old patient cannot refuse chemotherapy treatment, even if her mother agrees they want to seek alternative treatment, for her Hodgkinā€™s lymphoma.

We arenā€™t just a fascist oligarchy and a police state, but we absolutely a medical tyranny.

Medical Tyranny: Supreme Court Just Ruled the Government Can Force a 17-Year-Old to Take Chemotherapy

Vaccine Excipient & Media Summary------------- IN OTHER WORDS THE INGRIDENTS

Vaccine Ingredients (CDC)

Do you know what toxic chemicals and dangerous biological agents will be injected into your child? Don't wait until the last moment, download the vaccine ingredients now and see for yourself.

View attachment 124522

wacko anti-vaxxers shouldn't be allowed to work near the rest of us and make the population sick with diseases we have already eradicated.

poor conspiracy nutcase

Fascist should be made to live in their own country and they are free to get the hell out of this one and move to one that has dictators that will rule over them.

If you are vaccinated you should feel perfectly safe but NO that isn't good enough for you is it as you believe it is your right to force others to believe as you do.
View attachment 124482
(Natural News) North Carolina Congresswoman Virginia Foxx, a Republican, has introduced new legislation that, taken to its logical end, might eventually provision for employers to force their employees to be vaccinated under the guise of ā€œwellness.ā€

House Resolution 1313, known as the ā€œPreserving Employee Wellness Programs Act,ā€ contains certain provisions for ā€œdisease preventionā€ that, should employees refuse them, might end up costing them their jobs. That, or employees could face penalties in the form of ostracization or even higher insurance rates.

You can read the full text of H.R. 1313 at

Obamacare threatens penalties, higher insurance premiums for employees who refuse ā€˜disease preventionā€™ vaccinations
Despite being the main sponsor of the bill, Rep. Foxx isnā€™t necessarily its brainchild. Where the tricky language in H.R. 1313 actually stems from is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as Obamacare. In it, provisions for implementing employer health promotion and prevention programs are outlined in further detail, as are the potential penalties for failing to abide by them.

As explained by Health Impact News, employer health promotion and prevention programs can already provide incentives and rewards for employee compliance, as well as ā€œsurchargesā€ and ā€œpenaltiesā€ for non-compliance. What are these penalties, you might be asking yourself? Higher insurance premiums, for one.

According to the text of H.R. 1313, employees who abide by their employersā€™ wellness guidelines, which may include compulsory vaccinations, can be awarded up to 50 percent off their insurance premiums. Employees who do not abide by these wellness guidelines, on the other hand, could end up paying 50 percent more than their vaccinated co-workers.

Vaccine industry goes ā€œnuclearā€ in push for new law that would deny you YOUR JOB if you arenā€™t vaccinated ā€“

When we were America YOU WERE NOT FORCED TO VACCINATE, AND PRO VACCINE FREAKS STFUP because if you are vaccinated then you have nothing to worry about. You fall for the fear tactic your parental Government has fed you hands down.

Clean vaccines do not exist for those on the peasant list the sooner you figure that out the sooner you might realize why these vaccines have bull shit in them you would feed a dog.

Clean vaccines use to be fine, that's when they were clean like seventy years ago.

Go to YOUTUBE and SEARCH DOCTOR MARY's MONKEY......................

View attachment 124483

View attachment 124484

NVIC Advocacy Home


View attachment 124485

H.R. 1313 Bill Would Require Medical Procedures Like Vaccines as Requirement for Employment


How can any American living here in the supposed ā€œland of the freeā€ honestly believe we still are?

The Connecticut Supreme Court has now ruled that yes, the government has the power to force a minor to undergo chemotherapy treatments even if she doesnā€™t want to.

Thatā€™s right. The court has unanimously determined that a 17-year-old patient cannot refuse chemotherapy treatment, even if her mother agrees they want to seek alternative treatment, for her Hodgkinā€™s lymphoma.

We arenā€™t just a fascist oligarchy and a police state, but we absolutely a medical tyranny.

Medical Tyranny: Supreme Court Just Ruled the Government Can Force a 17-Year-Old to Take Chemotherapy

Vaccine Excipient & Media Summary------------- IN OTHER WORDS THE INGRIDENTS

Vaccine Ingredients (CDC)

Do you know what toxic chemicals and dangerous biological agents will be injected into your child? Don't wait until the last moment, download the vaccine ingredients now and see for yourself.

View attachment 124522

wacko anti-vaxxers shouldn't be allowed to work near the rest of us and make the population sick with diseases we have already eradicated.

poor conspiracy nutcase

Fascist should be made to live in their own country and they are free to get the hell out of this one and move to one that has dictators that will rule over them.

If you are vaccinated you should feel perfectly safe but NO that isn't good enough for you is it as you believe it is your right to force others to believe as you do.

You are clearly wrong as this country can and does demand vaccinations.
Fascist should be made to live in their own country and they are free to get the hell out of this one and move to one that has dictators that will rule over them.

If you are vaccinated you should feel perfectly safe but NO that isn't good enough for you is it as you believe it is your right to force others to believe as you do.

You are clearly wrong as this country can and does demand vaccinations.
And you are clearly demanding a fascist regime state if it were allowed to force anything against another person's freewill. Employers do not own employees. If they did that it would merely make everyone slaves owned by those companies and free people with freedom of choice. Move to or stay in China or some other totalitarian state if you want to be a communist or a fascist.

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