Vaccine Mandate Precedent: Jacobson v. Massachusetts

The "emergency" bill Biden is attempting to use to get this done via OSHA has been struck down much, much more often than not. And does not even come close to injecting people with chemical compounds against their will.

I cannot believe what has become of so-called "liberals"

Most of the times when its struck down, its a stretch. For example, Clinton tried to argue that domestic violence against women was a commerce issue. That's a heavy lift.

A pandemic that is airborne, contagious, kills 1 in 500 Americans in less than 18 months and has had a dramatic impact on the economy? That's a lot easier to argue that is related to commerce.
It affirms the State's authority the make such mandates. On the authority issue of the federal government to create vaccine mandates, Jacobson is silent. It never mentions it, affirms it, or rejects it.

On the issue of vaccine mandates violating the 14th amendment, Jacobson rejects the notion. And as mentioned earlier, its a tough sell to argue that a federal mandate would violate federal protections when a state mandate doesn't. Either the State and Federal mandate would violate such protections or neither would. As its the same protections.

This entire thing is laughable. It is. Laughable.

First, there are not even enough OSHA folks to get this off the ground.

Second, the "emergency" rules Biden is attempting here have been struck down multiple times, as mentioned.

Third, employers can't get employees as it is.

Fourth, Equal Protection. 99/100? Migrants v. workers? Really?

What a joke.
Most of the times when its struck down, its a stretch. For example, Clinton tried to argue that domestic violence against women was a commerce issue. That's a heavy lift.

A pandemic that is airborne, contagious, kills 1 in 500 Americans in less than 18 months and has had a dramatic impact on the economy? That's a lot easier to argue that is related to commerce.

The argument is not that it's "dangerous". The argument is that it means OSHA must regulate it via emergency powers by injecting employees with chemicals they do not want.

I cannot believe I must explain this--to freaking AMERICANS
Most of the times when its struck down, its a stretch. For example, Clinton tried to argue that domestic violence against women was a commerce issue. That's a heavy lift.

A pandemic that is airborne, contagious, kills 1 in 500 Americans in less than 18 months and has had a dramatic impact on the economy? That's a lot easier to argue that is related to commerce.

I'll put it another way.

I'm sorry you're afraid.

Your fear does not = someone else has to be injected with chemicals they don't want.


End of sentence.
This entire thing is laughable. It is. Laughable.

First, there are not even enough OSHA folks to get this off the ground.

This is a legitimate criticism. Trump gutted OSHA and the enforcement of the vaccine mandate is going to be difficult. I suspect that Biden will make a few high profile examples of companies that fail to meet the mandate to make them pay in bad publicity.
The argument is not that it's "dangerous". The argument is that it means OSHA must regulate it via emergency powers by injecting employees with chemicals they do not want.

I cannot believe I must explain this--to freaking AMERICANS
OSHA isn't injecting anyone with anything. Nor are employers.

They are simply making vaccinations or regular testing a requirement to work for companies with more than 100 people.

And yes, COVID is dangerous. Its already killed more Americans than any given war.
This is a legitimate criticism. Trump gutted OSHA and the enforcement of the vaccine mandate is going to be difficult. I suspect that Biden will make a few high profile examples of companies that fail to meet the mandate to make them pay in bad publicity.

I do not think that will be bad publicity. The pushback has begun, and once this is all uncovered--see the hospital Covid numbers being fudged--it's going to be a tsunami.

Here's the problem.

Prideful liars think they can get away with it, but usually only do for a short time. Example. They thought they could really, honestly foist off a candidate like Biden. They're not getting away with it.

And while Covid is absolutely a real virus, it's surrounded by multitudes of Big Lies.

This is not the Holocaust, but it's an example of a large societal Mass Delusion. Hitler thought his would last a thousand years. It lasted 12.

This one will also be shorter lived than many people would hope
OSHA isn't injecting anyone with anything. Nor are employers.

They are simply making vaccinations or regular testing a requirement to work for companies with more than 100 people.

And yes, COVID is dangerous. Its already killed more Americans than any given war.

It killed many, many less than reported.

It only takes a few to start talking for the tsunami to start.
I do not think that will be bad publicity. The pushback has begun, and once this is all uncovered--see the hospital Covid numbers being fudged--it's going to be a tsunami.

Here's the problem.

Prideful liars think they can get away with it, but usually only do for a short time. Example. They thought they could really, honestly foist off a candidate like Biden. They're not getting away with it.

And while Covid is absolutely a real virus, it's surrounded by multitudes of Big Lies.

This is not the Holocaust, but it's an example of a large societal Mass Delusion. Hitler thought his would last a thousand years. It lasted 12.

This one will also be shorter lived than many people would hope

That's spectacularly vague. Once 'this' is all uncovered? Prideful liars think they can get away with what? Who 'thought they could get away with it'?

And as an aside, do you have nightmares of specifics chasing you with butcher knives?
OSHA isn't injecting anyone with anything. Nor are employers.

They are simply making vaccinations or regular testing a requirement to work for companies with more than 100 people.

And yes, COVID is dangerous. Its already killed more Americans than any given war.

And here's an example of the Mass Delusion

What is even the point of these vaccine mandates?

You can get Covid from a vaccinated or unvaccinated person. In fact, you're more likely to get it from someone who is vaccinated than from someone who has recovered from covid.

Mass Delusion--nothing makes sense. It doesn't have to. It's about Them wielding their power over you
It killed many, many less than reported.

It only takes a few to start talking for the tsunami to start.
Says who?

You keep citing the nebulous 'them' and 'they'. But you won't tell us who 'they' are.
On the issue of vaccine mandates violating the 14th amendment, Jacobson rejects the notion.

Guess again:

"A competent person has a liberty interest under the Due Process Clause in refusing unwanted medical treatment. Cf., e.g., Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11, 24-30, 25 S.Ct. 358, 360-363, 49 L.Ed. 643."

Justice Rehnquist, writing for the majority in Cruzan v. Missouri (1989)

I think that about wraps this whole thing up, doesn't it?
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That's spectacularly vague. Once 'this' is all uncovered? Prideful liars think they can get away with what? Who 'thought they could get away with it'?

And as an aside, do you have nightmares of specifics chasing you with butcher knives?

Specifics: hospitals get that sweet, sweet Covid Cash when they report Covid cases and deaths. That specific enough for you? so if someone "tests positive" on the PCR tests--which are many times bogus--then they get a lot more money.

That's just ONE aspect of this entire delusion. Do you not know?
Says who?

You keep citing the nebulous 'them' and 'they'. But you won't tell us who 'they' are.

Seriously did you not see The Atlantic article that just came out on this? In THE ATLANTIC. But of course some of us have known this for about a year now
And here's an example of the Mass Delusion

What is even the point of these vaccine mandates?

You can get Covid from a vaccinated or unvaccinated person. In fact, you're more likely to get it from someone who is vaccinated than from someone who has recovered from covid.
Says who?

And the point of the vaccine mandates would be to increase vaccination rates. Vaccinated folks are less likely to get COVID and far less likely to die from it.
Says who?

You keep citing the nebulous 'them' and 'they'. But you won't tell us who 'they' are.

Our entire Constitution is crafted with the intent that politicians are power-hungry beasts and will get off on ruling over you if you don't contain them.

How can you not understand this as an American? The they and them are ALWAYS politicians. WHY would you want to give them this much power over your very physical body? Are you not a free adult? What is going on in MY country?
Specifics: hospitals get that sweet, sweet Covid Cash when they report Covid cases and deaths. That specific enough for you? so if someone "tests positive" on the PCR tests--which are many times bogus--then they get a lot more money.

That's just ONE aspect of this entire delusion. Do you not know?
So your conspiracy is that COVID numbers are faked because of the money being spent to combad COVID?

Can you show us the evidence of your conspiracy? As evidence is pointing to MORE covid deaths than are being reported. For example, when Texas started using the cause of death on the death certificate rather than their less formal estimates........their COVID death count jumped by 1200 in a day.
Says who?

And the point of the vaccine mandates would be to increase vaccination rates. Vaccinated folks are less likely to get COVID and far less likely to die from it.

So freaking what? Obese people are more likely to get a myriad of diseases. Is OSHA going to come regulate that? How about STDs, those are contagious. Is OSHA going to come monitor holiday parties to make sure there aren't any hookups?

For pete's sake, we are a ridiculous nation
So your conspiracy is that COVID numbers are faked because of the money being spent to combad COVID?

Can you show us the evidence of your conspiracy? As evidence is pointing to MORE covid deaths than are being reported. For example, when Texas started using the cause of death on the death certificate rather than their less formal estimates........their COVID death count jumped by 1200 in a day.

Can you Google? Go find the Atlantic article. Yeah, very smart to call anything that counters the brainwashing a "conspiracy"

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