Vaccine Update

For those that believe that I got the two shots of Maderna to make Biden happy, you are delusional. I got it for my own piece of mind. I sometimes transport people my own age and my car stays Covid Free from me. I didn't do it just for me. I did it because it was just the right thing to do. And Shot one, short period of sore arm. Second shot, nothing.

I think it's disgusting that people make this a political thing.

I started trying to get vaccinated as soon as I qualified. Which was January 7th. trump was president at the time. There just wasn't any vaccine at the time. I spent nearly 2 months looking for an appointment but there were none.

Who is or was president isn't and should never be involved in why anyone gets vaccinated.

Get vaccinated because it is the right thing to do, it saves lives and will allow us to get our normal lives back.

Only sad people filled with hate will bring Biden into this.
For those that believe that I got the two shots of Maderna to make Biden happy, you are delusional. I got it for my own piece of mind. I sometimes transport people my own age and my car stays Covid Free from me. I didn't do it just for me. I did it because it was just the right thing to do. And Shot one, short period of sore arm. Second shot, nothing.

I think it's disgusting that people make this a political thing.

I started trying to get vaccinated as soon as I qualified. Which was January 7th. trump was president at the time. There just wasn't any vaccine at the time. I spent nearly 2 months looking for an appointment but there were none.

Who is or was president isn't and should never be involved in why anyone gets vaccinated.

Get vaccinated because it is the right thing to do, it saves lives and will allow us to get our normal lives back.

Only sad people filled with hate will bring Biden into this.
No, people filled with controlling others and trying to tell them what to do bring the politics into this....namely you. People in our country have the freedom to decide what they will do, its not for you to tell them, chastise or lecture them based simply on your silly opinion. Do what you want its a free country.
I got the second dose of the vaccine yesterday.

I had the Pfizer vaccine.

Just to let people know, the only side effect I had was my arm was sore. That was the first dose. The second one, not even a sore arm.

So if anyone wants to know what to expect from the Pfizer vaccine, you'll have a sore arm for one day.

That's it.

Get vaccinated as soon as you qualify for it.

The sooner everyone gets vaccinated the sooner we can have our normal lives back.
I'm happy for you Dana. I'll probably be getting vaccinated later this year. But I don't worry about what other people do and you shouldn't either.

It's a personal decision.

I want people to be safe. I don't want people to die.

My favorite aunt died of the virus last April.

That is my motivation to encourage people to get vaccinated.

Yes it's a personal decision. I only started this thread to tell my experience so it will hopefully help someone else to make the personal decision to get that vaccination.

It just comes down to, I don't want people to be hurt or die.

I certainly don't want anyone to have to experience what my family endured with my aunt's death.

There are over 500 thousand families who had to endure what my family had to endure. It has to stop. There has been way too much death and harm.
I got the second dose of the vaccine yesterday.

I had the Pfizer vaccine.

Just to let people know, the only side effect I had was my arm was sore. That was the first dose. The second one, not even a sore arm.

So if anyone wants to know what to expect from the Pfizer vaccine, you'll have a sore arm for one day.

That's it.

Get vaccinated as soon as you qualify for it.

The sooner everyone gets vaccinated the sooner we can have our normal lives back.

Why would I get a vaccine to please Sleepy Joe?

However, once Trump is re-anointed as President, I'll be glad to consider it as well as start washing my hands again after using the can.

Right now, if people die and the economy goes down hill, its the Liberals' fault.

What a sick human being, you are.... if you can even be called human....

Kill as many Americans as you can, as long as our President gets the blame? You are the Devil's spawn....the lake of fire awaits you! Enjoy the burn! :(
I got the second dose of the vaccine yesterday.

I had the Pfizer vaccine.

Just to let people know, the only side effect I had was my arm was sore. That was the first dose. The second one, not even a sore arm.

So if anyone wants to know what to expect from the Pfizer vaccine, you'll have a sore arm for one day.

That's it.

Get vaccinated as soon as you qualify for it.

The sooner everyone gets vaccinated the sooner we can have our normal lives back.
I'm happy for you Dana. I'll probably be getting vaccinated later this year. But I don't worry about what other people do and you shouldn't either.

It's a personal decision.

I want people to be safe. I don't want people to die.

My favorite aunt died of the virus last April.

That is my motivation to encourage people to get vaccinated.

Yes it's a personal decision. I only started this thread to tell my experience so it will hopefully help someone else to make the personal decision to get that vaccination.

It just comes down to, I don't want people to be hurt or die.

I certainly don't want anyone to have to experience what my family endured with my aunt's death.

There are over 500 thousand families who had to endure what my family had to endure. It has to stop. There has been way too much death and harm.
People die every day from something. Singling out a silly virus to make a big deal POLITICS! Stop doing what you claim you aren't.
I got the second dose of the vaccine yesterday.

I had the Pfizer vaccine.

Just to let people know, the only side effect I had was my arm was sore. That was the first dose. The second one, not even a sore arm.

So if anyone wants to know what to expect from the Pfizer vaccine, you'll have a sore arm for one day.

That's it.

Get vaccinated as soon as you qualify for it.

The sooner everyone gets vaccinated the sooner we can have our normal lives back.

Why would I get a vaccine to please Sleepy Joe?

However, once Trump is re-anointed as President, I'll be glad to consider it as well as start washing my hands again after using the can.

Right now, if people die and the economy goes down hill, its the Liberals' fault.

What a sick human being, you are.... if you can even be called human....

Kill as many Americans as you can, as long as our President gets the blame? You are the Devil's spawn....the lake of fire awaits you! Enjoy the burn! :(
Take off your facediaper and breathe in some fresh air looneytunes.
I got the second dose of the vaccine yesterday.

I had the Pfizer vaccine.

Just to let people know, the only side effect I had was my arm was sore. That was the first dose. The second one, not even a sore arm.

So if anyone wants to know what to expect from the Pfizer vaccine, you'll have a sore arm for one day.

That's it.

Get vaccinated as soon as you qualify for it.

The sooner everyone gets vaccinated the sooner we can have our normal lives back.

I get my first Moderna shot today. VERY excited! I think you may have been the exception and not the rule. Most I've talked to reported not just the sore arm but mild fever and other flu-like symptoms the following day. I left my calendar fairly empty tomorrow just in case. Will report. ;)

Three of my friends have been fully vaccinated.

Two have had one dose.

Of those people all of us had a sore arm the day after the first shot.

One had chills after the second one.

I don't know which vaccine three of them had. I had the Pfizer. The two other people had the Pfizer.

I talked to a woman at Costco who said a friend got sick with fever and chills after the second dose. I'm not sure which vaccine that person had. She said she has had the first one with no reaction but was nervous about the second one because of her friend.
I got the second dose of the vaccine yesterday.

I had the Pfizer vaccine.

Just to let people know, the only side effect I had was my arm was sore. That was the first dose. The second one, not even a sore arm.

So if anyone wants to know what to expect from the Pfizer vaccine, you'll have a sore arm for one day.

That's it.

Get vaccinated as soon as you qualify for it.

The sooner everyone gets vaccinated the sooner we can have our normal lives back.

Same with the Moderna, haven't the second shot yet.

I'm glad to know that about the Moderna.

The gentleman who checked me into be vaccinated yesterday said he had the moderna and had no problem with the first or second shot.

I felt hopeful after I go the second shot. It means that I can be with the rest of the world safely now.

I hope everyone gets the vaccine. The sooner everyone is vaccinated the sooner we can have our normal lives back.
My kid was fluey (-: for a day after the 2nd pfizer shot. I felt like shit for 24hrs after the second, myself.

I'm glad you and our kid are vaccinated.

I've been told of some people having a fever and chills after the second shot.

I was expecting to have those side effects but so far, so good.
I got the second dose of the vaccine yesterday.

I had the Pfizer vaccine.

Just to let people know, the only side effect I had was my arm was sore. That was the first dose. The second one, not even a sore arm.

So if anyone wants to know what to expect from the Pfizer vaccine, you'll have a sore arm for one day.

That's it.

Get vaccinated as soon as you qualify for it.

The sooner everyone gets vaccinated the sooner we can have our normal lives back.

My wife and I got our 2nd dose yesterday too with Pfizer. As you stated the 2nd shot not only didn't hurt this morning, I didn't even feel the shot, and from entry to the Kaiser Medical Building to leaving no more than 40 minutes including the 15 minutes wating time after the vaccination.

I didn't feel the shot either time too.

I hate needles. Big time so I was not looking forward to the needle part of the whole thing.

It didn't even take me a half an hour for the whole thing. Including waiting the 15 minutes afterward.

It was through the fire department at the community center. I walked in took my coat off, pulled my shirt down off my shoulder and was vaccinated. No waiting at all. That part took less than 5 minutes. The 15 minutes afterward was the longest part of the whole process.
For those that believe that I got the two shots of Maderna to make Biden happy, you are delusional. I got it for my own piece of mind. I sometimes transport people my own age and my car stays Covid Free from me. I didn't do it just for me. I did it because it was just the right thing to do. And Shot one, short period of sore arm. Second shot, nothing.
SJW Alert!
RWNJ alert!!!

Whatever you do, just don't feed him. I fed him once and he's been following me around ever since.,
Can't figure out the ignore button eh? Typical democrat sheeple.

Are you going for some kind of new record on how many sane people will put you on ignore? I find you entertaining so I'll just let you pick up my table scraps.
For those that believe that I got the two shots of Maderna to make Biden happy, you are delusional. I got it for my own piece of mind. I sometimes transport people my own age and my car stays Covid Free from me. I didn't do it just for me. I did it because it was just the right thing to do. And Shot one, short period of sore arm. Second shot, nothing.
SJW Alert!
RWNJ alert!!!

Whatever you do, just don't feed him. I fed him once and he's been following me around ever since.,
Can't figure out the ignore button eh? Typical democrat sheeple.

Are you going for some kind of new record on how many sane people will put you on ignore? I find you entertaining so I'll just let you pick up my table scraps.
Sane? You all have lost your sanity breathing in all that CO2.
For those that believe that I got the two shots of Maderna to make Biden happy, you are delusional. I got it for my own piece of mind. I sometimes transport people my own age and my car stays Covid Free from me. I didn't do it just for me. I did it because it was just the right thing to do. And Shot one, short period of sore arm. Second shot, nothing.
SJW Alert!
RWNJ alert!!!

Whatever you do, just don't feed him. I fed him once and he's been following me around ever since.,
Can't figure out the ignore button eh? Typical democrat sheeple.

Are you going for some kind of new record on how many sane people will put you on ignore? I find you entertaining so I'll just let you pick up my table scraps.
Like that would EVER happen. I wouldn't set foot in your basement.
For those that believe that I got the two shots of Maderna to make Biden happy, you are delusional. I got it for my own piece of mind. I sometimes transport people my own age and my car stays Covid Free from me. I didn't do it just for me. I did it because it was just the right thing to do. And Shot one, short period of sore arm. Second shot, nothing.
SJW Alert!
RWNJ alert!!!

Whatever you do, just don't feed him. I fed him once and he's been following me around ever since.,
Can't figure out the ignore button eh? Typical democrat sheeple.

Are you going for some kind of new record on how many sane people will put you on ignore? I find you entertaining so I'll just let you pick up my table scraps.
Sane? You all have lost your sanity breathing in all that CO2.

I have been certified with PTSD. Sane? Not that's debatable for everyone. In fact, it's just an average. How far below the average do you want me to be?
For those that believe that I got the two shots of Maderna to make Biden happy, you are delusional. I got it for my own piece of mind. I sometimes transport people my own age and my car stays Covid Free from me. I didn't do it just for me. I did it because it was just the right thing to do. And Shot one, short period of sore arm. Second shot, nothing.
SJW Alert!
RWNJ alert!!!

Whatever you do, just don't feed him. I fed him once and he's been following me around ever since.,
Can't figure out the ignore button eh? Typical democrat sheeple.

Are you going for some kind of new record on how many sane people will put you on ignore? I find you entertaining so I'll just let you pick up my table scraps.
Sane? You all have lost your sanity breathing in all that CO2.

I have been certified with PTSD. Sane? Not that's debatable for everyone. In fact, it's just an average. How far below the average do you want me to be?
Your last post has made it very clear how far below average you are and it has nothing to do with where we want you to be. And what does PTSD have to do with anything. Here, have another crutch, you seem to grasp for a new one every day.
For those that believe that I got the two shots of Maderna to make Biden happy, you are delusional. I got it for my own piece of mind. I sometimes transport people my own age and my car stays Covid Free from me. I didn't do it just for me. I did it because it was just the right thing to do. And Shot one, short period of sore arm. Second shot, nothing.
SJW Alert!
RWNJ alert!!!

Whatever you do, just don't feed him. I fed him once and he's been following me around ever since.,
Can't figure out the ignore button eh? Typical democrat sheeple.

Are you going for some kind of new record on how many sane people will put you on ignore? I find you entertaining so I'll just let you pick up my table scraps.
Sane? You all have lost your sanity breathing in all that CO2.
I'm pretty sure you exhale way more CO2 than you inhale.
I got the second dose of the vaccine yesterday.

I had the Pfizer vaccine.

Just to let people know, the only side effect I had was my arm was sore. That was the first dose. The second one, not even a sore arm.

So if anyone wants to know what to expect from the Pfizer vaccine, you'll have a sore arm for one day.

That's it.

Get vaccinated as soon as you qualify for it.

The sooner everyone gets vaccinated the sooner we can have our normal lives back.

Why would I get a vaccine to please Sleepy Joe?

However, once Trump is re-anointed as President, I'll be glad to consider it as well as start washing my hands again after using the can.

Right now, if people die and the economy goes down hill, its the Liberals' fault.

What a sick human being, you are.... if you can even be called human....

Kill as many Americans as you can, as long as our President gets the blame? You are the Devil's spawn....the lake of fire awaits you! Enjoy the burn! :(
Got word from the local Polish consulate asking that we pronounce the poster's handle as 'PAUL-ish' rather than 'POLE-ish'. They want no connection with his foolishness.
Yes the trampers are waiting for the Dems to supply herd immunity, and by not washing your hands after using the can, that is disgusting.
There aren't enough of you crackpots to get us to the 65% of the population....And the scores of millions who were exposed and recovered don't need you silly vax.

So take your haughty pretense and stuff it.

Those who had Covid-19 and recovered have immunity now, but it does not last.
For those that believe that I got the two shots of Maderna to make Biden happy, you are delusional. I got it for my own piece of mind. I sometimes transport people my own age and my car stays Covid Free from me. I didn't do it just for me. I did it because it was just the right thing to do. And Shot one, short period of sore arm. Second shot, nothing.
SJW Alert!
RWNJ alert!!!

Whatever you do, just don't feed him. I fed him once and he's been following me around ever since.,
Can't figure out the ignore button eh? Typical democrat sheeple.

Are you going for some kind of new record on how many sane people will put you on ignore? I find you entertaining so I'll just let you pick up my table scraps.
Sane? You all have lost your sanity breathing in all that CO2.

I have been certified with PTSD. Sane? Not that's debatable for everyone. In fact, it's just an average. How far below the average do you want me to be?
Your last post has made it very clear how far below average you are and it has nothing to do with where we want you to be. And what does PTSD have to do with anything. Here, have another crutch, you seem to grasp for a new one every day.

Tell you what, I'll just have another green beer and give you a toast.
For those that believe that I got the two shots of Maderna to make Biden happy, you are delusional. I got it for my own piece of mind. I sometimes transport people my own age and my car stays Covid Free from me. I didn't do it just for me. I did it because it was just the right thing to do. And Shot one, short period of sore arm. Second shot, nothing.
SJW Alert!
RWNJ alert!!!

Whatever you do, just don't feed him. I fed him once and he's been following me around ever since.,
Can't figure out the ignore button eh? Typical democrat sheeple.

Are you going for some kind of new record on how many sane people will put you on ignore? I find you entertaining so I'll just let you pick up my table scraps.
Sane? You all have lost your sanity breathing in all that CO2.
I'm pretty sure you exhale way more CO2 than you inhale.
Sure if your mask has an escape if it doesn't
For those that believe that I got the two shots of Maderna to make Biden happy, you are delusional. I got it for my own piece of mind. I sometimes transport people my own age and my car stays Covid Free from me. I didn't do it just for me. I did it because it was just the right thing to do. And Shot one, short period of sore arm. Second shot, nothing.
SJW Alert!
RWNJ alert!!!

Whatever you do, just don't feed him. I fed him once and he's been following me around ever since.,
Can't figure out the ignore button eh? Typical democrat sheeple.

Are you going for some kind of new record on how many sane people will put you on ignore? I find you entertaining so I'll just let you pick up my table scraps.
Sane? You all have lost your sanity breathing in all that CO2.

I have been certified with PTSD. Sane? Not that's debatable for everyone. In fact, it's just an average. How far below the average do you want me to be?
Oh you have a PTSD certificate? Maybe you could use that to get a job.

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