Vaccines 98 Times Worse Than The Virus

Four myself.

Amazingly (like 3-4 billion others) I haven't dropped dead yet. According to you crackpots, I was supposed to be dead about a year ago.

So, in order to accept the lies of your Maoist Democrat Commie puppet masters, you'd deny the scientific factual evidence produced by the epidemiologist scientists of John Hopkins University Hospital.
You are the apex of idiot sheep following the Judas goat down the chute.
So, in order to accept the lies of your Maoist Democrat Commie puppet masters, you'd deny the scientific factual evidence produced by the epidemiologist scientists of John Hopkins University Hospital.
You are the apex of idiot sheep following the Judas goat down the chute.

The statistics report the following:

Vaccination rates are up.
Covid deaths are down.

That actually comes from JHU.
The statistics report the following:

Vaccination rates are up.
Covid deaths are down.

That actually comes from JHU.
And the average life span of an American has been shortened.
Sorry, had to take several jabs to keep serving in the military...

Ended up having a TIA (mini-stroke), miocarditis (heart problem), and CIVID Double Pneumonia with Hypoxic Respiratory Failure that turned into Long Haul COVID. Just saw my Pulmonologist today - after 8 months I still have inflamation and scarring in my lungs, still have the heart issue, suffer from severe exhaustion and brain fog. I am still recovering and still out of work - I probably won't ever be able to go back to my military job, after 34 years.

The vaccines do NOT prevent anyone from getting COVID. Some of the effects / problems the vaccine causes is worse than the virus. I know - I'm living proof.

If I had to do it again I wouldn't have taken the vaccines. I might have still been booted from the military, but I wouldn't have all these medical issues

You're right on, Easy.

My mom didn't want to take it but was given an ultimatum by the hospital so she took one shot and that was it. She still got sick and recovered. Dad didn't take the shot and recovered.
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How many jabs did you submit to??? Your covid infections are going to quite likely become more numerous, and possibly more virulent! Currently, 9/10 covid deaths are in individuals with two or more of the jabs, the virus is all but harmless in those who refused them! In UK, children tagged with the jabs are "4000 times more likely to die," from any virus, than kids who were not subjugated to the murderous jabs!

You will not find any of this data on any US search engines, they are totally censored, including the duck..... :wink:

Three. The Pfizer jabs and the Pfizer booster. It was required for my employment and also for my duties as a volunteer EMT. I didn't have too much of a choice. It's not a hill I was going to die on.
Three. The Pfizer jabs and the Pfizer booster. It was required for my employment and also for my duties as a volunteer EMT. I didn't have too much of a choice. It's not a hill I was going to die on.
So you were forced to take the jab to save your job?
Three. The Pfizer jabs and the Pfizer booster. It was required for my employment and also for my duties as a volunteer EMT. I didn't have too much of a choice. It's not a hill I was going to die on.
Well, it may well become that hill, just not of your choosing! Run, don't walk away from any further jab BS, something else to concern all is the emerging evidence of a phenomenon referred to as "Vaccine Shedding," which is the vaxx actually moving of its own accord from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed!

Graphine is showing up in unvaxxed Americans where it never should be, further in 2015 the FDA went as far as issuing guidance regarding vaxx shedding in this particular mRNA, such was also a central component in a DoD war game scenario from same time frame!

If you're interested in real information about the murderous jabs, there are sources you can go to which are extremely reputable and knowledgeable, you will not find any reliable genuine data utilizing any North American search engines, all are totally censored top to bottom including duckduckgo, you can however access the real data by going to Dr Peter Mccullah's site and then jumping link to link.... :wink:
Well, it may well become that hill, just not of your choosing! Run, don't walk away from any further jab BS, something else to concern all is the emerging evidence of a phenomenon referred to as "Vaccine Shedding," which is the vaxx actually moving of its own accord from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed!

Graphine is showing up in unvaxxed Americans where it never should be, further in 2015 the FDA went as far as issuing guidance regarding vaxx shedding in this particular mRNA, such was also a central component in a DoD war game scenario from same time frame!

If you're interested in real information about the murderous jabs, there are sources you can go to which are extremely reputable and knowledgeable, you will not find any reliable genuine data utilizing any North American search engines, all are totally censored top to bottom including duckduckgo, you can however access the real data by going to Dr Peter Mccullah's site and then jumping link to link.... :wink:

I definitely get what you're saying but at 34 my career is probably the most important thing I have and I don't have much leeway to go anywhere else. I'm already at the best place I can be. Unfortunately, if the job says jump....I'm probably going to jump....because if I lose that job my entire life goes with it. I can't pay the bills, I'll lose the house, lose the car, all of it. The government has put some of us in a really shitty and unfair position. We either choose our careers now or we choose our health later and no matter what side you stand on it seems to be a lose-lose situation.
I definitely get what you're saying but at 34 my career is probably the most important thing I have and I don't have much leeway to go anywhere else. I'm already at the best place I can be. Unfortunately, if the job says jump....I'm probably going to jump....because if I lose that job my entire life goes with it. I can't pay the bills, I'll lose the house, lose the car, all of it. The government has put some of us in a really shitty and unfair position. We either choose our careers now or we choose our health later and no matter what side you stand on it seems to be a lose-lose situation.
My sister is an RN with the VA in Billings, she was under incredible pressure but refused it, she was turned down flat on religious grounds absent any explanation as to why. They had initiated termination against her and then the court's turned upon the vaxx conspiracy and make no mistake it is a conspiracy!

Since then they have backed off, and her employment is secure, they even raised her salary. Its not hard to compel someone to submit when you hold their employment over their heads, its not hard to abuse trust long built so as to trick unsuspecting populace into compromising all of their values for fear of a disease that has been hyped to hell and back in media, its not hard to feign friendship, then stab intended dupe in the back!

Like Alex Berenson I have seen data from Israel and the UK that is terrifying, this was not about making money, though they used that component to control shot-callers along the full spectrum, I never used to be a big religious guy, I am now, this is the most profoundly sinister shit I have ever seen perpetrated, and I served in two different wars!
I kind of figured they weren't good. Each shot made me sick. I'd get a high fever and feel like a train hit me for a week. I didn't get Covid until a few weeks ago and honestly it was just as bad as the shots. The real thing that bothered me was the loss of taste and smell from the actual virus though.

Me too. I didn't take the Jab but caught it twice. It's been about a month and my taste buds are still not normal.

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