Vaccines 98 Times Worse Than The Virus

Sorry, had to take several jabs to keep serving in the military...

Ended up having a TIA (mini-stroke), miocarditis (heart problem), and CIVID Double Pneumonia with Hypoxic Respiratory Failure that turned into Long Haul COVID. Just saw my Pulmonologist today - after 8 months I still have inflamation and scarring in my lungs, still have the heart issue, suffer from severe exhaustion and brain fog. I am still recovering and still out of work - I probably won't ever be able to go back to my military job, after 34 years.

The vaccines do NOT prevent anyone from getting COVID. Some of the effects / problems the vaccine causes is worse than the virus. I know - I'm living proof.

If I had to do it again I wouldn't have taken the vaccines. I might have still been booted from the military, but I wouldn't have all these medical issues.

I am so sorry.

I don't know how much longer they think they can cover this up.
There are safety protocols and required testing for a reason.

This pandemic was a 'Test Of The National Pandemic Response Capability' (tongue-and-cheek, as there is no such official thing).

Attempt and Ability To Mobilize Private Pharmaceudical Companies And Govt / Military / Private research labs / organizations:
- Grade A

Allowing Big Pharma to Throw Safety Protocols & Required Tests Out The Window In An Effort To Save Lives As Fast As Possible:
- F

Giving Immunity To Big Pharma Who Threw Safety Protocols & Required Tests Out The Window:
- F

Great, the Govt moved quickly to save lives to counter the 'biological attack' from the ChiComs...but we STILL Don't know all the effects of COVID, COVID Variants, and Long Haul COVID.

Much like with the seasonal flu, a 'best guess' approach in creating / picking a vaccine, and putting it out / mandating it was taken.
- How can you create a vaccine for something you don't fully understand?

The 'cure' / 'vaccine' wasn't very different - due to skipping many stages, safety protocols, and testing Big Pharma and scientists really didn't know what they had created yet put it out and sold it as a 'vaccine' that wod prevent people from catching COVID or that wod lesson it's effects.
- We now know the vaccines and boosters (many of which were just another round of the same drugs) did NOTHING to prevent anyone from catching COVID whe putting people at risk for some really nasty side effects - from lung and heart damage, strokes,or just falling over dead.

This was an 'experimental drug' in every sense of the definition, and Big Pharma knew it, which is why they demanded prote turn from liability after skipping the legally required tests. WE were the test subjects.

In my mind, partial, this entire govt process with mandate at the end was / is almost no different from the govt conducting tests on unaware military members by injecting them with LSD & uranium past. The only difference in this case was their effort was an attempt to rapidly counter a ChiCom 'WMD'...(and / or to test the govt's ability to react to such enemy attacks in the future).


(I don't want to get 'conspiratorial' or be labeled a 'Conspiracy Theorist', BUT...

In the midst of a pandemic in which millions are dying why would you reject and demonize ANY already approved medication that proved itself to be even somewhat effective against the virus while you are trying to create a new vaccine?

Why would you do so to protect a new drug that skipped required safety protocols, purposely did not research possible harmful side effects, and was not being tested?

Big Pharma demanding immunity should have set off 'alarm bells'...

...but A LOT of politicians were heavily invested in these Big Pharma companies. So why not legislate / pressuring the squashing of already existing drugs that were proven safe and cod / did help while mandating Americans take multiple doses and boosters of the new drug made by the company you're invested in and stand to make a lot of money from, especially when their profits ate protected from liability law suits?!

It only stands to reason at least SOME of those in charge making these decisions already knew these things....

(I am betting, like with most decisions made by politicians in DC, more could be exposed simy by applying that old adage - 'Flow The Money'.)
There are safety protocols and required testing for a reason.

This pandemic was a 'Test Of The National Pandemic Response Capability' (tongue-and-cheek, as there is no such official thing).

Attempt and Ability To Mobilize Private Pharmaceudical Companies And Govt / Military / Private research labs / organizations:
- Grade A

Allowing Big Pharma to Throw Safety Protocols & Required Tests Out The Window In An Effort To Save Lives As Fast As Possible:
- F

Giving Immunity To Big Pharma Who Threw Safety Protocols & Required Tests Out The Window:
- F

Great, the Govt moved quickly to save lives to counter the 'biological attack' from the ChiComs...but we STILL Don't know all the effects of COVID, COVID Variants, and Long Haul COVID.

Much like with the seasonal flu, a 'best guess' approach in creating / picking a vaccine, and putting it out / mandating it was taken.
- How can you create a vaccine for something you don't fully understand?

The 'cure' / 'vaccine' wasn't very different - due to skipping many stages, safety protocols, and testing Big Pharma and scientists really didn't know what they had created yet put it out and sold it as a 'vaccine' that wod prevent people from catching COVID or that wod lesson it's effects.
- We now know the vaccines and boosters (many of which were just another round of the same drugs) did NOTHING to prevent anyone from catching COVID whe putting people at risk for some really nasty side effects - from lung and heart damage, strokes,or just falling over dead.

This was an 'experimental drug' in every sense of the definition, and Big Pharma knew it, which is why they demanded prote turn from liability after skipping the legally required tests. WE were the test subjects.

In my mind, partial, this entire govt process with mandate at the end was / is almost no different from the govt conducting tests on unaware military members by injecting them with LSD & uranium past. The only difference in this case was their effort was an attempt to rapidly counter a ChiCom 'WMD'...(and / or to test the govt's ability to react to such enemy attacks in the future).


(I don't want to get 'conspiratorial' or be labeled a 'Conspiracy Theorist', BUT...

In the midst of a pandemic in which millions are dying why would you reject and demonize ANY already approved medication that proved itself to be even somewhat effective against the virus while you are trying to create a new vaccine?

Why would you do so to protect a new drug that skipped required safety protocols, purposely did not research possible harmful side effects, and was not being tested?

Big Pharma demanding immunity should have set off 'alarm bells'...

...but A LOT of politicians were heavily invested in these Big Pharma companies. So why not legislate / pressuring the squashing of already existing drugs that were proven safe and cod / did help while mandating Americans take multiple doses and boosters of the new drug made by the company you're invested in and stand to make a lot of money from, especially when their profits ate protected from liability law suits?!

It only stands to reason at least SOME of those in charge making these decisions already knew these things....

(I am betting, like with most decisions made by politicians in DC, more could be exposed simy by applying that old adage - 'Flow The Money'.)
Heads need to roll, but I doubt they will.

Further proof we live in a failed state.
Most likely, you will be stone cold dead by 2025 or sooner,
18 months ago, you cranks said we'd be dead within a year.

You're doing what all end-times cultists do. After your prediction of doomsday fails, you simply push the date of doomsday back a little more.
More coming out from the new england journal of medicine:

"A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) shows not only that the effectiveness of the Pfizer Covid vaccine becomes negative (meaning the vaccinated are more likely to be infected than the unvaccinated) within five months but that the vaccine destroys any protection a person has from natural immunity."

The study is a large observational study that looks at 887,193 children aged 5 to 11 years in North Carolina, of whom 273,157 (30.8%) received at least one dose of Pfizer vaccine between November 1st 2021 and June 3rd 2022. The study includes 193,346 SARS-CoV-2 infections reported between March 11th 2020 and June 3rd 2022.

This is loooooong

Proof that Israel found serious safety problems with the COVID vaccines then deliberately covered it up​

Israel didn't start to gather safety data until a year into the vaccine program. They gathered 6 months worth of data and found that the vaccines weren't safe so they lied to the world about it.​


“Vaccines 98 Times Worse Than The Virus” - Herman Caine​

More coming out from the new england journal of medicine:

"A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) shows not only that the effectiveness of the Pfizer Covid vaccine becomes negative (meaning the vaccinated are more likely to be infected than the unvaccinated) within five months but that the vaccine destroys any protection a person has from natural immunity."

The study is a large observational study that looks at 887,193 children aged 5 to 11 years in North Carolina, of whom 273,157 (30.8%) received at least one dose of Pfizer vaccine between November 1st 2021 and June 3rd 2022. The study includes 193,346 SARS-CoV-2 infections reported between March 11th 2020 and June 3rd 2022.


Hey Penny, your immune system is shot thanks to all those jabs you’ve taken. Good luck.

Unlike you, I don’t demand you die and do so without any medical assistance.

18 months ago, you cranks said we'd be dead within a year.

You're doing what all end-times cultists do. After your prediction of doomsday fails, you simply push the date of doomsday back a little more.
That’s funny. Old dumb Joe Biden said before last winter it was going to be Hell for the unvaxxed. I laughed at the stupid fuck then and still do.

More coming out from the new england journal of medicine:

"A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) shows not only that the effectiveness of the Pfizer Covid vaccine becomes negative (meaning the vaccinated are more likely to be infected than the unvaccinated) within five months but that the vaccine destroys any protection a person has from natural immunity."
Um, no. The study says nothing like that. Your kook-liar source is just flat-out making stuff up.

That is, it's like all antivaxxer sources.
The government gave a green light, a blank check, and complete immunity from being held responsible for any repercussions to pharmaceutical companies to create an experimental drug and then made getting the vaccines mandatory.

How does it feel to find out, if you got any, you were used as a guinea pig by your federal government, especially after experiencing any of the I'll after-effects of the vaccine?

Lets do the math.

97,481,146 people had COVID, 1,078,457 died from it. That is a 1.11% death rate.

225,000,000 people in the US have been vaccinated. 1.11%x98=99.57. That means that in the US there should be 224,000,000 people dead from the vaccine.

Well shit, no wonder there are so many open jobs.
That’s funny. Old dumb Joe Biden said before last winter it was going to be Hell for the unvaxxed. I laughed at the stupid fuck then and still do.


Yet you do not laugh at those that said all those that took the vaccine would already be dead.

Why is that?
Yet you do not laugh at those that said all those that took the vaccine would already be dead.

Why is that?
No one said they would ALL be dead.
Negative effects have included stroke, heart problems, etc...not to mention the experimental drug does not prevent anyone from getting COVID.
The government gave a green light, a blank check, and complete immunity from being held responsible for any repercussions to pharmaceutical companies to create an experimental drug and then made getting the vaccines mandatory.

How does it feel to find out, if you got any, you were used as a guinea pig by your federal government, especially after experiencing any of the I'll after-effects of the vaccine?

Keep clinging to your lies, loser.

You Trumptards are dying at 10x the rest of the country because of the virus.

Keep clinging to your lies, loser.
So you are saying the CDC lies....

Actually they do and have admitted they have done so...

...but the CDC had admitted that the COVID Vaccine will not prevent you from catching COVID.

HELL, 4-time vaccinated Joe Biden caught COVID, as did the 1st Lady...

....but these facts have not syopped your yapping like an irritating all-mouth chihuahua.

CDC: 'People who are vaccinated may still get COVID-19.'

People who have gotten 4 shots have gotten COVID.



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