Vaccines 98 Times Worse Than The Virus

Keep clinging to your lies, loser.

You Trumptards are dying at 10x the rest of the country because of the virus.


But.................not really. But we are seeing a lot of younger people and athletes................."died suddenly" and no asks any questions. Because when you're studying different disciplines in science, you're not supposed to ask questions, especially WHY something is or is not happening.
Do you know what anti-vaccine is? Is it someone who only rejects these mRNA injections but has taken every known conventional vaccine?
Indeed. We have Webster’s to thank for modifying the definition of a vaccine in January 2021, to support that the 3 promoted fake vaccines were actually real vaccines using messenger RNA delivery method. They knew that they couldn’t fool all of the people, but they counted on fooling a large chunk which they did. As most informed readers know a vaccine will prevent or reduce contraction of a virus or disease. The three fake vaccines pushed in the states, posturing like traditional vaccines, an entire scam to support the extended shut down and the left-led government goal for increased dependency.

There should be legal proceedings to come into play soon (Republican led) to determine which governmental spokespeople and decision makers had full knowledge and did not share that knowledge publicly.
Indeed. We have Webster’s to thank for modifying the definition of a vaccine in January 2021, to support that the 3 promoted fake vaccines were actually real vaccines using messenger RNA delivery method. They knew that they couldn’t fool all of the people, but they counted on fooling a large chunk which they did. As most informed readers know a vaccine will prevent or reduce contraction of a virus or disease. The three fake vaccines pushed in the states, posturing like traditional vaccines, an entire scam to support the extended shut down and the left-led government goal for increased dependency.

There should be legal proceedings to come into play soon (Republican led) to determine which governmental spokespeople and decision makers had full knowledge and did not share that knowledge publicly.

They fooled a lot of people. There are some that have woken and have become wise to their lies but most will not question anything and will take as many of these injections as pharma produces, media censors, and govt endorses. Its an amazing thing to watch.
They fooled a lot of people. There are some that have woken and have become wise to their lies but most will not question anything and will take as many of these injections as pharma produces, media censors, and govt endorses. Its an amazing thing to watch.
It is amazing. It seems to indicate Americans are a dumb lot.

How could they fail to recognize the long history of lies and abuse by big pharma? All the sizable fines for wrong doing too. To say nothing of the enormous profit motive that drives everything big pharma does.

I never for one minute considered getting the vax.
It is amazing. It seems to indicate Americans are a dumb lot.

How could they fail to recognize the long history of lies and abuse by big pharma? All the sizable fines for wrong doing too. To say nothing of the enormous profit motive that drives everything big pharma does.

I never for one minute considered getting the vax.

You know, I was scratching my head over this too. Americans punched back in 1976 when 7 people died from a govt endorsed swine flu injection but that was back when 99.9 percent of the people knew americas birthday. Today, most wouldn't know if arkansas was a continent or a state......or they have no idea of what a continent is. This time there wasn't a peep or even the slightest whimper. They just lined up like good sheep.
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You know, I was scratching my head over this too. Americans punched back in 1976 when 7 people died from a govt endorsed swine flu injection. This time there wasn't a peep or even the slightest whimper. They just lined up like good sheep.
To be fair LBT, there were many Americans pushing back who verbally and physically rejected the fake vaccines, but you are absolutely right to imply that we were muzzled.
I never for one minute considered getting the vax.

A perfectly rational choice. After all, what use would you have for such an obsolete computer system? The VAX was a great platform in its time, but that was a long time ago.
Keep clinging to your lies, loser.

You Trumptards are dying at 10x the rest of the country because of the virus.

It's amazing how many people who claim to follow the science (still) refuse to follow the money that funds that science.

Did I just blow your mind?
It's amazing how many people who claim to follow the science (still) refuse to follow the money that funds that science.

Did I just blow your mind?

Most of them follow the same “science” that asserts that Bruce Jenner is a woman.

And some are just full of toro mierda.
To be fair LBT, there were many Americans pushing back who verbally and physically rejected the fake vaccines, but you are absolutely right to imply that we were muzzled.
Yet many Americans still think the vax works.
Yet many Americans still think the vax works.

I have a personal "marker" or meter if you will, to gauge when the pro-fake vaxers (not to be confused with anti-vaxers of traditional vaccines for measles, polio etc. crowd) finally stop believing the crap spewed from overpaid, uneducated mouthpieces shilling the wares for profit. My "marker" is a friend of my family, who is a Democrat first and foremost in all things, all of her life tmk. When and if she learns from the evidence that has come into full view I will know that the selective ignorant are truly awakening.

This individual happens to be head-strong, although I don't fault her for that since I can, in part, relate to that lol Mentioning this stubborn characteristic because it's indeed part of the reason she chooses to maintain her ignorance. She's dug in and holding on is all I can guess. Time will tell, and she might very well take her misconception to her grave. I hope not, merely in the name of truth winning over deception and those who bought in lock, stock and barrel and still carrying the false, outdated message around.

I have a hard time with selective ignorance. I'm going to start making up labels and giving them to as many label-makers as possible like "Oh, I see that you belong to the "selectively ignorant crowd" lol now there's a good label for a few:p
How many jabs did you submit to??? Your covid infections are going to quite likely become more numerous, and possibly more virulent! Currently, 9/10 covid deaths are in individuals with two or more of the jabs, the virus is all but harmless in those who refused them! In UK, children tagged with the jabs are "4000 times more likely to die," from any virus, than kids who were not subjugated to the murderous jabs!

You will not find any of this data on any US search engines, they are totally censored, including the duck..... :wink:
Who are you using besides the duck?
Yet many Americans still think the vax works.

Watching Americans not only submit to, but screech at others over putting CLOTH FABRIC over their faces in April 2020 was a real eye-opener for me.

And am I judgey about it now? Yep. I admit it. I'm like if you were not astute enough to understand--yes, even through panic or whatever--that putting a piece of Aunt Jean's old curtain material over your face was NOT going to protect you from a freaking virus, I don't know what to tell you. And if you went around screeching at your neighbors over it, then....really.

I don't feel like letting these people off the hook with "well surgical masks" and then "well KN95" and then "well vaccines".


They fell for one, then the other, then the other. Pretty much every one just a scam.

I will remind them. And I do.
Watching Americans not only submit to, but screech at others over putting CLOTH FABRIC over their faces in April 2020 was a real eye-opener for me.

And am I judgey about it now? Yep. I admit it. I'm like if you were not astute enough to understand--yes, even through panic or whatever--that putting a piece of Aunt Jean's old curtain material over your face was NOT going to protect you from a freaking virus, I don't know what to tell you. And if you went around screeching at your neighbors over it, then....really.

I don't feel like letting these people off the hook with "well surgical masks" and then "well KN95" and then "well vaccines".


They fell for one, then the other, then the other. Pretty much every one just a scam.

I will remind them. And I do.
In the past couple of days I saw a guy jogging by himself outside on a sunny day wearing a mask and a lady driving her car by herself wearing a mask. Minor stuff compared the deadly jabs, but a visible reminder of the psychological number the covid propaganda did on so many people.
My sister is an RN with the VA in Billings, she was under incredible pressure but refused it, she was turned down flat on religious grounds absent any explanation as to why. They had initiated termination against her and then the court's turned upon the vaxx conspiracy and make no mistake it is a conspiracy!

Since then they have backed off, and her employment is secure, they even raised her salary. Its not hard to compel someone to submit when you hold their employment over their heads, its not hard to abuse trust long built so as to trick unsuspecting populace into compromising all of their values for fear of a disease that has been hyped to hell and back in media, its not hard to feign friendship, then stab intended dupe in the back!

Like Alex Berenson I have seen data from Israel and the UK that is terrifying, this was not about making money, though they used that component to control shot-callers along the full spectrum, I never used to be a big religious guy, I am now, this is the most profoundly sinister shit I have ever seen perpetrated, and I served in two different wars!
Free country my ass... thanks democrats, they must be thrilled ....

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