Vaccines obviously aren't working--especially long term

Fact: The flu vaccine is not forever, was found at times not to work on all types of flu, and required more developing.
Fact: The pneumonia vaccine was a 2 time shot until further developed.
Fact: So what?
Fact: The Covid vaccine was rushed through before it was properly vetted (5 years) due to the seriousness of the infection throughout the world and is still being vetted, and works with boosters until fully developed.
You geniuses DON'T see what is right with that?
nope, one you mandate. why?
Is that what you have gleaned from my response? I think that the Covid virus is a normal flu? Really?
Show me where I said that, yes? I pointed out, in language that a 5th grader would understand, that the infection vaccines take time to vet and changes in application may occur over time.
if the others are vaccines of dead strains of flu, why is the wuhan shot included in your post?
That is why you need a booster.
You've always been dunce.

You will never be fully vaccinated. You will never be on the correct formulation, you will never have correct dose, you will never be on the correct manufacturer. You may get the booster shot, but that will all change on a political whim. You are now a plague rat and crude mockery of nature's perfection.

All the validation you get for your Fauci on social media is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you and take bets on how soon you're going to die. Your employer has taken million-dollar life insurance policy out on you and implores you to get "one more" booster. And even when you do, you will never be fully vaccinated. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your friends laugh at your sickly appearance, your clammy pale greasy skin, and your coal black glassy meth addict looking vaccine eyes behind closed doors.

They going to find you heartbroken but relieved at the six-figure settlement pharma offered in return for telling everyone you died of natural causes or from covid-19, and that it was your fault because you were not fully vaccinated. They'll burry you with the headstone marked with your false cause of death, and even thought you took the "vaccine", and you took your booster shots, every passer by for the rest of eternity will know that it was your fault. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably unvaccinated.

That is your fate. That is what you chose. There is no turning back. Take another booster shot.
Fact: The flu vaccine is not forever, was found at times not to work on all types of flu, and required more developing.
Fact: The pneumonia vaccine was a 2 time shot until further developed.
Fact: So what?
Fact: The Covid vaccine was rushed through before it was properly vetted (5 years) due to the seriousness of the infection throughout the world and is still being vetted, and works with boosters until fully developed.
You geniuses DON'T see what is right with that?

"covid vaccine"



You've always been dunce.

You will never be fully vaccinated. You will never be on the correct formulation, you will never have correct dose, you will never be on the correct manufacturer. You may get the booster shot, but that will all change on a political whim. You are now a plague rat and crude mockery of nature's perfection.

All the validation you get for your Fauci on social media is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you and take bets on how soon you're going to die. Your employer has taken million-dollar life insurance policy out on you and implores you to get "one more" booster. And even when you do, you will never be fully vaccinated. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your friends laugh at your sickly appearance, your clammy pale greasy skin, and your coal black glassy meth addict looking vaccine eyes behind closed doors.

They going to find you heartbroken but relieved at the six-figure settlement pharma offered in return for telling everyone you died of natural causes or from covid-19, and that it was your fault because you were not fully vaccinated. They'll burry you with the headstone marked with your false cause of death, and even thought you took the "vaccine", and you took your booster shots, every passer by for the rest of eternity will know that it was your fault. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably unvaccinated.

That is your fate. That is what you chose. There is no turning back. Take another booster shot.
outstanding post...................... in other words for all the demofks in here, if you have to take boosters, you can never be fully vaccinated. It's an oxymoron to say the phrase. You all are fking

S T U P I D!!!!!!
If we respond to a theory by dropping bombs, so will they respond by dropping bombs. The President is not Neville Chamberlain and does not yodel with the Tump "locked and loaded" Sabre rattling
technique, which only serves to unhinge countries around the world, and nothing else. Your pussy-grabbing hero was nothing but a babbling, incompetent moron.
The anti vax rhtoric gets crazier by the day.

I get a flu jab every year. It doesnt negate its usefulness. Somewhere there will be clever people working on a better vaccine.

So we need boosters for the covid jab ? So fucking what ? The vax reduces your chances of catching it and further reduces your chances of dying from it.

As with the flu there will be people working on a better vax.

You people are like fucking children. Nobody promised you a 100% cure for this, I temper my words because I sense that you are all damaged in some respect. I am sorry for that but your wickedness in trying to facilitate the spread of the virus cannot be forgiven.
Nobody promised you a 100% cure for this,
Yet, morons like you demand that the rest of us should be jabbed to protect you. if you are vaccinated, why do you worry about someone who isnt, unless the jab doesnt do shit to protect you...
The anti vax rhtoric gets crazier by the day.

I get a flu jab every year. It doesnt negate its usefulness. Somewhere there will be clever people working on a better vaccine.

So we need boosters for the covid jab ? So fucking what ? The vax reduces your chances of catching it and further reduces your chances of dying from it.

As with the flu there will be people working on a better vax.

You people are like fucking children. Nobody promised you a 100% cure for this, I temper my words because I sense that you are all damaged in some respect. I am sorry for that but your wickedness in trying to facilitate the spread of the virus cannot be forgiven.
why are you afraid of unvaccinated folks if you believe in vaccination.
it is intriguing to watch the demofks react, you bet it doesn't, you all are so predictable the names roll off the tongue.
It would be being illiterate as you are.
Mentally deficient also. Very poor argument son.
We should have changed tactics months ago. We should forget about the vaccines and concentrate on early treatment for the infected. Then again, what can we do if this administrations goal is to enrich big pharma?
We are doing much more than just holding the line of a strong pushback. More than half of the country, which is much greater in numbers and in determination ever anticipated in rejecting these dictatorial measures based upon blatant lies. Biden’s puppet misers expected all voters to embrace a herd mentality by following their scripted falsehoods. It didn’t and will not happen. Biden’s bumblers are stumbling now, for a 5th or 6th time now I’ve lost count. Ineptness displayed in living color is the theme of our current administration and how future historians (assuming we’ll still have those considering the left’s revisional tactics of deleting history.

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