Vagina? Not in this house!!


8 weeks in the womb.

HEY tell me the science that says YOU ARE ONLY A CLUMP OF CELLS UNTIL YOU CAN LIVE OUTSIDE THE WOMB???????????

You want to talk about being stupid????

First you claim it's just a clump of cells, then you claim it's only a clump of cells UNTIL IT CAN LIVE OUTSIDE THE WOMB.


And notice the UNSCIENTIFIC bigotry!

I can't know the "science" because I'm a Christian?

Or you just ignore the science because of your narrow minded bigotry?

I think the latter is pretty obvious!


At 8 weeks, this baby can kick and straighten his legs, and move his arms up and down.

Answer this question: can your 8 week old thing live outside your womb? I mean, beyond your faith in fantasy-sci-Fi characters.
In general, you are a non-thinking troll, and I certainly cannot agree with your style, but I completely agree with you on this point.

Until the fetus is viable - even remotely - there is little reason to give it more concern than the mother, unless the mother wants to bring it to term.

And, for the most part, that is the law - law on which the SCOTUS ruled some time ago.

Well, I'd sure as hell like to know when all of YOUR lives started.

or are you going to tell us conception had nothing to do with it.
So how long will you need to spend with your kids to come up with a new lying talking point, conservaliar???

Come on back. I want to kick your ass again.


Get those talking points fast. People already know you lost!


Can your clump of cells survive at 8 weeks of gestation? 14?

Until you answer that, shut the fuck up. Nothing you say other than answering those two questions interests me. Go back to home school and brush up on biology.


In other words. "I know you kicked my ass on the clump of cells thing. So I'm changing the subject to viability and pretending I never said anything about clump of cells."

So, I have to play your lying game as if you didn't lose in the first place.

NICE TRY, but is it your contention that UNTIL a baby is born it's just a clump of cells?

So, which is your argument, "clump of cells" or "viability?"

Who needs to shut up?

Answer this question: can your 8 week old thing live outside your womb? I mean, beyond your faith in fantasy-sci-Fi characters.
In general, you are a non-thinking troll, and I certainly cannot agree with your style, but I completely agree with you on this point.

Until the fetus is viable - even remotely - there is little reason to give it more concern than the mother, unless the mother wants to bring it to term.

And, for the most part, that is the law - law on which the SCOTUS ruled some time ago.

Well, I'd sure as hell like to know when all of YOUR lives started.

or are you going to tell us conception had nothing to do with it.
I have no idea what I personally have to do with this, but OK.

Conception has everything to do with it. Viability does as well.

And, it's the law.
And now I have to go, for a Father's Day dinner with my two "clump of cells."

See ya guys later. Make this lying moron squirm for me!

Moron's gone again! Must be looking up more talking points!

I can't wait to find out what he comes up with. I'll be back lata!

In general, you are a non-thinking troll, and I certainly cannot agree with your style, but I completely agree with you on this point.

Until the fetus is viable - even remotely - there is little reason to give it more concern than the mother, unless the mother wants to bring it to term.

And, for the most part, that is the law - law on which the SCOTUS ruled some time ago.

Well, I'd sure as hell like to know when all of YOUR lives started.

or are you going to tell us conception had nothing to do with it.
I have no idea what I personally have to do with this, but OK.

Conception has everything to do with it. Viability does as well.

And, it's the law.

Indeed, generally Vaginas have much to do with conception.

I read it on the internets.
So far, on an MI website, when asked if Lisa Brown was wrong for using the V-word, this is the vote count.

No, 70.23%

Yes, 22.67%

I need more information, 7.09%

Michigan Rep. Lisa Lyons calls Sen. Gretchen Whitmer 'a liar' and Rep. Lisa Brown's actions 'disgraceful' in growing melee |

I guarantee you the these people all live in the big cities

Why would you say such a thing?

Because i live in Michigan and i know the people
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By the same token you have no right to "kill" another human being on this planet .

It becomes a human being when it can live outside the womb. Until then, it's a symbiotic organism, but not one that would really be worth anything until it was viable, you fucking idiot.

If you knew anything about people your professing to know about then you'd know that they go out of their way to avoid the people your saying they try to control the bodies of and who are you to tell someone what they should or shouldn't believe?

Wow. You should win the Nobel Prize for typing the longest and simultaneously most useless sentence ever written. That includes BOTH the Old and New Testaments.

Your a dumbass and if you think thats all a father is i feel sorry for any children you have or might have in the future, your the reason for the Fathers rights movement.

Of course I don't think that's all a Father is, but I sure as fuck did cover a lot of the basics.

In other words you think Abortion is another form of contraception

Yup. I sure do. Although, since contraception is a word that means to prevent conception, even that bleating rhetorical point isn't really accurate. I do think that it can be used as population control. I can disengage the mythology part of my brain and engage the logic and scientific side. You obviously can't.

and you should have the right to kill your unborn child because you don't feel like taking responsibility for your actions as it was inconvenience you.

Yes. I do. As long as that "unborn child" is medically not viable, sure.
So how long will you need to spend with your kids to come up with a new lying talking point, conservaliar???

Come on back. I want to kick your ass again.


Get those talking points fast. People already know you lost!


Can your clump of cells survive at 8 weeks of gestation? 14?

Until you answer that, shut the fuck up. Nothing you say other than answering those two questions interests me. Go back to home school and brush up on biology.


In other words. "I know you kicked my ass on the clump of cells thing. So I'm changing the subject to viability and pretending I never said anything about clump of cells."

So, I have to play your lying game as if you didn't lose in the first place.

NICE TRY, but is it your contention that UNTIL a baby is born it's just a clump of cells?

So, which is your argument, "clump of cells" or "viability?"

Who needs to shut up?


Please tell me your tubes are now tied.

Listen, I'm going to spell this out for you one more time. And then I'm done because you are stupid. Like BEYOND stupid. And you notice how none of your Conservative pals are you backing you up on your stupidity? They're backing you up because you're going toe-to-toe with me, but none of them that are actually educated agree with you.

Fetuses are not capable of living outside of the womb until they are at LEAST 22 weeks in the womb. So that means that up until then, yes, they are essentially a clump of cells. They are clumps of cells that split, and generate and create organs, yes, but they are still, a CLUMP OF FUCKING CELLS. I know you hate reading that, and I know you don't believe it, but as the great Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson put it so eloquently, "The great part about science is that you don't have to believe it for it to be true." So take all your hysterics and hyperbolic emotion and blow them out of your vagina. (Yes, I am telling YOU, you fucking imbecile, what to do with YOUR vagina, because you are clearly too stupid to make ANY decisions for yourself)

You can piss and moan and show me all the pictures you want that are basically massively BLOWN UP IMAGES OF TINY, MICROSCOPIC ORGANISMS you want, and it won't change science, Lady. It won't change what the facts of life really, really are. You can cry about it. You can think you've "kicked my ass" and I assure you that anyone who passed 9th Grade Biology class at a non-parochial school will laugh in your dumb fuck face.

So the reason that you are wrong, and will ALWAYS BE WRONG is that until a "baby" is able to live outside the womb of its mother, there is no reason to assign it the same rights the rest of us do. Suck it up, Buttercup. I think you're totally within your rights to abort a baby if you find out it has a genetic defect of any kind. Because to ME, a life of retardation isn't one you should willing inflict on any human being.

Then again, you've inflicted me with so much retardation I have to go scrub my skin with a cheese grater and watch "Forrest Gump" fifteen times on loop.
By the same token you have no right to "kill" another human being on this planet .

It becomes a human being when it can live outside the womb. Until then, it's a symbiotic organism, but not one that would really be worth anything until it was viable, you fucking idiot.

This is just your opinion.

If you knew anything about people your professing to know about then you'd know that they go out of their way to avoid the people your saying they try to control the bodies of and who are you to tell someone what they should or shouldn't believe?

Wow. You should win the Nobel Prize for typing the longest and simultaneously most useless sentence ever written. That includes BOTH the Old and New Testaments.

Of course I don't think that's all a Father is, but I sure as fuck did cover a lot of the basics.

in other words you can't refute my statement

In other words you think Abortion is another form of contraception

Yup. I sure do. Although, since contraception is a word that means to prevent conception, even that bleating rhetorical point isn't really accurate. I do think that it can be used as population control. I can disengage the mythology part of my brain and engage the logic and scientific side. You obviously can't.

Thanx for being honest about your stupidity

and you should have the right to kill your unborn child because you don't feel like taking responsibility for your actions as it would inconvenience you.

Yes. I do. As long as that "unborn child" is medically not viable, sure.

Thanx for admitting your a murder
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This is just your opinion.

Well, sure. But I would say that most thinking, educated people would agree with me wholeheartedly on it. Yes, it's human life. But before it's not able to live outside the womb, it's not human life that should take precedence over anyone already living.

in other words you can't refute my statement

Uh, okay Beavis.

Thanx for being honest about your stupidity

Right. The guy speaking with scientific knowledge is stupid. OKAY, JESUS GUY!

Thanx for admitting your a murder

No, Dummy, it's not murder if the baby cannot survive without the mother. That's what the law says, that's what non-Religious zealots say. So um...shut the fuck up.

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