Vagina? Not in this house!!

Hmmm. Way better look than a 4d ultrasound.

Suck on some science, Putita.


It looks just like you, DumbFuckingBitch!
Hmmm. Way better look than a 4d ultrasound.

Suck on some science, Putita.


You mean on this?

Week 4-8 is whan all the major organ systems of the body are formed and when most teratogens have their greatest effect
Keep lying!

You don't even source your images, I DO!

Don't those using "science" have to have sources??? Funny how the Christian can source her evidence AND YOU CAN'T!

Hey, DumbFuckingBitch, read it again and again until it sinks in,dummy.I'm not wasting another synapse on you.
This is the only answer you deserve. Clump/multi-celled/whatever you want to call it.

Do you want to get some medical journals up in this mother fucker? Look, I get that as a Dumb Fucking Bitch (DFB if you're into brevity), you have to have the last word, but you're wrong, DFB. You're dead wrong. And all the stomping of your feet won't change that you are wrong.

You didn't kick my ass, hardly. I've shown you time and again where you're wrong. So I'm going to just leave this as my ONLY response to you, and then also leave you this link, because you clearly need it more than anything.

I'm genuinely surprised you were smart enough to know which hole your babies' daddy had to put it in to make the baby. Seriously, that's how fucking dumb you are.

I didn't "lose" on clump of cells, you just don't have any clue what science really is, you dumb.fucking.bitch.

Stages of pregnancy |

"At the end of eight weeks, your baby is a fetus and looks more like a human. Your baby is nearly 1 inch long and weighs less than one-eighth ounce."

Aww. Can I play catch with it yet?!
Hey, DumbFuckingBitch, read it again and again until it sinks in,dummy.I'm not wasting another synapse on you.
This is the only answer you deserve. Clump/multi-celled/whatever you want to call it.

Do you want to get some medical journals up in this mother fucker? Look, I get that as a Dumb Fucking Bitch (DFB if you're into brevity), you have to have the last word, but you're wrong, DFB. You're dead wrong. And all the stomping of your feet won't change that you are wrong.

You didn't kick my ass, hardly. I've shown you time and again where you're wrong. So I'm going to just leave this as my ONLY response to you, and then also leave you this link, because you clearly need it more than anything.

I'm genuinely surprised you were smart enough to know which hole your babies' daddy had to put it in to make the baby. Seriously, that's how fucking dumb you are.

I didn't "lose" on clump of cells, you just don't have any clue what science really is, you dumb.fucking.bitch.

Stages of pregnancy |

"At the end of eight weeks, your baby is a fetus and looks more like a human. Your baby is nearly 1 inch long and weighs less than one-eighth ounce."

And?????????????? Also has all of the major organs and a brain wave.
Hmmm. Way better look than a 4d ultrasound.

Suck on some science, Putita.


You mean on this?

Week 4-8 is whan all the major organ systems of the body are formed and when most teratogens have their greatest effect
Keep lying!

You don't even source your images, I DO!

Don't those using "science" have to have sources??? Funny how the Christian can source her evidence AND YOU CAN'T!


And how long would it live outside the womb, again?
Hey, DumbFuckingBitch, read it again and again until it sinks in,dummy.I'm not wasting another synapse on you.

"At the end of eight weeks, your baby is a fetus and looks more like a human. Your baby is nearly 1 inch long and weighs less than one-eighth ounce."

And?????????????? Also has all of the major organs and a brain wave.

Human Reproduction

That also describes you, and I'm not sure I classify you as a sentient being.
"At the end of eight weeks, your baby is a fetus and looks more like a human. Your baby is nearly 1 inch long and weighs less than one-eighth ounce."

And?????????????? Also has all of the major organs and a brain wave.

Human Reproduction

That also describes you, and I'm not sure I classify you as a sentient being.

This is what liberals do when they have REALLY LOST. They cease talking the subject, and are reduced to just sputtering insults.

Yet, THIS is the guy who "prides" himself on "science."

No surprise here! It was inevitable!

Hmmm. Way better look than a 4d ultrasound.

Suck on some science, Putita.


You mean on this?
Week 4-8 is whan all the major organ systems of the body are formed and when most teratogens have their greatest effect


Keep lying!​

You don't even source your images, I DO!​

Don't those using "science" have to have sources??? Funny how the Christian can source her evidence AND YOU CAN'T!​


And how long would it live outside the womb, again?

That isn't what you argued. YOU argued it was a "clump of cells."

I hate to break it to the non-science-understanding crowd, but for a good third of the pregnancy it really is a clump of cells.

YOU just changed to "viability" ONLY AFTER it became OBVIOUS you lost on the "clump of cells" lie.

Now when you ADMIT that was a lie and not science, we can move on. You might as well, because it's OBVIOUS to everyone else but you.

Last edited:
It is a clump of cells. A clump of cells that RESEMBLES a human.

And how come you keep ducking my question? Will an 8-week old fetus survive if you take it out of the womb? If you birth it, will it live, and develop into a real human?

I have to say, I think I get how the Virgin Mary works; she clearly just swallowed an 8-week-old fetus with a glass of water one night. BOOM! Nine months later, you have Baby Jesus!
And?????????????? Also has all of the major organs and a brain wave.

Human Reproduction

That also describes you, and I'm not sure I classify you as a sentient being.

This is what liberals do when they have REALLY LOST. They cease talking the subject, and are reduced to just sputtering insults.

Yet, THIS is the guy who "prides" himself on "science."

No surprise here! It was inevitable!

Meh, I wouldn't go generalizing about what libs do too much there. While I agree that I see more emotions than rational thought from many of them, when it comes to this subject it seems like rationale thought capabilities are reversed.

It's a hot topic. You and others will never come around, nor will he and I come around.

Thank goodness there are laws for just that.
Your pregnancy: 8 weeks | BabyCenter

New this week: Webbed fingers and toes are poking out from your baby's hands and feet, his eyelids practically cover his eyes, breathing tubes extend from his throat to the branches of his developing lungs, and his "tail" is just about gone. In his brain, nerve cells are branching out to connect with one another, forming primitive neural pathways. You may be daydreaming about your baby as one sex or the other, but the external genitals still haven't developed enough to reveal whether you're having a boy or a girl. Either way, your baby — about the size of a kidney bean — is constantly moving and shifting, though you still can't feel it.

You're right, TeaPartySimpleton, all those things totally sound like the fully developed, 40-week old babies that were born into this world as my son.

It is a clump of cells. A clump of cells that RESEMBLES a human.

And how come you keep ducking my question? Will an 8-week old fetus survive if you take it out of the womb? If you birth it, will it live, and develop into a real human?

I have to say, I think I get how the Virgin Mary works; she clearly just swallowed an 8-week-old fetus with a glass of water one night. BOOM! Nine months later, you have Baby Jesus!

How does a "clump of cells" have all the major organs and the brains waves?

Week 7 / Day 48: First brain waves can be detected
Week 4-8 is whan all the major organ systems of the body are formed and when most teratogens have their greatest effect
Week 8

Human Reproduction

How does that just "look" like a human being when it's parents are human beings??? Boy you sure are some scientist!

But YOU brought up the "clump of cells" argument and ONLY changed it to "viability" when I kicked your ass on the "clump of cells" argument.

So who is duckign here???

When you are able to admit you are dead wrong on the clump of cells argument, then we can move onto viability.

You can't have it both ways, and I won't LET you have it both ways either, "scientist."


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