Vagina? Not in this house!!

I think Clumpy has its mother's eyes...but definitely MY dick.


Yeah. It's a girl, shit face.

You expected this idiot to figure that out on his own?

I think Clumpy has its mother's eyes...but definitely MY dick.


Yeah. It's a girl, shit face.

You can't tell gender at 8 weeks, you stupid fucking idiot. Have another beer, pipe down and keep thinking you're funny.

Yeah, I know you can't tell gender that early, you mindless fuckwit.

That's why I thought you were more than suitably mock-worthy when you said it had your dick.

You really are a dumber than shit, you clump of crap.
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How does a "clump of cells" have all the major organs and the brains waves?

I don't know. How do you have zero brain waves and still knew which hole your sperm guy had to put it in? I mean, there are some things we'll never know.

It is a clump of cells.


That right up there is a clump of cells with some vaguely human features.

Goddamn I love science. It's so chocked-full of DumbFuckingBitch slaying vitamins, minerals and facts.
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How does a "clump of cells" have all the major organs and the brains waves?

I don't know. How do you have zero brain waves and still knew which hole your sperm guy had to put it in? I mean, there are some things we'll never know.

It is a clump of cells.


That right up there is a clump of cells with some vaguely human features.

Goddamn I love science. It's so chocked-full of DumbFuckingBitch slaying vitamins, minerals and facts.

None of which can a moron like you begin to grasp!
Yeah. It's a girl, shit face.

You can't tell gender at 8 weeks, you stupid fucking idiot. Have another beer, pipe down and keep thinking you're funny.

Yeah, I know you can't tell gender that early, you mindless fuckwit.

That's why I thought you were more than suitably mock-worthy when you said it had your dick.

You really are a dumber than shit, you clump of crap.

I was totally serious about it being my baby and my dick. You caught me, Genius!
How does a "clump of cells" have all the major organs and the brains waves?

I don't know. How do you have zero brain waves and still knew which hole your sperm guy had to put it in? I mean, there are some things we'll never know.

It is a clump of cells.


That right up there is a clump of cells with some vaguely human features.

Goddamn I love science. It's so chocked-full of DumbFuckingBitch slaying vitamins, minerals and facts.

None of which can a moron like you begin to grasp!

That made no sense, you Yoda-talkin' dumbfuck.

Goddamn! You are a dumb fucking fuck.
You can't tell gender at 8 weeks, you stupid fucking idiot. Have another beer, pipe down and keep thinking you're funny.

Yeah, I know you can't tell gender that early, you mindless fuckwit.

That's why I thought you were more than suitably mock-worthy when you said it had your dick.

You really are a dumber than shit, you clump of crap.

I was totally serious about it being my baby and my dick. You caught me, Genius!

No, dimwit. You are just too fucking idiotic to recall what you had just said.

You really are THAT fucking stupid.
I don't know. How do you have zero brain waves and still knew which hole your sperm guy had to put it in? I mean, there are some things we'll never know.

It is a clump of cells.


That right up there is a clump of cells with some vaguely human features.

Goddamn I love science. It's so chocked-full of DumbFuckingBitch slaying vitamins, minerals and facts.

None of which can a moron like you begin to grasp!

That made no sense, you Yoda-talkin' dumbfuck.

Goddamn! You are a dumb fucking fuck.

Oh, it made sense. of course. That's why a mindless clump of crap like you couldn't begin to fathom it.
I think Clumpy has its mother's eyes...but definitely MY dick.


Yeah. It's a girl, shit face.

You can't tell gender at 8 weeks, you stupid fucking idiot. Have another beer, pipe down and keep thinking you're funny.


Male Development.

For a male embryo, at around the sixth week, the SRY gene, on the Y chromosome promotes a protein called the H-Y antigen. The effect of this is to bind to the DNA molecule itself, in a number of specific places, causing it to bend, in turn affecting the action of a number of genes.
About nineteen different genes are probably involved, on either the X chromosome or the autosomes.

The actual sequence of events is still largely unknown, but the hormone producing cells of the indifferent gonad become the Leydig cells, the primitive testes, which have rudimentary sperm producing tubules, while the supporting cells become the sertoli cells which will, in time, produce the sperm.

They also have the ability to produce testosterone and other androgens, along with a hormone called Mullerian Inhibiting Factor. The latter, as its name implies inhibits the further development of the female sexual features, which degenerate.
This in turn sets off a complex sequence of hormonal changes which encourage the action of the genes in developing some characteristics and inhibiting others.
Female Development.

In a female embryo, from about the sixth week, the Wolffian ducts degenerate, and the Mullerian ducts develop towards the Fallopian tubes, uterus and vagina. Meanwhile, by the twelfth week, the indifferent gonad begins to develop into an ovary.

The supporting cells form the cells which will surround the ova, the granulosa cells, and the hormone producing cells form the thecal cells which remain relatively quiescent. The chromosomes in the gamete cells begin to separate, but then cease their activity until puberty.

About Gender: The Developing Embryo - Conception and Development

Once again "DUMBASS THE SCIENCE GUY" proves to be a 100% liar about "science."

It is a clump of cells. A clump of cells that RESEMBLES a human.

And how come you keep ducking my question? Will an 8-week old fetus survive if you take it out of the womb? If you birth it, will it live, and develop into a real human?

I have to say, I think I get how the Virgin Mary works; she clearly just swallowed an 8-week-old fetus with a glass of water one night. BOOM! Nine months later, you have Baby Jesus!

How does a "clump of cells" have all the major organs and the brains waves?

Week 7 / Day 48: First brain waves can be detected
Week 4-8 is whan all the major organ systems of the body are formed and when most teratogens have their greatest effect
Week 8

How does that just "look" like a human being when it's parents are human beings??? Boy you sure are some scientist!​

But YOU brought up the "clump of cells" argument and ONLY changed it to "viability" when I kicked your ass on the "clump of cells" argument.​

So who is duckign here???​

When you are able to admit you are dead wrong on the clump of cells argument, then we can move onto viability.​

You can't have it both ways, and I won't LET you have it both ways either, "scientist."​


Hey DerpDumb, you done? You can't make up your mind?

You need to find a new Lie?

Which is it?

I'm sure she knows this, but just in case;

Just because tr biological process of gender separation happens earlier than 8 weeks, it is not actually finished at that point. It's why, you dumb fuck, you can't tell what the sex is even from your 4d ultrasounds, until another few weeks.

Also, it won't live before 22 weeks. Even then, highly unlikely. Argue that point, DumbFuckingBitch.
Hmmm. Should we believe the crackpot dumb fucking bitch and her (lol) website, or all the other established scientific timelines?



Hmm. Should we accept reality or listen to the stupid ignorant musings of libbiederp?

No contest. Libbederp, you have zero credibility, kid.

Fuck off.

Shhh. Time for bed now gramps. Take your Viagra and go best off into your cocksock.
Hmmm. Should we believe the crackpot dumb fucking bitch and her (lol) website, or all the other established scientific timelines?



A) I posted from a couple of science websites that HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH ABORTION.

Human Reproduction

About Gender: The Developing Embryo - Conception and Development

B) YOU haven't posted ANY SOURCES! Just a couple of pictures which turned out to be falsely labeled as eight weeks when it was really a four week old fetus.

I think we see who's dumb and who really, really LOST!

What have babies got to do with vaginas?
Get back on topic!!!
Hmmm. Should we believe the crackpot dumb fucking bitch and her (lol) website, or all the other established scientific timelines?



Hmm. Should we accept reality or listen to the stupid ignorant musings of libbiederp?

No contest. Libbederp, you have zero credibility, kid.

Fuck off.

Shhh. Time for bed now gramps. Take your Viagra and go best off into your cocksock.

Shit. A lowlife nothing like you can't even mention something nominally sexual without making it all boring.

Go suck some more cock, you complete flaccid loser.
Hmmm. Should we believe the crackpot dumb fucking bitch and her (lol) website, or all the other established scientific timelines?



Hmm. Should we accept reality or listen to the stupid ignorant musings of libbiederp?

No contest. Libbederp, you have zero credibility, kid.

Fuck off.

Especially since, I used three sources for my argument. Only one was pro-life and the other two were sources on biology and had nothing to do with abortion one way or the other.

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