Vagina? Not in this house!!

Wow you can toss around the F bomb big man. So are you saying at the point of viability an abortion is wrong?

Oh, I didn't realize my father was here. Hi Dad! and fuck you!

No, I don't think it's wrong at the point of viability. But that's MY personal opinion. Since I know that my view is even too radical for a lot of Left Wingers, I am willing to concede that viability is as good a point to draw the arbitrary line as any.

If you dont think that, then why worry about viability? Wow atleast you're now open with your abortion views and not using that panzy ass "pro choice" excuse. I commend you for your honesty and growth.

LOL. I am pro-choice. I am pro allowing the woman to have a choice when to abort. Of course viability matters. I'm not even saying it's okay to abort a fetus when it's at 36 weeks or more of development. For me it comes down to whether it would take a miracle of modern science for the baby to live or not.

At 8 weeks, no matter what TwinklePuss McStupidFuck says, it's not ever going to be possible. So from conception to week 22, I really, really don't fucking care if the woman gets an abortion. From 22 to 32-33 weeks is touch and go, but if it's needed, fuck it, do it. Don't risk the life of the mother.

35-40 on up is pretty gross no matter what, and that baby should get borned. Again, I've never hidden behind anything on my stance on abortion. I was arguing with StupidFuck McDumbDumb over why she so stupidly thinks of that embryo as a human baby. It's not, at all.
oh, now that I'm done torturing this little moron:

Merriam Webster: "viable"


adj \ˈvī-ə-bəl\

Definition of VIABLE

: capable of living <the skin graft was viable><viable cancer cells>; especially : having attained such form and

2: capable of growing or developing <viable eggs>


&#8194; &#8194;/&#712;va&#618;&#601;b&#601;l/ Show Spelled[vahy-uh-buhl] Show IPA
adjective 1. capable of living.

Thus a fetus is viable. It it living and growing.

All of us, at one time, were dependent on our mothers both inside and outside the womb to live, including breast feeding.

If dependence is a legal excuse to kill, then kill all of your children, they are dependent on you to live.

Holy fuck, I'm done with you. You're now actually arguing that an 8 week old EMBRYO is viable? You have gone Plaid, motherfucker.

1. At weeks it's not a fetus. It's an embryo. At this stage of development, it's not really distinguishable from a lot of other embryos of different species. That's what the article was about, you dumb fuck. This speaks to the larger issue that those of us who don't base our opinions on a work of fiction purported to be the word of God all acknowledge:


The fact that you equate breastfeeding to embryonic development tells me everything I need to know about your level of education and understanding of the development of life.

Seriously, I'm done interacting with you, on any level. Keep "pwning" me if you want, but since you've shown that you are the only woman I'd ever condone taking away her rights over her own vagina so as not to allow any further procreation, I'm washing my hands of you.


I didn't start this subject, YOU DID!

I didn't make up you saying:

I hate to break it to the non-science-understanding crowd, but for a good third of the pregnancy it really is a clump of cells.

Nor did I make up the definition of viability being living and growing.

So what are you so upset about?

You set the standards, and when you lose on them, you run away crying?

You're "done" because you know you lost.

Oh, I didn't realize my father was here. Hi Dad! and fuck you!

No, I don't think it's wrong at the point of viability. But that's MY personal opinion. Since I know that my view is even too radical for a lot of Left Wingers, I am willing to concede that viability is as good a point to draw the arbitrary line as any.

HOLD IT A MINUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You said you were arguing science!!!!!!!!!

I hate to break it to the non-science-understanding crowd, but for a good third of the pregnancy it really is a clump of cells.

NOW YOU ADMIT, that's bullshit too and you are just drawing an arbitrary line???????????


Neither of your arguments were "science." It was just arbitrary BS!

When do you leave and stop humuliating yourself???????


You snuck this one in, you clever little dumb fucking bitch.

MY OPINION ABOUT ABORTION IS NOT WHAT I WAS ARGUING, YOU STUPID ROCK-HEADED FUCKING BITCH. My stance on abortions and when they should be allowed is what I was answering buckeye's question about.

Quit injecting more of your stupidity where it's not needed. You and I were fighting over essentially the viability of the embryo, though you were also insisting on focusing on the words "clump of cells." Because you're a dumb fuck.

And then you actually compared breastfeeding to embryonic development in the placenta. Because, again, you're a dumb fuck.

And then I said I'm done with you. And I am. Starting dumb, dumb fuck.



Are you SERIOUS???????????? It's UNFAIR to hold you to account ON YOUR WORDS????????????? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

YOU are the one that claimed you were arguing from science and now you admit you are simply setting arbitrary standards.

But I'm "sneaking something in" to hold you account on THIS OBVIOUS DOUBLE STANDARD.

I'm clever or YOU ARE SO DAMN DUMB you thought you could get away with such an obvious double standard and not be called on it???

You are unbelievably hilarious.

No wonder your rep points are at zero. I can't see it moving much off of that.

So, freaking hilarious!

Oh, I didn't realize my father was here. Hi Dad! and fuck you!

No, I don't think it's wrong at the point of viability. But that's MY personal opinion. Since I know that my view is even too radical for a lot of Left Wingers, I am willing to concede that viability is as good a point to draw the arbitrary line as any.

If you dont think that, then why worry about viability? Wow atleast you're now open with your abortion views and not using that panzy ass "pro choice" excuse. I commend you for your honesty and growth.

LOL. I am pro-choice. I am pro allowing the woman to have a choice when to abort. Of course viability matters. I'm not even saying it's okay to abort a fetus when it's at 36 weeks or more of development. For me it comes down to whether it would take a miracle of modern science for the baby to live or not.

At 8 weeks, no matter what TwinklePuss McStupidFuck says, it's not ever going to be possible. So from conception to week 22, I really, really don't fucking care if the woman gets an abortion. From 22 to 32-33 weeks is touch and go, but if it's needed, fuck it, do it. Don't risk the life of the mother.

35-40 on up is pretty gross no matter what, and that baby should get borned. Again, I've never hidden behind anything on my stance on abortion. I was arguing with StupidFuck McDumbDumb over why she so stupidly thinks of that embryo as a human baby. It's not, at all.

Ok, well stated this time. First you are left wing, but not that far left if you dont believe in abortion (and I'm not talking rape/incest or life issues)after 35 or so weeks. See I'm not always an ass hole, but I will get an explanation.
I do disagree with you on when life begins. I do believe that a sperm or an egg are not life, but once the unite it is. WHY, well for humans to go from age 0-lets pick 80 years old. Shelter is important, love is, ect, but they really only need food/water and time. And that's what a zygote needs to become a live birth. Doesnt need anything else, just those two things, just like you need to live the next year. See sperm and egg cant survive on those two things, therefor they are potential life, not life.
Oh, I didn't realize my father was here. Hi Dad! and fuck you!

No, I don't think it's wrong at the point of viability. But that's MY personal opinion. Since I know that my view is even too radical for a lot of Left Wingers, I am willing to concede that viability is as good a point to draw the arbitrary line as any.

If you dont think that, then why worry about viability? Wow atleast you're now open with your abortion views and not using that panzy ass "pro choice" excuse. I commend you for your honesty and growth.

LOL. I am pro-choice. I am pro allowing the woman to have a choice when to abort. Of course viability matters. I'm not even saying it's okay to abort a fetus when it's at 36 weeks or more of development. For me it comes down to whether it would take a miracle of modern science for the baby to live or not.

At 8 weeks, no matter what TwinklePuss McStupidFuck says, it's not ever going to be possible. So from conception to week 22, I really, really don't fucking care if the woman gets an abortion. From 22 to 32-33 weeks is touch and go, but if it's needed, fuck it, do it. Don't risk the life of the mother.

35-40 on up is pretty gross no matter what, and that baby should get borned. Again, I've never hidden behind anything on my stance on abortion. I was arguing with StupidFuck McDumbDumb over why she so stupidly thinks of that embryo as a human baby. It's not, at all.

Yeah, where's the "science" in that oh one who's brain is obviously only a "clump of cells."

If you dont think that, then why worry about viability? Wow atleast you're now open with your abortion views and not using that panzy ass "pro choice" excuse. I commend you for your honesty and growth.

LOL. I am pro-choice. I am pro allowing the woman to have a choice when to abort. Of course viability matters. I'm not even saying it's okay to abort a fetus when it's at 36 weeks or more of development. For me it comes down to whether it would take a miracle of modern science for the baby to live or not.

At 8 weeks, no matter what TwinklePuss McStupidFuck says, it's not ever going to be possible. So from conception to week 22, I really, really don't fucking care if the woman gets an abortion. From 22 to 32-33 weeks is touch and go, but if it's needed, fuck it, do it. Don't risk the life of the mother.

35-40 on up is pretty gross no matter what, and that baby should get borned. Again, I've never hidden behind anything on my stance on abortion. I was arguing with StupidFuck McDumbDumb over why she so stupidly thinks of that embryo as a human baby. It's not, at all.

Ok, well stated this time. First you are left wing, but not that far left if you dont believe in abortion (and I'm not talking rape/incest or life issues)after 35 or so weeks. See I'm not always an ass hole, but I will get an explanation.
I do disagree with you on when life begins. I do believe that a sperm or an egg are not life, but once the unite it is. WHY, well for humans to go from age 0-lets pick 80 years old. Shelter is important, love is, ect, but they really only need food/water and time. And that's what a zygote needs to become a live birth. Doesnt need anything else, just those two things, just like you need to live the next year. See sperm and egg cant survive on those two things, therefor they are potential life, not life.

If derp is being honest then how come he claimed science was on his side but when pressed on it, he admitted to just picking an arbitrary standard for when to abort?

That's not being honest. He's lying and trying to have it both ways.
If you dont think that, then why worry about viability? Wow atleast you're now open with your abortion views and not using that panzy ass "pro choice" excuse. I commend you for your honesty and growth.

LOL. I am pro-choice. I am pro allowing the woman to have a choice when to abort. Of course viability matters. I'm not even saying it's okay to abort a fetus when it's at 36 weeks or more of development. For me it comes down to whether it would take a miracle of modern science for the baby to live or not.

At 8 weeks, no matter what TwinklePuss McStupidFuck says, it's not ever going to be possible. So from conception to week 22, I really, really don't fucking care if the woman gets an abortion. From 22 to 32-33 weeks is touch and go, but if it's needed, fuck it, do it. Don't risk the life of the mother.

35-40 on up is pretty gross no matter what, and that baby should get borned. Again, I've never hidden behind anything on my stance on abortion. I was arguing with StupidFuck McDumbDumb over why she so stupidly thinks of that embryo as a human baby. It's not, at all.

Ok, well stated this time. First you are left wing, but not that far left if you dont believe in abortion (and I'm not talking rape/incest or life issues)after 35 or so weeks. See I'm not always an ass hole, but I will get an explanation.
I do disagree with you on when life begins. I do believe that a sperm or an egg are not life, but once the unite it is. WHY, well for humans to go from age 0-lets pick 80 years old. Shelter is important, love is, ect, but they really only need food/water and time. And that's what a zygote needs to become a live birth. Doesnt need anything else, just those two things, just like you need to live the next year. See sperm and egg cant survive on those two things, therefor they are potential life, not life.

Well, luckily for you and I, we can disagree on the origin of life and still get along because viability, which means whether that embryo will live outside the womb is the deciding point in the laws. The truth is though at any point before 22 weeks, that embryo, then fetus, will not survive and that's why I don't understand the craziness over abortions before that point. Like I said earlier, natural abortions in that time range happen all the time.

Abortion is certainly a hot topic, but there are definitely some
biological facts that have been blatantly ignored by others in this thread.
LOL. I am pro-choice. I am pro allowing the woman to have a choice when to abort. Of course viability matters. I'm not even saying it's okay to abort a fetus when it's at 36 weeks or more of development. For me it comes down to whether it would take a miracle of modern science for the baby to live or not.

At 8 weeks, no matter what TwinklePuss McStupidFuck says, it's not ever going to be possible. So from conception to week 22, I really, really don't fucking care if the woman gets an abortion. From 22 to 32-33 weeks is touch and go, but if it's needed, fuck it, do it. Don't risk the life of the mother.

35-40 on up is pretty gross no matter what, and that baby should get borned. Again, I've never hidden behind anything on my stance on abortion. I was arguing with StupidFuck McDumbDumb over why she so stupidly thinks of that embryo as a human baby. It's not, at all.

Ok, well stated this time. First you are left wing, but not that far left if you dont believe in abortion (and I'm not talking rape/incest or life issues)after 35 or so weeks. See I'm not always an ass hole, but I will get an explanation.
I do disagree with you on when life begins. I do believe that a sperm or an egg are not life, but once the unite it is. WHY, well for humans to go from age 0-lets pick 80 years old. Shelter is important, love is, ect, but they really only need food/water and time. And that's what a zygote needs to become a live birth. Doesnt need anything else, just those two things, just like you need to live the next year. See sperm and egg cant survive on those two things, therefor they are potential life, not life.

If derp is being honest then how come he claimed science was on his side but when pressed on it, he admitted to just picking an arbitrary standard for when to abort?

That's not being honest. He's lying and trying to have it both ways.

well I didnt read the whole thread, was taking the man at his word. But yeah the clump of cells reference is pretty rough, I've already gone over that with him. I really dont think he believes that, he said he has kids, I cant image he would have seen it that way when he found out he was going to have them
Hey Conservaliar!

You running away with your tail between your legs after I was soooooooooo unfair as to hold you account on your own words?

Poor baby!

Ok, well stated this time. First you are left wing, but not that far left if you dont believe in abortion (and I'm not talking rape/incest or life issues)after 35 or so weeks. See I'm not always an ass hole, but I will get an explanation.
I do disagree with you on when life begins. I do believe that a sperm or an egg are not life, but once the unite it is. WHY, well for humans to go from age 0-lets pick 80 years old. Shelter is important, love is, ect, but they really only need food/water and time. And that's what a zygote needs to become a live birth. Doesnt need anything else, just those two things, just like you need to live the next year. See sperm and egg cant survive on those two things, therefor they are potential life, not life.

If derp is being honest then how come he claimed science was on his side but when pressed on it, he admitted to just picking an arbitrary standard for when to abort?

That's not being honest. He's lying and trying to have it both ways.

well I didnt read the whole thread, was taking the man at his word. But yeah the clump of cells reference is pretty rough, I've already gone over that with him. I really dont think he believes that, he said he has kids, I cant image he would have seen it that way when he found out he was going to have them

If he doesn't THEN HE'S A LIAR!

And he claimed "science" to back that one up.

Then he tried to claim "science" again on viaibility and THEN admitted it was just an arbitrary standard.

Which means, bottom line: He's just a waste of time troll, who was here just being a trolling bitch to conservatives because he thought he was soooooo much smarter and I played his game back on him, only I didn't have to lie. I "trolled" the lying ass with one thing no liberal can tolerate, THE TRUTH!
If derp is being honest then how come he claimed science was on his side but when pressed on it, he admitted to just picking an arbitrary standard for when to abort?

That's not being honest. He's lying and trying to have it both ways.

well I didnt read the whole thread, was taking the man at his word. But yeah the clump of cells reference is pretty rough, I've already gone over that with him. I really dont think he believes that, he said he has kids, I cant image he would have seen it that way when he found out he was going to have them

If he doesn't THEN HE'S A LIAR!

And he claimed "science" to back that one up.

Then he tried to claim "science" again on viaibility and THEN admitted it was just an arbitrary standard.

Which means, bottom line: He's just a waste of time troll, who was here just being a trolling bitch to conservatives because he thought he was soooooo much smarter and I played his game back on him, only I didn't have to lie. I "trolled" the lying ass with one thing no liberal can tolerate, THE TRUTH!

I agree with you, I just cant see someone with kids looking at them as a clump of cells, Maybe he does, but I just cant see that, it must be my right wing christian faith that people are not that heartless and cruel.
LOL. I am pro-choice. I am pro allowing the woman to have a choice when to abort. Of course viability matters. I'm not even saying it's okay to abort a fetus when it's at 36 weeks or more of development. For me it comes down to whether it would take a miracle of modern science for the baby to live or not.

At 8 weeks, no matter what TwinklePuss McStupidFuck says, it's not ever going to be possible. So from conception to week 22, I really, really don't fucking care if the woman gets an abortion. From 22 to 32-33 weeks is touch and go, but if it's needed, fuck it, do it. Don't risk the life of the mother.

35-40 on up is pretty gross no matter what, and that baby should get borned. Again, I've never hidden behind anything on my stance on abortion. I was arguing with StupidFuck McDumbDumb over why she so stupidly thinks of that embryo as a human baby. It's not, at all.

Ok, well stated this time. First you are left wing, but not that far left if you dont believe in abortion (and I'm not talking rape/incest or life issues)after 35 or so weeks. See I'm not always an ass hole, but I will get an explanation.
I do disagree with you on when life begins. I do believe that a sperm or an egg are not life, but once the unite it is. WHY, well for humans to go from age 0-lets pick 80 years old. Shelter is important, love is, ect, but they really only need food/water and time. And that's what a zygote needs to become a live birth. Doesnt need anything else, just those two things, just like you need to live the next year. See sperm and egg cant survive on those two things, therefor they are potential life, not life.

Well, luckily for you and I, we can disagree on the origin of life and still get along because viability, which means whether that embryo will live outside the womb is the deciding point in the laws. The truth is though at any point before 22 weeks, that embryo, then fetus, will not survive and that's why I don't understand the craziness over abortions before that point. Like I said earlier, natural abortions in that time range happen all the time.

Abortion is certainly a hot topic, but there are definitely some
biological facts that have been blatantly ignored by others in this thread.

Because YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND, that gives you a superiority in knowledge to those who DO object to abortion?

So "survivability" is an excuse to kill?

What if your Dad won't survive cancer? Does that give you a right to kill him?

Last time I checked, they STILL provide treatments for cancer DESPITE THE SURVIVABILITY FACTOR.


And don't give me any BS about because a baby is a burden. YOU can give a baby up for adoption.


Trust me, the dying father is the bigger burden (and having dealt with a dying father and a baby I know)
well I didnt read the whole thread, was taking the man at his word. But yeah the clump of cells reference is pretty rough, I've already gone over that with him. I really dont think he believes that, he said he has kids, I cant image he would have seen it that way when he found out he was going to have them

If he doesn't THEN HE'S A LIAR!

And he claimed "science" to back that one up.

Then he tried to claim "science" again on viaibility and THEN admitted it was just an arbitrary standard.

Which means, bottom line: He's just a waste of time troll, who was here just being a trolling bitch to conservatives because he thought he was soooooo much smarter and I played his game back on him, only I didn't have to lie. I "trolled" the lying ass with one thing no liberal can tolerate, THE TRUTH!

I agree with you, I just cant see someone with kids looking at them as a clump of cells, Maybe he does, but I just cant see that, it must be my right wing christian faith that people are not that heartless and cruel.

I don't believe for one minute he has kids. He's too immature and stupid for that.

My guess is, he's some late teen or early 20s high school or college kid who thinks he knows everything because his teacher/profs told him so and he can't handle finding out that isn't the case courtesy of this old Momma who never went to college.

If I had a dime for every time I've kicked the ass of some "best and brightest" college kid who thinks he knows everything but doesn't know jack, I could probably pay off my mortgage! :D

Too bad it doesn't pay. It's fun, but it doesn't pay. :D
Last edited:
If he doesn't THEN HE'S A LIAR!

And he claimed "science" to back that one up.

Then he tried to claim "science" again on viaibility and THEN admitted it was just an arbitrary standard.

Which means, bottom line: He's just a waste of time troll, who was here just being a trolling bitch to conservatives because he thought he was soooooo much smarter and I played his game back on him, only I didn't have to lie. I "trolled" the lying ass with one thing no liberal can tolerate, THE TRUTH!

I agree with you, I just cant see someone with kids looking at them as a clump of cells, Maybe he does, but I just cant see that, it must be my right wing christian faith that people are not that heartless and cruel.

I don't believe for one minute he has kids. He's too immature and stupid for that.

My guess is, he's some late teen or early 20s high school or college kid who thinks he knows everything because his teacher/profs told him so and he can't handle finding out that isn't the case courtesy of this old Momma who never went to college.

If I had a dime for every time I've kicked the ass of some "best and brightest" college kid who thinks he knows everything but doesn't know jack, I could probably pay off my mortgage! :D

Too bad it doesn't pay. It's fun, but it doesn't pay. :D

Oh I agree, he might be, but then he's a phoney piece of shit who has to lie to be in an arguement, much less win one. AND if that's the case, he knows it, I know it and you know it. The best part is, since I'm arrogant as he put it earlier, he knows how smug I feel ;)
*sigh* I really hate having to respond to you again, but goddamnit...

TeapartyDumbFuck: Science is on my side when it comes to defining the viability of an embryo, you fucking idiot. Of course I'm not speaking for the entire scientific community on the subject of the morality of of abortion, or anything like that. MY OWN PERSONAL OPINIONS on abortion are shaped by my own thoughts and conclusions of the science I've seen not just of human gestation, but of gestation of many, many animals.

You're a goddamned buffoon, you really are. My argument from a scientific stand point was always about what exactly an embryo is at 8 weeks, up to the point of viability. I LOL at your dumb-ocity at not being able to figure that out.

As to whether I have kids or not, I sure as hell hope they're mine because I've spent a shit load of money on diapers and formula and clothes and medicine for these two little dudes. If they're just free-loadin' I'mma tell them to go get a job and start producing, like REAL Americans do.
I agree with you, I just cant see someone with kids looking at them as a clump of cells, Maybe he does, but I just cant see that, it must be my right wing christian faith that people are not that heartless and cruel.

I don't believe for one minute he has kids. He's too immature and stupid for that.

My guess is, he's some late teen or early 20s high school or college kid who thinks he knows everything because his teacher/profs told him so and he can't handle finding out that isn't the case courtesy of this old Momma who never went to college.

If I had a dime for every time I've kicked the ass of some "best and brightest" college kid who thinks he knows everything but doesn't know jack, I could probably pay off my mortgage! :D

Too bad it doesn't pay. It's fun, but it doesn't pay. :D

Oh I agree, he might be, but then he's a phoney piece of shit who has to lie to be in an arguement, much less win one. AND if that's the case, he knows it, I know it and you know it. The best part is, since I'm arrogant as he put it earlier, he knows how smug I feel ;)

He called You arrogant?

That's the pot calling the kettle black! He's the arrogant troll!

*sigh* I really hate having to respond to you again, but goddamnit...

TeapartyDumbFuck: Science is on my side when it comes to defining the viability of an embryo, you fucking idiot. Of course I'm not speaking for the entire scientific community on the subject of the morality of of abortion, or anything like that. MY OWN PERSONAL OPINIONS on abortion are shaped by my own thoughts and conclusions of the science I've seen not just of human gestation, but of gestation of many, many animals.

You're a goddamned buffoon, you really are. My argument from a scientific stand point was always about what exactly an embryo is at 8 weeks, up to the point of viability. I LOL at your dumb-ocity at not being able to figure that out.

As to whether I have kids or not, I sure as hell hope they're mine because I've spent a shit load of money on diapers and formula and clothes and medicine for these two little dudes. If they're just free-loadin' I'mma tell them to go get a job and start producing, like REAL Americans do.

Oh, Jeebus. I was dumb enough to take s/h/it off ignore for a brief shining moment.



Be back later.

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